PAGK FOUR CERTO per bottle ECONOMY JAR CAPS per doz. - MONTH-END BARGAINS Good Till July 3rd AYLMER TOMATOES 2 sqt., 3 tins AYLMER CORN 2's 2 tins AYLMER PEAS 2's. No. 3, 2 Uns With 6 Aylmer labels, - - s , 27c 23c 29c we will give FREE one Fathers ol Con lederation Picture, size 20x14, suitable for framing. Get yours NOW! PURE LARD l's per lb 3 lbs BOLOGNA Sliced per lb, -. SHAMROCK PORK SAUSAGE, 1-lb. tin BEST FOODS SALAD DRESSING, 12-oz. bottle ERE IS YOUR ...Powdered for Lightness ! A There are sixteen quarts of the best creamy milk in this tin of KLIM ! It weighs only five pounds so take KLIM with you and Solve the fresh milk problem for the entire trip. KLIM is powdered whole milk not a substitute. Add KLIM to water, and you again have real milk sweet as it came from the dairy. Just mix as much KLIM as you need for each meal. There is no waste. KLIM keeps without ice. FREE "Easy Camp Cooking Recipes'1 Genuine cooking secrets of famous woodsmen, collected by Borden's and put into a compact little book "Easy Camp Cooking Recipes", will be mailed to you free on request Wonderful for camp and so good youll use them at home all through the year. Clip coupon and mail for your book buy KLIM at your grocer's or supply post. 15c 44c 20c 24c 23c STRAWBERRIES For preserving. Now at the peak. Arriving Friday and Monday. S. $2.25 10c We advise to buy now as the season Is expecttd to be short. 32c 40c Fresh Fruits and VfRelables at Reduced Prices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cent" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 arum bmmk w mWWi UM'm USB I PROMOTION'S ANNOUNCED Continued from Page 1 "TILLIE THE TOILER" V4 HAT EVER. HaPPEW OU "WS PU&UICtTY iUUT-lDU L.T1T ME tO "THE TAmMS 3 Co. THE DAILY NETTS whole milk v. r'v0 COUPON ! T BofdCooj.Liitt 7$ Yirdfcy Houk, Tfnofito, - X Camp CooVinf Recipe" by Umoui guide iditinp cooVi, FREE, by f'rtura Namu. Strut. Jean Watt, Phillip Williamson, guerlte Johnaop., ? Kazu Nlshio, Frank Wllllscroit, Richard Wrath- Frances Yager. all. . I Completed Grade 9 Commercial i Completed Grade 10 Commercial ' Passed with honors Lillian Charlotte Phillipson, Lloyd Rice. Passed with honors Cecile Ca- Croxford, Allan Davies. Elsie Davis. Marjorle Silversldes. Jim Schubert, venalle, Ruby Green, Mildred Ket-, Mary Geary. Ruby Lee. Michael iaun faraitn, Margaret Smith, Vic- chum, Jean Scott. Hadl Suehlro. Montesano. Brian Parsons, Lois torla Stamford, Gwyneth Walker, Passed-Blanche Jensen, Mar- Ponder, Emllle Skattebol, Kath .. .erlne Watson. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous uperf Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Passed Louis Astoria, Jessie Gil lis, Mildred Hunt, Mary Smith. Strawberry Tea-Sale is Held By C. C. F. Ladies Ladies of the local Co-operative RECITAL IS HELD Piano Pupils of lis Margaret Mc-t'affery Good Account Of Thenweltes Piano pupils of Miss Margaret McCaffery were in annual recital (last night at the Catholic Hall, all giving an excellent account of j themselves in regard to progress land proficiency. Thero was a very 'good attendance of Interested par ent and friends. The program was as follows: Berniee Eastwood, "Lullaby" , (Brahms). j Beatrice Ritchie. "Singing Clock" , (Kamerer). I Suml HayashL "Fairy Call" Gordon Dell, -Persistent Child" Kamerer). Kenneth Johnston. -Airy Fairy" (Spaulding). David Carter, "Pre du Lac" (Paul Duvil). i Jean Thompson, "Fairies" (Kamerer). Maurice Twig, "Folk Tune" (Kamerer). Olga Lewis. "Folk Tune" (Mrs. P. Kennedy). Terry Parsons, "Folk Song" (Mrs. P. Kennedy). Dorothy McLeod. "Merrily We i Roll Along" (Kamerer). ! i Clifford Wanamaker, "Toe Sparrow" (Sehlller). ; Jack Mackintosh. "Mazurka (Little)" (Scholer). Lillian Luth, "Fairy Sps", (Mrs. P. Kennedy). Nellie