t I - ilTI?nnVraiKTKIB(llBYE7aiStHIlliatITTITI1ITIXKZVl S3 1 Most People Have Simply No Idea I - - - m ca i I 1 M i i how much foot trouble comes from wearing the wrong type of shoes. ... Walking in unshapely or run-over shoes, can injure j the foot structure, temporarily or permanently. Don't Take Chances! Let us fit you for COMFORT with shoes that will enable you to walk miles with smiles! The Family Shoe Store S Third Avenue LIMITED Whfre Service and Quality Excels DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations AN EARLY ELECTION THE SAAR SETTLED Phone 35? at tilt it BiaTa' tii !i-iii?aitaiji tgfittriill B Ji, B- Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION' RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of British. Columbia, the British Empire and . United States, paid In advance, per year .. , By mall to all other countries, per year ,. , . ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line ; Classified advertising, per wprd, per insertion . Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion . Advertising; and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone 98 86 .10 3.00 9.00 .25 .02 1.40 Tuesday, January 15, 1935 SHOULD INCLUDE FISH We do not know what the trade agreement with the United States covers but it will be incomplete if it does not provide for a change in the U. S. tariff on halibut. As we have pointed out before, this is one case m which Canada can be benefitted without injuring the American fisher men. The fish goes to the United States anyway but the Canadian fishermen have to accept in many cases two cents less than the American fisherman because of the duty imposition. We hope that fish is included in the agree ment and we suggest that this might be an opportune time to jog the mind of the Prime Minister and sutrcest to him that he can score a good point by including halibut in any treaty that may be concluded. It looks as if there would be an election within the next two or three months or at any rate not later than June, Mr. Bennett concludes his series of radio talks tonight and we expect to hear at any time that the date of the election nas neen set. A short session of Parliament is exoectet and it is possible the election will be all over in time for the a? T. ,i.'lff .... i i . . . . - tiDieMinrsier, wnoever ne jmay ne, to attend the: King s jubilee-celebration in May. Following that celebration there fiTtb be a meeJtjngflBdtfeh'premiers in London and it would be much more satisfactory for a newly elected premier to attend that session than for the representative to be a man who may have to step down within a few weeks. It seems to be settled that the Saar is to be returned to uermany. While we do not like the electioneering method; of the Germans durjng the campaign preceding the tak ing of the vote, we realize that it is iust as welfthe terri tory should go back to Germanv when so larre a nart nf the population is German. The settlement of this outstand ing problem will remove another possible cause for a Euro pean war. The League of Nations will now have to convene and take action to ratify the change. OVRIL COSTS LESS TO-DAY., t m m i Munrq. 