i IS in Ml 1 'II ,2 r3L i nt, InA ft"1 FAGEFOUZ can be readily accomplished with a modern automatic range NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED NATIVES WEEK! SPECIALS HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES Prices Good Till Sept. 30 PURITY FLOUR First CO CA Grade, 98-lb. sack pOOV 49-lb. sack C1 QC f A ff WIS ALBERTA ROSE FLOUR $3.35 2nd., 98-lb. sack 49-lb. sack. $1.75 $1.75 GRANULATED SUGAR $5.60 100-lb. sack 50-lb." sack "... - $2.90 ICING SUGAR 17c 2-lb. pkg. ...... 3 pkgs - 50c BROWN BEANS 25c 4 lbs: 50 lbs, ..... $3.25 JAP RICE 25c 4 lbs PEARL WHITE SOAP-- 15c 4 bars KLONDYKE SOAP--Large 45c bars, 2 for PALMOLIVE SOAP 23c 5 for BLUB RIBBON TEA 47c per lb MUSSALLEM'S TEA - 39c per lb MUSSALLEM'S COFFEE 27c Fresh ground, per lb PURITY ROLLED OATS 29c China, per pkg PURITY ROLLED OATS 22c Plain, per pkg MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Waler Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 ' It's a lot of work to prepare an apple-pie, good house-wife. What a pity if it should burn in baking! Or do you cook in the modern automatic way? If you do, the family is sure of a grand, juicy, golden-crusted pie for dessert. You know why. That famous oven-control has saved you many times from an anxious mind and over-heated body. No staying in the kitchen for'you. Convenient terms of course. The Letter Box " ,'EKTINENT QUESTIONS Editor, Dally News: As we are on the eve of federal election we should study carefully the promises made by Premier Bennett in the 1930 f.ederal elec tion. 1. He was going to have all the unemployed working Inside of three months or quit. Did he do so? No! When he took office there were 100,000 out of work. Two years later there were 800,000 Idle. To day over a million out of work. Can you have faith in a govern ment with such a record? No! 2. He was going to pension off all men over 65 years of age. Did he? No! 3. He was going to blast his way Into the markets of the world. Did he do so? No! Did he fulfil any of his promises? No! Is he going to fulfil any of his promises now If elected? I would say no. It Is only a slip of the tongue or a scrap of paper. You remember his radio broadcasting speeches and the promises he made to you one and all. Did he mean anything by them? No! Did he do anything to help the unemployed by starting a Dominion-wide public works? No! The Conservative party never did help the working class. If you have studied past history you must admit that the Liberal party always fought for the right of the working class. They will do so again and more than ever before. The Liberal party In Canada has as fine a worklne machine anri brains as any party In the world toaay. They have the men and past experience to lead them. So "TILLIE THE TOILER" BIB MAC TUST OVM'T cSST THE MODEL iHOME OFF HIS MlMft' you and your children will never regret voting for them. I would ask the mothers of the unemployed what did Premier Ben nett ever do to help them and their families during the last five years? He did give you a mere pit tance to live on. He kept you and yours half starved, half naked, with no house rent. He, Mr. Bennett, figured, you could live In the jungle like a lot more. Can you cast your vote for a return of Premier Bennett and his government or any of his supporters? No, never! The Liberal party will be In power in Ottawa after October 15 so cast your ballot for them. CANADIAN. BHRWICK - ON - TWEED, Hng., Sept. 25: (CP) James Scott, 60, an elder at Bankhlll Church here fell dead while acting as usher at a service. Reserve Your FUR Call at our store and pick out what furs you wish to purchase this fall Make a deposit and we will hold them until you are ready to complete the purchase. We Have a Wonderful Selection G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable m I'm to Dance If V0TH M3U, T .7 YOU'VE GOT "TO FOK6BT "THAT MODEL Home TBI DULT 1WW1 Wednesday MARINER WHIFFLETS CHEVALIER RETIRES From the Waterfront FILM HERE TONIGHT CaDt. Joe Gosse Was Pilot For Stefansson and Pioneered Over Klondyke Trails VANCOUVER. Sept. 25: (CP) The West Coast has lost the services of one of its most distinguished mariners with the retirement of Capt. Joe Gosse, British Columbia's senior pilot. He recently celebrated his seventieth birth the age limit for pilots. It" was Gosse who piloted Vllh-' Jalmur Stefansson's ship, the Kar- luk, to Alaska when the noted ex-, plorer sailed on his Arctic -expedition In 1914. He also passed through the Klondyke gold rush as ship's master on coastal boats. Happiest and most novel years of his life were spent in the north during the Yukon gold rush. He likes to tell of his experiences during those early days and his favorite yarns follow the exploits of Soapy Smith, a gambler of the old school whom he first met In the Tack Train Saloon, at Skagway. Capt. Gosse was married In Newfoundland in 1889. He received his first sea training in sealing boats . out of St. John's, coming west later and taking the position of quarter master aboard the Canadian Pacific Navigation Company's vessel, the Yosemite. His first command was the Prln cess Louise, side-wheeler, then be longing to the same company. In 1903 he entered the pilotage service ana eignt years later was appoin ; ted special pilot of the Blue Fun I s1 .T l District News TERRACE Miss Edna Dover, who has sper he past year and a half with Mr M:Kim In Weston, Ontario, h-low Joined her sister, Jean, wh eft here recently to continue he ltudies In the east Both, girls arr now studentj In the Listowel, Ont High School. Edna Is taking scnic matriculation work, and