Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides She High .. 4;30 ajn. 183 It. i Rupert Ck.VoXX.t 18:31 pm. 153 ft. ni wind; barometer t-:nu S jrc. 46; tea smooth. vT XXIV No. 82. Former Queen Of Atlantic To Be ''A Road Extension i GENERAL LIDENDORFF j LONDON Apn o CP Gcn-' era! End) Ludenu iri'f according I Ui a Reuter s lepoi! from Munich, breaking a long silence on me eve of his seventieth birthday tomorrow, proudly styled himself "an anti-Christian and a heathen," placing the blame on Christianity for Germany's collapse In 1918 and adding that, "only through complete renunciation of Christianity, will the German people achieve the unity they need." As a result of Ludendorff's assertions, the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Con-fetsloivat Synod will refuse to fly flags on his -birthday despite Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's At Ketchikan Is Being Requested KETCHIKAN, April b:-The Ket chikan Chamber of Commerce has passed a resolution urging the cx-irnslon of the highway north of i inwn n distance of several miles to connect up with the farm Ing and fishing community of Lor ing on Nairn Bay. 4 1 UNHI D STATUS MINISTLU ! TO CANADA DIES SUNDAY 4 NEW YORK. April S: (CP Warren Delano Robblns, aged broken r?. Up f ioon Jnn 50, Un ted States minister iu t c and r couj1ii of PrcsU dent Franklin Delano Boose- UMKW, April 8:-Thc steam-! riled here on Sunday of ' veil, MaureUinla. which for years; held the trans-Atlantlc speed rc- pneumonia. cord, Is to be broken up at Rosyth. Scotland, 11 U officially nnnounccd.j Irish Free State Would Ban Britons I Entering Country LONDON. April o: Lord Danes- fort, speaking in the House of Lords on the Irish Free State government's citizenship and alien bills, asked tho British government to take action against grave Irregu laris which would forbid Britons entering the Irish Free State. Heart Balm Suits Are Being Curbed New Legislation Introduced By Governor Lehman of New York ALBANY, N.Y., April 8: (CPl Kcw legislation curbing heart balm suits In the state of New York has been Introduced by Governor Leh man. Under the legislation, such suits would be outlawed unless In stltuted within sixty days. Dust Clouds Blow Up Over Chicago Windy City Darkened by Thick Haic From Drought Areas CHICAGO, April 8: Dust clouds, have been blowing up over this city! from the Middle West drought areas, a thick haze obscuring the sun and darkening the sky. Radiophone From Alaska South To 1 Seattle Opened JUNEAU. April 8: Marking the opening of a new radiophone service between Juneau nnd Seattle, Governor John W. Troy had a conversation with army officials In Seattle. The scr,vlce has been established by the United States Signal Corps. It Is possible another station ' may be opened at Ketchikan SEATTLE, April 8: (CP (Thirty halibut boats had cleared up to late Saturday for the Gulf of Alaska and it is expected fifty will be at sea by today with others following In about ten days. By agreement, the fleet is dividing the fishing periods as was done last year in order not to flood the narket with resultant low prices. The minimum price demanded from the buyers was not obtained. Vancouver Wheal VANCOUVER, April 8: (CP) NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1935 A story, publiihed in London En and. told the plight of Captain H. C. Biard. 1923 winner of the fchn"der Cup Aviaton trophy, who was unemployed and desprately in need. A'moit immediately a London ah op er-o'.oycd Captain Baird. In its moucl aeroplane department, and he is shown here, on the Job. showing models to a group ol yung air enthusiast. Captain Biard won the trophy In 1026 bv seceding his nlane at the thn ttmnzinv nr miles an.houHls Jast air Job a$. that of private JPjlokto,Mrs .... jinrmy james. weaimy American. MANY BOATS iSHERIFF IS FOR BANKSi MOB VICTIM Thirty Seattle Halibut Vessels' Had Left Up to Saturday With 20 More Out Today Seat in New Mexico and Kills Officer GALLUP, New MjxIco. April 8: Supposedly infuriated at the eviction of a homesteader and his fam ily from their farm, a mob stormed the County building here late last week and shot Sheriff Carmichael to death, two