Kit - veocfcer Are Yon Wet Prepared ftealher? Fpr ! f LoiliS IQlOCkS Out fa ffl . . Brfef , fistlC Btl' 11 Pugilism's Sensational iCHANCE I o CH, Rasa, Days I I kaa . . . New Find Finishes Ex- CARDINALS IS LNIGMA CridcaCondHn Wtt Oi-Tiwirrt WB Ha T.riMJ, u. La-w w t-.l rtt Heart Ar-tfetm Wnr- 1 KALSETIt RUBBERS Champ in Fourth Round T Get Iat Snes i nari EMak U ml lainl Ink.' Cfcaaate finonei! feet erf ast itar stcfc h eBiete. llerjyaSr iui ta wear" THE DAILY NEWS. nuxcr rcrrrr - kzxtub ccixxzu PttJTtreii o-r7 Afse, ExEepe Srr'-tj, tj p-aoe Eaptr: H. 7 PCLLZX V'-Tt-fT Cty Otir7. t7 ca2 cr earrr. j-aLSy prlcl, jaij fc; iZnxjc Ci. cr fear vtrtc-n, -oi; is adnsee, tr x I LciX ian per tcartxttai, per tee ' h?uamx Ttltpkaat a i 4 33 WILL CO-OPERATE Ufa atisfactor u know tnat El Hon. W. L. 3Iaeken-zie Kmg, laier of the Liberal party, who & expected to e Prime 3Iffeter very soon, will eowyr-rau itJj ?rrwti Mht Ceeskr Calfernian Giant Was Lack? to Last inat L6a; U2n of ew Era of Prosperity In CaaSflerver Indent ry XEW YORK, Sejit. 25: Joe LxLs coMfirraed bis pi3-iSees a tJQB as ftft ifaftdmg- aaniir of tiu znrW VjrmoiLtX 1 1 p; foxing ctpwb fcfcat aigfac yfc&g. naming trm r, , arLfpf The Family Shoe Store Ltd. S:&Sgt533 Totrd Areas FEgg 257 i w eb the fi?fct z w aac lag act in the aaari M tarn n 1 mWi. t Before the radio speeches of the Prime Minister, which ??Ji.week w:e ere ,d to that 2Z2Zt C the -rnMtuie te tat S2lf t mi xhe smy -warn, ate aeif it -wis tw&tmt K tec Ta the omoC of to star tak ittt 1 mg as ke aaer Ike flee fcqMe- aeBfc Be uok z rrwfeM It aise eoUbfebed Losti the ptitec pefOiae drastez Jhee Jsci Deeers fcrwfiT For' the atosatea ie fciit Izfr so SMtt the esd of the depreHtoB r the caatiuaxr indtr)-. The jriace iu &e Yiutt gti gesta that, if it works there, the plan vriU be arlopted bv mrdid that the enrctf ga uiere w a greai aeaj 01 dissension in political life, thrT' r?;" operation fa ewentfa! to succesg. nine these addresses u-p hnvp fn i a J,t 1.. BU,v 0 speeches Containing nothing but apobjries for havine lthe ntght tin a failed to keep his last election promises. He asks the 060X05 Ja tn Hariex- people of Canada for another five years of life so that " " ! may earn on as he did lfnre Vn fn?,n,t 11 f rnmn t n i-nt-i cjianp in ppiicj- are prpposed The country fa still to bejlufckl lilU Ui I. , u """g traae policies and by continuation of the dole. We have a certain amount of sympathy with Mr. Ben-nett in 1 his strujreles during the past few years of depression. Undoubtedly it was a trying time and it was a time When a really big man would have shown ?ome initiative What do we find instead? We find that Mr. Bennett addle? the country with a new bank which to nothing but reduce the size of the dollar bills. We find that hi faddje- the country with a tremendous wheat hold-over which cannot now be said. We find that there is stiM a uuvt-Hrmy 01 unemployed and no definite steps taken to put them to work except throueh thp nolkrv of attemnt-mg again to Wast his way into the markets of the' world. Mr Bennett h bad a hard time undoubtedly and the peonle of Canada looked to him thinking be war the political Mo? wljo would lead them to the promised land but I?e failed his people i the time of stress and now the people are turnintr toanolner leader, believing that he will change Tanada frrm a land of stagnation to a land of opporf unity and plentv. ! DE LUXE WALL TINTS A mAtm trend jp inUrtor dttarating u to g:Te a dapple-efXect to tails