am- . : .v. i. . ' IMP MANURE Tor Sale $1.50 a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rales 11.00 up 60 Rooms Hot it Cold Walcr Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box. 195 JlAt' avid. 0 Steamship Sailings for Vancouvet Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m Ss. Cardena midnight April 4, 15, 25 ss. P. Norah 5 p.m. "TILLIE THE TOILER" Jjtj 0 oftarco j any form are always assured of purity and freshness when they buy a product of the Imperial Tobatco Company. These qualities are achieved only by the practice, of eternal vigilance. That vigilance starts with the education of the grower, in methods of cutting and curing that ensure the utmost clcaiilincss J and wholesomcness in the leaf as delivered. The grading is all ! done over screens, to remove sand. Leaves showing any blemish-are immediately destroyed. After that the stock is submittal (o ;a forced-draft heat treatment that mclIoys and conditions the ;tobaccor ' j .. J . kv uring'lhc thrcf-ycar kgeliig process,, thc'fW lies packed jh -hogshead, for, like wine, it mellows best in wfoxl. These hoi dfeads arc stored in bnd by themselves in modern warehouse tthrough which the outside a r moves' freely. The sweating induced' Ay siimmtr heat and humidity has the effect or dispelling harslii ghess. and leavifltr the leaf sweeter ami sdftor tS thn t.ii,. 4 . During tlid manufacturing prdcqss, as a protection ftgainsf en'thtf'rrit remote possibility of contamination, the leafis-handled--m rooms where tlfc air is filtered bf all impurities,"! WW1' tb prevent dust, and where walls arc being constantly Whitewashed." ; f ! 1 . Yet that is only the beginning. Every single shipment or a' -.material that dircctlv nr indimrtlv nniirc Intn i,n .,, ,,.f..i,.,- - - . --..j .....v.... iii.w nil, IIIUIIUIUI. (Ill u . . syt any Imperial product must first pass its prescribed laboratory, test, to determine whether it fully measures up to the purity ' case of ClCcircttC nanor. thorn nr pncilv o lf7nn Kfl"t-., fr chemical and physical, that must be survived before any shipment is permitted to be used. .. When the manufactured tobacco is ready for packaging, it is. of course in. prime condition. It is to ensure its reaching the consumer in equally good condition that so much care is taken, so much expense incurred, with the wrapping. Waxed paper, tin foil, cellophane, snugly-fitting packages and hermetically-sealed tins are only a few of the devices employed to conserve freshness. Finally, such is the reputation enjoyed by Imperial products for purity and freshness, that the large and steady demand for them assures a quickness of turnover that precludes any possibility of their growing stale on the retailer's shelves. ERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 pm Ss. Cardena pjn. April 11 and 21 ss. P. Norah a.m. PERJURY CHARGE Otto Brunlng. committed for trial at McBrlde on a charge of perjury, has appeared before Judge H. ah. said sib. Lancelot, rY LADy CUtNEV&RE APPgQACMHS, THE rAlt2.EST CY0S HAV feCHB.0 lfflL II v ;A. Robertson In County Court at Prince George but has not yet made up his mind whether he will take speedy or Jury trial, divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised. Brunlng is alleged to have made an affidavit that he was a married man when applying for relief whereas he Is single. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Delayed by making extra calls on iher way up the coast, as well as by having heavy freight. Union steamer Catala, Cupt. James Find-lay, arrived in port at 9:45 last night from the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points Lwhence she will return here to morrow morning, sailing ai i:au pjn. for Vancouver and way points. Cannery crews are continuing to arrive In the district from the south to make ready for the coming season's packing activities. The Catala last evening on her way here from ht south made a special call at Inverness with K. O. Johnston, manager of that plant who spent the winter at Victoria, and members of his advance crew. The Catala also brought north A. L. Stewart, manager of Butedale cannery, and members of his crew; J. P. McMillan, manager of Sunnyslde cannery, who went through to Port Simpson and will be back here tomorrow enroute to the Bkeena nivcr. and members of the crew of Namu cannery. I Oapt. Joseph Flood arrivid In the city at the epd of the week from Vancouver to act