OPEKO :11a Plavnvinrr H 9 CM T II HT H Superior Vanilla Flavoring SVa-oz, Kotlle, 25 c D. Vita-Full Builds strength, improves nutrition for crown-ups. A delicious food beverage for everyone every day. One-pound tin, 50c ftx Ml KIABUM i Jjie Ptonecr Driu&ists Phones: 81 & 82 wll BUr nni Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.tn. BSSBSSW . i 1 I UKlsM 1 U 1 lAnA 1 rnll MJFAX n - . a M M and Holidays From JZ noon uu p.m., 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. RETURN LIMIT OF 45 DAYS IN ADDITION TO DATE OF SALE n i D.LUn rom rrince miperi anu ucluiu Coach tToarist tstandard . - $5420 $67.60 SJ4.85 $68.15 . . $57.20 $71.35 . . $60.45 $75.15 $72.40 $?0.40 $81,00 $82X5 583.50 $90.45 $108.40 rymfnt of rgu lr bcri h rste. C;-kI in Tmrutt SWfri on ICoa ftudird Slwprr. on .ment of rfpilar brrlh rste- slfl) n Orpjt LsVes' SUsmers, iccommodation prrmitting. Kiln on r:!icstion. um . tts r. inr i . " - . i. , s,-oirs sllewed rert Annsr, """V":. . vvTVV STATIONS. it) TO OTHER POINTS IN EASTFN fANABA. 1.1. V T.'.t inrnt Ahout YOUR Trip wniF CANADIAN PACIFIC ancouver via ocean tans anu PRINCESS AnFT.AinE. FRIDAYS, 10 P.M. mcouver Direct, HDTvm- . i rix, IRtVi Hh. Oct. 4tn. lOin. i r. n vu nit iu r ij anr n v. sj . naiAkii a s , b it -i p m tin.... . aaiu b"js i r n , For Information and reservations U nr wlte W. L. COATF.S, General Agent. Prince Kupert, B.U UNION $TBAMJ$HIPS LIMITED di...... i n..rt fnr Vancouvir "toiuiis icuve riince vupt -t . S PIT? A --......-.. m w I Vr .fin i M Arriving u mi . .j .. S n.. .1 ..T Arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. sa River i"""' &ave ri mi;c uuiiert duuukj, " r . iii.uiiiittLiiin rpunrninu nil iHiiniKa fklNre u'cot . . fhone B D.ELIO FUHNITUUE and EXCHANGE WE BUY and WE SELL USED FURNITURE Hiker Kitchen Range, Beds, Buffet, Table, Etc. ox 50 phonc Grecn 42i 110 Third Ave. Mr. and Mrs. William Ranee, who have been on a holiday trip south, returned to the city from Vancou ver on the Prince George this morning. Edward Llpsett arrived In the city on the Prince George this mornlne from Vancouver, belne here on one of his periodical visits to his local business; James Thompson, one of the managers of c. H. Orme's political mile. campaign, received word this mor-i nine that J. T. Harvey. Dr. Alfred ; Thompson and . the candidate ad-j dressed a splendid meeting at Terrace last night. ; W. J. Sturees. fuel and tie agent I for the western region of the Can adian National Railways wlthj headquarters In Winnipeg, arrived) In Aii the .V city V from the -v East on last' . irviim Mies T.lnnea Han- son Is expected to arrive in the. c)ty shortly from Smltners. i t w Plnmmer. formsrlv of King Axel Olsen, George K. Vlk, Chris Hagen, Otto J. EUertsen and Ole G. Stole, all wen Known v,oiiv,nt fishermen, are leaving on this evening's train for New York where they will embark October 2 aboard the steamer Stavangerijoia for Bergen, Norway, to spena uie winter. nnmlnlnn Constable and Mrs. E. . Newnham arrived In the city on the Prince George tnis morning vonr-nuver and will proceea on the Prince John at the end of the week to Massett. Mrs. wewn- V.nm Viae hppn finendink the sum- mer in Manitoba while -Constable Newnham was stationed on tne Naas River. TH1 DAILY NTWI LORAL NEWS NOTES Be warm and comfortable by in 32 Taxi li costs the same. William Brass returned to the jelly on the Prince George this ! morning from a trip to Vancouver. ; :., Cltv Billiard Chamnlonshlri: tire- , r r sentatlon of tronhles y at Canadian Legion Clubrooms, Friday, Sept- 27 av o pjn. amission due. . yzu) Mrs. A. D. Gillies returned to the city on the Prince George this mornins from a vacation trio to Vancouver and Seattle. L. H. Haworth. who has been on a trip to Esqulmalt for naval train ing, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. You ran rent a ear at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day. plus 7c. t t o. B. A. Scotch and Canadian dances. Oddfellows' Hall, Thursday, Sept. 26, 9:30 pjn. Adm. 35c. (222) w tt nnttnn. assistant district engineer for the provincial depart- ... i A r fiu ment of pupnc worKs at Dimmers, arrivert in th r.itv irom uie in terior on last evenings train, being here on a brief visit on of flclal business. W. A. Oswald, assistant fire mar shal for the nrovlnce of British Co lumbia.