a H a M IS N 21: 40 . 45 II M it H M . M H a IN A DAILY CUP OF BOVRIL Announcing the New 'arke Davis Toiletries anutactured by Parke, Davis & Co. Walkervflle. Qatarki After Shaving Lotion i ,h' Cream ('did Cream Comfort Tak k'Htal Cream Face I'mwler ejjetal Toilet Water Liquid Shampoo ing ( n-am Skin Frenhner Skin lotion ini Cream Tiwuie Cronm aiushinp Cream 11 1 ZUMKB9B I ru"v Equipped and I lay Mrt.ced Cnimnf-v lapan Th '"" '''"itieate Issued '"'h ohlawy cleaiini OaM r T.a - " iii ompMHi Hardware M . Ill ul' SI a a 5k .",! sic He :::( YV He He 5V i r ;. iLm, ontirolv nnu CI! I 1 1 1 If -1 I I- -HUM 1 II illj; lllllltv " a 1 L - ..I '..nurlii'. Lifilimr elrnir la mi I at Mirco in "in n uiatiu - iwwti !. aoUMa. The name uuarantee. the pnKluct. Ormes Ltd, I lie Uriah Open llaih fmra a. in till I m Sumlut and Hnlalav. From 1? ncmn ofl 7 p it nil M P rn nan n.tti., Bulkley Valley Coal uHMMMMMvagawaaaaw The Local Product The Logical Choice Id BECAUSE IT IS Hotter, Chaser, Laati Conner Rulkles alley ( oal and Save Monev a CX)MK. MSKK Ol'K J I . WALLPAPER -X , .l litems ol sl'NWtiRTin WALLPAPERS " 1 'I. in and see them You wMl be surnriset ' LB huv huy theae Lhjuui hi'jiutllul mautllul nuall'll. moden. I luis )" at- at what small yuur vuur rooms hkuus uper loi mm GORDON'S HARDWARE ; I'luinr ' D.ELIO "l:IH I,, Xl , ,; it'll, " t Third Ave A First Bt USED McClary, Ourney. Eaebangmg and Aui tiaaeer Phone Oiecn -t ; Rattan to-Wear sailed this afternoon uit mm- Caxttetia fur I bu.il-t!.;. ' Vancuuvei e K A N (i KS Oxford Malleable ad ( hmtiak, all in good coiulltion leds and all kinds ol household goods fir. rmauwmmmwmmmm in Rug Qeaned & Walked naifi ue f-t,1 and Fumigated Prices Reamuiitulr BRUCE STFVFNS paONaV-ll VI i ..i Wotads lAniustte Stun-1 umefc u Uie oily on tbr Car-u. n itu.K murianK from a brief uu.ur utt -o Anyux aud Bu-w- J A Hanson Superintendent ot lU 1 A Kelly LogKlng Co 's t amp at Kelwyn laid. U payuyj a brief vi-.it to Uie city, having arrived y eater day by gjuboat from the Queen Charlotte Islands Nmmi Ikou'l Irt unit rliiUlrrai uffrr from II O O I' I N ! Ot 4. II r HOI C t II.- it Iturklr ul IIiiih Ihr -. ..ni. i-iiml arU Uv It. M) M M O'Brien, chief field engineer for the Consolidated Mining ,v .i. :-. r, ,t i. t. A ,S Jure .." i.K i-iu nieer tor the com pany. were pas tiger aboard the Caittena today returning to Van-couvei attei . . -.tiuv Uie Bits Mis- Announcements Baptist Welsh Tea. March l Eastern Star Hall. March 1 Dance Oddfellows' Philharmonic Society concert. Presbyterian Church March 4 and 5. B 15 p.m Pioneer s Banqur' Monday March Tor H ruary ?7 Bridst 830 Wednesday Fen- Annual dinner mevtmg Horticultural Society. Commodore Cafe March 4. at 7 Suppei -carnival, led Church. Prrabytcrlan March 14. March 12 Uni- 8t Pa'ruk's Tea SI Patrick' supper and concert March 18 Presbyterian Sunaay SchtKil Concert. March 22 Presbyterlnn Church Choir Con eert April S Moose Hall I Spinsters' Spree i PfMay, March 1 l.arties. .V dents. Oancinu. I M Sharp 35c MANURE I'or Sale SI. 50 a Lead DOMINION DAIRY IN Tlir aUPHEMk CJOt'KT OK BRITISH ooi.uaaiA I tlf RATTKK OF THf. ADM IN IS TRATTON ACT" and IN THF MVI'IVK llf THF aeTTATf OV l! , 11 S Ul VMMIN Mil I K'! " ( I t-i'l , TARE NOTICH: th to? i,r'w H HOUMN W K FUtlwr tlvr 2tb Ax ot .lanimrv. Vd laaa I Wii'tkl KM-riitrm jf 'lie aii uf Juilu Bn-amta MUler flecwwNt. tuwl " Par'" iatvmn olatma .maiiuw aw lieret rrqulrwd W Mnuali " iimuerlv wrtfied U tue n bfo ii- li tii Uk at Maeoli, AD 1UW ami all rtia uictakut'il Ui tue tv tv miuniHi i" pa la .:n I net- ,ii(lehtertnef. U me fur' h with L1BBY MILLER. ExK-utrlx f-(. Mewire Piitmnre PMlton Prime Uiljiert, Br Dated kbe OUi day ol February HIS. UAJLT LOCAL NEWS NOTES Yum rati rem a r at Waaaa jtw law 4 $1 mi a aaj. pint 1c. a mile. Yuiiiahl s iruui. due iron the 'ft ai H i wa reported '.hits MRk t be on time. le r rta-J Ina m 32 Tajal4t aasta the same I 4 W Cawo will bo nUaiiiiMk to lUr city uu lb- Prin G'-orae tomorrow morning from a brtff trip to Va.uaouM K. J. Smith tetiurul w th ctty on the Cardena thia nonuuy atti matin Uie round tup ' Ai.vtfi and Stewart on buainea.