I JASMINE ot Southern France TOILETRIES , ( roams SOc umid Creams ()c I'owdtjrs r0c &$r.0() Iirilliantino 3"m& l()c Taicum Powder 3oo Rouge 30c Lipstick ........ 25c lvrfunie 25c In $1.00 k Sets for Mon and Women from 7.xr to $7.50 An ideal sift! IfOTTKU & MOORE M ITCH AM L VENDER Sets from $1.00 Novelty 75c & St.OO Easter Novelties, 5c to $1.25 Ormes IM. yfif. Pioneer Druqtjists Itif Kezall HUr rbones; 81 li tS Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. SuiiiUtfc and Holidays From 12 iukmi till z p.m., 7 p.m. lilt 9 p.m. danlen Ume wiU-'koOM beher See ut for your suppUes. OAIIDILS TOOLS FLOWER AND VEIIITAnLH SEEDS IT.RTILIZKKS WIILKIi IIAIIICOWS FLOWER-POTS rnont jii UARDL.N FJ-NCLNO GORDON'S HARDWARE Mcltride Street :a:,mB'Jtraa?si7BaacafB7B.iiaivrsiJBinirBtBixi iaa Ui mi mi m rm a v p ni niinnri'in vri i v IHtl loll WIllLU I1IUUC 1 MIIUC IlUCiw.uinumi "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD J Prrnaretl Daily Hr Canadian Fish &. Cold Slorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. H.C HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 MS Sole Agents For PEMBINA PEERLESS COAL Long Lasting Sootless IJiNION, STEAMSHIPS LIMITED. Hteflrat lmvn.Prluci Runert for Vflncouverik- I T.S.S, CATAtJ r.vrnv tiiksiiay. 1:30:P.31. i Arriving Vancouver Thursday I T-S S. CAUDHNA'.HVl'.ltV I'.IUDAY .MIDNKJIin Attlvinf. Vancouver Monday a.m. mIIIom- U Port Slmpsan Anyon Stewart and Naaa niter t point. Lmt Prince Rup ouidy. 8 pjn "inner InfOrttintlnn nssntlnir nil nl1lnoS Snd'tlCketS at f Pun.... . mm s mnt k ! itvb. . i k &r .. . . - . . . r 1 1 (j I) r pn nur.nuil ininii ni'""" I I l I " HccauRQiit doesntt pay to advertise .poof products, U does pay to buy tliosc aih crtiseel; 3. singli: LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be warm andewnrortable-try in 3k Taxt-it coats the same. tf You can rent a car at Walker's; as low as $1J0 a day, phis 7cia tnlle. W R Smith of the Northern An- aboard the turning to Stewart alter a vacation trip to Vancouver. Announcements Woiwers Bridge and Whist. Da- .,-x1SLSKMiBisi3iMSBiri;tB7tiEBriMittiBJSBTTmt GARDEN TIME njgle's HaU April . Admission 25c "Chtoe." Ttaitd Church, April 11 and 12. Queon Mary I.CD.JL Daffodil dance Easter Monday. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 17. J United Ctrarch Baater Sle April gl Angltean Spring wale, April 25. CC.P Bamar. Battel' Hall, May Cambrai TUMe's Treat, May X St. Peterts-Sprln Sale, May 9. Catholk spring sale. May 16. Baptist Church Suppar April 25. International Tea Baptist Church May 8. MOOSE nALL DANCE . AHR1L 18 Spinsters' Spree Ih-eryhody Welcome Admission : Ladles. 25c Gents. 35c First 5 Couples admitted Free 1 TUASkBKT.jl ummm TNGLAND will bo gay. " with pageantry, colorful with visitoi-s from all parts of the Empire. Enjoy tho many special events! If ROM.-. . . VANCOUVER $140 $214.75 ltKTURN TIUP V-6-3S. CoD'Eiadiitiii THE DAILY NEWS Dance tonight Empress Hall. i Canadian Legion B.E.6.L. Half- yearly meeting Wednesday, ele Young Liberal Awn. meeting . tton oft off leers. 