-and K. Ichll, Japanese consul for British Columbia, will be the speakers tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Witloul CaUtHbi TWB )un OU tf Bed ii die Mining Rarii' U C The Btct should oonr out two ponndi ot liquid bile into your bow' dailr. It Ihle Ml. U not flowing freely, your food doetn't iigt'X. It jut deny in the bowela. Cu bloau up your lUmuh. You set constipated. Yout whole intern U poieoned and you feel (our, look and the world looks punk. Laxatives are only makeshift. A mere bowel mevemeat doesn't get t the caoae. It take those rood, old Carter's Little Liver Fills to get these two pounds of bile flowing M .t M.L.nui fl'tin Anil nn' H.nn. less, rentle. yet amasing in making bile flow M I 1 I I Pill. ireeiy. a - - " Dame. Stubbornly refuse anything siM.ZSc. OIIII.S.HCO. Hotel Arrivals Savoy Matt Olsen, bona River; J. Cor- m ailU J . VydlVtlvCif UIJ y night's train In his private car.n Terrace; C. Kelly, ilous- Tla tt',11 lsfiVO th1 PVPTlln? On hi? A " c'CUeva iit ta avv o i vuil, ivi. rwncaii oa.iniv.ij, riatum T?acf I tf netnl i O. Anderson and F. Durden, Stan sergeani Aiex icivcu,i(,ty. H B Scott and P. Biancne, ICIllt'l ui vic uukiivu - yanCOUVcr, JACK UCc aim n. oius- MIC pu il'V.-i I ' VHUUig, OlCWaib, ,1 V .uv been In the Atlin district for some swanson and Sverre Pedersen. i. ' ...111. 1 ! Viv . - , time in connection wnu siuu,c uu j juneau; P. J. Murpny, uarmen nign-graaing cases mcic, '-ismitri ana K.eun u. ruuen, it-r-pected to return to the city ln;Xce about ten aays- ume. i rrince Kupert I W. G. Scott, F. Lobb, W. A. Os- Mrs. Olof Hanson arrived In the jjd and E h. Teel, Vancouver; .ii.. et n itM' lrnin lrum i n,.mn..i. rnnfni' ir rui Bmlthers lo. take up jresioence io MrSi j McCall, Port .Simpson; B. the winter after having spent the ghannon, Usk; Fred M."Wells and season at her summer home atUj j Gook( Announcements Edward High School teaching staff; i.. Sre arrived In the city on the Rebekah Bridge and Crib, 1U Odd princess Louise this aternoon frpm j fellows' Hall, Sept. 25 the Squaw Creek country wnere , n Q the summer en-1 . s has been spending fi an irpfi in mlnlne and will pay a;ePl- visit here before proceeding iu Vancouver. Terrace Concert September 28. Toe H Bridge, October 2V , Catholic Church ber 2 and 3. Bazaar Octo- Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 3. United Annual Supper October 8 Lutheran Church Bazaar Oct. 10, Metropole Hall. Gyro mlnistrel showr 11:15 pjn October 14, Capitol Theatre, Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17 Hygga's Bazaar, October 25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall October 30. , t.ii Hugh Martyn, vocal. recital, Nov. Visiting the city in his lclal e Fispnhardt. rr.1 .h.t riirprtnr director no oo ot,r t recreation and physical education for the, provincial governmeni-, Ui- rived In the city from vicwua u the Prince George this morning and was the speaker at tne regular weekly luncheon of tne v nnce nu- ntrri r oh todav. rresiaexii o. UC1L V " " ' Tnhniir was in tne cuau ' nui. thprp was a Rood auenaance ot members with a few guests, MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE PILLWS BV SIMMONS 45 Pairs Pillows- .50 f rom, per pair t S27 Third Aye., Prince Kupert Phone 775 Presbyterian Bazaar, Novembei Daughters of Norway Nov. 8, Moose Hall. ' B Charles Kellev arrived In the city nn last niehf