deputy sheriffs being also seriously wounded. The outbreak was later brought under control and several arrests were made. Twenty-One Years Tomorrow Since First Train Arrived In Prince Rupert From East The local line of the Canadian National Railways becomes of age tomorrow. It will be the twenty-first anniversary of the arrival here of the first passenger train to come through from Winnipeg following the linking up of the line in the Nechako Valley, It wasn beautiful, warm sifmmer-like day when the first through train drew in to be greeted by thousands of cheering citizens, a gala day being made of the occasion. Christopher J. Graham, veteran engineer, whose impending superannuation was announced recently, was at the throttle of the locomotive and the. late Frank Howell was the conductor in charge. . The train consisted of baggage coach, tourist coach, diner, Pullman sleeper and the private car "Transcontinental" of the vice-president of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Morlcy Donaldson,' who was accompanied by a large party of officials. made on Honor's Day at the formal chapel service. President William Allan Nellson of Smith College being the honors day guest speaker in connection with the ceremonies. Miss Gibbons was born in Cali fornia. Her mother came to Prince Rupert with Mr. Gibbons when they were married but found it necessary to visit California for her health and she died there within a year after the child was bom. After her mother's death, the little girl was brought up by her grand parents in Bangor. Maine. She F. D. Nealon arrived In the cityispent a summer vacation In Prince on the Catala last night from Van- j RUpcrt with her father not long couver to relieve as agent of the beIore the fatai accident which left Union Steamship Co. here for the her orphaned. She will be remem- next couple or weeKs ior K. m. bered as a vivacious girl, fond of Smith Who. With Mrs. Smith, is outdoor llfp and this rharartprlstlc Wheat was quoted at 85!4C per leaving on the Catala tomorrow af-i has kept up for she recently bushel on the local exchange today. I ternoon for a trip to Vancouver. wc,n her "W" in the highly compe- I tltive activities of the college riding ! club. Naturally many Prince Rupert people will be pleased to hear of the success of Miss Gibbons. As a member of the firm of McCaffery & Gibbons, her father was well known and Influential in the life of this city and the daughter is carrying the family name a step farther ahead by winning honors at an early age. Montagu Norman Again Bank Head Is Ue-elcctcd Governor of Dank Of , : England at Meeting of Direc- 1 ' tors Recently I ! LONDON. April 8! Montagu Norman has been re-elected Gov BAR SILVER NEW YORK, April 8: (CP) Bar silver closed at 62 He per ounce on the local foreign exchange markets J .today. J Low 11:50 am. SZ ft. 23:53 pa. 103 ft Additional Moisture PRICE: 5 CENTS NAZIS LOSE OUT IN DANZIG ELECTION PRAIRIES SNOW-LADEN AS RESULT OF WEEK-END BLIZZARD Hitlerites Fall Short OtTwo-Thirds Required To Control Baltic Port Move to Create Dictatorship and Unite Free City With Germany Failed by Seventeen Thousand Voles In Poll lied Yesterday I RKK CITY OF DANZIG, April 8: (CP) The Nazis failed by seventeen thousand votes yesterday to .create a dictatorship in Danzig in their drive to unite with Germany. Final official figures in the election of a Volkstag or Parliament showed that they polled fifty-nine percent of the votes, lalliing short of the 62,000 or two-thirds of the total vote needed to gain control of the Legislature. Today's Stocks J Anti-Christian i luuru 8 l). Juhutuw Co i Vancouver Alexandria. .014. Bayvlew, Ji. II c Nu ket. .43. u; Mutourt. .39. IttatUan. 1J.-- Ikiiiurnc. 7-50". 11. 11 Conm .00. U U X. 17. Cariboo tiMiU. Ul. L irtnuin, C7. Dui.wrll. ill), tit oruiu Itlver, .Dot. O li undii H. Q u .rt Ctetk, .06V.,. Granite. 12. I. Uiun. .01. f MjiIo, .10. MrtldUn. .14. M tming Star. .07". N.Uonal Silver, .01. Niblc Five. .08 Vi. rind Oreille. .43. P irtcr Idaho. m Premier. 1.C3. Qucsncl Quartz, .15. Reward. .03 Vi. lf Reno. 1.41. Silver Crert. Olty Salmon Oold. .13. Taylor Bridge, .10fe. Wayside, .17. Whitewater, .08. Wnverly Tangier, .004. , United Empire. .03. Toronto Central Patricia. 