81 April 8. Metropote Hall. 8 p.m. (82; ; . , . Ijbgcuiuuc a i uses nui us nmwi for at Clapp Block, Second Avenue Terms strictly oath. .Qukk disposal necessary. . Alex nix returned4 the city on the Catala last night from a two weeks' trip to Vanepuw on which he waar accompanied . by his. youBfH 6on. - -., v Daily News was suffiefenMy recov ered from his.recenf serious illness .., . . . . ! to be able to leave-the Prince Ru- pe; ".IsSiTi; a" "P) yeaurday night's danee in the Hmpress Social Club Hall, the affair prortng very enjoyable to ail. Daadng was in progress from pm. until mW- F. S.Clendenning-arrived in the city onithe Oatala last night from Vancouver, belns. here as repre- night w:th music by JuHus WentV. Kne of the Empire, Shipping 'Orcheura Oscar Wingham hmaur ot ceremonita. J. V Yeneka of Vancouver and T. Yam ids and Y. Otsukn ofTokto who are on a visit to thf district l'xjkint! into the poulMHty of in-ti'.unin; export shipments ofhern-lo-k loKR from here to the Orient, returned to the city on Saturday night's train from a brief trip to j Terrace u inspect tsmbar there and (will sail tomorrow afternoon on the jCat.ila i or Vancouver. Co. in connection with the leading of the Reardon. Smith steamer Jersey City from the local elevator this week with a full cargo of grain for the-Unlted Kingdom or Continent. The Jersey City is dm to arrive on Wednesday. Stuffy Head Just a few drops up each hostril. Quickly, breathing again becomes clear! ERVICE FECIALS RED RLUMS Nabob No. 2 squat tins. 2 for MOLASSES Best Barbadoes. 2lb. Un, MARMALADE Nabob Special pack. 32-jz. jar SINOAPORE PINEAPPLE per tin CORN FLAKES Sugarcrlsp per pkg. TOMATO i CATSUP Ashcroft, per 13-oz. boU. CREAMETTES 2 pkgs CALIFORNIA RAISINS 2 lbs. TOMATO JUICE Llbby's Tall tins, a tins JL FRESH. SPINACH per lbj Tom Kelsey sallen last night on the Catala for Stewart where he expects: to remain for' a tune. The fire department had a call i at 4:30 1 yesterday afternoon to. a ibrush fire on Eighth Avenue Bast to the rear of King Edward High School. No damage was done. Poltee are continufng their investigation of the activities of a supposed moron recently. Some suspect were examined over the week-end but no arrests had been made up. to thi- morning For Tuesday & Wednesday BAKING POWDER Magic 12-oz. tin 2 j-lb. tin JELLY POWDERS Nabob All flavors, 2 pkgs PORK It BEANS Royal City, 16-oz., 2 tins MALTED MILK Borden's 16-oz. tins, each CHEESES Mild Canadian per lb 70c 9c 15c 39c 15c GREEN BEANS Royal City OCn DRIED. PEACHES Choice Quality. 2 lbs BIRD'S CUSTARD- - .. per pkg - 22c 32c BUNCH CARROTS per bunch LETTUCE Firm, crisp, heads each. LEMONS Medium size per doz. 117 ,, mm J 1MIONH 53 X 29c 10c 6c 10c 17c 27c 19c UPIUVER PARSNIPS Op Fresh dug. sweet; 6 lbs. lie "Build B.C. Payrolls' Irradiatiohi UltraAfiblfeti Ray. and! Vacuum: Packing: fiST IKiaiJIATJD.V. llVi TJIC UITltA VIOLET? HAH U intended: Ut iu crease VITA51irr li; the sorohmH vitamin. For four years Pacific has studied- ibivproblem and la convinced' that, trie vacuum process retains more bf the vitamins and are arranging to tnttall UIxniA-VJOfeHB KAY equipment. Pacific is the ONim UVGUI1M PACKED MILK in Canada. Pacific Milk '1007c B.C. Gwnediamli Controlled" P L.NTT ATtAWJOTBPO HD Prayer Meeting, Is Held omFriday lie, a IL Clirke- is Speaker On Subject of "Following Christ"" Rev C D. Clarke, pastor of First! United Church, was? the-leader ahd sneaker Frtdav at-the-nrayermeet-i ing in BaptisuChurch jrucnnnecllon with the Lenten Campaign of Evangelism. Mr. Clarke's theme was 'Following Christ." He: based hlJ message on the story, of. the' rich young ruler as recorded in. the. Gos-. pel of St. Mark, stressing, the point that many today were willing to follow Christ in hU Qallllean min istry, which was quite essential, but there were few who were willing to follow Jesus, to Jerusalem, and