r R g t I xtr max m wi ui m mi vinimtuz ui mua ki ! su n nrnci! a LAV NOTHING The lyilcm that makes you light-sure of correct fitting. UMKNOWNJ WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS JTackand Jfi 11 HEALTH SHOES yMi Inow by teeing inside the shoes on the child's foot TYau' eiemine the quality of the ihoci. Solid quality thioughout He comfortable smart in style -and pWSAi OXFORDS, STRAPS AND BAREFOOT SANDALS m H n 5i g a i The Family Shoe Store I Third Avenue LIMITED Phone 357 its nri lb rate ma i:o n in na:. K i Bra t.b?b ran tmn ra ra w" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Llmlted Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By man to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United.,. States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ... , , ADVERTISING KATES Transient display ad vertlslng, per Inch, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line DAILY EDITION $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 1.40 .02 .25 Wednesday, March 13, 1935 , ELECTION AND POLICY Olof Hanson, menlber for Skeeria in the Canadian Parliament, writes from Ottawa to say that there is still considerable doubt as to when the federal election will take place.. Practically everything is now ready so far as the lists of voters is concerned, so it is possible for Mr. Bennett to call an election to take place at the end of April or beginning of May if he so wishes. As the voters' list is open from May 15 to the end of June, he is inclined to think that, if the poll is not taken before the middle of May, it will be held over until the fall or late summer. Speaking of Liberal policy, Mr. Hanson says that the attitude of the Liberal party toward the Ottawa conference agreements is not clearly understood. Mr. King has always been favorable toward trade with Great Britain, whereas the first thing Mr. Bennett did on assuming office was td raise the tariff apainst Great Britain and sev eral further upward moves were made prior to the Ottawa conference when it was lowered slightly. Mr. King's policy is to reopen discussion with the British government with a view to adjustments that will increase Empire trade rather than lessen it. The Liberal policy is to encouracre trade with all the world as a basis for a eeneral improvements conditions in this country. Great Britain has notified all the Dominions that it is her intention to produce more farm products at home and that unlimited quantities cannot be taken. Other markets must be sought if Canadians are to continue to produce on the old basis. Even the Conservatives are at last realizing this. FOLLOWING JAPANESE EXAMPLE Germany is following the examnle of Janan in defvinrr the great world powers and taking a stand directly antagonistic to them. It has been known that the German government has been in spirit breaking the Treaty of Versailles and now she plans to do so openly. Her recent announcement is possibly the answer of Adolf Hitler to Britain's recent censure of German activities. Germany saw Japan defy the League of Nations and get away with it and Hitler believes that he can do the same. No nation today is anxious to go to war, at any rate no European nation ,and this proposed abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles is a purely European question. Jt FINEST CIGARETTE PAPERS IN THE FINEST BOOK Automatic BLACK COVER Qlll iw " ropr vatwaiardtd. BLUE COVER "EGYPT I EN" Rolls a cigarette tike a Ready Mad. e ' CPi Daniel Main, well , known in the British Columbia e- fishing .ind mining industry and one time uvmber of the Glasgow Rangers In the Scot- tlsh FoolhaH LeaKue. died here yeiiterilay alter a brief iflnM. Bowling League A successful telephone bridge party was held a few nights ago undef the auspices of the Women's Labor League. Prizes were won as follows: ladies' first. Mrs. II. M. Hale; second. Mrs. J Hillman; con- solaUon, Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse; men's first. A. Gomez; second, A. CampagneJIo; consolation. II. Wors- fold. Hostesses were Mrs. Whyle, Mrs. Field and Mrs. Gomez. Hockey Scores National League Canadlens 4, New York Rangers 3. New York Americans 1, Boston 4. Toronto I, Montreal 0. etroit 2, St. Louis 3. Steamship Sailings 'or Vancouvei Tuesday Cardena 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pjn Ss. Venture midnight March 14, 25 ss. P. Norah 5 p.m. trom Vancouver-Sunday ss. Cardena 4 p.m. iVed. