THE DAILY NEWS RATEPAYERS ARE AGAINST THE BY-LAWS Dear Sir,—I attended the meet- ing in the Empress Theatre Tues- day Manson and his colleagues give evening, and heard Mayor their reasons for asking our as- sistance in passing the two bylaws to be voted on next Saturday. Some of the reasons given seemed We all agree that we G. T. P. assessment as to the basis excellent. want the agreement settled; of settlement, that is individual opinion, and each should vote that matter it appears to him. Regarding the Hydro-Electric Bylaw, I am sure we will all agree that we need a permanent and plentiful water supply. As to the electrical end of tins propo- sition, that is a question on which : undoubtedly many of us will differ. Many of the rate payers with whom I have discussed the ques- tion, agree with me that it quite unfair for the council submit these two propositions as one. We all want water but many of us do not want elec- tricity; however, since this bylaw has been submitted in dual form, and we must vote on it as it stands, I wish to make a few comments as to the manner in which the council proposes to construct the plant shouid the bylaw pass. Mayor Manson and his collea- gues informed us that they pro- posed doing the work with small station gangs and day labor. Ten- ders for station work would be accepted from CITIZEN WORK- MEN ONLY, and would be opened in open council. I am not sure in my mind as to what they mean by CITIZEN WORKMEN, but I presume they mean the work- men who have a vote. If I am correct in this assumption, the work will not be completed for many years, because there are less than one hundred such _ voters who will be looking fer employ- ment in this undertaking. If the city council proposes to finish the work in eighteen months, they will be obliged to hire all classes of labor, and to throw the station work open for bids from all classes, or to do practi- cally all the work by day labor. The latter idea appears to me to be the council’s pet propo- sition. I wish to refer to some of the work already done by.them on a day labor basis. Their a matter of one on as is to built retaining walls at an average cost of $1.40 per yard. How many of our citizens understand that these retaining walls are of the very cheapest construction, and are figured as being 10, 12, 14, i6,. and eyen as much as, 18 feet wide, and that the foreman in charge of the wall measures his own work. Contractors were asked to bid on a high class, dry masonry wall, “and to be measured 3 feet thich. Even a layman can ap- preciate the difference in measure- ments, and will no doubt assume, as I do, that the only way the day labor exponents can make their work appear cheap, is by figuring in as retaining wall, a large part of the dump made by the con- tractors, and which the retaining wall men never touched. The city is doing by day labor the street grading on First avenue known as B. 6, and many will recollect, that about July 15th, the report for June was presented to the council, and was very enthu- siastically received by them, and the Superintendent of Public Works was very highly congratulated be- cause the report showed that the work for the month of June had been done at a profit of some $341.00. it seems to be a mos? remarkable thing that the, public have heard nothing of how this same work progressed in July. The reason is not hard to find. The work is away behind and is losing money every day, in spite of the fact that some $2000.00 worth of plant, which the city purchased to carry on this work, has not been charged up to it, nor referred to, in their reports. I might go on and give many other instances where and how our money had. been squandered by the Public Works Department but Iam sure that a large majority of our rate payers are quite con- vinced that day labor is not an economical way of handling the city construction work. Personally, | cannot see my way clear to vote $550,000 for the present chairman of the Public Works Department to spend on forty-five cent day labor voters, in the construction of a hydro- electric system, particularly as this immense sum will possibly be only a small part of what we may ultimately be asked to to complete the work. Sincerely yours, vote “TAX PAYER” proudest boast is that they have JAMESON SENT TO PENITENTIARY, Hazelton Man Gets Twelve Months for Shooting at Al- dermere. Frank Jameson received from Judge year's imprisonment for the shoot- Young a sentence of one ing of Ed Hall in the cattle scrap at Aldermere; while Hall for using a club on that occasion, was ordered to pay a fine of $50. The judge gave Jameson a severe repimand for drawing