the place of. Crucifixion, wherein! was one of? the true tests of. Christianity. The speaker drew com parisons between Christian, and non-Christian countries,- and. be tween individual Christians and uonr Christians. Ite endeavored to show thereby the difference between true and. untrue Christianity. Speaking of sacrifice. Mr. Clarke alluded 'to the case-of a heathen i woman who was willing to sacrifice 7c 7c 15c Grocery PIIONK 56 'THE BEST FOR LE8SW her strong and healthy child to God instead of .her puny child. The meeting was well attended and several responded, to the- re quest for voluntary prayer. Mr. Clarke opened and closed the meeting and Vaughan Davies presided at, the organ. Hotel' Arrivals Savoy A. Johnston, Poreher Island; II; Polly, A. D. Stewart-andiHi De,eringi city: S. Zellawinslci. Kwinitsa Koyal' A. Bourgeois, C. R.; Mr, and Mrs. II. Lovdal . Mayor TrTt; W. II; ! MacBeth andJ. Katruk; Vancouren Prince Rupert L. A. DeGuere, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.: S. J. Ross. city;. E. Willie,, Terraca; A. E Lawsoru.Sunnyside; D. M. Hawood and Angus Currie, Claxton; H. C- Glbbs and F. D Nealon. Vancouver. Freeman, Prince George. II -TrMi7f I LULAL. INlVYo 9c Mrs. D. D. Munro has returned, to her home at Terrace after spending the winter in the south. Another organization-meeting of the Junior Moose Lodge was held Saturday night with D. C. Schubert in the chair. Arrival of a charter is being awiated. Tlie report ot Fire Chief J: R: Morrison for. the month of March' has been presented i to. City Commissioner W. J, Alder. It show3 there were soven alarms during the- month with; not loss. Expends turo of the department for tho month, amounted: to! $TI5J23:lnclud' ing $736.66. in salaries. A. J. Edluiid. construction fore-4 man for the- Government Telegraphs, has- been abte to resume his duties- after having been off for over four months suffering from strained' ligaments and ten dons oft his. shouideri a& .result; of an. accident! ati Bella Coola. while. engaged In work there. FINE MEDALS ARE SEEURED. Dortdon, PuMleatlon- Donated Two Silver, and Two Bronze Prizes Fxr,Show "WHEBIMIOSES-REIGV H.' 3: PuHer. acting, on. behalf of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society, has received a set of four medals, two. silver and two bronze, from the Editor' of' "Home Oardenr ing." pubUihed-in:London. England to be used ' as,-prizes.aU the next anl nual rose show this coming sum- rner. ' Writing, to Mr. Miller, the editor said'in.part: "That was a. splendid boost; of ;Rrlnce Rupert In the Vancouver- Province t written by Mrs. Mandy and I have no doubt it will dojjuite a lot to outbalance the adverse Impression previously created by the continual "rain song." In fu ture I shall always say. when I liiar Prince Rupert mentioned. 'Oh, you mean Prince Rupert where the roses reign.' It is firmly fixed in my j mind after reading the article you' enclose" I CRISCCh- A For Quality and Guaranteed Satisfaction Whatever you bur at MUSSAL- iAMS STUrtii. is guaranteed to 4tve sausiacuon ana to oe oi goou HiulUy. Fx)r(25i.yearwe nave main tained a stanaara, and our steady growth is . solidly based upon qual ity, price and satisfaction nowhere wHl youi fhid. more TRUE ECONOMY, than at MUSSALLEM S STORE ALVGIC BAKING-POWDER rlb. tin $1.25 2i'-lb. tin 65c j lZ-dz. tint 23c price. KLI.M. 5-lb..tin $3.15 2Wb..tin $1.63 1-;ib..tin........,...79c ROGER'S G OLDEN SYRUP 10-lb. tin...... 83c 5tlb: tin- 43c 2- lb. tin: 19c l-lb. Un - D. C. L. MALT Light & CI OQ Dark. 2fc-lb. tin V1,au BLUE.RIBBQN.MALT ei AO tin . DOMINION HOPS '& 3.pkgs- 25c 25c SMALL WHITE BEANS . 