run rotm X4.aavJS aaaaaamiBwJ distinction and K f H jB. iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Vomit, ..gatlflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal if lalaaaaaaaaaaaak. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH Vnittd Slates iatid abroad for her, work in eonnediotiuilb the. Montreal Repertory Theatre. 7 ii 1 m NESTLES f'EBIUZED 5g Evaporated 1S COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta mid Bulklcy Valley Coals are guaranteed to glvo atisfactlon. Try a 'ton of No, 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat. '.Oats and Barley. Prince Rtlpert Few. Co. 58 rhoncs 58 k'DaiiNews Want-Ads. al-j way-b'rihg quick results, i "H ERE'S HOW I MAKE THOSE CREAMY SOUPS FOR QUiss QflarlL Man'.- SMART DINNER PARTIES" says May McKegney, cook for Miss Allan, daughter of Sir Hugh Montagu Allan, CV.6., and Lady Allan, Ratenscrag, Montreal, and director of Montreal's smart and famous Repertory Theatre. I FIND." continue! May McKegney, "that by using Nestle's Evaporated Milk mv soups are not only creamier, but are richer and smoother. 1 alto find that Nestle' Evaporated Milk brings out all the delicate flavour of the other ingredient. No matter what kind ot a cream soup I make I find It li better when I use Nestle V Try May McKegney's recipe for a cream soup. You will find it easy to foil low and the consistently good results will delight not only you but your family and guests. Let Nestlf 'j help you in the preparation of will give added richness ana flavour not only to soups, sauces, cakes, pie-fillings, but to a wide variety of temptingdesserts and to all recipes requiring milk. Nestle's you know. Is simply the purest of cow's milk with more than half the water removed and ui'tK absolutely nothing added I Because it is evaporated, Nestle's is twice as rich as ordinary fluid milk. It is dependable, economical, con , a , g. . . . venient. Decide now that you will NpfTI FtnlLl try Nestle's. Get a few tins from your '--- grocer today. STERIUZtD , . . EVAPOHATID $1500 IN CASH AWARDS CONTEST OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF CANADA ONLY led by a label from nclude your grocer's name and address. Recipes will be judged oa the basis of simplicity, palatability and food value. You may submit as many dilerent recipes as desired and win any number of 5.00 prizes so long as. each recipe is accompanied by a Nestle's Milk label. Enter each week s contest if you wish! Final contest doses May 1 1, 19J J, and the be rpr r to every contestant, a copy of "Favourite Recipes of (Janach'an Women" " 1 EL H contalninc original redoes for delicious new dishes. ' " The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK CO ' Prepared Dally Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRLVCE RUPERT, B.C. SPRING SUIT or TOP COAT Samples just arrived. Prices ... reasonable. Come in and get the first choice. M. T. LEE-Third Ave. 250 Window Shades Cream and Green QAp "36x72 inches, each OUl Maiiprders Sent COD. MACKENZIE FURNITURE Phone 775 Third Ave. C C7 JONES Family Market Thursday & Friday SPECIALS Round Steak, 2 lbs. Potatoes, 10 lbs. Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. Potatoes 10 lbs Veal Steak, 2 lbs. Potatoes, 10 lbs. Veal Chops, 2 lbs. Potatoes, 10 lbs. Lamb Chops, 2 lbs. Potatoes, 10 lbs. Rump Roast of Beef, 10 lbs., Potatoes, 10 lbs. Shoulder Lamb, 4 lbs. Potatoes. 5 lbs. 