Jean Commercial studies. J. E. Panter, CCS", candidate lr Skeena, suppprted by E. E Wlncl' M.L.A., spoke to a full house on Friday night In the Oddfellow Hall here. After the political speeches were- over both speaker' and the audience Joined In the bl-dance at the Orange Hall. This If the dance which had been arrang ed to provide, funds needed In thf sad accident when Miss Lorna Christy and Miss Irene Walt' were badly Injured. Well over $100 was raised. Keith Turner, who has been working at Anyox for some time, Is spending a holiday at Terrace, before proceeding to Vancouver. Jack Bigmore of the Bank of Montreal staff has been transferred to Prince George. A farewell party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Sherwood and Mr. Bigmore expects to leave Terrace next week. POISON PARCEL IN GUTTER LONDON, Sept. 25: (CP) Dangerous chemicals, Including enough poison to kill 1,000 people, were found In a parcel In a gutter at Walthamstow. The chemicals had been stolen and warnings were broadcast cautioning children not to touch any bottles or Jams they might find. "Home, Sweet Home" I Had a swell time,mac N)U the NEVEte MEKmOMEfr HOUSE ONCET Delightful Musical Entertainment In "Folles Berfere" At Capitol Theatre Always popular with Prince Ru pert moviegoers, Maurice Chevalier is here this mid-week in the fea ture picture "Folles Bergere" on the screen of the Capitol Theatre. The picture gives the clever Frenchman plenty of songs and a better op portunity than usual to show his' real acting ability. He plays two roles for the plot Is based on a mistaken identity theme. One of these is as a star comedian of the famous Parisian "Folles" which makes a logical excuse for Introducing several revue scenes and song-and-dahce numbers. These ire clever and have catchy tunes, more especially "Au Revoir 1'-Vhiour," "Rhythm in the Rain" and "Singing a Happy Song." The picture ends with an amusln? t 11 11 a A 1 m loni-ranqn oi me iamous uneva- ,ler 5traw nl- The comedy, of the typical French farce type. Is handled with kill and charm. It Is of a lightly Isque tyne such as Chevalier Is so mt at handllnR with his merry boybh. mischie vou?ncss. The plc'ure Is entirely dominated by Chevalier but Merle Oberon makes a very attractive foil. Milton Oonzales returned to the city on the Prince Ocorgc this morning from a 10-day trip to Vancouver on legal business. , Highest price of the year for halibut was paid here today when the American schooner Esten re- celved 11c and 7.8c for 24,000 pounds. It was the only boat In with halibut today. The J. R. was In with black cod for the Canadian Fish ii Cold Storage Co. My m uc ., ct.1 ...;.,j.. .. y.- rvu v r"l fir ,v7&A" suppose mamMmk C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in port at 11:45 a.m. today from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 10 o'clock to night for Anyox whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. The vessel brought north, a falr-rslzed list of passen gers. C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise. Capt. S. K. Gray, returned to port at 2:30 this afternoon from a reg- ularly scheduled voyage to Alaska and will sail at 4 pm. for Van couver. The vessel has a large list of passengers on board, th? south bound movement of people from Alaska and the Yukon having now commenced. The extensive Job of resurfac- rhg the Alberta Wheat Pool's ele rator. which has been In progress for ovopai -tpbI u npflHnr onm. i iletlon lon but It wilt probably b? couple, of weeks before the Concrete Repairs Ltd. of Canada Ltd. which has the contract, will have finished the work. Progress de pend3 to a large extent on weather -ondltlons. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police cruiser Adversus'ls paying her first visit to this port. She arrived last night from Vancouver md is tied up at C. N. R. Wharf No. 1. The coast freighter Salvor, Capt Albert Georgeson, was In port last; night discharging coal and,general,are also being taken In the spring argo. She proceeded from here to nets, he Naas River to load canned sal- mon- There are still three or, four hun- 1red gillnetters fishing on the Skeena River, according to George Trizzell. who is. In port with his reighter Laura' F. II. There Is a :ood run of cohoes on and pinks PICTURE SPECIALS We have just received a shipment of fine pictures which we arc offering this week at SPECIAL LOW Prices. See our window and inspect our stock inside Add beauty to your home with the newest color and framing. Make very acceptable gifts for . your friends FRENCH MINIATURES-5'2x7'2 polished frames aj. Very special, each MuG 3-PIECE SETS MARINES Light 21 fift & C9 OC polished frames, per set !"" Quiu NATURE SCENES In the new raised colorings 1A llxll2, heavy gilt frame JjlflU 13-152, narrow grey frame j gQ OLD ENGLISH SUBJECTS Very attractive In black Q4 ft A and gold, 8'2xl0V2 and llxl22, each tJ.UU There is a wide range of subjects in various sizes and frames. Popularly priced from 2Cc to $3.50. Come in and see them eMoiMvs.Jjd ,T 7 71 niih,jM i mmmmmmf Mm i ii 1 1 i J-JM?7y I I. PAY G I RLS! GAY TONES' s f a. ! i i Ann $0Tfa Merli OEO a DARRYL F. ZANUCK Produ Itliaiid t h - VINI't) M'll (At 7 41 k Ml) ALSO News - Sportlijht Com FRESH MU.K AM CREAM DA1LT VALENTIN DAIRII Phone 657 RUPERT DELICATESSU J Delicious Home C Meats, Sausage R Meat Pies, Reasonable Prices Trv Our Roast Chickens, Sanc wiches, Salads, Ett Made to Your Order Let us take t. work otf your entertaining Clca and quality mr.urpas "SECOND TO NONE" MiIi!i:JllB:a:lEB;KMEiT:',,"1' -By Westov hcme.maC' ths MODEL HOUSE r-r- KMOVaJ, but hcMBE