. nevf lnt1 the . a a j w p " .-- - . I Vi!. hits." " MVTOT(r However, t rnADT I I V ; avc; u.ici arc tv''p" ,.,! iv To deter- r.tti!. u'-" " .. i hn.. ' into tne ,ir foase mm uu. U r A I r Mil u I r t in ii ill. .rwl Aivirimcni Oil OH"1'" UoKK-S-SlX SUITES VII ,i uw LL RENTED I .t.,viiinpf .ind a that invpf has a vac.r." . ll I lis. I I Will llilimn- ... mi terms 1 ROBERTS LIMITED Prince George, B.C. r BrlttS Columbia" '181) Classified Advertising IIP HAM ii' C:;c wanted for ..Vi- fcv. Apply little aiui Son, East i.B.C '182) Expc .ic;:ced grocery ii- fOvf uu'tej. (1811 -Nsr.u arc being re- it tha Diiiy News of-t:.: :;: lr desiring UKIV nSMT.ll TPTT art BVtn nfffl ncrj . nananne ln- KcJJU. U82) WANTED . J ! hAef ::od condition. Phone (181) -U:fae.lHl rptrlcfer n . . . , - ' T, H .V. (181) Housekeeper, to liVe i .. . u ifcar ior i month. Black 336 H83) . "i.iau icmi. i ' Mil r.Aii... m . --, j ut pjj CAlBi - au;:uuver. li.V. (tf) MEKS WANTIU) I INVITED for 1000 feet iinpl mtr m r i . j v nines irom ' wsi, nniiiv t-triY 7 News. . (tn ton ittNx nt a . ..... rr , ' ,uws uniurnish i-aune Kea 441. (185 1 ' One large light run room and one ntr m UUJI1. Kill Borden (186) "M And llOAHI) And BOAri$4o each -.6.c. iiome away h011- Tabic mMi. mJ: 'Tase- Street. n.t vii uuni r rnnntAK hi.... - "., uniirr ""'e same bv A ATib l J Ub - nit i v nn tAm. a. j Vl wis advertispmonf (181) .., oaty dennsit vo man m :io ,Iortfls Vh, ve same y ad at the Dally (tf) ILMS nut.. Passnnrf, ; " Photo Supplies "n,i11 Order Service "OX 645 INce ' RUPERT nn total basei on there are a lev. , things to know about what "times at bat" means, and what , constitutes a hit. The booX states that "a time at bat" sliall not be charged agalnrt a batsman who Is awarded first base by the umpire on called balls or when he -makes a sacrifice hit or for Interference by the catcher." That means that, if a player is up to bat four hnts but is given a j cord of 13 hits off Clothier Pitch-'walk," he 13 charged with only er Dick Letourneau, one of whWh three times at bat. Now with regard to "hits." The rule book has this to say, "In no case shall a base hit be scored when a base-ruhner is forced out by the play." So the batsman gets no credit for his "hit." Another incident not known by seine Is the matter of getting to first base on an error, or a fielder's choice. In part the rule book states'. "When a fielder, after handling a batted bin, elects to try to retire a base-runner instead of the batter, the play is known as a fielder's choice. In case the runner is retired, or would have been retired but fop an error, the batter shall be charged with a time at bat, but no hit. If the runner it not re tired, and no error is made, the oauer snan De cnargea with a time at bat. but no hit, provided he swung at the ball." So If a batter gets to first on his hit because a fielder commits an error, the batter is not credited wrth'a hit. lc otr word per Insertion, minimum chaise. 60c. Birth Nutlut Ctrdi of Tbsnlu, Ueatn nonces, runerai nonces, Marriage sad Engagement Announcements: 12. FOR sale FOR SALE1 Bedroom suite. double bed with spring, dresser with bench and chiffonier. Also solid walnut double .bed, wicker Inlay, wKh sprirrg, and vanity with stool to match. Ex-cellent condition. Also four rugs. Wheelbarrow, lawnmover 1 and garden tools. Phone B!ack 725. (182) FOR SALE 6 room house, fully equipped. 953 Ambrose Avenue. (184) CHECK THESE BUYS 5-room cottage, furnished, $1800; with easy terms for quick sale. G-room house, view, superior construction, $4500. 