his revolver: he said, You country “There was no necessity,” “for you to use that gun. possibly came from a where it is permissible but it is not so here. You might now be in the position of being charged with manslaughter or murder in- stead of wounding-” Sew Bylaw Voters Although according to the latest City Hall information all property owners who made known their desire to vote before Monday will be included in the roll of those having a say in regard to the hydro-electric bylaw, the list of voters will be small at best. Every vote will be of importance ine this issue. MISSING Has Anybody Here Seen Peter Morrow Sought by His Moth- er? Mrs. Morrow of 76 Duke street, Halifax, asks through the police for information thet may help her to find her son Peter Morrow, aged iwenty-three last July. Since he worked Highland at Camp, Cloverdale, four years ago she has| ,. him, but has rot yet given up hope of discovering him. News sent to Chief Vickers here or direct to Mrs. Morrow will be gratefully appreciated. never heard of CUSTOMS DEPT. MOVE Again the wharf office of the Canada Custems Department for this port has moved house. This time the office occupies the corner nearest the Foley, Welch & Stew- art wharf of the new G. T. P. sheds just completed. Here Mr. Humble, and his colleague Mr. McLeod keep,,watch and ward over the entry of goods and baggage to Prince Rupert from the States,and foreign countries. They are the vanguard of the coming army of customs and other waterfront officials we are certain to have here as trade doubles, trebles, and multiplies itself a hundredfold. a= The Graham Island CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,0 We ‘are offering for sale a very simited amount of shares of stock at 26c per share; par value $1.00, These shares are going quickly and will soon be off the market THE MACK REALTY & ate COMPANY SELLING AGENTS Oil miei Limited r Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. THE Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. G.T.P. ARTIST TELLS STORY (Continued from Page One) and Transparent, all of which are doing well. On one tree in par- ticular there are 14 1-2 inches of growth since planting this spring. From the looks of all these I think they will do remarkably well, “In case of extremely dry weath- er Mr. Weeks has springs right on crees the side hills which can be used for irrigation purposes, but I do not think he will ever have any need for irrigation. “From there I went to Fred Bohler’s place, about a mile and three-quarters from the post office. He has half an acre in strawberries and is going to plant more. They are all new plants and so far this season they hgve netted him $93.40. He also shipped to your city four crates of raspberries, remarkably large and full flavored. “He has garden peas at a height of seven feet and running from nine to twelve peas to the pod. Another thing which tends to demonstrate the growing qualities of the country is a patch of turnips planted July 9th and now evereg- ing from four to four and a half inches in diameter. An Old Pioneer “From Kitsumkalum I travelled east to the home of David Stewart, who boasts that he hes never been =a on a railway train in his life, although he is as familiar with the prairie provinces as he is with |the inland waters of British Col- ‘lumbia. Here I found apple trees that had been grown in nearly} jevery instance from seed. This} in itself speaks for well the and climate. The this ranch will be apple crop on fairly promising} but if more attention hed been | paid to pruning ard cultiveting| much better results would hay been attained. The location of Mr. Stewart's homesiced, however | is ideal, situated es ic is close to ithe river and convenient to the railway. | “Mr. Frank has both and cherries in his orchard. (The number of cherry trees is limited) getting our horses over this trail } } ‘ bearing | without getting them mired was a as no bridging has but the apple trees are a fairly good crop, Northern’ Spy | and Transparent being in the} A Hyslop crab tree is| an exceptionally heavy | One thing about Mr. Franks’ | that his trees have transplanted two different | times and yet they are remarkably | healthy and free worms. also a success. “Mr. Frank’s place adjoins the | right-of-way and later when through trains are running, the travellers will get a good view of his farming operations which by that time should be of some magnitude. The growth for the past season has been abnormal, one tree in particular showing a growth of thirty-four inches. Saw Great Timber “Along the Kitimat trail from Copper City we passed through some of the