The Till Sept. 23, 1911 AILY NEWS 25c. Durin and th DAILY OUR SPECIAL OFFER the progress of the pear Campai yn e General Election, we will mail The ’ NEWS to any address in Canada, out- side the City of Prince Rupert for 25 cents. The Daily Ne campaign in tne apec al atter occasion 0 '* Dominion, tion to the grea t your friends 1 ys will give full and fair reports of the progress of the -In our editorial columns we will devote Take advantage of this special t question, n the east see your local paper. The Daily News by mail for six weeks for 25 cents. > , > > > , y Rupert, saddier, intends to > , > > > COAL NOTICE Skeena Land District fae of Queen Charlott ds : alan Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince t t apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Wor 8 for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and roleum on and pet under the following d b | Const of Graham fs en ee eee A land, | Commencing at post planted two miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4478 thence 80 cheins east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north to point of THE DAILY NEWS cow et tt lt ~~ = THE COSY CORNER = DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN | Commencement. | AUSTIN | ; ate of Loastion Slat July 1911, Pub, Aug. 17, Take noti hi i ia notice that Austin M. B Rupert, saddler, intends to y to the Chiel Commissioner of Lands and spp to the Chief | orks for a licence | to sours for coal, oj] and petroleum on and | Under the following described lands on the Weat | Coast of Grabarn Island Commencing at a post planted two miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4478 thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement. AUSTIN M, BROWN, Locator 77m. 1911. | | | Skeena Land District Tae of Queen Charlotte | | Located 31st Pub. Aug. i Bn tab Mi te tt tt PIV vy ¥ Skeena Land Distriet— District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince The Best Procurable. Rupert, occupation saddier, intends to appl to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and orks for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and umder the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post plamted two miles east of the southeast corner of C. L. No. 4477 thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located 81st July, 1911. Pub, Aug. 17. Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlo tt Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddier, intends to apply to the Chief nee s of ee ‘a Wor for a licence to ape or coal, oil and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted two miles east of the southea:t corner of C. L. No. 4477 thence 80 west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located 3ist July, 1911. Pub. Aug. 17. Skeena Land District —District of Queen Charlott Islands oe notice that ae M. Brown of Prince pert, occupation er, intends to apply to the chief Stag Some ge 3 of Lands and Wor Stor a licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: “B and qu get resh new lands, at the prices of the greatest jewelle for our free boc VANCOUVER ws that the name { honest merchandising. ‘ goods, and fashons latest favourites from many ut glass on the market. we are furnishing for fall weddings? cae Write for our catalogue or have us o IRKS” Offer a superior range of choice ality in all lines “BIRKS” is the sign-manual Dealing direct with us you » importer and manufacturer. We are rs and silversmiths, while we carry the Why not secure some of are choice in er suggestions oklet “HOW TO SET THE TABLE” Henry Birks & Sons, Ltd. Jewellers and Silversmiths - BRITISH COLUMBIA Beginning at a post planted three miles east o | the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4474 thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north to point of commencement. : ey AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locato OC ugust lst, 1911. Pub. Aug. 17. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince | Rupert, occupation saddier, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to pa for coal, oil and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4474 thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east to point of | commencement. } AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator | Located August Ist, 1911. | Pub. Aug. 17, Skeena Land District District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, occupation saddler, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to prespest for coal, oil and petroleum } on and under t West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4471, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located August Ist, 1911. | Pub, Aug. 19. Skeena Land District— District of Queen Chariotte Inands a Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddler by occupation, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum Do You Want Value for Your Money ? Ce . see i} ~ vere ~~ ~* ~ ~ ~ ~ f ee —-- +--+ -- _ Why not eat luncheon and dinner i at the / l ° i Exchange : Grill | The Price 35 cents——IS RIGHT and the cuisine and service up to our well established standard MILNER & BOWNESS .