8-room house with fireplace, good location, partly furnished, $3500. Terms arranged on all three dwellings. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, Phone 342. (183) FOR SALE .1942 Ford -ton panel delivery truck. New 100 h.p. engine; 5 excellent tires. Ideal Cleaners and Laundry. (tf) BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE $2,000 handles $3,000 buy. 0-room house with 3 lots on 6tn East. Apply Collart and Mac-Caffery. (tf) HOUSEHOLD and Office Furni ture, Hardware, etc. Used Hassocks $2; Palls 50c; 5-plece Kitchen Set $12.50; 3-plcce Chesterfield Suite $40; Desk $7.50; new Hot Plates $3.50; Chest of Drawers, well made, unpalnted; Desks, Radios, and other useful furniture at the lowest . prices. B. C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. FOR SALE 16-ft. Turner-bnllt speed boat. 62 h.p. Willys Jeep engine, used only two months. Complete with all accessories. Phone Blue 365. (181) FOR SALE Good used lumber, 2x4's, 2x6 and 1x8, all doubH dressed, can be seen at the main highway at Telegraph Point. There are approximately 6.000 It., all for $200. Apply W. Walsh,. Telegraph Point. (182) FOR SALE 5 used cars, 1-8 cylinder Hudson, 1 Dodge, 3 Fords, from $500 up. Contact Johnson or Mair. Phone Black 156 or call 171 3rd Ave; East, (tf I 1938 LINCOLN Sedan for -sale. Parker'3 Garage. H90) LOST LOST Downtown, lady's gold wrist watch. Phone 344. (183) METAL WORK DONT Walt for Winter. Now Is the time to have that eaves-trbugh fixed and furnace installed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., Black' 884 (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (til MOOSE DEFEAT CLOTHIERS 10-4 The chill wind of defeat rattled through the Watts and Nickerson dug-out at Roosevelt baseball park'Suriday afternoon wheh the lowly Clothiers clashed with the Loyal Order of M6ose lri the regular league ' fixture, going clown by a score of 10-4. Moose turned in a hitting re- was a double in the ninth inning by Cliff Dahl. Watts and Nickerson ?ot elgh". hits olf Moose pitcher Stu Henry, whb returned to the mound for the first time since straining his back' a couple of weeks ago. M6oe took an early lead by coring- two runs In the first inning when MSNeil singled and Sparks got on base on a field error. Watts and Nickerson also scored in t he first when Smith, on base on a field error, came home on a hit by Wlnd'.e. The second inning was a one-two-three for both pitchers Henry struck out Beruschl and Frrwccd while Antone was re-t'.-rl r-i ai inf'eld grounder. Lc-tn-'-nppr rtrrrk out Dunbar and Linney and Henry filed out to Sherwood. The Clothiers tied the score ,n ll?e Win. innln when Anton slnfted and was brought home when Turner get on base on a fielder's error. HCwevrr. M4os climbed aboard the the sixth by secrlnsr three runs. Moose really put on the heat in the elhth. Dahl-. McNeicc. Dunbar. Linney and Henry each cored, bringing' he MOcse total to 1. Dahl hit a trin'e and cam? home on a single by Mcore. Duh-bnr rot on bie on a fielders' "hofce play in which Moore was forced out at s6nd. Linney singled and Henry hit a double. The Clothiers' ninth-Innin? rollv resulted -In Turner scoring after getting on bate on a fielders' error and Windle off a hit. Oroff and Beruwhl marked up hit riurhig the Innirw;. MOOS AB (R R H McNeil 3b 5 2 2 3 smrks 2b 5 1 Dahl c" 5 2 Mcore M 5 1 McNetce tt . .j5 1 Maundrell rf ... 4 0 Dunbar 5 1 Linney m ... 