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 aixi. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pm Ss. Venture p.m. Mar. 10, 21, 31 ss P. Norah a.m For Anyox and Stewart Sunday s. Cardena 8 p.m Wednesday ss. P. George 4 pjn Fropi Anyox and Stewart- Tuesday ss. Cardena 11:30 a.m. Thursday ss. Pr, George 8 pjn. For Naas KWer Ana Port Srmpson-Sunday ss. Cardena 8 p.m. From Naas River It Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Cardena 11 :3p a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-Mar. 1, 15, 29 s. Pr. John 10 p.m. Prom Queen Charlotte Islands Feb. 13 and 27 ss. Pr. John a.m fer Ocean Falls Thurs. s. P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday . Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m from Ocean Fallowed. ss. Pr. George 10 a.m. f naay t. vim. Adelaide 4 p.m. For Alaska-Mar. 10, 21, 31 ss. P. Norah a.m. Ss. Venture p.m. From Alaska-March 14, 25 ss. P. Norah ... p.m. From Skeena River Fridays ss. Venture p.m, 'THE daily news SPORT DANNY MAIN, FOILMKKLY Of c.LASGutv KANOKKS, MLS AT V.WVM TOWN tjBaer-Schmeling Bout is Looming POWELL RIVER, March 13: Jimmy Johnstone Nctotlatlne; For Title Match llrtnren Present Champion and Former NEW YORK, March 13: Jimmy Johnstone, matchmaker of Madi son Square Ganten is nctcoUatintf ! for a heavyweight champkiruihip Lille bout between Max Baer. the champion, and Max Schmelini. the former champion, vho. as a result ol his decisive victory over Steve ILtmas of Phlkdc'hla at Hara- , Ding on Sunday, aftln becomes a PiaV I fll" Nltrht l)rt,min"l contender for the title V 3 However, Schmeltn? will probably have to f!ht another battle before Grotto and Power Corporation Are getting UU chance in the Garden. Winners in Ten Pin Ijst Grotto, won Rose. Cowan NiRht Ten Pin Bowling League resulted j as follows: j two matches, 2410; & Latta, won one match, 23C0. Power Corporation, won three! matches. 2175; Nelson's Five, won) no matches, 1956. j High average score of 182 was made by Jimmy Clceone. Power Corporation 5 7 Elks 3 6 Nelson's 2 10 Stone and Rlnky Post Office. Dinks will meet Telephone Bridge By Women's Labor i Elimination Games In Tip Top Series Oddfellows Win Oyer St. Andrew's In WhUt While Elevator KeaW C. N. It. A. in Cribbate j In Hp Top Cup elimination games last night, Oddfellows de- Jeated St. Andrew's 8 to 3 In whLit The Ten Pin Leslie Handing to;wh,,e ..k.. won Dr finn,dl.n date Is follows: as :iinii Dti ii.n u 14 w. u. Grotto ... 3 Empress t 7 2 Moose - ,6 3 Rose, Cowan Si Latta 6 S Canadian Legion ....i.4 5 to 13 in cribbage. League Successful Grotto Whist League C. 4 2 3 2 L, 1 3 4 4 6 Oddfellows Woa Over St. Andrew k Last Nijht in Postponed Game tn ine rive league tonignvi in a postponed Whist League Knox Hotel win piay Lamoie a;mt last nitthL Oddfellows won over St. Andrew's Jiy. a score of 6 to 3. . . . 0 - r - W. Sons of Norway. il. O. O.P. t. Canadian Legidiv St. Andrew's . .. HockefStandings Internationtl Division W. Toronto 23 Maroon 23 Canadlens 17 Americans . 12 St. Louis 11 P. S 4 3 3 2 u. L. F- A. P. 4 14 133 101 CO 4 18 118 82 50 j 6 19 90 118 40 8 25 92 121 32 6 30 83 139 28 American Division Boston 25 6 14 120 99 50 ( Chicago 22 5 1C 99 78 49 Rangers 21 0 18 124 119 48! Detroit n 7 22 117 109 41 TIMETABLE OF BOWLING March- 14 Carnation Girls vs. Strikers, Annettes vs. Grotto. March 18 Bluebirds vs. An nettes, Doodads vs. Carnation Girls. March 21-C N. R. A. vs. Grotto, Coquettes vs. Strikers. March 25 Bluebirds vs. Oirls, Doodadsvs, Annettes. March 28-C N. R. A. vs. Strikers, Coquettes vs. Grotto. April 1 Bluebirds vs. Grotto, Doodads vs. Strikers. April 4-C. N. R. A. vs. Annettes, Coquettes vs. Carnation Girls. April 8-BIuebirds vs. Strikers, Doodads vs. qrotto. April uc. N. r a. vx Carnation Girls, Coquettes vs. Annettes. Ladies' Bowling Ladies' League standing to date: O. TU. Ave. c. N. u. A. 3 Annette's ,.. 