at pilot for .the UritWi steamer Jersey City whkh U due on Wednesday to load a full cargo of grain from the looat elevator for delivery to the United ; Kingdom or Continent. Word Iks been received In Prince jllupert to the effect that Harry , Johnson 'of Seattle, whose tender I0HM4C per pound for .halibut livers : was accepted this spring by the j halibut fishermen and boat owners of the Pacific Coast, has assigned the arccment to Parke. Dsvls Co well known medicinal manufacture lng. concern, which wllk take the livers at this figure. . h f ; Thsflianjsome cupput tin by cap tain, of leers and , crewjot the steamer", Prince Owee- as T perpetual challenge trophy 'for! model sailing yacht racing here "las been placed oii'e-xhlblt in the windows of the Canadian National Kailways offices on milrd Avenue With It gn display fs a splendid new model racer belonging to A J. Croxford of this city in the making of which Quetn Charlotte Island red cedar Uuppllcd by the J. It. Morgan Log- was. largely ul as well as a trim model power cruiser belonging to Charles McKeown. The first race for the Prlnci George's Cup will take place on Friday and already general Interest is being manifested In the event. Imiwrlal Oil Co.'s tanker Imperial arrived In port this morning from loco with fuel for the company's local tanks. After !ischarglng. the Imperial sailed on cr return south early this afternoon. Capt, Ocddes Is In command. The snagboat Esslngton, Capt. J. D. Watson, after having spent the past week on the Skeena River, arrived In port Saturday night and left this afternoon for the Naas River where she will operate for the next month with headquarters at Mill Bay. C. N. R. Trains For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl davs - 3:30 n.m r'rom the East ' , Tuesdays. Thursdays and 8utur-' days .... 10.13 p.m.' "Play" Work ..i . COMIC FEUD ON SCREEN Walter C. Kelly. "Virginian Judge" Aim Andy Clyde In ".Mcl ad-den's llaU" "McFadden's Hats,"' for many years a successful American and English stage play, come to the screen of the Capitol Theatre as the first of the week feature offering with Walter C. Kelly, beloved vau-dcvllhan of -Vlrgtniah Judge" fame, and Andy Clyde In the featured roles. The classic feud of the McFaddens and the McTavlshes In the background of an Interesting and amiable story. Kelly Is the battling Irishman who rise from brlck-laylng to wealth without once relenting In the feud with hi old Scottish enemy, played by Andy Clyde. Under the wordy battles of these two old hardshellt. however, is a genuine affection and. when Kelly gets Into financial trouble. Clyde secretly support hi credit at the bank and enable him to complete Uic modern tenement flats of hut dream. The friendship of the two old feudists ! finally cemented after many intriguing incidents when their children fall In love Richard Cromwell and Detty Fur-nc. an appearing (ttlr of youngsters, handle the romantic assign-ment and other prominent members of the cast Include Oeorge Darbier and Jane DarweU. WEATHER REPORT Terrace-Clear, northweat wind, temperature. M Anyox Stewart-Calin. n. Stcwart-iClear. calm. 36. Haielton-Britht sunsliine. calm, 10. Smlthers ciear. ealm, frosty Uurns take -Clear calm. 7 below Dead Tree Point -Clear, calm. barometer. .8: temperature. 44: set smooth Triple Island Part cloudy, fresh vPvuTdisslaaT" aVsl NaVaalShz'al jBt flf T0M(,IIT sm 9 -head , B B B fi Tlr.. . II . SCOTLAND1 IRELAND! 5 llrrr'M ii.. . a ""-ai lausi, tlol M ttlllf. . AM RADIO The MAGIC DRAIN Uoiiui lnstruuirir. , C A Victor drv : , shon-wave recepiiui, of perfection. The Mis; ables vou to luni 111 ' the g;ob with tficatcr rase and accuracy and a ' like tone than has heretofore been possible. A lt f fully explain the "Magic Brain." K. C. A. VICTOR GLOBE TROTTERS give you good reception day and nlfht. Ideal for the approaching long summer evening. Trade In your old radio. . Generous allowance Terms on balance iucrADDEN'S McTuvi.-, FLATS because i- HthE run: den hax n. . It! The h and they much th.i! think of (jU , one eine' r, the fun' 1 ' U'AI.TVU r vi,.. . v" v nr'i.u Hi'- .: ANDY CI.YDK Richard ( romcH Jane l)irwtl At 1 u i. Mtnr.u t;.us Ruth KltinK in "NO covmr Chic ialc in NIMlV Colorrd Crtooa "U'lien the ("at'i l.irt! iiiijb:ii8 B t I I 1 I) westerly wi: Langara I witid. sea ra t The Magic Brain R.C.A. Victor Globe Trotter -By Westovei EMU SOom n yyyATg 1 orwy n8A mot t r 7 A A T - 1