12. SPORT NEWS tara rBrararaiJTBra!BrBiBrBrjirauiTBiirBTUi,irBrarBriavtai"afBiBia-aTB-Ba HOOP GAME STARTS UP; Grotto Defeated C-VK. in Listless Senior League Encounter ; Last Evening Gurvich and Ratchford, snaring all the points ut one free throw, j won last night's Senior League, basketball game for the Grotto i over the Canadian National Recre-,' ation Association quintette by a score of 43 to 21. The play was ragged, throughout, the boys having, evidently, not got over the festive season as yet. However, a belter., brand of the hoop game Is prom. Lsed for Thursday night. i Nor was the Ladles' League game up to usual standard, Annette's chalking up an 11 to 7 victory over' the Grottettes. Beale and Smith' were outstanding for the Grotto,! doing all the scoring between them. RiveU and Stamp-Vliuent starred; for Anrjettes. I The smooth-working High School machine mowed oown the War-j riors by a score of 23to 12 in the Intermediate League. All the High School players did well while Nay- lor and Dominato outshone the rest of the Warriors. Scythians outplayed High School to win Uie Junior League fixture 15 to 12. A mere handful of spectators witnessed the games, individual scoring in which was as follows: Junior League High School Hirano, 7. Kekey, Houston, 2; Husoy. 2; Veitch, Scythians Dominato, 2; Gillis, Murray, 2; Montesano. 4; Le- tourneau, 3; Currie. 15. . , Intermediate League High School Lindsay, 6; Camp bell, 7; Morgan, 4; Davles, 4; Ful ton, 2; McMeekln. 23. Warriors Dominato, 3; J. Com- adina. 7: Miller. 2; Naylor. Vlereek. F. Comadlna, Nelson. 12. ladies' League Orottettes Beale. 3; Smith. 4: Dickens, Croxford, Gulick, McMee-kin 7. Annettes Stone, 3; Ratchfora. 3: Brand, Stamp-Vincent, 5; Rl-vett. 11. Senior League CNH-A-r-StUes, 12; Johnson, 12; Smith, 2; Lambie, 3; Armstrong, 2: Campbell. 31. Grotto Ourvich, 2G; Ratchford, 16; Murray. 1; Morgan. Glllis, Morrison. 43. BASKETBALL January 17 Moose vs. Grotto, Lesion vs. Warriors, High School v. p rot to. Scours vs. Scythians. January 21 C. N. R. A. vs. Me, Annette's vs. High School, High School vs. Legion. High School vk. Scouts. January 24 Orotto vs. C. N. R. A , Warriors vs. High Schpol. Annette's vs. Grotto, Scythians vs. Scouts. .January. 28 -rGrotto' ys. Moose, Orotto vs. High School, Warriors vs. Legion, Scythians ysScay-U '-'" January 31 Moose vs. C. N. R. A, Legion vs. High School, High School vs. Annette's, Scouts vs. High School. February 4 C. N. R. A. vs. Grotto, Grotto vs. Annette's. High School! vs. Warriors, High School vs. February 7 Moose vs. Orotto, Legion vs. Warriors, High School vs. Grotto, Scouts vs. Scythians. February 11 C. N. R. A. vs. Moose, Annette's vs. High School, High School vs. Legion, High School vs.; Scouts. February 14 Grotto vs. C. N. R. A., Warriors vs. High School, An- neiies vs. orotto, scytnians vs. Scouts. February 18 Orotto vs. Moose, Grotto vs. High School, Warriors vs. Legion, Scythians vs. Scouts. February 21 Moose vs. C. N. R. A.. Legion vs. High School. HIeh School vs. Annette's. Scouts vs. High School. February 25 C.N.R.A. vs. Grotto, Grotto vs. Annette's. High School vs. Warriors, High School vs. Scythians. February 28 Moose vs. Orotto, Legion vs. Warriors', Hlch School vs. Grotto, Scouts y- Scythians. March 4-C. N. R. A. vs. Moose, Annette's vs. High School, High School vs. Legion, High School vs. Scouts. Rode King's Plate Winner On the left in the above picture is Frankie Mann, noted Canadian who rode R. S. McLaughlin' horse Horometer. which won in the King's Plate race classic of the Canadian turf, at Toronto last year. On the right is Dick Townrow who had the leg upon R. W. Oowie's horse Pitchblend. which was another favorite in that race. SPORT GHAT There was no stopping the great I Toronto forward line as Charlie Second Conacher, Busher Jackson and Joe Primeau got back into old form! Hawks themselves put up a great game but found George Hainsworth. Toronto goalkeeper, a solid &tumb-1 ling block while the rest of the i Maple Leafs were nigh