1.50. Chlbougamau. .24. Lee Oold, .04 V,. Oranada, 22. . ; Inter. Nickel, 25.40. Macassa, 2.15. Norandtt. 36.15. Bhcrrltt Gordon, .05. Slscoe. 2.05. Ventures. .02. lake Marun. .00. Teck Hughes, 4.21. Sudbiiry Basin, 1.40. Columarlo, .13. Smelter Gold. .10. Can. Malartlc. .64. LltUe Long Lac, 5.75. Astoria !louyn.04. Rtadacuna, .23. Maple Leaf. .07!$,. I'leklc Crow, ,2.n2. McKcmlc Red Iikc. 1.24. Man. to Eastern. .Ollfc. Clod's t,ukc. 1.33. Sturgeon River Oold, .07. MAY ALLOW RE-ARMING1 Three. l'ower Conference to Permit Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria To Follow German. Lead Capt. Eden 111 Will be Unable to Attend at Stresa; Is Blow to British Hopes LONDON. April 8: CP Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria may be permitted to follow Germany's lead in re-arming themselves at the conference to be opened this week at Stresa. Italy, by Oreat Britain. France and Italy, it was said Saturday night by the Evening Standard. Capt. Anthony Eden, Lord Privy Seal, is suffering from heart strain and a complete rest for from four" to six weeks has been ordered by physicians. Capt. Eden Just returned at the end of the week after visiting Ber lin. Moscow. Warsaw and Prague to bold discussions preparatory to the conference at Stresa on the. subject of European armament His illness is considered a severe blow to Brl- tlsh hopes at that j, conference, Prime Minister i. Ramsay Mac Donald and Foreign Secretary Sir John Simon will head the British delegation at Stresa. Premier Flandln will head the French delegation. Fame Fleeting For Daring Flier Will Put Seed Bed in Good Shape For Crops From Six to Eight Inches on Ground in Southern Alberta With Somewhat Less in North Drifts Cripple Transportation Services CALGARY, April 8: (CP) Farmers of Alberta today viewed their blizzard-swept fields with a snowfall of from six to eight inches blanketing the south country with a less heavy fall in the north. Starting late Saturday, the blizzard was continuing this morning and, while delaying preparatory work, the additional moisture will put the seed bed in good shape and aid the pastures. Heavy drifts in the south have badly crippled transportation services. HONORS AT Wisconsin Man WELLESLEY JBuckley Daughter of Late E C Gibbons Of. Prince Rupert Received Scholastic Award of the late E. C. Gibbons of Prince Rupert, who lost hU life by drown- ranymuiy L. A. DcGucre of Wisconsin Ra- iplds, Wisconsin, arrived In the city on Saturday night's train from the east to Join Frank L. Buckley of Vancouver and his associates who ing at Hartley Bay several years have been spendlng a few days here, ago. recently won high honors at The entlre arty -111 proceed to jWellcsIey College. She was named Vancouver this week, either tomor Weilesley CoUeje Ccnolar from the Senior Class, an annual award 'based on high scholastic Crowd Storms County mpnt Th nnnnnnepment was row afternoon on tho Catala or Thursday night on the Prince Lamson Flatly Denies Killing Former Stanford University Executive Declares He Did Not Murder Wife SAN JOSE, Cal", April 8: David Lamson. charged with the "bath tub" murder of his pretty wife, Aileen, In their horre on Stanford Campus at Palo Altc two years ago, took the stand at the second trial to answer questions of his own counsel. Lamson flatly denied killing his wife or of having any know ledge of her murder. The defence will attempt to show that Mrs. Lamson's death was due to an ac cident as she bathed. Aliens Are Barred From Civic Voting Amendment to Town and Village Act Adopted by Legislature Of Alberta EDMONTON, April 8: Under an amendment to the Town and Village Act adopted by the Legislature, aliens are barred from voting in municipal elections for the office of mayor or councillor. meeting of the board of directors, j TWENTY-SIX PEI SONS LOSE LIVES AS RESULT OF TORNADO IN SOUTH 4. GLOSTER, Miss.. April 9: ernor of the Bank of England at aj CP A tornado which swept parts of Loulsana, Mississippi and Alabama yesterday killed twenty-six personf while more than two hundrecj were injured and damage estimated at $500,000 done. 4