t (5 irv 17. IMS mm Gordon's Hardware fl nne 11 Slcltrlile St. 3 Ltd. e? Pioneer Druqrj tats the Ifxall Store rhones: 81 & g.t Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. S unday and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. An Antacid Powder, Bisma-Rex T fully recommend this preparation for Sour inach. Acid Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Etc. Try h.uIc today. 4-oz. bot. 75c 16-oz.bot. $1.50 When Colds Threaten Try Kcxall Nose and Throat Relief with Kphedrinu .. use a drops or spray. Recommended and I 1 1 doctors everywhere1. Price 50c Rexall Chest Rub ire quick preventative from colds and equal riifdicimil value to any prepumtion of its kind t lie nutritut today. Price 50c i.i'f-parationa are sold under the REXALL Vi.!NTKE. If you believe the preparation has . ri you satisfaction, we will refund your v There are no exceptions to this rule. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER i w In curroal vuull is the best advertise ! find he heat, ment any firm can have. y win u' ih llio tnnct Cllll. II III. liiui iui juui v- (uircments. 3 When in doubt play 'V' irJS&iai-itsCTi trumps. Phone Us 651 - 652 PH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. III 1 IB IB B-B'B B .B.'BBH'.a?Ba B'Ji" Lessen Your Bulb Expense f Kr them in carton of l and ave Bel(le, you have lamp for m replarrmenl when yu need them. INS1DK FROSTED -' Vi ; , o Watt & GO Watt 25c 551,40 HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Jasper Coal MORE HEAT LESS ASH m IB" ; m Get rid of if before IT CAM INDIFFERENCE to over-acidity of the HARM itomach can; only lead to trouble arid suffer- ing. Do not neglect such symptoms as YOU I freaurnt lierthnrn. nriii eructations. CAS. "sour" stomach, add indigestion; etc, for these signify thnt too much acid is present in the stomach. For immediate relief tnke Hisurated Magnesia, This preparation, though harmless to either chiM or adult, neutralizes and absorbs the c?ces acid. Oiidjuxctbui MAGNESIA IS BISMUTH IN MAGNESIA. ..NOT A IAXATIVE Ho warm and comfortable by rld- , Ing in 32 Taxi it cotte the same. Fresh Flounders and Sole board Unome, Hunt's Float. (tf ) fellows' Hall tomorrow 9 psm Adm jSOc Refreshment free, Soo-prlze I Everybody wWrome. nzi Dr. A. A. Jure, consulting' engin eer for ih Consolidated Mining it Smelting Co.. is a passenger aboard the Prince George today bound Gurdwi H. JolHffe, wcH known meirhant of Queen. Charlotte City, is paying a brief visit to the-city on business lie arrived, on the Prince John last night from the Islands and will be returning there Friday Might 8. F. Boomer. . surveyor for Lloyds Underwrtfers. arrived in the- city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver to make an inspection ot the steamer Prince Rupert which is underaoing annual overhaul at the local dry deck. F. S. Clendenning arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver to represent the Empire Shipping Co. in connection with the loading this week of the British steamer Vancouver City with a full cargo of grain for the United Kingdom or Continent Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert G Woodall. city; H. L McKen-ney. Terrace; G. H. Tycho, Sml-thers: C. Martin. Maasett; C. A Moses. Deao Tree Point; Mrs. A. L. Richardson and Mrs. H. M. Helta-veil. Tlell; Mrs. de Bucy, Lawn )Hi!l. A Farrow. M. Haifh. Miwrtce SlMcArdle andS. F. Boomer. Vancou- vor: Olof Hotsek, Ocean Falls, g Boyal 2 Charles Moore. Premier; B. Chey-5'nedo. CUR. Savoy Diaries A. SMtth ,-ott. MasseiU ano J. Pros- Announcements Sons of Norway Masquerade Jan uary 17. Oddfellows' nail. Presbyterian Burns' Tea Jan. 24. Normanna Male Chorus ot Ket chikan, concert Moose lull, Sa turday. Jan. 26, 8:30 pun. Jiggs Supper January 31. "Nordkapp- WhUt1 Drive and Dance. Metropole HalL Fb. 1st, at & pjn. ( Oance, Seal Cove parish Hall February 1. Bayigno's Orchestra. Presbyterian Anniversary-quet. February 4. Bin Princo Rupert Dadmlnton Club dance February 8. Cambral Annual Valentine Dance February. 