Punre Rupert Raining, light , riy wind; barometer. 29.50; .,:mk rature. 41; sea smooth, N CO. FAIR CANNED Tax Upon Mail Order Business Advocated By Retail Merchants Delegation Appears Before Provincial Government at Victoria Today With SuKKestions-Sclting Up Of Board of Ethics is Asked VICTORIA, March 13: (CP) Formation of a board to ct.1 '"Mi' "fair trading practices" and establishment of a : '.tin of taxation on mail order business in British Colli! ia was urged upon the provincial government today ' , a delegation representing the provincial branch of the Jit ai Merchants' Association. The government took the i't-tion under advisement Today's Stocks 6 V JofeUBtuu Col 1 Vancouver , uila, XH1. IJ. i Nickel. ,45. B! Mtwourl, J3. D.an ISO. L" irnr. 8.40. u. It toil! , W B. ft X Oold. .16. t boo US. luua, .75. well. 08. C onda. .29. I . r creek, .OS aik. iv. .13. K uic. .01. 1 a ii M 16. V. an U. M ..ing Bur. .09 H. n i.al Silver, .(Bfc. N. Five. .06. , P Oreille, .48. r ?r Idaho. .08, Pr iicr 'X Dlv.. 1.59. . r."l QuarU. .15. f t -;ns McDonald. .11. r.rd .03. n 138. E r Crest. J0. f .n:on Gold. .13. T. . r Bridge, .10. W jidc. 20. Wi..icwater. .00.,, Toronto C :',ral Patricia, 1.40.. Clbuugamau, .22. Oui.ada New, (1 for 3), .31. I: ! Nickel. 22.75. Mu: aisa, 2.37. N unda. 32.85. C';r;rit,t Gordon, .45. EUo 3.05. V ntures. .92. l-k Ma ron, .04. T k Hughes, 4.10. f Jdbury Uasln, 1.33. ; C umarlo, .12. inciter Oold, .15. Ciii Malartlo. .07. UWr. Long Lac, C.15. . Ar'.cna Rouyn, .oiy. Eludacona, .27. Maple Leaf. .08. I'lckle Crow. 2.66. Muu fi Eastern, .04. MrK,,zlo Red Uke, l.ll. (Jw Take. LSI. r'i :eon River Oold, .83. c P n . 10.00. rd A," 25.75. cns Smelters, 123.00. F:t1'" n IlrlddC. 3.C0. Hollliiger, 10.80. nvalite. 21.50. Wright Margraves, 0.20. VANCOUVER WHEAT .VANCOUVER. Mnrrh ii- inn wncat was Quoted r.t nnUh nor hn. d 011 Uie ,ocal "change ycslcr-Qa advancing to 81Uc today. TRADING VICTORIA, t Today's Weather IS Tomorrow's Tides mm SALMON INSPECTION FEES UNDER FIRE IN HOUSE LIBERALS IN favor! Support Eiuht Hour Day, Unemployment Insurance and Minimum Wage mils Kings Statement B. C. Members Seek Exclusion Of I'bh Processers Insurance Illll Pases OTTAWA. March 13: iCP Hon. iV. A. Oordon, minuter oi moor. announced yesterday that eight- hour day and forty-eight hour week iMtelfillon would become effective wheti passtd by Parliament but In dustry would be allowed three months In which to adjust 1U staffs h.fiwp renames are assessed for Infractions. British Columbia members arc endeavoring to have fish plants and canneries excluded from eight-hour day legislation Although believing each of mem was beyond the competence of Par llament. Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King. Leider of the Op Dosltlon. In reading a carefully prepared statement to tne House oi Commons yesterday said that Lib eral members would vote for un employment Insurance, elght-hout day and minimum wage bins, in view of the coqtlnued Illness ol Premier Bennett Mr. King gave as surance to the government of the heP of the Liberal party In the quick passage of the government's social legislation. With only three members opposing It on the grounds that it was entirely Inadequate, the unempioy mcnt insurance bill was put ihrouah all It stages by the House last night. The dissenting members iri R. J. Garland. U. F. A., Dow River, Alta.; Henri Bourassa, Inde pendent. Labelle. and J. F. Poullot Liberal. Temlsconata. The vole on the third reading was 123 to three 1 I WIST IIAI.IIMIT CATCH of si-Jason here hut i NOT SOLD UP' TO NOON 4- The local halibut boat Em-4- bla, which had been out for black rod but which failed to 4 obtain any so took a load of 8,000 pounds of halibut, is In port todny. Up to noon, the 4- catch, the first of Inllbut to be brought here so far this sea- 4- son, had not been sold. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, Inverted Stomach Girl Now Recovering Ahce McHenry Below is now recovering after ah operation at Fail River Mss for inverted stomach Graphic photo shows attendants at operation outlined against skylight of operating thestfet Girl's mother U sth-lVtfffciter stiNv gery : TO PROBE INCIDENT 4- Olof Hanson Tells House of $1.70 Duty Charge on 25c Cigarette Lighter OTTAWA, March 13: (CP) Olof 4 Hanson told the House of Commons last night that a friend of his 4- paid duty of $1.70 on a 25c cigar ette lighter sent to him from Europe at Christmas. Hon. R. C. Matthews, minister of national revenue, said it must have been a mistake and he would Investigate If presented with names and dates. Senate Rejects Townsend Plan Old Age Pension Plan Fails to Find Favor With Upper House In California SACRAMENTO, Cal.. March 13: The California State Senate yes terday by a vote of 21 to .17 rejected the resolution asking the na- tlnnal fnnarAQc tn pnnrt. Ihp Tnurn. send old age pension plan which , had been endorsed the previous day by the' House of Assembly. Longer Mayoralty Term in Seattle Rejected Tuesday SEATTLE. March 13: -The clcc-1 tors of Satlle yesterday cmphatl-' cal v rejected a proposal to extend .. . . ';.. , the term .of mayoralty office from two to four years. GOLD PRICE DOWN MONTREAL. March 13: (CP) - uoiq price in iionapn aruppvn itrc-in VlKJftnpr nunrp In Canadian I lundsi vosterdav. The Washlnstoni 4- llxeci; price was $35.43 In Canadian 'luncts IN PROVINCE URGED ? TIGHTENING IT ON MINING PROMOTION IS PROVINCE URGED 4 VICTORIA, March 13: (CP British Columbia mining promotion methods were at- tacked in the mining commit- 4- tee of the Legislature yester- day and the committee was . 4- unanimous in demanding closer government supervision over all phases including a 4- more rigid supervision of the 4- Vancouver Stock Exchange op- eratlons and closer scrutiny of new promotions. 4- Saskatoon Wins Over Vancouver Weslcys Eliminate Ex-King- George In Hockey Scries and Will Meet Edmonton SASKATOON, March 13: Saska toon Wesleys by a score of 4 to 2 defeated Vancouver Ex - King George's in Junior Hockey here last night, winning th,e round two and the right to meet Edmonton In the finals. Egg Production In States Down Lowest Record in Ten Years Recorded by Department Of Agriculture WASHINGTON. DC, March 13:, A.inn nQ,,-,,t , a ' ,. ,: ' - r .. .. .. ricuiwirc statistics ccg nroaucuon In the United States In February this year was the lowest in ten years. There were fewer hens In the country on account of high feed jprlces nnd sevm w vether. n.R SILVER NEW YORK, March 13r (CP) 'Bar. silver closed at Mc" per ounce MARCH 13, 1935 WOULD CUT INDEMNITY M, L. A.'s Should Get $500 Per Year And Expenses, Island Member Believes VICTORIA, March 13: (CP) During consideration of the main estimates in the Legislature, Hugh Savage, Independent member tor Cowlchan - Newcastle, suggested hat basic members' Indemnity should be cut to $500 with expenses to be determined by a competent body In each constituency. Many members In the interior aad large ridings to cover and re-lulred money to look after the leeds of their constituents. Today's Weather Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; jarometer, 29.64; temperature, 44; .ca smooth. Triple Island Overcast, light wrthwest wind; sea smooth. Langara Island Overcast, light northeast wind; sea calm. Terrace Raining, southeast wind, 38. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 35. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 31. Hazelton Snowing, calm. 26. Smlthers Snowlns. calm. mild. Burns Lake Snowing, calm, 32. Warrant Is Out For Arrest Of British Author - ram nas ocen issued lor-mc arrest of Evelyn John Strachy, British author, charging that he entered. the United States by swearing (false ; itiiromonte Caaii o ftfr nrrlvf nff f 'be"' Communist. S. J. Jabour returned to the city on the Prince Runert this morn- ; Ing from a two weeks' busTncis trip to Ocean Falls. ' r High Lew Government is Taking Steps to Make Legal Impost Upon Fishing Ncill of Comox-AJberni and Duff of Antigonish-Guysboro Opposed to CJiargc Dickie of Nanaimo Defends'it OTTAWA, March 13: (CP) The House of ; Commons ook the first step last night to legalize the tax which has 1 een collected for the past three years as inspection fees on canned salmon. In the past the fees have been collected under authority of order-in-council. Opposition to the tax from A. W. Neill, Independent member for Comox- Alberni, and William Duff, Libera. , .'. ' member for Antigonish-Guysboro. 1 Mr. Neill claimed that the fees worked a hardship on the salmon industry. He oppeced the inspec-Uon fees and defended licence fees I as the government tpent large sums for protecting the fishermen. C. H. Dickie. Conservative mem ber tor Nanaimo, said that, without inspection and constant vigilance.) there would be no salmon on the Pacific Coast. , j -wny snouia a man nave to pay i a fee for catching"- ffsh more than for growing potatoes or cut- ting down trees?' 'asked Mr. Duff, 1 1 I 4- GENERAL ELECTION NOT EXPECTED NOW UNTIL LATE SUMMER OTTAWA. March 13: (CP) Premier R. B. Bennett, 4- whose Illness continues, will ' likely be absent from his du- ties for another month and It Is believed possible that the 4 general election will come much later in the summer than had been at first antl- 4- cipated. 4- 4 44'4-4'4' KIMBERLEY IS WINNER British Columbia Team Wins First Of Allan Cup Games From Edmonton CALGARY. March 13: (CP) In the first game of the inter-provincial Allan Cup playdowns here last night, Klmberley Dynamiters of British Columbia defeated Edmonton Superiors by a score of three to one. The game was in three per iods, the score being one-all at the ! end of the first. By the end of the ! game the ice was covered with water. The second game will be played at Edmonton Thursday night. 'omul Sterling and Canadian Dollar . MONTREAL, March 13: The British pound sterling was quoted at $1.80V here yesterday, down i uiitv, marcn u: ne British nound sterline was auoted at $4,75 on ,;he locaI forelgn ex, change market yesterday, down XxnC and tn(, canjejian doliai. at a ' TWELVE BELOW AT DAWSON DAWSON, March 13: Dawson ( was the coldest nolnt In the Yukon yesterday with thermometer read- lng of twelv below zero 9:29 ajrt. 175 ft. 22:45 pjn. 165 it. 3:13 am. 115 ft 16:13 pjn. 6.1 It , 1 ra PRIC: FIVE CENIfl Attorney-General Is Sustained In Wayside Appeal VANCOUVER. March 13: The British Columbia Court of Appeals yesterday sustained the Attorney General of British Columbia in connection with the appointment raaMnftstiga tor ldtcr the-selltnz bf stock of the Wayside Mines. The company had sought to upset Mr. Sloan's appointment. Out of Jail For Two Days, Back to Pen VANCOUVER, March 13: A young man who hid been out of. jail only two days was sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment in penitentiary here yesterday for breaking Into, the window ' of a Jewelry store and taking a tray : of diamonds. The youth was captured by passing citizens and the diamonds recovered. Huge Fortune Out of Cakes. John Henry Scribbans, Who Star- ted Life as Baker's Boy, Left $12,500,000 BIRMINGHAM, Eng., March 13: CP -John Henry Scribbans, who began life as a baker's boy, left an estate of approximately $12500.000 which he made out of cakes. The will has been filed for probate. England Evens Hockey Series Defeated Winnipeg Monarchs 1 or Second Time byiOne to Nil Scori LONDON. Match 13: Evening 'P the series so far at two gami". uch. England deflated the Winnipeg Monarchs by a score of one to nil In Ice hockey here last night. 'VELL DRESSED' WOMEN PACIFISTS EJECTED FROM BRITISH HOUSE LONDON, March 13: (CP) Dur-ng the debate In the House of "ommons on the defence bill, there were two interruptions by well iressed women who1fluhgpaclflst 'eaflets down from the strangers' lallery. They were ejected, shout-'ng denunciations against' war.