-. C C Mill will return to the cfcly on the Prince George Thursday evenuie. after making the trip to Auyojc and Stewart on bu.iues G F Guuett total iu..naet of the Swift-Canadiaii Co. returned to the city on Uie Cauleua thu morning after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on bui- a Mis Inger Murvold ha returned to the ctty from Smlthers where she took part in the Queen of the Carnival proceedings In connection with the recent Western Canada ski champloniihlpis meet. Alex Crawford, father of W J Crawford, well known Stewart transportation man. waa a passenger aboard the Carden.. Sunday evening returning from Vancouver to Stewart after having spent the winlei in ihe south I Both Oordon of the Klnv Edward i High School teaching stall has ac cepted an invitation to aodreas the Prince Bupert Gyro Club at iU re- I gular weekly luncheon on Wednesday His subject will be The Edu- i cational History of Prince Rupert " Chest Colds m Kub well over m fcnm and chat ft ?Sji5J$ XFR V MILLION JABS USI YfcABll R Hotel Arrivals Kwyal Montgomery, city; J E Odd- mi J Kristmarvton and F. Krist-uuiuson. Osiand Pnnee Kuaert J A Hanson. Selwvn Inlet Central J Hadlarui Oona River: J Jones. SaskaUion. Robert H Bates. PhUa-delphui. Adams Carter. Baston. Haitness Beardsley 9print;field Vermont Knox J. Johnson. Ocer.nic: J Forbes. Terrace. Oeorge llculey. Steamships Sailings i or Vanrouvei Tuesday Catala T3li p.ni Thurs si. P Oeorge 10 30 p m Friday -a Prin Adelaide 10 p.m Sk Venture midnight Saturday -si Pr Oeorge 8 pjn. Per. M and 28 ss P Norah 5 p.m e Prin Adelaide 10 p.m ram Vancouver Sunday- ss. Catala 4 p.m iVd a. Pt George 10 a-u Friday ss Prin Adelaide 4 pin Ss Venture p in j Feb 10 and 84 ss P Norah ajn I or Anvox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m Wednesday m P Oeorge 4 p m Fmm Any.x and Stewart Tuesday as. Catala 11: 3d am Thursday ss Pr ueoxge a p.m Saturday ss. Pr George 5 p.m Fer Naas Rivr and Fort Simpdoi- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p m From Naaa River a Fort Simpson Tuesday ss Catala ...11:30 am ear Queen Charlotte Islands Feb 15 ss. Prlpi" .lohn 10 p.m rrom ijueen Charlotte Ulanda Fab, 13 and 37 ss. Pr. John a m far Qeaan Fall- Thurs as P Oaorge 10 3D p ra rtlaay ss Prin Adelaide 10 p.m Saturday ss Fr. Oeorge 6 p.m Ss Prin Adelaide 10 p m rem Ocean FaTW Wed. as Pr Gforfe 10 a m Fc Akyska - b 10 and 24 ss P Norah a m Help Kidneys II Ki.laev Troui.l'' aiJr Wlr-nm make you euiter rrom Oetllne I't- NlKhtn. rtervouenepa, rl..'.lnee. tlieuiiiaiieiu. Ktlflneaa. nuriiina. tiiiMUi. Iti hlni or Acidity tr il.a IiiH tni e pr ni.tlun rate (Hlaa-toa. Muat and y..u. ii.'i.l.laa In I daya Mvaax la. a i: IH M diufikjta Robert Gord( British-Israel Ass'n Speaker At Ut aeu-roae'bJy w(4ing of im pntuk Israel 4socJaUr. last nivht. a paper was given by Bobert i Gordon entitled A New Era.' de-Urum that C--i Ui calraag the ic-opie oi the state utgeltief again and Ls in promsta o' unifying them all for the next stai'e of world his tory An interesting discusaioD IlK tilUil 4 (K UplVI U P H Unzey. pteatdent of the association. ,aii. U.eiv j a uooo -iteiiCatife of : ui. mbers. several visitors also be- utg ort nt GSM FROM UFK'S SCRAP-BOOK III HU IT Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much, wisdom is humble that he knows no more William Cowper Humility that low sweet root, irom which all heavenly virtues shoot - Moore Want Ads WANTED WANTED building suitable for gen eral store with good living room5 fitted or otherwise Apply Bo. 234 Dally News 50 LOST LXJST Navy blue kid glu Fifth East Findei please ivtuir to Daily News. TOUND FOUND at Seal Cove pair ul lined brown glove.