14. Moose Hall MOOSE L()D(JE Tonight S o'clock Moose Lesion Novelty Dance January 25 THE DAILT NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Yon can rent a u lew at $1.50 a mite. ear at Walker's day, plus 7c. a T. W HalL insfwetor of schools, returned to the ctt on Prim John laot nlejtefrem a tan-oajr trip to variCKM Qaeen Charlotte Island petal on oMMftl chtUe. "If ray iitrtt bby twy wr rn1-lewi with coin- or pecruh (rosi their tMtb I Ivr thrm BablrfsfHrft Tble kod thry www alrD," tytf Mff. T. TMriy. 47S Mil-woad ltd., TonS. TImm litfl' ttllet rfinqre th mm of (rttinlnM umI th. child benmtt happy ud wll asaio. AHthcroa-mon fiilnnuK of little folk are promiliv and u'ljnmin with I)r .llinnif H:ii 'inT t,lft. rrK 26o at your dnwi Dr.W.llnmr from Vancouver to Stewart to pay TTTVTTS'VTWX a visit to the Df Mttleurl irltne. ly'lVJiVRlliit it 25 Mrs. G C Araeneau sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Joe Scott returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a two weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver Miss Dorothy BrMOn who has been visiting at Delkatla with her parenta, Mr. and Mja. J. B ridden, returned to tte city on the Prince John lasvnigitt tm the Maud to roaume her atasttw here. City, armed on last niafafcfma Use atfuOaad. will sail tomorrow njgh act tft PnVoe George for a trip Vpfm&r: Albert Harrow. sHanwtat lpfc steamer Prince RUfWrt whid is un-dergolaf aiiaisal overteaitl at the local dry toek. Capt. A, HMettigm asjft Cpt C Hannah evangetiata for the Church , Army from anglajai. wtto are on a tour of various nattw vulaaes in this district, arrived in the otty on the Prince Joan teat night after having spent a lqo1 of weeks at Old Maaaatt C. R. AUum arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning irom Pentictan to join the staff of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal He takes the place of V. R. Dibble who sails tomorrow night a the Prince George for New Westminster to which point he has been transferred. Charles A. Smith, engineer of the rtoetka Packing Co s cannery at New Maasett and secretary of the Graham Island Farmers' Institute, is paying a brief visit to the city. He arrived from the Island on the Pfincc John hut night and will return home on the same vessel Friday ritght Steamship Officers Are Beins Changed Cant. Edward Mabbs. popular klDDe of the Queen Charlotte :hThrJ service of Oanadian National ! Steamships. Is joining the steamer' -MineV George thte week- a& chief j officer to asstet Capt. H. E. Nedden j In a general shake-up of navigating j officer of the George anti John.! Capt. Dan McKlnnon going fromj the George to the John as ehief of- j lleer. Capt. William Uleeaon moves from the John, where he has been j chief f fleer, to the Qeorae as se-; aond officer while Oeorge Coles, se- j cond on the John, goes to the George as third. James Watt, se-; cond officer on the George, will re-veu'ta the John in similar capacity. William Eccles. third officer on the Prhncie John, loaves the ship here and goes tomorrow night aboard the Prince Ocorc.c to Vancouver where he will uke hi holidays and bo married. Making Plans To Observe Silver Jubilee oi City The Srtrig Rudest Pioneers' As- sociatifln, at a meeting felt night. appoint a eomwMttet- ejMfetirtg of Robert McKay, O, W. Johnstone ' and Fred Riftou to meef with theji Junior Chamber of Commerce to' discus ar ranernenM f oithecelel Mft and- Mrs C. C. ueaeesfc mo oration of the stiver Jubilee of have been vtsWSe Int the- patt Prince Runert's lnrornnratlnn which Mi.vi AnrOuB R.N.. wfco ha, month with thai sotvitvla an;faiis on March 10 tin year been on a trip, to VHHr wllH ; dgm Mis aod Me D tt Bar- P w Anderson; the-president. icr oroiwr writ i m, lawrwo u iao, van Mm-PT ine mnwjiis waa ln the chalr at iMt night's the city from? the KHrtM on Uietbrnoftow tnjht for Vanoeowr en- meeting. There was some discussion Prince OeetW UDa rlwmlfift i route baett to tbtir home in Grand I of moving forward the date from I ' POT WO, Miss Dearie Oftrrrrichaeft who has )( been aythg a via ttv Her heme afrj Quc-fn charlotte Cttfc lettttned tol tin- city from the lajanda on the! Prime John la ntatik Mrs A. L. RletMMttM and Mfc H M Hrllaof'Tlil a