Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides rnnre nwpcrt Part cloudy, ba-,,,tT. M-50; temperature. 35; , ,t smooth.. r.;V No 55, Today's Stocks rr a d mujm o.i Yancnrrr A ndrt. jOIHi. rt r Nkkt. .45, fi'i: Hlmun .38. h- han. tjj5. D.ion, ,. r n coni wv. n p x odw. .is. ( boo 1.28. " inta. M. i mis River. .00. ' ' 'inda. 30. t irr Creek. 0; unite. .14. H 'ruies, .oi 14. T ;un. 01. " s uj 18. M- :"Un. .134. M! nilng Star. .07. tonal Silver. .03fc. K 'lilr Five. .OOV4. I' mi Ortlllc, J51. I rt r Idaho. .09. 1'mler. 1.05. I. vr McDonald. .12. r ward. .Oi T-rio til. ' V'T 0mt, xi4. mon Oold. .u. T'Mnr nridec. .19. WMtrwater. .05 ti. W 'Vrrly Tangier, .00, Toronto f " (ral Patricia, 1 49. r 1 IbouBamau.MV,. -''r Oold. .04ft. Canada, .14. . 1 Nickel. 23.15. , Ma- assa, 2.40. N iunda. 3450. r ' n ut Gordon, io. ' --'-'v 3.13. V'-iiruros, .08. I Maron. .03i. T llURhes, 4 jo. !ury Uanln. 1.42. ' numarlo. .09. r;mHt..r Qold. .14. f MalarUo. .03. -' "'' J-"iis: Ur, C.73. I' "k Criiw. 2.40. M " & Eastern, .04. M'KniT.C Itcd ljkc. 120. !tir-"" River Gold. .09. Uod like. 1.02. Funeral Notice Tin Twelve Seriously Injured in Addition to Dead Countryside Rocked For Five Miles Scores Knocked Down and Trampled r . ST. GEORGE, Utah, March 7: fCP) Ten persons were killed and a dozen others seriously injured late last night when a large charge of nitro-glycerine prematurely exploded as 'a crowd gathered to watch the spectacular I "shooting of the first oil well in this district The explo- ive charge, dropped into the unnnished well, exploded prematurely, ripped the derrick , from 1U moorings and hurled it fvpw Ti "VT TP Into the crowd which Included a lli((BN number of women. The terrific AVLLIUIVUU Mast rocked Utt countryside for five Ti i T T T TIiTH"1 miles. Scores were knocked down K A I I T fl V t V and trampled upon rush to escape from flash of flame. in the mad' the bllndlnc Close to rive Hundred Persons At tend Witness of Christian Ser- .Mouc ri orix tiun KVn: NOW C.ETT1NG KCLltr IN 8TATU WASHINGTON. D.C.. March 7: It was announced by the authorities yesterday that the number of persons on relief in toe United States had reached a new all time record of 22.- 37t00 Relief Is now costing the country over IS.000,000 dally. It Is stated. Washington City Gets Duststorm Sln-ft and Building Covered With, Thick Coatlni Believed to Have 1 Come from Kansas I gloated In Kansas blew m from the west yesterday. Streets and bulla -tnes of the capital were covered with a thick coating Pioneer Yukon 1 1 Man Succumbs JKph Ca!.cy, Who Freighted During Gold Rush, Away Jn Victoria VICTORIA. March 7: (CP Jo iiPih Casey, nloneer freight opera 4 vice In Capitol Theatre Bishop Speaker Delivered Inspiring Call to Spiritual Devotion Various Protestant I MInLt.r Tiltr Pari ' With Rt Rev. G. A. Rlx DD.. Bishop of Caledonia, delivering the address and members of the clergy of various Protestant denomina tions In the city participating in the service, there was a great religious rally last nUht In the Capitol Theatre with a congregaUon ap-proxlmaUng some six hundred persons In attendance. It was the opening Service of Witness In cori- ncctlon with a campaign of evangelism which will be conducted throughout the Lenten season In Prince Rupert churches. Bishop Itlx 1 Asserting that there had never I been a time when men were more inclined to speak of God In connec dared that a new spiritual movement appeared to be developing and appealed for the assistance of! the whole man power of Prince Rupert In the endeavor of the clergy to bring people to the service of Ood and the establishment of His King dom on earth. Today, as In the time of Jesus, declared Bishop Rlx, there were enemy elements which were shut lor during the Kiondyke Oold Rush, J disbelief, died here Tuesday night at the age 1 selfish materialism, pursuit of busl- of CO. He came to Victoria 48 years iness and pleasure having no room ago from Quebec. : POLITICAL OI I LNt'LS 10 in; rttNisiiAiiu: BY DKATII IN JAPAN TOKIO. March 7: A blow 4- was dealt at communism In Jauan yesterday hcn a mea- 1 sure was Introduced by the ! government In the Diet pro- vlding for the Imposition of . the death sentence upon pou- funernt f tlcal leaders who seek to fun- Jf0"w Nelson, wilt take place from damcntally change the present "uyncr-, Funeral Parlors. Friday totm of government In Japan. r "iocrs piease aiiena. 