cr eeUmgs by appiyto? addiUonaJ with a aponge To or more triors nil gire nr oso-i ard f- THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. BASKETBALL SPORT CHAT Tfe-ei scies ' Zhxzt vbit LXt Ki&uukj aad a aiyie-s&mt H-w.imi bsx-fiffes itaiie r Srto to jbk far Efissd -sleler kart catef to bte tor alwte tut b- fe ft, safe 19 EiMy TTesCAb. Eight of Uie rti tro of rTTTiWgj ae smooth. Tfce rntlM oat of ae aaatesr "v "7 ioj zzjsKt mnyr lea-the tmd 50jCJ Jfce Kipfautir isci eosj to bar ior ucx-osi cue nn nJBclMl etvoao. alrtacj- a laTonte to w ate seeeedk alter tbe slart of fEnxtand. harinc frrAe hk rv w mkhjd a schemed mteenweH1 fampaJga. take hfc matf battle. Baer took t2t SGnt&i eraek a: tbe Erttfe Krtit Cten,helBle9aoEooel3e.Reb2lirreMH tWe asaiatf Chara- mad a&L vtthaL toA a terrMie vlth PJdfeps Iat 1ater. oeatra. ajowu yean lost on a toeL Terrific PHnithront Aberbart Afcerhait Of of Alberta, AHrt in in hk hk effort .ffrt t,. t. t.. n'". 1 10 W53 abates Probalslr on the aae Wray-r Credit nf 1 ; ; ,T , 1UC Sfthat Baer laced Lcefa the Xorcer S ord to Kareaber. ffiaad avsm ureaii mmern 01 government taat Hrzfi.irr . ttnr?S T"rt jn Drm-inr. aw. ,v cmH. k4-.K .1 a- '" - - 1 Tjgsrs jthe eroeity of K. Bn. Loadoo's WiJtechipef Tind Baer ftsK later that he a;mHI' ror t&e Brtufa ?Mveh it is m good t?ood u to know km-tw that that there th is also (xtperatUm when co- i araJmc h udar that r. luiing rf - --.- icacn man nad mOmm isrv ' - wp. woo Jaek DHapaey dedared that minMd aaalwr hock-r PKRMIRFt. UEAr7ITS RPVVPTT: PnciTinv POSITION itfc xaa j M criater f.,K ia -.k. Uam ta Kitehewr. Ont. and on- ' - wi a 1 1 ' u ap- f 1- irfn ., , , , . ! afc aisle Of beatfn? LMrtL T-ri n exuaonw!.; were: Bar 1.7" rr 31 ii 1 mrr rvrrar iaii n i w o-a of T.I ,Were 10 K enounced. Since the hegin-! iSror h"' .'- 1 don't beaer- la a lot of aiyt 3 boy ho is untried aa tflwre isont ho mr ahtti , HpWer.' Kapfauury aald. Amutrongi was rtparded a one of cwvSVt jWjfti uyae ocea anUl be ; t?ed a eimtraet wfth kaolaasax "Toa inoTr 1 fin Ulr Wenttob light at Edsiontcn. He neTer Jfoorht as an amaiear. When xe " rw,r Lear Thit!tarted for .-.rain Ensand after Eddie Year Nelson ADen New PrI- bad done Tefl in toe Text I d-' dent Of A$vefatln !ided vomit, do co boasting If l- ! the ffeht emrls Toe annaal meetiar or tjuield aoen rmiT. , . Print Rapert Bavfcetbsll AMti-' v. Han. feaatoeaa eonsistinz prte-t-tdainT fijre tisem kir w pally of recefnng rept earer- tnf sd aauhfle he vas firht-ihg bat yeara aeUrttiea and eke- toz the fclnd of rwv-vv t - M-m t otfksra. fd Wn to ffeb: He xieeded ex- Tae neir officer are aa fsBmrx: 'fwe. Torardi th .h ,. Hsoorary Pnxideni. Ex-llayor;ntkoT fwn h th 2 too-notch. C H Orm m - ik. . . . ! Honojary VJee-Prcaidrnia. B. p. England -And that'a nor i; MasdoaaW, Cc. S. D JobnfiUM vr be vrtth Biam ,f and W, H Tefeey. .TtieTre zot wha 1 tv.. Prealdent. .Ntbon ABtn , peciall In Anat ronrt caie there -x-rrw;enfc, izc 8nt wro i De any rx& Bland. I bint SegreUry. Johnny Comadtoa. for a tr ibot wKhont Theit xai a acd tarn -oat at driay ?h sseetiivr anrl rmtUmM. m i '.gwan -rai ciapHTts Jt k e& !Pted there iffl be focr leagsss ta operation again this winter -Senior. Intermediate. Ladles and Junior. Another meeting -rffl be held next Tuesday for farther organization jnrpouts. ' The financial stateairnt for the i 133M&35 aeason shoxed a deficit I of some M3, ; I Pred Bogyri. retltteg preafcfmt ,i uic vsocxapon, waj jn the t ehair. H yon .jyteh to rxap iomtthlcg-rr 