- PROPS. te ee os Ps tte er et rm tree et eee ® innit tiie a aceompil au a West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4471 thence |} south 8 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence of coiiimencemen Located August Ist, 1911. Pub. Aug. 19. | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlotte Islands Rupert, occupation saddler, intends to « ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a and under the follownig descri nds on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the southeast corner of C. L. No. 4470 thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located August Ist, 1911. | Pub. Aug. 19. le fate idan een ess Finest Cafe in B.C, Bure Hot and oewnnnane a... When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the CARLTON HOTEL »ypean Plan. “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Ss The Finest 1142 Pende ee r Street West id. Sykes, Manager » Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices. Phone 8500, Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. Vancouver, B.C. PAD AAA AAA App ab rp aa apa tan bah haha balan balan, banal vv POPP PPPP PPO DDD EDD DODD DDD EEN OSE ODNA a Cold Water in each room. | > ROOM IN CONNECTION A. ENS Diana vir CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS 3 eal rE ac ck Vancouver, B.C > BATHS FREE TO GUESTS er, we ; —— arn? Patan ata hae at be te te tt tt te FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET ; Newly Furnished and , Steam Heated Rooms | A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING oe oy | Windsor Hotel | ROBT. ASHLAND P.O, BOK 37 WK o SAVOY HOTEL Fraser and Fifth St. The only hotel in town with hot and cold wat- erin rooms, Best fur- nished house north of Vancouver, Rooms 50c up. Phone 37. P.O. Box 129, : : : Prudhomme & Fisher Proprietors Sa (oop Is a Persig rt re: a rare rmcaemec emer oma mee Pes sree Peg mt PRI NTIN(| tent ‘‘Influence’’ Exert- ed in Your Behalf! Every bit of Kind of. pitting that goes out to serve you makes ‘‘Some Pression of pression,’’ Poor printing will leave a poor im- Store OF ghiops ap USCe AS Surely as would poor clothes, or poor bye tind an in ) oroffice, Good’? printing will leave upon every Yen if but ona. e8ton Wholly favorable of its user. : the scales for |e thoasand of these ‘Impressions '’ really tips will have t, " business, for orders, for you ‘* Good Printing ~~ ‘US paid for itself ! POR HIGH GLa SPEER EERE Dail PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SER THE ‘NEWS JOB’ J OF ALL KINDS SEE THE ''N oor , \ we Building ten, reer ~ tt os omg: Third Avenue PHONE 98 om Sl ee en ee ee OA A rn ati BROWN, Locator to subjects of special interest to women. are invited to contribute to its columns, Cosy Corner” will fill a social need. MODISH SILK BLOUSE i... Our sketch today suggests <¢ delightful model for a silk bodice. It is without trimming of any sort seve a narrow running of silk braid down each side of front, and around neck ard sleeves. This design would also work out well in voile or cashmere. > SOME LATE STYLES Silk Gowns Grow More Fash- ionable Than Ever Silk gowns are becoming more fashionable all the time, and while it will be a difficult matter to do following described lands on the | on and under the following described lands on the | | north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point | j t. j AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator | Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince | licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on | | away with satin, these soft finished silks are very charmirg ard can be draped and made up to have many of the admirable qualities of satin. Changeable effects end colors and the queer old fashioned shot silk designs are all in the } fashion are are used for both afternoon and evening gowns. Filet lace of the finest quality and |embroidered filet net are popular itrimimngs for silk, ard also for lsatin gowns, ard the sheer mesh lof the net shows the beauty of ithe coloring of the silk or satin }to great advantage. | A most fascinating model that can in silk or satin shows this combination of silk and be made filet in the trimming on the front }of the gown. The stain is slashed lat the side, showing a panel or almost an entire skirt, of the filet and is then draped up under a folded fichu of the satin. This is not an easy model to copy, ard in fact, requires the skill of an expert to have the folds so arranged that they will give artistic lines. Suede shoes with tiny straps over the instep are very popular. Black patent leather shoes with white tops are worn with tailored suits. The addition of black velvet is one of the features this summer that is not exactly cool, bit it's stylish and the Parisian designs are emphasizing the touch of black velvet in all departments of dress. Before hanging out the clothes in cold winds I rinse the soapsuds from my hands, rub a teaspoonful of vinegar over them, and dry and warm then well. This treat- ment I find is a sure preventive of chapped hands, and helps to keep them soft and white. This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert and to take part in its discussions. Sug- gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The TALL HATS AGAIN Silk Beavers of Half a Century Ago Copied The ‘‘chimney pot” is the very jlatest thing in fall hats. Fickle 'fashion has again made a right- If your hair is naturally dry add an egg to your liquid shampco. It may not be generally known that wood ashes are a good fer- tilizer. If a burn is sprinkled freely with powdered charcoal the burn- ing sensation is relieved almost instantly. The latest in nut crackers is like a tiny press. The nut is placed under a screw, which is pressed urtil the nut cracks. A delicious dressing for the simple lettuce salad is made of the yolk of an egg beaten up with salt and paprika. LL CAMPAIGN STARTED Alderman Stevens Holds Forth Against Reciprocity (Canadian Press Despatch) Vancouver, Aug. 30.