invincible.! It was a fast game with plenty of feeling at times. The Black Hawks opened the scoring with their one and only goal four minutes and eight seconds after the start throagh Howie Morens. Charlie Conacher evened It up and the first period ended one all. The Leafs added two in the second, one from Conacher, assisted by Primeau, and the other by Primeau. The two otherLeafs' pools came wlthlnone rnitrate tffiljffipthV during the latter hair of .theThlrd period as play moved irdpldJyf rom one end of the ice to the other. On one breakaway "Busher" Jackson fooled Lome Chabot with a wicked backhand shot after a pass from Primeau. Charlie Conacher scored the final counter on another The Black Hawks' single goal was the only one they have been able to score against the Maple Leafs In three games. The Maple Leafs con tinued their victorious stride by j pert. BADMINTON SCHEDULE Half of Season to Wednesday Night schedule being as follows: Start again Saturday night to give the I The second half of the Prince Ru-Maple Leafs a five to one victory : pert Badminton League will oom- over the Chicago Black Hawks. The ;mene en Wednesday evening, the "A" League January 16 No. 1 Rupert vs. O. N. R.; No. 2 Rupert vs. Bkeena; a N. R. vs. No. 1 Rupert: Skeena vs. No. 2 Rupert. January 23 No. 2 Rupert vs. C. N. R.; No. 1 Rupert vs. Skeena; i Skeena vs. No. 1 Rupert; C. N. R. ys. No. 2 Rupert. Jaaaary 3f Skeena vs. C. N. R.; C. N. R. va. Skeena; No. 2 Rupert vs. No. l Rupert; No. 1 Rupert vs. No. 2 Rupert. February 6 No. 1 Rupert vs. C. N R ; No. 2 Rupert vs. Skeena; C. N R vs. No. 1 Rupert; Skeena vs. No. 2 Rupert February 13 No. 2 Rupert vs. C. N. R; No. ! Rupert vs. Skeena; Skeengj No. I Rupert; CVN. R. vs. No. 2 Rupert. February 20 Skeera vs. C. N. R.: C. N. R. vs. Bkeena; No. 2 Rupert vs. No. 1 Rupert; No. 1 Rupert vs. No. 2 Rupert. "II" League January 16 Skeena ys. C. N. R.; Rupert vs. Skeena; C. N. R. vs Ru pert. January 23- Rupert vs. C. N. R.; C. N. R. vs. Skeena; Skeent vs. Ru pert. January 30 Skeena vs. C N. R.; PllnArf R!raia f? W t vm Pn. , w . w. . V ..... . ... , V. ... ... . tf. . b U oianicing tne itea wings at Detroit I February R-Runert vs. C. N. R.: Sunday night. Canadiens defeated Maroons by the odd goal In an Inter-club game at Montreal Saturday night, the Flying Frenchmen thereby pulling Into exclusive possession j)t fourth place in the International Division ahead of the luckless 'St. Louis Eagles who were defeated Sunday night at New York by,, the Rangers who had won oyer the Americans Saturday night. KOWI.INC LVM'.VV, ,, Following arc Uie fixture for tonight in the City Bowling league: Senior Elks vs. Pioneer Laundry, Twirlers vs. Bums, Waterfront RaU vs. Junior Elks. C. N. pert. R. vs. Skeena; Skeena vs; Ru- Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L F. A. P. Toronto 18 2 5 72 48 38 Maroons 13 2 8 58 39 28 Americans 7 4 12 44 55 18 Oanadiens C 3 12 40 57 15 St. Louis 5 3 1C 3G 05 13 'American Division Boston 13 2 0 54 49 28 Chicago 12 3 9 50 43 27 Detroit : 10 3 11 62 47 23 Rangers 0 2 11 53 58 20 Daily News Want-Ads. al ways bring quick results. SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE January 17 Swift . vs C N.R.A.: Canadian Legion vs. Grotto; "Rupert Brand" Musketeers vs. Ram- ! biers. i January 24 "Rupert Brand" .Musketeers vs. Swift's; Rambers vs. Grotto; ONJI.A. vs. Canadian Legion. j January 31 Swift's vs. Canadian j (Legion; Orotto vs. "Rupert Brand". Musketeers; Ramblers vs. ON.R.A. ' February7 Swifts vs. Ramblers: CN.R.A. vs. Orotto; Canadian Le-Iglon vs. "Rupert Brand" Musk eteers. I February 14-fiwlfU