25 C V 1UO AYLMER PORK ts BEANS 16-oz 3 'tins,.... FAQX-THM Want Ads FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPLNO ROOMS. 1418.2nd Avenije. Phone Red 42 1 tf " WORK WANTED WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Cook and serve at parties. Rhone Blue 736. VI FOUND FOUND Pair of hom-rimmed glasses on Third Ave. East. Ow-' nerray have same by calling -at 1 Daily News Office and - paying - for this advertisement.. PAINTERS: PAINTING na PaparhaniclDg Moller. Phone Red 802. MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR U. S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. We buy all dates regardless of condition. Up to$1.00 eachj paid for UJ3. Lincoln Head cents. :Up.to $150!(each paid for Canadian coins. We Buy Stamp Collections,' Medals. Books, Paper Currency, etc. Send 25c. (Coin) tor large Illustrated price list and; Instructions. Satisfaction guaranteed or 25c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP. 113-10 North FORSYTHE. SAR- 22cJ ! PURE LARD ' : 10-lb. tin $1.73 1 rlb. tin S5c 1 3-lb. tin 51c ' Pay. Cash Pay Less. Orders $1.00 or more delivered Free) WUISSAILEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 rhone 18 Systematic ' Service ' Efficient & systematic 1 service, is the best and , most economical. OUR SERVICE will show ccaiplete record of alii repairs made, and all parts renlaced. A cody of this record i rMnmoH-u-ith nil sets. serviced hy- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 NIA. ONT. NOTICES NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVBM tht A public bearing will be hrtri St tbe of- .1 flee of Tbe Workmen con pensile on Board 511 Duwmuir Street, VancouTer, B.C.. on Wednesday. April lttto. 1833. al 7 o'clock, pjn.. for tbe purpose of considering tbe adoption of revised Regulations tor tne prevenuao oi mc-cidenu In lndusrrtea within tbe aoope tbe "Workmen' Compensation Act. DATED this 2nd day of Apal. 1935. THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARD) IN TirE SUPREME COURT OB BRITISH COLUMBIA IX PKOllATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMIJOS- TOATION ACT" and ; IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF ROBERT HENRY IVE, Dectased. TAKE NOTICE that by order ot -HU I nonor. w. c. runtr, uw wi uj Rnv thp ht at thu ni- low Buy ine oest as inese new low M n loss i was annotated Ad- mintetrator oi the estate ox Robert Henry . Ire. deceased, and all partlei ttavtne;: claims against the said estate arj hereby, required to fumfch mme. DoroerlT ertfied. to meon cr be lore ; tbe- Ttta day of May. AX) . 193S. and all jpaitlas indebted to the estate are re quired, to pay UJe uibum wiutcif w debtedrraw to me forthwith. . . NORMAN A WATT. OUlclal Xdminlstrator. Prince Rupert, Hr. Dated the. 6th day of Aprfl. A D.' 1935. HUNT'S FURNITURE Wish to notify their customers that they-r- Have Moved from the Moose Building To Sixth Street We thank you for your splendid support In the pasti Your paironage'willihs appreciated ! in our-new location. ' ," For Quality With Ecwiomy Buy at Hunt's, Sixth Street IXTS SPRINelE -at KaienHardwane: ROSE. TREES 3' for $1.25: Seeds, of All Kinds Garden. Tool. Hot Gaps-. latch f or the new "6r Applicator Varnish a floor in about 10 minutes, without gelling down on youii knees. Kaien Hardware