2 Blue Birds 3 Doodads 3 Carnation Girls ....i..2 Coquettes 3 Strikers .......,2 Grotto 2 4Q32 1344 2584 1292 3731 1244 3645 1215 2374 1187 3540 1180 2295 1148 2172 1080 BASKETUALf SCHEDULE March 14 Moose vs. C. N, R. A.. Legion vs. High School. High School vs, Annette's, Mdouts vs. High School. - - Easier Washdays are here! Wash with an ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHER End wash-tub tyranny and toil with an Efcelrte Washer, the easy way to pleaaanl wathday. You simply put the clothes in: snap the switch and let the washer wash, cleaner, quicker and with let wear and "-v-.!siSMf: tc8r on aDrlcs than 5011 t"rrr trwufht poeelbie Electric washday conserve your health and strength and make home a happier place to lite in. Start them In YOUR home with a Northern Electric AI1S Washer. Pay only $5 down the balanrr on easv terms NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED i i IT 7T TTT"T r"Tn j From the Waterfront Delayed by havioc; had to make an extra call at Mill Bay with pas sengert. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James FlndUy. returned to port at 12:30 noon yesterday from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and, alter loading frozen Ilsh at the plant of the Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co., salted at 3:30 p.m. for Vancouver and waypoints, With a fair sized list of passengers, C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. II. EL Nedden. arrived in port at 10 o'clock 'this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound.! Oraln is conUnulng to move into the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator from the prairies but there Is no word as yet as to when further vessels may be expected here to load wheat for export. William Ballantync has assumed duty as chief engineer of the steamer Prince Rupert on the present voyage north of that vessel, relieving Chief Engineer W. E. Balllle who has now gone over to the steamer Prince Robert which Is being prepared at Vancouverfor operation this summer on the Alaska tourist run. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Nell McLean, on her way north this trip from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, Is making an extra call at North Island with building material for a new fuel station being established by the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. there and Is due In port at 8 o'clock tonight. The vessel left Skldcgate Inlet at noon yesterday for Masse tt Inlet, -ha T.K- u Ytii awtit! RAPID-FIRE DELIVERIES LSUHWORftf ;WAVLPAP Free A coiner, atti . Metai C llatr.i ' r be g:v: everv E Wa.hiT chaser this si: offei COAL! We have 'the best m I Rupert Its a dUiy b but we treat you wi LUMI1EK & ' SHINGLES Why not do that rep; .,- ' b now. so that you tan p.i In the summer. Plwne t for pnro.H. We will urpi : WILDING SUPPLIES Brl'k Cemen and Tile We have what you want at .hr r. . Philpolt Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phones 651-652 COME AM) SEE OlfK NEW WALLPAPKKS A large shipment of the w n est patterns of SUNWOrTOY . WALLPAPERS has . ; rived. Drop in and see them. You will be surprised a 4 1 cost you can buy these beautiful modern paper for jour g GORDON'S HARDWARE 1 rhone 311 .Mrllrlde St. I ia.zuiM in 1 Mturus n im im ikibi mum in minzn -en rn tn A DOLLAR'S WORTH f "Clip lhl toupttt snd msil It with )l for its ntcki' trial iulitrifH THE PHRISTIAN SCIONCG MONITOR fubltihtd fcy Tin Chiutuk Bciikci rniLiiMiNt Socittf Botlso, MuiMhuittlt, U, a. A. In H f will and Bit tnt im) di tt tu world from It SM pclil '"' M fll m OparuunU ltolt t omn'l nd klMraoa IMwmu, mU f fS trUD. r, y iu kt tut to wticomi inu jur " 'V'7 ? Pr nd PTohmmon. Ant tal mIM SnuM. Our tl. Tut Cmttn.n trmn Momitoi, Buk By etttlon. Borton. U nttn Mn at t sis wiiki' irttl sukMiilioa. 1 tocleit on dalltr (IU V A. A A A . -,-tt f. (Hm, pltut print) (SSdrwi)