4 1 Henrv p 4- MeKinnoa ol' 1 0 43 10 W. & N. AB R Pmlrh ss 4 1 Turner 3b 5 1 Groff If 5 0 Windle c 5 ,0 DcminatO lb 4 0 BeruSchi cr 4 0 Sherwood rf 3 0 Antone 2b 4 2 Letourneau p 4 0 Lamble rf 2 0 Wath-Nickerson 100 010 102- Moose C00 003 O5010 STNP.FR i Llcctric Sewing Machines I For Kent f Reasonable Rates Phone 864 Prince RupeiK I Singer Sewing Machine Co. "There Is Nothing- Finer Than A Stromberg-Carlson" NOW IN STOCK STKOMHKUfi-CAKLSON MODEIi 76111- 6- tube AC-DC mantle model, walnut plastic cabinet. Standard wave. Only STKOMBEKG.CAKI50N MODEL 7521 .1- AC mantle niodel. Attractive 7- tube iierformancc, walnut cabinet. Long and short wave phonograph Intuit .' SEE' THEM AT RUPERf RADIO AND ELECTRIC Sprvlrin?. Overhauls a Specialty. THONK (HI licii"iiuttuii; DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist II, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. W RAT HALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C.- HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 MOTORS TAKE LEAGUE LEAD Come Froni Behind to Defeat CN.R.A. 9-5 In Faslbalf Friday evening's game in the Men's - Fastball League provided a big crowd of spectators with a hard fought battle, the General Motors nine finishing up1 with a well-earned win by 9 to 5." ON.R.A. did hot get a man on base In their first tw6 times at bat and General Motors went hltless In their first time up. In the lower half- of the second Lindsay led eff with a' double and Dkjmlnato singled, Lindsay scoring, and, while the railway men were discussing matters, Lindsay stole home. The first of "the third was the Rallwaymen's big' inning: Dun can and Berner hit safely and, with Chyzyk' getting a walk,' the bases were loaded. Dcmlnato was in trouble. He struck Nixon out but Tsehslbold hit a two-bag.?er and Duncan and Uerner came in, tying the score. Dunbar hit safely and Chyzyk put the railway men a run up. Boulton was safe on Antone's error but Tscha-bold was out on Domlnato's throw to third. Schwab hit a double and Dunbar and Boulton came in. Herchuk struck out. Five runs had come In on two doubles, f6ur single, a walk and two errors and the CJN.R.A. were leading five to two. In their half cf the third the Motormen got a run back when Pavlikis singled and came home on Windle's double. C.N.R.A. were unable to get another run In the game although Dur&ar hit a two-bagger when he was firs: man up In the fifth. The Motormen went scoreless In the fourth and fifth but got another run In the sixth when Lamble doubled and came heme on Antone's hit. They finally went into the lead In the seventh when they scored twice. Pierce was safe on Herchuk'S error. Vuckbvlch, Pavlikis, Win dle and Lindsay hit safely with Pierce and Pavlikis scoring. They 1 went further ahead in the eighth after Dunbar struck out Antone. j Arnev was sate on Kerchuk's error, Pierce, Vuckovlch, Pavlikis. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE' REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVINS CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUIT 818 $49.95 $81.50 COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamd Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue PRINCE RUPERT REALTY GO. WILL INSURE YOUR HOME AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS AGAINST LOSS'BY FIRE Phone GREEN Dl" Street -- 213 Fourlh Windle ail singled and then LaotbSe doubled Three ruri? c::mr ... Ai'ney, v'ucXovich an-.' Pavlik:-: a): -;ccr;!r-'. and two men were left on bates. In their last time at bat Tschnbold was out to a great catch by Pierce, Dunbar's big hit to centrefield was caught by Latmaie and Baul-ton flew out to Windle and the game was over. Dunbar allowed 16 hits, no walks and struck out 10. Dcmlnato allowed 12 hits, walked three and struck out 2. Berner and Chyzyk, with two hits in thTee