—The first big meeting of the election cam- peign was held last night, when Alderman Stevens, Conservative, held forth at Dominion Hall, de- livering an anti-reciprocity speech. For row boats and launches telephone 320 green. Davis’ Boat House. Chief of Police Vickers returned from Vancouver this morning on the Rupert flyer. Fred Ritchie is a passenger to Stewart on the Prince Rupert having arrived from the south this morning. ew OX Hotel BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS The New Knox Hotel is runon the European lan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern mprovements. BEDS 50c UP | piRsT AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT The Continental rivers, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 ns Ee es ee ee ~~ | west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east. Trust Co., Ltd. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $500,000 LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that Jesse M. Tallman of Cedar — ' Iowa, Fo eng lawyer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the followi: described lands: " ee W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. Commencing at a post planted on the souther! shore of Kutzymateen Inlet on the right bank of a small stream flowing into said Inlet just east of Crow Lake. Thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains move or less to the shore line of Crow Lake, thence northerly and easterly fol- lowing the shore lines of Crow Lake, the Inlet to Crow Lake and Kutzeymateen Inlet to the place of commencement, containing forty acres more or less. Located August 7, 1911. Dated Aug. 9, 1911. JESSE M. TALLMAN Pub. Aug. 12. Skeena Land Distriet— District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that Sarah E. Alton of Prince Rupert, occupation nurse, intends to apply for _ to purchase the following deseribed sands: orang: at aA planted at the North- west corner chains easterly (slightly no from the northeast corner of Lot ifie (Herve Survey) Coast District, Range V, thence chains east, thence 80 chains south, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains north to post of com- mencement containing 480 acres more or less. Dated June 14, 1911. SARAH E. ALTON Pub. July 15. Fred Bohler, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 FB natow tune Linford Sewell Bell of ince upert, B. C., occupation locomotive engineer, intends to appl for permission to purchase the following described lands: , horn, Manitoba, occupation farmer, intend to apply ooo to purchase the following described 3 eee at a post planted at the south west corner of lot 3065, district of Coast, Range 5, 8 tuated about 5 1-2 miles ina south easterly di- rection from nrid; ing, marked A. C., north west corner; thence south 8) chains, corner of lot 3062, thence north 20 chains more or less to south east corner of lot 3065, thence west # chains more or less to point of commence- ment, containing 560 acres more or bp ALEXANDER CLACHER Donald Clacher, Agent Date June 2nd, 1911 Pub. June 24th, 1911 ata Pp at the south- east corner of Lot 4415, thence north 80 chains thence east 60 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 60 chains to point of commencement. Dated July 13, 1911. JOHN EVENSON Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeeua Land District—District of Coast Range V ee I, a Acie Tee - D., occupation merchant, intend to apply for to purchase the following described pa planted on the east ve chains from the south- lemon juice and seasoned with| thence east 30 ¢ thence south 60 chains, > ° thence west 30 chains to point of commencement. chives and a liberal amount Of | Dated June 24, 1911. BENJAMIN A. FISH Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Take notice that Stanley Green of fon peyenianlen ee ee ee Commencing at a post and 40 MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. keena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation miner, intends to apply lanted 40 chains south chainn anioki ot tke pacikeeet eoruer: af STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 Cc, V. BENNETT, B,A. EG crt at berta Bars. - CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D, D.S.. about-face. Last year feminine] pent the "zimorotte’ Hine apo, Ne woh DENTIST. head-wear was all breadth: this | mies distant (upstream) in a westerly direction Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ; , ae CARs «| from the junetion of the Little Zimogotits River| All dental operations skilfully treated. ‘and mar tn’ ts : ie ele ad | an main Zimogotitz , north " Peers anh ae height; very broad | Ghsine, thence wert 40 chains,’ thence south. 40 tention ef sooth Gusenbension tee Offices : brims were the vogue in 1910; ae seeieins tek tas oe a Helgersor Block, Prince Rupert. ii-12 exceeding narrow brims the vogue | Pages June 7 1911 LENT Jeo, We Potna. Agee ane te sac Wit Webieacaee in 1911. Milliners have reverted | Casiar Land District--Distriet of Skeena es ae