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c S1.00 75c "TILLIE THE TOILER" WHAT "SAY, MAC 1 HOW BEFORE fi . r ill v starts r ife- 'tf K The Letter Box am sr fa C XT ft 4 V f IVIll Z? Editor. Dally" News: There has been quite: a lotjof talk regarding" Ihli panhandle but to ray knowledge trns has notj at aqy tvrrte been taken Vr? In the, right! chn nets "direct wllh the ijnlted VSUte: tmvernment .,:!' - I would.' think tljli njatter Uhoui be taken up by our hext sovexrl-j ment with a most strenuous appeal to the L'fllted States offering to exchange the Alaskan Panhandle for some portion of British Empire of equal value. The United States Is universally regarded .as. the. natural leader In the peace movement and It must not shirk,lts duty to set the example mutual concessions. A mere rib-ion, Sn 536 miles long and from eight to 35 miles wide, which Is shutting off the northern half of British Columbia and the entire Yukon Territory from free access to the Pacific. This territory has an area of 600,000 square miles. It has the same climate as Europe In the same latitude and that part of Europe contains 25,000,000 people. The Canadian country laying beside this handle has Immense resources in lumber, agriculture and mineral lands. Its wealth will necessarily be concentrated In Its ports on American territory. This entire slope is drenched with rain and possesses water power. Its fatories to be driven by that power will necessarily be In American territory but the reservoirs supplying that power will be on Canadian ground. The 25,000,000 Canadians who will eventually live behind this handle will constantly be forced to contribute to the enrichment of half a dozen American cities while these cities will jiot contribute a cent towards Canadian taxes. What a permanent and growing source 1 NEEO ONS MOKE DESQM AMD AlVi'T GOT A.TWOuoH IM MY HEAO V a TRM DAILY HVWV - Wednetday 1 Cream of Mushroom Soup H lb, fresh mushrooms (Ityciipsthoppcd) 2 chkkea bouillon rvhes 2 caps water I up. mIi M iP, tapper I sJireooiua 4 tbsp. butter 4 thsp. lour 2 nips Nestle's Esaporatcd Milk. IVel mushrooms. Remote taps and chop knc. Boil (cms in I rup water 10 minutes, with I slice ooioo. Straits oJ press ibrouab coarse sine. Malt up to 1 pt, with water atxl add chopped, mushroom caps, bouifloa cubes, sslt tod pepper sod boil J miautes. Melt butter. Stir hotter sod lour to smooth piste and add to soup. Continue boilina 1 minutes looter. Add Nestle s Evaporated Milk and beat thoroughly. Yield: 6 scningt. On smalt can of mashruoms mar be used. Chop the tnvsb' rooms anda boil with onioa and seasonings, using mush, room liquor in place of part of the water. I'rotecd ts with trcsh mushrooms. 9 1st prise $250.00 Ind prise $150.00 3rd prize $75.00 4th and 5lh prises $15.00 each 195 weekly prises of $5.00 each (1$ a week fori J weeks.) This contest is for recipes containing ingredients. The milk used mar be of evaporated. Each entry must be gecompan g can of Nestle's Milk must MILK as one of the j type; ordinary or maior pri'cs will then be awarded, judges will be Miss Margaret Currie, Household Editor, Montreal Daily Star, Miss I. K. Partinaon. Director of Domestic Science, Central Technical School, Toronto;aod Miss Lottie Duncan. Director of I loose Economics. Unisersity of Manitoba. Decision of the judge willbeiaiL Recipes will not be returned. Members of the Nestle's organiiauon and their families are not eligible. Send entries to CONTEST FtMTORi NFS1TPV MU K.-PRODUCTS I CANADA) LIMITED, METRO l"OU TAN of Irritation!. A. The oily eentlcmiiily courw.Uhc only manlyj, coufse open to the United State is t4 MV to tne Canar dian; "We are illllng to? let you haveHhe coast strip. What do yoli tjffer us for it?" If the -government: could fhow the United 'States thai tbey Would give th&Tomethlng far more Useful to them than' this ab surd "panhandle.; .in Canadian hands iould be.mdre,Wxuf to the United States titan li -is $ow. , Rqvebai the klt'uattotV and see how.' tjiey woulf. Hki Imaglnp that; tiieir nortl(tosUrn 'States were cut bl froni thfAtUhtraiby a Ca-nadiati ' panhandle.'