m 3rfnrc Rupert Dnflp jQetoj B.C. PRODUCTS SUPPLEMENT ' 19rfttc? Clupttt Dnilp r3eto 3 : Monday, August 4, 1947 Grand Display Entertainment Quizz Contest ' c: i Ocean Falls The fine new the"atre, Bomc " ''rj and below' he new hotel. MAKES SALADS h Boost SUNRISE COMPANY LTD. "Family in Business Since 1910" Groceries Meats Provisions EARL MAH, Prop. I lioiic 36 and 27 Fulton Street and Sixth Avenue Ml ..f: : w Ocean Falls, Already Largest Industry In DistricL Lavs Out Huge Budget For Expansion (By O, C. Stockand In B.C. Journal of Commerce) Largest single industrial plant in Prince Rupert federal district is the Pacific Mills Ltd. pulp and paper plant at Ocean Falls, 250 miles down the coast from Prince Rupert. The company, with a stake of $38,-000,000 already invested and employing 2000 men in its various undertakings which stem from Ocean Falls Including paper finishing plant B.C. PRODUCTS IN NALLEY'S LINES Everybody agrees that It's good economy for British Columbia people to buy B.C. Products. It helps to kec-p B.C. industries busy to build BC payrolls. But there is an added reason why it's wise to buy made-in-B.C. food products. Take Nalley's alad dressings for instance they are fresher. Everybody who enjoys good salad dressing knows how important that is to flavor and quality. Then the produce of B. C. fruit and farmlands, famous for excellence throughout the world, is used. Fresh cracked B. C. ranch eggs are always used In Nalley's salad dressings. We have vast resources of the very highest quality bituminous coal and we Import hundreds of tons of other bituminous coal, the greater portion of less heat on Queen Charlotte Islands, is I land.. j In November, 1946, the exten i sive J Jt. Morgan Company hv terests on Huxley Island and in the Cumshewa district of the Queen Charlotte Islands, were purchased by Pacific Mills At the present time Pacific Mills' own logging operations, carried out by its subsidiary, Northern Pulpwood Limited, supply a sizeable proportion of Ocean Falls' log requirements, which are approximately 120,-000,000 board feet annually. The balance, above Northern Pulp-wood's nroduetlnn. Is nhtnlnpri in Vancouver and logging camps ifrom a number Qf cmtract j now engaged In a $5,000,000 ex-the open market paiiiiun program ai ucean fans. clfic Mills was incorporated, i Of equal Importance in Pacific taking over a promising site at ; Mills' expansion program ar the head of Cousins Inlet, Fisher j Improvements to the townslte Channel on which a sawmill was of Ocean Falls, location of the being operated. In June 1917 the ' company's main production op-first pulp and paper was pro-1 eratlon its pulp and paper mill duced. In the first full year of operation 1 918 the plant's total production of newsprint and kraft papers was 57,000 tons. and sawmill, which employs 1300 people. The largest individual expenditure is $1,000,000 for the con- Product this year will exceed : struction of a new hotel, "Martin 140,000 tons plus some 7,000,000 Inn," which, with its 265 rooms, feet of high grade spruce, fir will be the fourth largest in and hemlock lumber. i British Columbia. It is for the Largest individual item in the 'housing of single employees in company's expansion program j an Industrial town, budget is an item of nearly $2,- j For single women at Ocean 000,000, earmarked for firming ; Falls, similar accommodation is up its timber resources both provided in "Klmsquit Lodge," en for the present and the future. 