vs. Grotto-jCN.R-A. vs. "Rupert BrarwT Mus- jketeers: Canadian Legion vs. Rain-! biers. i February 21-ON.R A. vs. Swifts; Orotto vs. Canadian Legion: Ramblers vs. "Rupert Brand" Musketeers. February 23 Swifts vs. "Rupert Brand" Musketeers: Orotto vs Ramblers; Canadian Legtenvs.CN R.A. March 7 Oarwiilan Leg km v Swifts; "Rupert Brand" Muiktt-eers vs. Orptto; ON.K.A. va. March 14-RaiatoieH s. 8w4fu: Orotto vs. C.N.R.A.: "Rupert Brand" Musketeafs vs Canadian Legion. SCHEDULE OF WHIST January IS Sons of Norway va I.OD P . Canadian Legion vs Orotto. January 25 IO.O.F. vs. St. Andrews, Canadian Legion vs. Sons of Norway. February 1 Canadian Legion vs. I.OO P, St. Andrews vs. orotto. February ft Orotto vs. Sons of, Norway, Canadian Legion vs. St.1 Andrews. j February 15 I.OO.F. vs. Orotto, i Sons of Norway vs. St. Andrews. February 22 I.O OF. va Sons ofj Norway. Orotto vs. Canadian Le- tion. j March 1 St. Andrews va I.O.O.F.. Sons of Norway vs. Canadian Le- yion. March t LOOT, va Canadian Legion, Grotto va St. Andrews. March 15 Sons of Norway vs. Orotto. St. Andrews vs. Oanadlan Legion. WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point Cloudy, light northwest wind; barometer. 20.48: temperature. 30; sea smooth. i Triple Island Part cloudy, strong northerly wind; moderately rough. Terrace Cloudy, northeast wind, temperature, 2a. 18. Anyox Part cloudy, north wind. SUrwart Cloudy, palm. 21. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. jero. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. cold. Burns Lake Snowing, blowing, below. 1 Tuesday. January 15, IMS CRIBBAGE RESUMES KtcuiMt Half f Smw (let Under Way Last Night Opening Crlbbage League re. Uu-lta for the second half ef the sea. son last nhrht were as follows: Canadian Leton 12, Grotto 15. I. O. O. F 15. Moose 12. Empress 17. C NBA. 10. Meat Packers 13. Elevator 14. CRIBBAGE FIXTURES January 28 Orotto vs. Elevator I.OOF vs. Canadian Legion, CN, R.A. vs Moose, Meat Packers vs Empress February 4 Rmpreaa vs. Orotto C.N4J.A. vs Canadian Lfgion. Elevator 'vs. Mon. Meat Packers v I.OOF. I February ll-Oretta vs. CN R A Etnpraas vs. Caaadlan Legion. Meat Packm vs. Mnutr. JO O F. vs. levator. February 18-I.O.Or. v. Orotto aVvalw va. Caiuultan Lr4oo, Km-prats va. Moose. C,N It A vs. Meat Packers. February 25 - Orotto vs. Moose CanaU.an Letion vs Meal Packers. Kmpress vs IO.O.F. Elevator vs r N.R A BILLIARD SCHEDULE January 15 Legion vs Elks. January 17- Orotto vs Emprr January 22 Empress va Ellu January 24 Orotto va Legion Jinuary 27 -Q rot to vs. Elks. January 31 Legion vs. Empress February 5 Elks vs. Legion February 7 Em pre vs. Orotto February 12 Elks va Empress. February 14 Leion v Orott" February 1& Elks vs. Orotto. February 21 Empress v Tjtt'vr February 2- Ugior vs. Elks Simple Rules Prevent WEARINESS IH fim lkl tWrt it ). m4vI t4 to tad Uiim 4tf -4 mi w Wr u4 kon ta tl4jli ad kin' tm AW l jat ltf kV, ptv twi nr UM t -i wmlr t - IsU l ttt. nttnm u4 imiitu P I rt7 Ami mlft U itmilH m Adr.i k mtm M ) . D ei mill Um MUi U mmm Um tm KlalMu r1rhr !4WWM liititit Mul Ti iw ym t Ukk itri MtiMi. y WM ti4 kwifkn 11 rll w fkU U4p Slw W utM tbaaiia. 4 ttia ' fan a MtM PrttttlMia It Ulur Uua rm. U fAaMt tan ajaai. laaawaat Aaral (Hia rmtt drta la bM M a4 as. "a lantt VrflW, 7V ai AU: iA A TssfttsftW, jssB J"XyAr CjJL'sbIbBbHbsih THE LONG VIEW PAYS bpr.nc pror.i thot it poyi to look oheod ond moke proviifon (or unknown future, needi wh.n on. t 0b,. R.guor depotiti In a Saying, Account toon ac-eumulots. The money !i 0wov r.H l. T H E R O ond it never depreciolei In value. Y A L BANK F CANADA