times at bat, and Dunbar and Duncan wtth two In four times up were tile leading batsmen for the ONR.A. The General Motors hard hitting and their airtight support of Dominate were the deciding factors in the game. Pavlikis and Windle, the latter with a double, each had three hits In five thnes at .bat. Vuckovich had two in fcur times up. Lambie had two in five times up but both were two-baiggers. Lindsay had two hite In five tfcnes up, one being a double. Pierce at second turned In a particularly fine display of fielding. Comadina behind the plate and Alex Bill on bases turned in first class Jobs as officials. The work done by the City Engineer on the grounds is an Improvement and when It has been completed the grounds will be In first class shape. USED GOODS WE BUY AND SELL ENTERPRISE MARKET Phone iil'.X REPAIR AND YOUR HOME GREER it BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Fhone RED 5C1 P.O. Box 721 Box 1308 Corner 2nd PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for jour furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now in stock Large Stock of Plumbing Supplies n im -we - BATTERY MODEL As Illustrated smart plastic cabinet $2!.!K ELECTRIC MODEL As illustrated two-tone, plastic cabinet $MA)rt clove jlBMl.lTOsifc r Softball Box Score C.N-.R.A, AB' R H Nixon 5 0 1 Tschatold 5 0 1 Dunbar 4 12 Boulton 4 11 Schwab 4 0,1 Herchuk 4 0 0 Duncan 4 12 Berner 3 1 2 Chyxyk 3 1 2 30 5 12 GEN. MOTORS, AB R II Pavlikis 5 3 3 Windle 5 0" 3 Lambie 5 12 Lindsay : 5 1 2 Dominatb 4 11 Antone 4 0 1 MeKlnnon 1 0 0 Afney L 3 1 : Pleree 4 1 1 Vuckovich 4 1 2 40 9 16 CN.RJV 035 030 0005 Gen. Motors 021001 23x9 In tonight's game General Motors will meet Gordon and Anderson. If Gordon and Anderson can win they will be tied for second place with ON.R.A. League standing to date: W L Pet. General Motors 7 2 .777 C. N. R. A 6 4 .600 Gordon-Anderson ...J5 4 .555 Co-op 5 5 J50d Hrgh School 4 6 .400 Navy 2 8 .203 111 Third Avenue West RECONDITION THIS SUMMER! CALL Ave. and 7th St. Phono 108 '.'.VNV.V.V.W.V.V.V NOW AVAILABLE AT PRE-WAR PRICES McBrlde Street Phone 311 Brfnfc ttimcrr inaflD rrhiec Monday Announcement . . ROYAL CAFE REOPENS' Completely: Renovated ahd'Under'New Management' WE SPECIALIZE IN - SEA' FOODS SALADS1 iTArtftN AND MEXICAN DlSrtfcS Take-out Orders Given Special Attention. J. COMER and ASSEMINA PAVLIKIS Proprietors THOM1 SHfeET METAL LTD. - ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal 'Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks' Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 884 .. P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT Hollywood afe PRINCE1 RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST' , UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT' FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 pJm. CHINESE DISHES" A SPECIALTY VE CATER TO PARTIES' CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE 735 THIRD August 4, 1947 c Dc Luxe Wall Tint An Improved Sanitary Kalsomine SOLD IN MANY PLEASING TINTS. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT, CHEERY AND INVITING WITH DELUXE WALL TINTS. EASY TO MIX EASY TO APPLY 5-Ib. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARDWARE GO. LTD. for the baby . . . BABES of all kinds. You when looking . CHOW MELN ORDERS PHONE 133 AVENUE WEST WEAR are under no obligation over our display at BRITISH' COLUMBIA THIRD AVENUE FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs' In all types of printing worK. Everything in high-class stationery; Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING BESNER BLOCK