1 Canadian Leclon. B.E5.L. e for Christ, and. possibly the worst of oil. an attitude of indifference! . which might be termed by some so- ' tiliUMnnl Inn hv ALhrrs tnlrrAnpp jniid by sUll others broadmlndcd- ' ncss. The clergy In Prince Rupert ns elsewhere, ackiiowledclng tholr sharcjpf responsibility for the failure or delay of the entrance of the Klnedom of God Into the world, were soro at heart with things they could sec In the lives of the people and of those in charge of affairs. They believed that the remedy lay ln the brlnjlng of the Spirit of God and the Life of Jesus Christ among the neople. But God wished and needed Dcoule to dedicate them j. ! Continued oh Page 1 n Ned Sparkes Is Divorced ting out Christ and prevenUng the ' comedian, was divorced establishment of the Kingdom of! by his wife, Mercedes. . Ood. Among these elements were glorified nationalisms. Decree Granted Yesterday in Los Angeles to Wife f Canadian-Born Comedian LOS ANGELES. March 7: Ned Sparkes, Canadian - born screen yesterday WANT OF CONFIDENCE MOTION VOTED DOWN VICTORIA. Matrh 7: CP The want of confidence mo- I Hon of the Co-operaUve Com- ! monwcalth Federation was de- fcated in the Legislature last nluht by a vote of thirty to nine. Herbert Anscomb and 1 CUve Planta. Independent members for Victoria and Peace River respectively, voted with the government and HiiRh Savage, Independent for Cowichan-Ne wcastle, and Tho- mas Uphill Socialist. Fernle. with the Opposition. t t NOUTHEKN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMHIAS NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THl'RSDAY. MARCH 7; 1U35 Reports from Honda indicate that John D Rockefeller, world-famous millionaire oil tycoon, no longer play his u&lly game of e jIX or takes his walk about his Florida estate. While nothing definite can ix learn d it is thought the 96-year-olti millionaire is confined to his home. John D. often expressed the desire to Ive to be 100 It u estimated that be has given away an amount equal to his present fortune A recent picture of Rockefeller 'and his Florida home are shown. Lardeau and Gerrard In Kootenay District Now in Need of Relief Airplanes May be Pressed Into Service to Transport Much Needed Supplies Pending Rc-opcning of Blocked Railway Line NELSON, March 7: (CP) Thirty-five people in Lardeau and Gerrard, sixty miles north of Nelson in the Trout Lake district, have been cut off from the outside world since January 10. No mail has been received since then and WASHINGTON. DC . March 7:- tion with the soluUon of the world's; fnH(.tffs are nnw runninrr short, it is reDOrted here. A oust storm believed to have ori-, difficulties and that leaders were, cnmiftc snH clirW Hrirlf thP railwav line from tending more and more to link e ol Ky ki Laiest Uiemseivcs up wua uuu, mauup Rlx, In an inspiring message, de- reports state that feed for livestock has been exhausted. Airplanes may be used to take in supplies pending utmost efforts to open the railway line. TEXAS CITY THREATENED WITH STRIKE EL PASO, Texa March 7: Forty-five local labor unions have voted in favor of a sympathy strike with power company workers who are demanding concessions from their employers. A complete tie-up 1 of the entire power traction and j electric light service of 'the cKy is threatened. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Clear, calm. 10. Anyox Clear, calm. 18, Stewart Clear. c-lm, 10. Hazelton Snowine. calm. 8. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. cold. Burns Lake- Snowing, calm, 17. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. March 7: (CP) Bar silver closed at 57c per ounce on ENGAGEMENT IS BROKEN Adolf Hitler Breaks Appointment With Sir John Simon, British Foreign Secretary LONDON, Marcli ": Pleading a cold, Keichsfuerer Adolf Hitler of Germany yesterday cancelled an engagement with Sir John Simon, British foreign secretary, at which it had been planned to discuss problems affecting the peace of western Europe. Opponents of the government suggested yesterday that HiUer had no cold but had broken the HiZh 3:13 am. 22J& It 15:43 pm. 20.1 ft. Low 9:43 ajn. 2.4 ft 21:48 pjs. 5.1 ft enici. mr cents UTAmiL WELL BLAST KILLS TEN 5, FOOD SUPtZS RUN SHORT IN SNOWBOUND B. C. TOWNS Premature Explosion oi Nitro-Glycerine Causes Catastrophe; Derrick Blown Among Onlookers THEATRE IS SOLD fntlMi JniHrate riirrlir Or-phfum Property n Granville Strrrl in Vancouver rN iMJVKIt, MMeh T: CV--. ...i important ileal to Ormo-. H ftM-i property l lar was - vmtcnUy who Uk York- r and Pacific Swewlttes Ltd.. . for an BngUtfe syndicate, .sz-d ihr orphwi Theatre .L iiii: adjoining the Hotel ,ut for S3M.0OO casta. John D. Rockefeller Confined to Home? SPECULATE ON POLICY Presidft Kooserelt Asserts Commodity Prices Still Too Low WASHINGTON. D.C., March 7: A declaration yestsrday by Presi dent Franklin D. Roosevelt that commodity prices in the United Utates were still too low caused l speculation as to future govern-' ment policy. It was intimated, however, in authoritative quarters that ! no further devaluation of the dol-I ar was planned at this time. President Will : Attend Funeral I National and Military Honors to Be I Pair at Obsequies For Oliver WendeU Holmes WASHINGTON, D.C March ?: President Franklin D. Roosevelt will personally attend the funeral tomorrow of the lat Oliver Wendell Holmes, former Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Service in All Soul's Church win be f qltowedhjLhitejmet Jn, Arlington National Cemetery. There will be full military honors Aimee and Dave Now Divorced Angelus Temple Romance Finally Ended With Issuance of Decree Yesterday LOS ANGELES. March 7: Judicially sepatated some time ago, Aimee Semple MePherson, Foursquare Gospel evangelist, and David Hutton were divorced yesterday with the issuance of a decree here. Mental cruelty was charged. The engagement in view of the newly I evangelist is at present on a trip announced British army, naval and air force building program. The foreign secretary, however, insisted that Hitler really had a cold. lakeTget B1GST0RM Lake Superior in Grip of Winter Tempest With Damage Estimated at $1,000,000 DULUTH, March 7: Lake Superior was In the grip yesterday of a wild winter storm with heavy wind and intense cold. At least $1.-000.000 damage is estimated to have been done. Throughout the north- 'west there has been snow. GOING BACK TO SENATE? Huey Long Again Changes His I. Mind Not to Run For Cover- nor After All, He Says WASHINGTON. D.C, March 7: iHuey Long has agein changed his ! mind In recard to his future poli tical Intentions. He announced yesterday that, instead oi running for governor of Louisiana, as he had Just intimated, he would run for re- ! election to the Senate. He still does the local metal market yesterday, not expect to be in the presidential bounding up to 58 3-10c today. i field next year. to the Orient Greatest Mardi Gras is Ended NEW ORLEANS, March 7: The most colorful Mardi Gras in the hundred years' history of that annual celebration name to a close yesterday. As usuil. it attracted many thousands of visitors to this city. ROBBERY OF GOLD VALUED AT $107,000 FROM BRITISH AIR FIELD LONDON. March 7: Scot- land Yard Is investigating a sensaUonal robbery of $107,000 of eold vesterdav from Crov- j don airport. Hie gold was I stolen while awaiting trans- 1 port by air to France. Public Notice Any person crossing Section 2 bridge at niore than 5 miles per hour is driving to the common danger and will be