train from Houston with a carload of Bulkley Valley beef for P. Burns here Co.'s abbatolr Mr. and Mrs!T. J. Shenton are sailinsr on thT Princess Louise this afternoon for the so"utli.Mr. Shen ton Is going to Seattle pn muung business. Mr. Beattv. who has been paying a visit here with ber daughter Mrs. Fred5 McLeodi sails byf fee Process Louise in is axiernooa on ucr icmm LO VtHltUUVCI. Tnhn AH cad fhi rrah man. was taken with a -lit" thU'afternpon In Mrs. Cook's kitchen on Sixth Ave nue. The pplice were called and he was with great difficulty taken to the hospital. A. Gardiner, travelling auditor for the Canadian NaHonaJ Steam ships, is a visitor in u?e city on. ui- flclal business, having arnvea on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. H. J. Greig, who has been sup plying as rector of St. Peter's An glican Church here during uie summer, sailed by the Cataia yes terday afternoon on his return to his theological studies at Vancou ver. Mr. Meeker arrived In the city on the Prince George today from the south, having been called nere on account of the Illness of his father. J. A. Meeker, who was seized with a stroke on Sunday and who Is now a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Fred M. Wells and Malor E. J Cook of the Omineca ,Gold .Quartz Co., which is engaged In opening ud the well known Dardanelles property on Copper River near Terrace, arrived In the city on last night's train from the interior and will be returning tonight 1p ;azaar, St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaai Orange Ladles nazaar. Nov. 28 St. Peter s Bazaar December 5. MOOSE HALL RENTAL KATES .Concerts J-$2S.OO Dances , 20.00 Public Meetlnas .'. ....15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetlncs la ppw available" on tne ground floor, rental rate, " $4.00 For engagements pjxone the Club Btewaid, 840 or 12. TODAY'S VEATIIER Terrace Cloudy, east wind, 40. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 40. Stewart Clear, calm, 37. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 31. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, frosty. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 24. rOLICE TO PAY C.QSTS BLACKPOOL, Eng., Sept. 25: (CP) After hearing police had made "a huge blunder" in arresting a man for .theft, local magistrates awarded costs amounting to $150 against the authorities. THJEFS OVEL DISGUISE LONDON. Sepl. 25: (CP) Police in North London are searching fori a man wearing women s clotning believed responsible lor numerous thefts from clergymen's homes. RANGOON'S OPIUM ADDICTS RANGOON, India, Sept. 25: fCP) Medical authorities here disclose Chinatown. Tune in Topics MONDAY SEPT. 23 7 TK Tnnli Tnnps K.TR 8 P.M. Western P.a'did Players, 9 P.M. Headlines of the Past, KOIN. TTTPSinAV SEPT. 24 6:00 P.M. Heavywdpht Prizefight, Joe Louis vs. Mix Baer, k.uml, 7:20 P.M.-Blend Half Hour. KJR 9:00 P.Mr-Fantare, nru. mrnvi?nV. SFPT. 25 6:00 P.M. Scandinavian Reporter, tn 9:15' P.M. Rendezvous Musical, KPO. 19:45 PAL Dude Ranch, KNX. TiirmRriAV SEPT. 26 7!sn pm. Winnlne of the West, KPO. . . 815 PA1. Symphony Orchestra 9:00 P.M; Under the Stars, RCV cnih&v. kept. 21 6:30 P.M. Sinforletta Orchestra, tfitcHUf Bach. CfutiAaidLC. of Metben. JMkivuivi printed on every package QUAKER CORN FLtK$ . . 7:30 PAI Beauty Box Tiieairf, KPO. . 10:30 P.M. Popular Concert, KJR. SATURDAY, ntPf. 5 , 7:30 P.M. Ray" "Noble Orchestra, wnn ir.vnliiinorp. fiRCV. I:00 Pif. -j-Holly wood Barn Dance, 9;15 PJA. Waltz Time, KJR. SUPERIOR RADIO ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 ILLJiL Wanted small upright piano. Ap ply Prince Rupert iBotel. 