is. mi Edwcirdshurtj SN BRAND N 5YRUI "THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD" Jwcl . The CANADA STARCH CO., UmlitJ LADY DAINTY CLEANSING TISSUES T.e 1 . t of Pajwr Handkerchiefs, reg. ffp 2 ) Special, while they hist . . A wl THFNKW- GILLETTE ARISTOCRAT "One Piece Razor" W 10 Gillette Blue Blades, Regular $1.00 Special at $3.25 REMEMBER Vi vf on hand a complete line of (Jift Sets in V IM)LEY JASMINE - GARDENIA A price for every purse. A pi ft for eery occasion. Ormes Ltd. ZTii Ptonecr Druqtjtsts Ihe Itesall SUtt rhne; II n Open Dally 'From a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays From 12 noon (ill 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. BAPC0 FLOOR ENAMEL r ? -st, r,i,i rtw m mi flu-ipi. 1iti.i!ttm ry nil fiftrn Tin rv"k vu vi ill. w JW nii"i' utal - vtvn, - w . . . specially made It dries in four hours with a high gloss and wears like a pigs nose Pt 0c; pt. 85c; quart $1.15; gal. $2J5; pal. $4.85 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. W Third Ave. Phone 101 HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 All Kimfs of Cartage 5 Trucks For Quick Service Coal & Wood For Sale, Dry Sawdust TNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8team?rs leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver S;,f VTALA EVF.RY TUESDAY, 1:30 P..M. m una Vancouver Thursday r-s-S. C AUDKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. ..r. Vancouver Monday a.m. k'j w!"-ij, to Port 8in,pB0Ui Mlct Amii Miyi, Btwrt uid Nm ; palm. U FtUvm Rupert Bund?, s pm, InfonnaUon regarding all sailings and tickets at HI' r fit AORNCVl Thlri Atno. f bon MS p. ELIO l ItNITlIliK DKAI.KR Kichanglng and Auctjonw N, USED FURNITURE! s imom ulle, liaiiery Kano, iikm or' Pv, Machine. Etc. vii z. t m a tmiiii a if s jrv hi rvi 1-1 L LOCAL NEWS NOTES 0 warm and comfortable by In 32 Taxi It cosU the same. tf Canadian Legion &EJ3X. tonight at 8, regular monthly meeting; at addiea by Dr. W. T. Kergln. 3. T. Harvey, who a-as been (pending several weeks at Esquimau talcing a course In military ollieers' training, returned to the city from the sooth on the Prire Rupert this morning. 8L Patrick's Tea and sale o( home cooking -tll be held under the auspice of the W.A. ol the First Presbyterian Church In the Church Hall cm Thursday, March i from 3 to 8. 60 II. V Moorehouse, supelrntendent of B. C. Packers canning operations In the central area with headquarters at Namu. arrived In the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning and will proceed to Massett on the Prince John Friday night The case of Dick Johnson, Port Simpson Indian, charged with a carnal knowledge offence which Is alleged to have occurred hi the city recently, is proceeding before Ma-gixrate McClymont In city police court this afternoon Witnesses for the case were brought In today by the provincial police boat P. M. L. 8 which went to Pet Simpson last night to pick them up. Last Friday night an enjoyable dance was held by the Moose Lodge with about 150 In attendance, danc ing being in progress from 10 pm. until 2 a m. with refreshments being served at midnight. Music was by Carl Smith's Orchestra. VV. B. McCalliim was master of cere monies. William Gray presided at the door. Cecil Morrison was chairman of the committee in charge arid Chuck Hickey had charge of refreshments nac daily mnn PAQE THRU j Opening dance, Empress Hall, Thursday night. Adra 25c 9:30 to 1. You can rent a cat at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mile. ,, Miss Audrey Wrathall, who has been on a trip south, returned. .home from Vancouver on the Prince Ru- 'pert this morning. Mrs. Allan Carol m of Stewart, who has been on a trip to Vancou- I 1 . . 1 t . U. i n.. vcr, 14. in we cuYWiuc rrmce nu-1 pert today returning north. Stanley Alton of Premier, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, aa a passenger aboard the Prince ttupert this morning returning north. Boys between the ages of 7 to 11 wishing to join the Toe H Cubs.! will please meet at the To H rcoms Second Ave. at 7 o'clock on i Thursday evening. 51 j i Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lee and! son, Forbes, who have been on a holiday trip as far south as Call- fornla. returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. V. SoucUi of Terrace, who has been on a trip south, arrived in the J city on the Prince Rupert thlsj morning from Vancouver and will t proceed to the Intel lor later In the I week. C. L. Youngman, who has been receiving treatment for some time at Shaughnessy Military Hospital in Vancouver, returned (o the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Stan Korkh and Mike Kavado-vleh. who have been In the employ of the Oranby Co. at Anyox, were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through tc Vancouver whence they will proceed to their homes In Juto-Slavia NEW SPRLNO BLOUSES 9c LARGE WRITINO TABLETS and Pkg. ENVELOPES! 