5 a dzmHed! v' Try Grotto Taxi 456 3 CAJiS AT YOL'B SEKVICE FroprieUri Bert Marfan k Bad Barri; Don't forget the number 150 T Ctea. : - I had a. f4pX3ce to was the Sarcaal Le&gm Mil I I BBC '-M tk IMI vefc fcif a sarxat of Tort J Fiitsberf tg Cfedssatt es BrootlyB M Pt&idtipbia w Bvctoc 35 -r asSe jLeteriraa Learae Detract T. Oereiaorf K 5T Tart H VirfBY-gUo C. PtaUdefcjaaa 2-5 Baooa Z-. Si Lotas 2-4 ducaaas -I 3'ifiiiT Learae Hafarfrtfrfti t-t i Tort t-7 FXXtfxn 1. St. Urns II Baseball Standings "ST. I rxrs: j a Key Tort . 17 S CXerrlasd 3 Bmujb i CbSea 71 W-aiftfe M a tivtiSt- LaeU PiAiiitpiaa is Xatiocal Learae "w."" Cbtcaeo jr; iC Loalf it 56 U U u a 17 m BOWLING The Prisce Paper? Borting AssrxEUicn 5 acd IS pin leagues xB! eosimenee October 1 A& entries mcst be in the hasds of the serretary not .est JBl 5 IRELAND DEFEATS ENGLAND 1 .04 BLACXPOOL, Seat. 25: CP Zrelxac! defeatel Eaflaad 2 to I In tsKmatioRal soeeer today. 3IILUON-TO-O.VE CHANCE DONCASTER, Eat. Seat. 2S CP' "It it 1" OB-to-i abaace res get tbe teUncs gers." aj W ilmr Shepherd. Doacaater spwlaliit a; an iacseu oa a far- Eer irho tfWI from tetaaas folkrs--ing a ml flcg-r "l Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 f Office 315 Second Ayenue COAL W Furniture Moving as oa a loac ot that m be trae ' Ura covered. euy TsaRQg. ijiai ale AP St Haa&ubi Oft &e haaae aviary Hi at ihal a9 haatf hi the death boaae at tm. aa oftec a artaoa aaKhoci atoot as oftcflL ttaac her ie. Anna Sdnaflkr. ts avoid pahfirttT. 1 hahy is a Bronx BaaatauBB'a !ttoy any have that cicht of Fehraary U Ya he heard a )ary of Wht bmw aatf aoar -BOBaea attar their eonTirtnc of hia caOL fohomi w ce of death. Bat he Hh Jailers my he h an Jew: ier He aaka ao favu and h eapeeta none. One artaa ofTirH) hinka hit hehavlar aay be traeed to hia ar-thne trainin in th German amy. He tafcs owcUr to 1 mX ctaffswe ST Loaa Car- Serj amheanitlra; w s itateao-dam the labtTh, - ttehr haw tee KsSe te icr j!1 0(1 - r. acaav ik .Fifi aV xa anttUcd Sr..; w "y 1 they hae (.v, If r-plra:... be Seotse haff acwafc miuaf tjrP tM7 Thxm aau ScdafJtj iBar L, mtern of the on b rr tisAi tte KansB of d Tatl lit fW martThr 'ff1 hu ita aateai a he aa 6anc aha. her haaha&tf c4 Tfc ctf aav aaaa aaH aa oa a ha aceaa oyae li t m the taaca of her year of flffcUBf to Mjlaaaa that laeteaf 1 I V -423 fbjWarT ft he as be vm ttu: year ate vher r v tvaotvr.i; , g Kac4 t. j at -laxttf uxce he . 'Vher. he th Imt ' c- bf-fac -oair w:r.: has awef oornpied brtai He f aaitLr. K la the aaat term So ezerrWd ocr.- to the vai. i: The aotoBtaaraDbv srtUnc baa helpeo ahty to jBOater h. teep biaB faam c- Fosr bmw h.i aaat iui oeD. Th:- i Paaptfwiaa. va.- . then to -atay haads vnOt the c face vaa sei. A -:haae is aaM tc . "tt torn He reads 3308 oocka. ore v the sec- ; Rer D C. Werr. n FINEST OGAjmnPAPss W THE FINEST BOOK AUTOMATIC LACK COVEK Oriiinl m. " ISn ma . HUE COVfJt-TGYTIEM hi aptritaal adn Hr has aainet. : Jeath hoaae rain vvtaht ir - nmrtaMy aay ts cheerfaL Stx knonr if be is c Ueamrtiile he 1. s I- Bij . : j re- the .1 the lrslG22 BOT PROCURABLE The Oririml aff GrMttvLCk-aU&aiKi ton ru. Z1T!T. NEW LOW PRJCE a:s .;: -3 a anag, $385 3 !rvV !v uVJsV.iv--.r.vwf laauaaaBBBBBBBBuav ' ""Twiam jyuu aj t-iat.arajfyfaajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- iLa WijeraeBt U not paUiad or displayed by the Ltaucr Ctf wa or uve Corenuaect of British Colombia. It's interesting to t dc, jthat the people of the whole district are doing the sac