'attractive apartment-style resl-Immedlate attention has been jdence recently completed. This given to enlarging the scope and has lounge rooms for entertain- capaclty of Pacific Mills' own , ment, laundry facilities and logging operations at two per-, other amenities for pleasant liv-manent "family home" logging ring...,.. . . t Scott's Meat Market FKESH MEAT VEGETABLES PHONE BLACK 801 'QUALITY OF BLUE RIBBON IS KNOWN One of the first demands cf tea and coffee drinkers Ls uniform quality and flavor, regardless of where or when they can buy a package or can. Over 50 years ago Blue Ribbon tea and coffee blenders started perfecting a body, a flavor and aroma that would meet the exacting taste of great numbers of people. It meant securing sources where supplies not only would be cer tain but would always be of the ging firms or by purchase on same high standard. These carefully inspected ship- IMPJtOVEMENTS iments from plantations to ware- It was back in 1915 that Pa- ' AT OCEAN FALLS 'house, year after year, are blend- ed to accurate recipes that never vary. There ls no guesswork in the great modern tea and coffee packing plant of Blue Ribbon in Vancouver. Precision machinery for maintaining the uniformity of Blue Ribbon tea and coffee is being continually replaced as the newer methods and Improve ments are created. siderable landscaping. BIG POWER EXPANSION Additional power supplies to meet the ever-increasing re quirements of the Ocean Falls plant's six paper machines and heavier community demands have necessitated the expenditure of $1,000,000 for steam and electrical improvements. On the subject of power resources, it is worthy of note that Pacific Mills has expended $71,- ....I.I J..! A l ' ii . ,. . ii nnn n...A..t V. vkr..fWt1ltt a value, and thereby throwing I tu"""uluucs Qauuapn m me umer lownsue consirucwun:ui m suacjius uk (jumiuiuum hundreds of coal miners out of ! -ueen Charlotte Islands and projects Include 15 duplex dwel-' of developing an additional 35,-work Beaver Cove, near the northeast lings of which six are now com-'. 000 KW of electrical power at ' tip of Vancouver Island. Nego- j pleted, a new theatre with seat- Nascall Lake. 30 miles due east tlations are also begun for the i ing accommodation for 500, doc-! of Ocean Falls, for transmis-Keep every possible dollar clr- acquisition of additional large! tors' building, community hall, jsion to the plant. If this peculating in our own field of timber tracts in the Islands and ( as well as a general repair and ject, now under active considera-operatlon British Columbia, on the British Columbia main-1 beautlf icatlon program, and cori-ltlon . by the company's director- FISH FRUIT SKEENA GROCERY Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables High Quality Meats PHONE 581 Fifth Avenue East (Opposite Hospital) Buy provements planned to Increase kraft paper production from 140 to 175 tons dally. B.C. Payrolls BLAIN BROS. "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" Vegetables Fruits Meats Groceries WE AIM TO PLEASE Phone 517 837-841 Second Avenue West DE JONG'S CASH AND CARRY LTD. Fruits Vegetables Provisions Courteous Service Phone 250 FAMILY MEAT MARKET Phone 937 B.C. THIRD AVENUE Box 315 ' Prompt Deliveries Fifth Avenue and McBridc Bulkley Market (McKay and Ellison) j Fresh Meat and Provisions Fish and Vegetables Phone 178 ' Third Avenue B.C.) I PRODUCTS BLUE RIBBON COFFEE ALSO Blue Ribbon Tea 4nd Baking Powder PACKED IN B.C. t COFFEE Unvarying Quality Guaranteed in every Blue Ribbon Product ate, is proceeded wltn, it will require an estimated $3,000,000 expenditure, . More than $235,000 ls being spent in improving the utilization of wood waste and improving color and quality factors in newsprint. In the Ocean Falls kraft mill, ! a minimum expenditure of $300,-' 000 has been budgeted for im Similarly, the sulphite mill's production has been stepped up from 65 to 95 tons daily by a number of improvements to existing equipment. The cumulative effect of these various improvements, together with a contemplated speed-up of newsprint and specialty machines, will be to increase the plant's dally paper production i to 500 tons or a total of approxi mately 150,000 tons per year, , Alberta Market GROCERIES SMOKED MEATS FRUIT AND PROVISIONS PHONE 208 Products