22 FOR RENT FOR RENT Single housekeeping .room or bedroom. Phone Red '444. (224) TWO Remodelled 5-roomed flats jand well furnished apartment with chesterfield etc. Phone 543. (tf) FOR SALE BICYCLE in excellent condition Phone 384 or call 315, Third FOR SALE 7-room house, Ave. W., Phone 3S4 or see Dyb jhavn & Hanson (225) IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" Aian IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM STEWART. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hia Honor. W. E. Fisher the 6th day .t &nmlstr&tOT 01 tne estate 01 wiuuuo Irig eln'ima against the 5ald estate are mIm verified, to me on or before the MYrh it,, Af DMrtv.r A n IQJl tunA all parties Indebted to the estate are re quired to pay We amount 01 tneir in- NORMAN A. WATT rp'ir;TAr. akttntrtrator AlCTMiN MALE TIMBER SALE X18988 Thr will 1 nffred for sale at Pub lic Auction, at noon on the Twenty-fifth dar of Octobtr. 1935. In the office of the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. .tne ucence AiBueo to cut x.ait,-009 feet, iboard measure, of Spruce Ce dar and HemiocK on an area aajouuiu; Lots 652 and 653, Lycll Island, Queen CJiarlotte Island Land District. One year wUl be allowed ror remo- ur1 rtt Mmhpr. 'Pr.wiflerl anv one unable to attend tho mietirin In tjerson mav submit Classified Ads WANTED I I ;tsnder to be opeued at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further partUulars may be obtained tered opium smokers in tne citys ZT AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Wanted to sell leather neckties or silk neckties for us. We sell you at a. price thataljows you to make 100 commission. ( Write today for free samplesjand particulars. Ontario Neckwear Company, Dept. '605, Toronto 8, Ont. IN TIIE SUPREME -COURT OF. BRITISH COUJMBEtA. W PROBATE )N TIIE MATTER OP THE "ADMINM- TBAT1UN AVA ANTJ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Ol" CHARLES KARSKI8. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His ,t i,,a nr r pliw th 10th dnf Of 8eptivbr AJJ. 1935 I WM a.ppolnteU Karskla late of AUln, Brltlh Coliunbli, deceased, and all pArties hayln clalrrn zalnat th? said Ertat are hereby re- l quired to lurnWh same properly veflfleil i to me on or belore the 20tt day of October AX). 1835 and til persons indeb- Fifth! .he amount cl their lndeMedneM to mi -, .lorthwlth . .-,'' '' r . Tn-- . -.--v.-, irjattd the 11th th IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ' day ot Bepteoxbw.,1935. ester. Victoria B, C- or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. O. Steamship Sailings Prince Rupert B. c por Vancouver LMHiWii 11 1 iui uav ui of.'ibCAii:iu i ' A. D. 1935. TIMBER SALE X18874 cia win h received 1)7 the Minuter ot Land not later than noon on the nn day 01 .urowr. for the pure case 01 uwucc cut Wtl.OOO feet at Sprue. Cedar and Hemlock on an area snuatea ou south aide of Louise Narrows . .Oum- Bhewa inlet, Queen unarioyic u Land uiwoi. ... , . ... Two year win ue hivn removal of timber. ' Tuesday Calala .4:30. p.m. Thursday ss. Prince qeore ' ..II.. :10:30 p.m. Friday ss: P. AdelaldeXilQ p.m. Ss. Cardena ..WjfflWnight Saturday ss. Prince Rupert .10:30 p m. September ,6, 15 and 25.4.;5 p.ra. From Vancouver '.. . 1: Sunday ss. Cataia -pjn. : Wed. ss. Pr. George ; ..iid. a.m ' Friday ss. Prince Rupferf 10 a.m . Ss. princess Adelaide; C..,4 p rn. j- Ss., Cardena pm.J' Sept. 1L 21 'and 30 a.m. J. For Stewart and Premier - . " Bunday s, Cataia . ? p.m. V! Are You Ready For Winter? fj We have a fine selection of heaters Jr. types and sizes to assure the warmth and Comfort of any home. Heaters for wood, coal .or oil .burner Installation in attractive finishes. Drop In and. Inspect our selection. You will find that our prices, are 'right. GORDON'S HARDWARE W s Si 311 jff'iiralftRilBBia iWati tl'.rtS iMi rtHMlWUi'WKiiSlir'aHIRile :Jlil ! tfi : ' UlUM '.11;! ; UI IW ainm ar.laim ;IIJ : Uim iiui.wai.1 aBHai n a am The Fish which made Prince Rupert fmws -Rupert Brand" SMOKED OILjO coo Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ui PRINCE RUPERT, B,C.