KlWay, -March Mllltatre" (Greenwald). Lillian Hill, -LltUe Walks"' (Streaberg). Vernon Clecone, "Masurlu" Ulelru). David Balllie, (Schumann). In Robertson, (Schuberg). Joan Squire, Commonwealth Federation are I 'Schumann). "Melody In CT "Slumber Bong" "Little Rcgret- (Slater Marina). Phyllis Jenner, "Harvest Home" (Lange). Nora Dougherty, "Sans 8oucl" (Uchner). Mary Slevcrt, "Enchanted Lake" (T. Ooaion). Pat NIcholls, 'Marionettes" (Rohde). Gordon Stamford, "The Juggler" (Carl Kern). Nora Clarke. "Country Dance" (Sartorio). May Skinner. "French Minuet-Pearl Menzles. "Numnlng Song" (Schumann). Margaret Kllday, "Soldier's March" (Schumann). Mary MacKenrle, "Slumber Boat" (Heurter). Jack Collins, "Wild Rider" (Schumann). Ella Krause. "La Rol du Village" (Heinsi. Jack Carson, "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers" (Jesscl). Beatrice Orosvenor, "Watchman's Song" (Grelg). Richard Mills, "March" (Tschal-kowsky). Helen Brown, "Fairy Footsteps" Farran. Peggy Blackhall, "Chez Sol" Zu-relch). Thomas Pierce. "Chasing Butterflies" (Lemont). Edith Ritchie, "Folk Song" holding a strawberry tea and salej Dick Cameron, "Elfin Dance" this afternoon in he clubrocms on 'Jensen). Fulton Street, the proceedings to Itu Kanaya, "Serenade" (R. de continue with a card party this Bolsdeffre). evening. The genenl committee lnj Evan Love. "Curious Story" (Hel-charge consists of . Mrs. J. Stor-lcr). rings. Mrs. G. W. Rudderham. Mrs. ' H. Daggett. "Sir Rupert" (Schu-J. Clavrlng. Mrs. George Howe.lmann). Mrs. George Lawson. Mrs. J. B.' Shlela Blackstock, "Rondo" MacKay and Mrs. Carl Johnson, j 'Haydn). : I Bobby Parsons, March Oro- Rent your rooms by putting anitesquc" (Slnding). ad. In this paper. j Alec Ballllc, "Serwiata" Mos- In a State of Siege ii i i mi i i ii ii i i Ti7Tirri rnrn 1 1 I From the Waterfront The Juneau commercial seaplane Patco. piloted by a V. Simmons and having a passenger oh board, arrived here shortly after 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the Alaska capital, leaving shortly thereafter for Ketchikan. Halibut Arrivals Canadian R. W.. 12.000. Cold 8torage. 5.7c and Sc. kowski. Op. 15). Victoria Stamford. "Rhapsody larch From Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" i Liszt . A. Peterson. Mazurka" Opus 17 Chopin . Newt LAST SllnWlNcf TODAY Ml IT! IftRAD E ' JOllttDolfj At 7 1) tt 9 Comedy - Mmku NeW Rochester Dial THERMOMETERS Ea,vy ?o road A"umv F r n. rrv home u R'!,r.', r t): Thermometer men K rfiwi need in every home AmsriiTt tn appearaire f-w m pnc Eurh in a suitable buz For (he BATH--Float du! p. unbreakable Ue It for Bb?i bath, or your rwn II M For OUTSIDE T1IK mNDOW -Tell the outside trtnpemiuf without going out ',k For INDOORS lUnging at standing type black or rH polished chromium or biau is CALENDAR Colored Ifaiher tt-feet, thermooieter and perpetual calendar A plrndtd gift H.8 IIU.MID1MBTKR Trll you ht pereentage f mouture m your home, insures in romfort and health ol vour tamtly and gueats. Saves fuel aim M-U CANDY. JELLY. FAT. visible dial thermometer, indlspensiblr for modern recipes. PoHshed rustle ehtotnlum. Rasy to clean Eliminate gueaswork and saves time, fuel and tniredients Recommended and approved by Oood Honsekeepini Institute. Only - $t HOLIDAY FISHING TACKLE Hods, Lines, Hooks, Spoons, Keels, (Inffsr Uaskcls, Minnows, Flies, Leaders, Units, Sinkers Helax and Try Your Luck THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. D. ELIO HUYS EVERYTHING SELLS KVKItYTIIINO Used Furniture GREEN 421 Coil Springs, Mattresses, Kefriirenitors, Trunk, Suitcases, Club Hags, Baby Carriages. Baby Cnbs By Westover I teU rSlS ISSKcS'JSPKi:! lsp-Ml(,op--j ME Y II MY DOM av.vagaivV v 1 1 r,nu -y ) ' . r. . I LJlZ-yj I I l.1" crl