2 sl2es .19 SMALL WRITINO TABLETS and Pkg. ENVELOPES llr PARCHMENT LAMP SHADES - tU SILK LAMP SHADES 38c & 76c MEN'S HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS. 3 .21c INDIES' HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, 6 - 24e PILLOW SLIPS, pair 49c CURTAIN MADRAS. 34 Inches wide ! 23e CURTAIN MADRAS. 44 inches wide - 26c LADIES' FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE, Service St Chiffon . 74e HOUSE DRESSES - -89c PRINCESS SLIPS -. 89c BOYS' ENGLISH TWEED PANTS. Extra Good Wearing : 99 BOYS' TWEED PANTS 69c, WHITE FLANNELETTE BABIES' BLANKETS, 45x31 Ins. pr. SIM COLORED BABY BLANKETS 4e NEW PRINTS. Large Assortment of Patterns. 4 yards "Cc NEW PRINTS, Large Assortment of Patterns, 4 yards 89c WHILE THEY LAST OUves. 18-ox Jar 20e Swansdown Biscuit Mix 25c Ground Rice, Holbrooks. 15c Crown Syrup. 2's. 50c St. Ive Flsli roste. Jars 10c Borden's Malted Milk, l's 35o Boltle Brushes 10o Bird Seed. 2 for 3c Pal Dog Food, per tin I0e Sjiratts Dog or Puppy Biscuits 55c MUNR0 BROS. Third Avenue A. E. Parlow, district forester, returned to tlte city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Ocean Falls on official duties.' Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Koenen were passengers aboard the Catala yes-i terday afternoon going through to i Vancouver whence Mr. Koenen will j proceed to Noranda, Que. Mrs. Koe- j nen is remaining for the time be-j lng in Vancouver. j worn was receivra yrsirraay ai-j temoon by the provincial police j nere oi tnc closing or scnoou at Ocean Falls for ten days owing to the Influensa epidemic there. There are about 125 cases of a mild form of influenza at Ocean Falls. fhildren's.Colds W a Oiecked without "dosing." Rub on V VAPORUI Cafeteria Supper And Carnival Is Enjoyable Event A cafeteria and carnival sapper held last night in the social hall of First United Churdi-proved a novel and enjoyable affair whieh was well patronized. The event was under the auspices of the church board with Rev. C. D. Clarke. O. F. Davey and T. C. Wilding comprising the eommittee in charge. The supper was provided by the Ladies' Aid under Mrs. Clavring. the president. Sideshows and moving pictures proved very entertaining. Mail Schedule Fr the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Tft days 4:M pjn From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and 8atur days 10;X3 pm For Vancouver Monday i (tram) 4:30 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 pjn. Wednesdays (train) 4:3C pjn. Thursdays 9:20 p m Friday n pjn March 14 and 25 4 pjn. Frm Vancouver Sunday . 4 pjn. Tuesday (train) 10:15 pjn. Wednesday 10 ajn. Thursday (train) 10:15 p.m. Friday 4 pja. Saturday (train) 10:15 pjn March 10. 21 and 31 ajn For Autos and Stewart-Sunday 7 pjn. Wednesday 3 pjn. From An) ox and Stewart-Tuesday 11:30 a.ra Thursday ...... 8 pjn. For Naaj River and Fort Simpson Sunday .7' pjn From Naas River and Fort Simpson Tuesday, 11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands March I. 15 and 29 9 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands Marcn 13 and 27 ajn. PERMANENT WAVES During the month of March the New Thermlque Guaranteed Permanent Waves OA complete, at La Parisienne Beauty Parlor 510 Fourth St. Phene J47 Housecleaning Time is Coming Done in less time by modern methods Prices Reasonable BRUCE STEVENS PHONE 18 Announcements Presbyterian St. Patrick's Tea ) Basketball Ketchikan rs.Rupen March 15 and 16. dance March 15. Moose Hall. St. Patrick's supper and concert. Cathotic Hall March 18. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Arnold's March 19. Presbyterian Sunday School Con-ert. Mareh 22. ' Boys' Band Parents' Association oridge, whist and dance. Eagle's lall. March 26. Daffodil Tea, United Church. March 27. Children's dancing display. Oddfellows Hall, March 29. Salvation Army Sale of Work, Home Cooking. April 3. Presbyterian Church Choir Concert. April 5. "Chloe." United Chureh. April 11 and 12. Queen Mary I.O.D.S. Daffodil dance Easter Monday. Anglican Spring Fale, April 25. St Peter's Spring Sae. May 9. Catholic spring sale. May 16. Moose Hall Tonight Moose Lodge meets S o'clock BIG TENTH ANNIVERSARY SALE "The Dollar Store" Although it has not been our policy to hold big.sales, we felt a Tenth Anniversary was a special occasion and to show our appreciation for your splendid support during the past ten years, we offer you these hot ones: 300 Yds. SILK, Suitable for Drapes, Cushions and Bed Spreads 39c CHILDREN'S HOSE - - 17c 6-Inch HAND MADE DOILIES, 6 25c 8-Inch HAND MADE DOILIES. 