. A Canadian sidewalk running from Eastern Maine down to Philadelphia with all the great cities on that seaboard Boston, - Providence, Newport. Jersey City, then Canadian cities, deriving their wealth from the American, country behind them. yet not contributing a cent towards American taxes, that not a pound of freight could be sent from Pltts- ourg or iiunaio to New York or Boston for export, except In bond. They would long ago have found the situation unendurable. STANLEY B. PEACOCK. Try a Dally News classified ad. TELLS EXPERIENCE BEFORE A NOTARY Mrs. Albert Aubry, 1005 Maisoa-neuve St., Montreal, relates in a rworn tatement bow Fi uil-a-tivet U-tterel her health. She now enjoys, life after years of poor health and, so you may be sure of its truth, Mri. Aubry tells of her experience - In a (tatement niade under oath. She aay, "I was troubled for years with diuy headache. My bowels did not function reguUrlv. I oad no appetite. I had nosier p. II waa difficult for me to do ray work. I tried a great many taxativesjbut found most of (hem too violent Finally I started taking Fruit -a-tivea. In a very short time my health became greatly im poved. I now enjoy life much more than More I learned about Fruit-a-tivrs." 'Copy o Mrs. Aubty'a ewtifjlur awr atatrment srill be urnt on rtqunL Writa FruiUtivM UmllM, Ottawa, anaHa RUrr.A.Ti-VtS-t)c -4 Vc (VtiyWHtKI TUNEFUL PICTURE "Here Is Sly Heart'' Presents Bin Crosby in Song and Comedy Supported by an able cast that Includes Kitty Carlisle, Alison SKlp- worth, Roland Youne and Reginald Owen, Blng Crosby not only warbles but contributes a comedy perfor mance In "Here Is My Heart" at the Capitol Theatre this mid-week. The story Is that of a millionaire crooner in search of fun. He falls seriously and lncuiably In love at the first sight of an expatriated Russian princess. The princess, though she has lost money and position, still retains her atltude of frosty hauteur, and It Is Crosby's probhm to chip the ice off her surface and find the nice girl he is certain is concealed be neath. ' As the first step he buys the hotel I In which the prlncw Is living. And men nc disguises nimscu as ncr waiter and so he plights his troth. The princess, Juit because she feels a tendency Xo fall for the handsome singing waiter, makes things more difficult for him. True love, in Its traditional fashion, eventually outs and the aristocrat and the crooner arc united. !0t tunes include "With. Every Breath I Take" and "June In Jan uary" The Forgotten Man lie llriiped into the place ono day A los and am were gone. I "Just half a man,' he 161 d the boys "Right now you look upoiu . i .' 1 , "p war did this to mi," Iyvsald "irwere sjj. had xdied. 4 "Itjobbct'me of efficiency. "But left me with my pride." The bow said kindly unto him: fThls is a busy place. - "It Uikes twT'arnn'ahd.twQ good legs a 1 "Ti hold our fittliy-pacest ," ' "It's 4ff5e-bodle4 uwn I nS?d ...... i . r - Not.crlnnleri rhpn- llkr vritf." Don't fyob suppose he answered lucres sumeining ican ac "Could ypuj not find yonui shel- tencd'nqok j "Where I could flU the day, "Where I could ust my one good arm "And earn my weekly pay? "Though half of me Is stripped away, "The other half Is proud "And It will do some useful work, -If only It's allowed. "They've taught me how to use my hand. "They've given me' a trade. "They've said I need not lose my pride, "And meekly beg for aid. "But when the boses look about "They