-. Apply Daily News FOR SFE FOR SALE cheap, five wet battery' cells Dailv News. FOR SALE Biano. radio, chesterfield suite, ainingruom suite range and other furniture Modern 6-room house at sacrifice. Reason sickness George Smith. Bntrance Summit Avenue. Acropolis Hill Phone Blue 832 54 FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Farm. 155 acre, at Franco!.- Lake for a House in Prince Rupert, or what liave you Call at 302 8th Ave. W or write Box 785 47 PERSONAL 'MEN ' Buy your Sanitory Supplier direct mm: .;ivr 75 Stan-, dard Lines Send $1 .00 for 15 as-wrted Imperial Impor'ers 211 Lumberman's Bldg 50!' Richard Street. Vancouver. B.C." tfj MISCELLANEOUS VP TO $50. EACH PAID FOR U 8 INDIAN HEAD CENTS We buy all dates regardless of ronditlon Stamp collections ano metal; wanted Send 10c. 'ooini to price list and Instructions Sa tistaction guaranteed or 10c. re funded HUB COIN ii STAMP SHOP 113-U) N Forsythe. Sar-nia. Ont M PAINTERS jPAINTING ano PaperhanfUii Aaoiior. rnone itea oua I VMl llll.lMlll t i iNaKe Re Ceniftct of Trti. No o-artu,; Uie We-eaerlv S1MT li aca- mom ,u ler.. ol U.i il OINH1U Call" CaHaaaa- Dlatrrl in the Rivvnioe ofl Ri iUeOi CUuuibia. a peu oiauj ksr- j vaarext onufr attey.'liexl tt leaext taf 1 uuhiuki Ho aaM-i WHKWKAb awaltaoUr pronf at ttdp of the above OarUIaaale o Tvil auat In the uaioa ot Krvole CVhft.ii'. ia tiaa iaKh f Ui uiia oftK-. noiu-e i raafanj I Igueai that I alkali t the ai irntauu ul oiaa muuvli froiu Uw date .d .he Una aublumuou ianwol Wvtie Pr .Uuual JenifUvie of Trl in lieu 1 m- aau; Ulan Oaa-tlfumte. uukaat- ui Ml .iW-1 mar valKI objex ium u auw - tw l , writing DATED at the 1 .itul Re iruV-j-y Olftoe. JPrlni Rupert. B.C . thle ISrli tlaj of i I ' 1 ' - Pebrir.u v 11U6 A TJIOMl'H. I I Dafary Raaiaxru Crf.'RtataV PAU fttftJ' News! Salada Tea now hat a bland for every puree Yellow Label 55 J55 Third Ave. c lib BROWN LABEL 65c 1 lb. ORANGE PEKOE 80c 1 lb. All leaders in their class m FOR OIL BURNERS StFTOS FI K ( F AM) STOYK CE-MTf Mb. can 20c 54b. can 75c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTIX Paw 11 REM lfH WIXTKR FARES 32 RETXTRN Leaving Prince Rupert To VANCOUVER Meals and Berth Inducted s. s. PRINCE GEORGE THURSDAY These rates elective to February 28 Return limit, March 31 r.wunA vvriovu- st: A DOLLAR'S WORTH 10. Mi f.m. I'lUtUDtHMMi l MO STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steam?rs leave Priuce Rupert for Vancouvar T.8.9. CAT ALA I VERY Tl'ESDAY. 1:30 PJI Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.S. VENTl Kl EVERY FRIDAY MIONK.HT Arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. Weekly Milt i oh to Port ""p- Alice Arm Anyox. Stewart aa. River potua Lev Pru Bup.-r- aunda). bjh Further inrormation regarding all sailings and ticket ia SPECIAI ROI M) TRll' I Mil S W I N( OI M H ffiOft A(j Return limit March 31st PRINCe Kl IT.Kl MWmrTl Third omur eu..ae iM Clip this coupi.n and mail it with $1 for a aix weeks' trial luhscnpun t) THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Published by Thi Cihiiux Sciinci Pchiiwim aocitrr Boston. MauarliUM't'-s, U S A. Tn it tqu will Snil th dil rood news of the world trwai wa M aywdal VtMR w ialiL (tafaTtmcnu .otl u ik' nd ilami imtaraala. aagl ?-r" rt-xXio,-. r.d:o xc. Vou will b. fbjd to "Jnl?' rj? don I oUai 8uu. our uaa, Am iMtlou n uItomH o! pct nd pron.o :-.:on. mnm M Hal and the other featurn. Tmi Chuih.v i nwti atoNrron. Back Bav Matlon. aorton. Plraat atnd mi a Hi meeas- trial iMIHHUion. I tnclwi one dollar Itlle 1 iNime. plioe print) lAddrejj) The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brandw SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., lid. PRLXCE RUPERT, ft,C.