timber would care to consisting giant spruce, cedar and hemlock. with here and there a group of birehes. Rounding a bend in the road where the woods had been burned off and the wild raspberries were plentiful, our horses suddenly pricked up their ears and snorted. A very big black bear bounded across the trail. When he had reached what he considered a safe majority. bearing crop. orchard is been from insects and His strawberry crop was on, finest one see, of |coolly inspected us for e| per City | the head of Lakelse Lake, \ihis part, Boy wanted at once tu learn the pri Apply News Office. Bow Wanted—Apply at Orme's Drug Wanted —Good sized boy to help in kitchen and James Hotel, 3rd Ave., corner of 8th Street tf Housework wanted, also washing and ironing by make himself generally usefu!. Scotch woman. ‘Third Ave., near Wanted 3 room cottage close ia. furnished. Will lease for 12 factory. Apply at A. W, Edge Co 197-200 For Rent St. Modern in every respect. Pattullo & Radfo Furnished rooms with bath. the week. Talbot House. Neatly Furnish, Apply Mrs. M McIntyre Hall, for concerts, ent Apply rooms, gentlemen preferred. lin, over Majestic Theatre. ertainments, I at eee “The News” Classified Ads. ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== ; —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKI = + iii cnrenicel Phone 150 Money to Loan The Insurance People |+~~~~~~~~~~~ Money to Loan on Prince Rupert Real Estate, Fire Agreements of sale bought. P.O. Box 968 Life tf-181. a 4 ioe ecident _ Plate Glass Help Wanted ONG eS nting trade. Store. News office. partly or wholly months i 2nd a —————1 198-tf aan NG OVER— Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at ‘Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 Ri picipnitisimnnsttsRonmil Furnished house, cor. Sixth Avenue and Young Phone 83 or call 196-tf Special rates by 1 65-tf f dances, etc. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Aa Block; Third Ave. 178-tf For Rent— —Sons of England Hall, 2nd Ave. for}/to be revealed to the health- Fra Societies, Socials, etc. Apply Frank A. Ellis. Box 669 or phone 68. i86-tf | searching travellers. a | “It is a marvellously beautiful For Sale country, and the day is coming : ; when the people who are now |hiking to the White Mountains For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house- | . : ; ‘ ° hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if}in New Hampshire will simply taken atonce. Address Box 368. tf Insurance settlements. Insurance. eee mammal $4 OUR Companies are noted for prompt and jus We write every known class of The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. | these | width, { Big Forest Reserve “A magnificent forest reserve Plis availeble near these springs, and there is the beautiful Lakelse ake, eight miles in length but and half miles in teeming with trout salmon, within three-quarters of a mile away. Thus another of Nature’s playgrounds stands ready one to one and lgrow crazy with admiration over j has her back door. | will be here the t of the Grard Trunk Pacific at with , making sylvan unrivalled scenes of Lost and Found gage ndor easy of access.”’ Lost a watch fob ($10 gold piece), on between 6th and 7th Sts. same to News office. Second Ave., Reward on returning | , R. Indoor Baseball League. | Ribbons vy. Em- Royal Blue 1% press Hotel, at the Auditorium, |Thursday, August 3lst. Game BOYS be given away to bri boys. the News office. Two Five Dollar bills to ght See Mr. Munroe at called at 8.45 sharp. Admission | 25 cents. PONY EXPRESS For Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. Rigs or Motor Car day or night |] prmecemsr sree srmnsrmede Tendets Wanted Tenders wanted for clearing lots 1 23, section 1. Specifications at C. office, Exchange Block. and 2, bloc D. Newton 198-201 Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 801 ‘|...Whites Portland Cement... distance soil | hisright paw around a tree. then with ithe thick woods. “About twenty we the selmon is situated. but government There is it will be hin work clearing it. the lake and the prope difficult one, been done over the sma creeks. he stood up like a man, H a minute whoof plunged into miles from Cop- | caught a glimpse of | on whic hatchers e land i expensis Toward evening | epples| we struck a trail leading direct to sition ¢ sprin Found Hot Springs and said the hot anxious to run across.’ springs we “Following up this lead I came fifty trees and with a big cloud of vapor rising to quite a height, Dipping my hands into the water to a clearing about diameter, full of dead rotting stumps, once more | almost screamed with ; 2 pain it was so hot. Carefully $300 each, $115 cash, balance stepping ja few feet from the edge| ©@5Y- SALE of the pool | found the water] FOR Three room house and lot on “We discovered the famous one |springs by an accident. Coming One lot Beach Place, Section: 1, to a streain my companion un- Block 5, fine location, Price, lsung a drinking cup from his $2350. $1000 cash. | belt and filled it. When he placed One lot near McBride strect, front- the cup to his lips he was sur-} '8 on First avenue also on prised to find the water warm. I Market Place. Special Price, dipped both hands into the stream $4800. $1500 cash. FOR RENT ‘Why, this comes from have been so feet ir almost hot enough to boil an egg. “These hot springs differ largely from the springs I for tested in the great Jasper Park Alberia, inasmuch as they are not so heavily impregnated with end debris around those in Jasper Park are thickness with sulphur. The banks covered to the eighth of an yellow sulphur. inch ind anc of ar pure EMMERSON AGENT Naden Block G. Cc. “| Phone 125 Second Ave| h|} y| f Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. OFFERS FOR SALE g Offices on ground floor on corner Sixth street and Second avenue. Prices, $35-40-50-75-125. FOR RENT Store corner Second avenue Seventh street. Low rent. Two lots Section 8, Block 34, Eleventh avenue between Con- rad and Frederick streets. Price, 1 and on Taylor street, $1250, $500 cash, 1 balance 6 and 12 months. ASK UNCLE JERRY FEED STORE We carry everything in the feed line, also gar- den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart's 1 | olg Feed Store, Market Place ' PONY EXPRESS r the scenic features Prince Rupert | That day} completion | ee re ee You Can’t Get The Slater Shoe : In Any Store That Does Not Display “The Sign of The Slate.” The Sign of The Slate is your means of identifying both the Slater Shoe Store and The Slater Shoe. The Sign of the Slate is displayed ou ide all stores authorized to sell The Slater Shoo. — The Sign of the Slate is sewn inside all genuine Slater Shoes. Don’t encourage substitution by going into other stores asking for. The Slater Shoe Dealers may say they have something just as good. Thousands and thousands of men and women know that The Slater Shoe has no equal at the price. We, and we alone, display The Sign of the Slate in this city. We, and we alone, in this city sell The Slater Shoe, labelled with The Sign of the Slate. Goodyear welted—with prices as fixed by the makers. 142 ACME CLOTHING HOUSE SECOND AVENUE Sole Agents for Prince Rupert ( Cee eres meecrmcemmsrmmsomesrmme ye mmsrses rte easr ss eee ttt ete ee Ht FF FF Fe Launch Owners, Look Here! || ld j Plain Facts of a Vancouver to Prince tere ee } Smee} Rupert Power Boal Cruise told in plain j ee j terms for Possible Purchasers j Bek sdk erecnpeic iene teasers bainrsth teers commdp Prince Rupert Hart Both had come gasoline engines TWO Launches came into Both were beautiful pleasure craft. long cruise. Both had fifty H. P. / { ' { BUT one launch was towed by the other into ha ead { straight for the Rupert Marine Repair Wharf. To Mr. I. ! | the Rupert Marine Ironworks her owners told a sa ry. Her engine } -NOT A “STANDARD"”~—-had given trouble the whole w \ couver. Had it not been for the continual help of the oth neh the | disabled one could never have made the trip. j THE ENGINE OF THE OTHER LAUNCH WAS A \ RI j IT DID PRACTICALLY DOUBLE WORK ALL TH AY, AND } NEEDED NOTHING FROM THE REPAIR MAN ON ! HING | RUPERT. THIS LAUNCH TOWED THE LAME L, UH MUST } OF THE WAY AND ALSO LIT HER ELECT! AMPS BY ¢ MEANS OF A CONNECTING CABLE, WHICH IS y $1 MORE t INSTANCE FROM ACTUAL EXPERIENCE TO PROS } ee ee ems The “Frisco Standard” | The Best Engine for Northern B.C. waters is AGENTS ; c Rupert Marine Ironworks ¢ GS Suf pply Co. Office Phone: Blue 58 P.O, Box 515 ; Well Equipped Repair § thop (J meter et ee emetic mts eae 00000000 000000000 | Ross Rally Smoker Committee Rooms FRIDAY EVENING, SEF. |st Rooms All supporters of Reciprocity are invited 1 open every evening 30 o'clock 69000000000 nny The Canadian General Electric U0.) Late! ae HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO FACTOR! MANUFACTURERS OF EVERYTHING ©! oronto Ont. . . i oro. ’ The Canada Foundry Co., Limited gnas AIR Cone RESSORS DREDGES en: BD 1S al {RON BOILER GAS AND GASOLINE EN ENT BUCYRUS STEAM SHOV- “GINES ERS. BO ER pap PUMPS GAs RRODUC ERS SaTieL: AST PI URAL aT LOCOMOTIVES pERWRIT 606 HHANE FRED WaT Oe ATT TU! a CONCRETE MIXERS BINE PUMPS , Pho PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH *"**"" GRAHAM KEARNEY, AG! oe Prompt Delivery Phones 41 or 80) Read The Daily New’