never seem to ti "A place where they can use a man "Who's battered up like me." O better far than charity And better for the town It Is to help the man to rise Whom war has stricken down. And better for the factory Which keeps a Job or two Where speed and strength are not required, But man can earn his due. JUST A BUDDY. J. Precce) FIFTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY "vANCOUVETt, March 13: -Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver of Vancouver celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary yesterday. Macs a "Star" Designer m I aUKl 12 IJ li VleUaU B.r B m t You'll enjoy "The Grand jmiw Of Duchess and the Walter" . 'ifl' 11 Balsams sr ' iirt' the srjarkiinr .tmmmi m i L mM , comedy civrn to you un- 2tiK! aaaaasB .asi - ac-uaaaaaaa nrsssu isasri'ji.l vajH aw 7 gsaaaVBSSaaaaaV avnaaBV t V n KB mmm m rtrt.ii follows: jSj 1CT.HHfl l0lH.WIUiAiSSU,n W MA ,V CLVDe '-O in -Suer Snooper" "Strikes and Spares 'Featuring Andy Variapa Worlds Chamnion Bowler WORLD'S NLWS KVI-NTS prices curltnl here hit as U.Q. Ffrth iUtrux, Crude A ' t . ... xrge, ca run wa. am Local! 'new laid, doty . Freh Pullets, U "C" Grade. 3 log; DeHclous, lancy1 wrap dx : ' Iruilt A liurltrrotstlFtl rx 'bT iafl into the fj Itumion hearts of twrt younjr Nl people ... a merrv JM romantic mix-up let fgfg (fi nstilr! .1 m WinesipiK fancy wrapped, 3 lb. I .26 Dx$ j - i 3.75 ' "p' arude, 2t U. -M Boi-- i ... (. r , 2-60 Yejlaw Newtoni fancy wrapped s.ibsj. .. i ... & BOX i I . - ... i.75 ..-..a. 15 w rV"0 t Hothouse Rhubarb, lb ' . Lemon, doc 15e to Orange, dot J5c to .. Orapefrult, CaL each, 5c to .... Orapefrull. Florida, each 10c to Bananas, lb. . 285 .10 I 20 .101 .is .15 Rulter j Fancy cartoned, lb 2$ j No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs . 31 ' Lard Pure. lb. - ,, r,., ,, li Vejetablei 8weet Potaloe. lb 10 PoUtoes. No. 1 Terrace, 12 lbs. .25 Back 1.65' Ashe ro ft. 12 lbs. .25 Sack . 1.75, Onion, B.C., lb ' .05 Garlic. Imported, per lb. . J5 Cabbage, local, per lb. 4c to .08 Cauliflower, large. Cat- 20c to .35 Parsley, bunch .oa Carrot. 10 lbs. ! Turnips, uprlvcr. 10 lbs. .25 1 Beet, bulk. 8 lbs 55 Celery. Cal.. head 15c to J5 Leeks, bunch JDi Mexican Tomatoc. lb. .25 j Lettuce. Cal . head 10c to 13 Bruwclls Sprouts. CaL. lb. 25 California Spinach, lb ... .15 Lettuce, Cal., head .13 Fffd Hay. Bulkley Valley Timothy 100. lbs J. 1 2b Wheat, Alberta 2.1s Hran i.p0 Middling M... 2.25 8hort i.oo ats , 120 Fine Oat Chops .'. , 2.35 'Foaturp " 4i! h . TUNinilT ANR TIUHSDVY LidJJdLiJJ ji)ita(i. BkaitiMiiiiBrai ii,'Biii it l i a a 1 1 TheMarkets HTTP 17 ACTED vvjav aUriiJiiaU DISPLAY 01 vaaasa'ii u 1 I III. Wit Ivcqa b camp! tc Male i aliiM I.aviala.ssrst.1. il If Iv Uill h? mi rrjl lal 1 ITT wniri III llaT UU I ar W sail I for and at a rcavonable fan SIX OIK WISDOMS nn 1 i' t' a i'bi LUlNrhLllUM P O, lti 57 rntl 1IVIII:I J t I II Systematic Service Kfriclenf & systematic service Is the fot mJ most economical. OUR .SKKVICE ItKCOUI) will sliow coinpif? f all repairs made u; ' replaced. A copy 1 f returned with an . I fT ( AH! yOV AM AttTVT. I I VOU SHAUt. MOT 1 f AH LIKE Al j fTrlurin IT iS ,i (Iauu IVl H V0 "TUFU ajT ORES'SEi .WCAAl TH0S5 TgtftlBLS) BOLT fftoM TT.O " fAV UpRUTTy JtUg I I .sV.VIViJ I ' ' -s-ri - v-- UQsJ Ml M I sV.s I I f'WIK 111 I . . . ." I I If tU II I I m . ' 1 . ' I I W.Mf I I I lull K 1 1 VI "wji-w w V 1 I I asatn.vaj I lit I .1 i-A ta.i.. a I I O I rK I iliVT s ZM M. W I - -m-r f! 1 -ii -"' by- SUPERIOR RAI)IO-KLKCTKlC Thone niae JZ MANURE For Sale $1.50 a Lrud DOMINION DAIRY Phone Ked 60 KRKSH MH K AND CRKAM DAlll VALKNTIN DAIRV Phone 657 By Westover