3 25c 10-Inch HAND MADE DOILIES. 2 ... .,..5Sc HAND BAGS il - - 2lc NEW FASHIONABLE STRIPED SILKS 1 71e FLOWERED DRESS SILKS 74c PAINTED VELVET CUSHION TOPS ...89c MODESS, per package 52c MIRRORS, 15x11" j inches - 19c LADIES' SILK HOSE 1 - -36c LARGE ASSORTMENT OF POPULAR NOVELS .34c ZEPHER, SHADED and CREPE WOOLS 19c LARGE SCRIBBLERS, Oilcloth Covers, 3 Jlc BOWL SETS . -48c CUPS and SAUCERS. 6 , 68c BIG SAVING IN STAMPED GOODS Everything reduced. Even on our.Special Dollar lines, we will allow a straight ten percent discount. Nice English China Cup and Saucer Free with every $5.00 purchase. SALE LASTS ONE WEEK It Pays to Deal Steadily With Goldbloom The Old Reliable Fur Trader Even though prices were down 25 percent last week, his regular suppliers were paid only 10 percent less. We are interested in all kinds of furs and we need 2000 more minks immediately I MaaMalMaMal ; WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And YooH Jump Out l Bed In the Morning rUria t Co It f ImI m u tak ul Um yfU lHlicyt,i'nillnUlMUi.M. arU ur, fl.luta w4 r Wvu mm -" " 1" t it i im. ' T IWy na'l 4a H. Tkmy wly at... li WmI mmt awi -,! tm t (M l IotImx i itm ttrar. It mm aal lw pommdi ml tHuU 0 faM iwr VvM ttOr. U Ui. kite ! mt tamAat htrnkf. ymu Um4 ivTt i U it )h( aWars i Ua kevaW. Caa Maaia up ym ataaaca. T-a Batata tkkk. r uala aa4 row ana fa, akia altaa knaka ao( ia WaauaMi. Xmu UU acaaa aad rw laa) m mad aaa. taw wkala TMaai ia iiiaiiaii. It Uk. (aaaa iaa4. al CSBTga'S LITTLE UVER riLLS ( (tt taaM l awiada af kila Sowtaf (ratty aa4 mmMd ym Uri -a mmi ." TWr oaaoarfal. kamliM. gratia ctal4a asuacla, aiatit arkaa tt eaaiw to aakia taa HU S If arty. Bat 4aa'l aali fm Mm pOla. aak I Cartar'a LitUa Uar KilU. Laak fat taa aaax Cartar'a Mftla linr rilla oa taa n4 UM. Rami a uaatitula.IScM4ncttoraj.01HlCaC.Ca, Want Ads FOR SALE MARINE ENGINE & HP. EASTHOPE Gas" engine; for sale owing to installation of larger engine. In excellent'condl-tlon. Wico magneto, Easthope reverse gear. Price $290.00 including 23li-lnchxl9 propeller. Propeller N shaft and stern gear not included.-Boat Mo1tch, New Float.. LOST LOST $5.00 bill between Thrift Cash it Carry and Bulkley Market. Finder please return to Daily News. PERSONAL 'MEN I Buy your Sanitary Sun-plies direct and save 75. Standard Lines. Send $1.00 for 15 assorted. Imperial Importers, 21 i Lumberman's Bldg. 509 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C." tf MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR U. S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. We buy all dates regardless of condition; Stamp collections and. metals wanted. Send 10c. (coin) for price list and Instructions. Satisfaction guaranteed or 10c. re- funded. HUB COIN tt STAMP SHOP. 113-10 N. Forsythe, Sar-nia, Ont. . tf PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Paperfcangini Moller. Phone Red 802. T.OVr.KNMEXT UQI OR ACT" Nollr of Application far BwllrtllCf) ?rmrv j- .... ,k.. m.Z I jv.a.c ia imwj (tiru urn vn uim iema atj oc Apm. next, oe imiicr-signed lDtKU to applv to th Liquor Control Board for a tlcnc In respect of the pranlem, being port of tht building known aa Querns Hotel, altuata on Main Street, New Uassett, B.C.. upon the land deacribed aa Lot No. &, la Block No 14. Map 946, Uaaaett Tbwn-site, tn the Prince Rupert Land Retft-t ration District In toe Province of British Columbia, for the aole of beer bj theglam or the bottle for eonsumption on the premises or elsewhere. DATED this it day of March. A-D. 1935 ' CARL KIRM1S. . Applicant UlXn REGISTRY ACT NOTICE Re: Certificate of Title No. 8856-1. covering the Westerly Sixty (60 seres, more or less, of Lot 43, Group Onr. Casalar District, tn the Province or British Columbia, as per plan, bnr-cVered orange, attached to deed deposited No 9156-1. WHEREAS satlafaetiorr proof of Iom of the above CerUftcat ca TtUe. lKUed in '-he name, of Brcole ConstanUno baa been filed in this office, notice Is hereby riven that I shail, at the expiration of one month from tb date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Protlalouai Certincavte of Title In lieu of the said loot Certificate, unless In the mean, time valid objection la made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Rrglatrv OfOce. Prince Rupert, B.C. this 35th di ot February. 1935, A. THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zttrelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM : HOME" Rates $1.00 ua 50 Rooms ,Hot tt Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 199 MltllOM JARS USID YrARlY 1