Mtet cleBucy of Lawn Hill are visitors ln the city, baring arrived from the Queen CharteUe Islands on the Prince John last night. Que 1910 to 1915 for eligibility to join the i association but-no action was taken, i In is planned to have a social (fathering for all pioneers ln the near future. CABIN WAS ; DESTROYED Two Men Krsldlnp in McClymont I Park Kendrred Hornelcs By j Early Morning Blaie Martin Hallberg and Hans Lok-ken wece rendered homeless at 3 o'clock this morning-by a fire-which destroyed the log cabin in . McCly mont Park beyond LotbHere Street where they resided. Hallberg being the owner The fire is believed to have been caused by a cigarette stub. The two men were able to save some of their effects but the cabin j was totally- destroyed: It was about jhalf a mile from the nearest fire i hydrant and it' was 'impossible for !tva tiro A Ana rtnon 4a (Alr Vima to Uk blaze. Fdr being the keeper, of a disorderly house Oathie Lewis was fined $50. with option of thirty days imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc- . i Oymont in city police court yester- Peter Tesoem, wo' kow Jiaher- j aftemoon. The fine was paid. man ana vomtrpt sjue uwnwic C. A. Moses, chief operator of Dead Tree Point wireless station. Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived in the city on the Prince John last night for a brief visit to town. He' tor. arrived in tboeity an the prince j j, reurn to the Islands on the I ueorge una monung iroea vmncou- Mmt vessel Friday night ver to mace a innweiow oi toei ant Ads FOR SALE , , - FRESH Flounders and Sole sale on Helen II.. Cow Bay. FOR SALE OR RENT 5-ROOM Modern Black 92. House. FOUND for1, SNAPPY Sale of Oldsmobile Sedan in first-claa shape. No reasonable offer refused. Owner leaving town. Phone 116. tf FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms 141 Second Avenue. Phone Red 421. tl Phone If Rusincss Opportunities A CUANCD OF A LIFE TIME TO Get into a good paying business of your own. handling the sale and distribution in Prince Rupert of the best known line of house hold products on the market. For further information apply The J. R. Watkins Company, 1350 Hornby Street, Vancouver, B.C. ! FOUND ChrlsUan Science Quarter. ly ln black leather case. Apply Dally News. tf PAINTERS PAINTING aqa raperUngibi Moller. Phone Red f2 MACKENZIE'S FUUNITUUE Bedroom Suite 5 Pieces, Bedsteadi Vanity, Dresse Chiffonier & Stool Special S85 Phone 175 Third rrince Kupert Ave. Bulktey Valley Coal ithe--registered name of the product of Bulkle'y.' VWtey-Goal.- Mine, operated by R m Dockril), ' Telkwa, B.C. Accept No Substitute The mine representative is at your service, free ot charge. Have your dealer send him to you. TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD n Prepared Dally By Canadian Fisli & Cold Storage Co., Etd; PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamirs leave Prliice Rupert for Vancouver TAS. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJil Arriving Vancouver Thursday TSS. CAR DEN A' EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday ajn. Weekly sailing to Port Slmpeow. Altec Arm. Ahyox. Sttwart and Naa BlTr potnU, Leave Prince Rupert Sunday. 8 pjn. Further Information regarding aU sailings, and Uckets at SPECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARES TO VANCOUVER COO AA Return limit March 31st ?OAWV ralNCB BCPERT AUENCT: Third Atrnuf. It's BETTER and You can Prove It Try This taUcipoon buHtf tf .u a i tettpoon m! -r" BBRlaW "N Pbooe Ss ANY DEBTS OWING TO G0LDBL00M by trappers will not be collected until after fishings Send your furs to him. He guarantees top prices. Goods kept till we hear from you. If price not satis-, factory return money and we will return goods. ii- aaMaaaMaaaMsaMaMBaasBMMWBaMMi i mil ii.satsaasaMaaaasaa Simple Way of Making Cream Sauce I' HERE'In limple wy to milt a dclidoiM cleam'Muce, tfvt yenr CH ui (or vt3tUWti, fiih, nn!, croqttei( touiflet, etc tttipoon pepper i cup St Charle i cup water ! I Milk Melt trie butter in top of double boiler. Add flout and onlp;i blend, well and pout in adully the milk diluted with, water, ajirrinj i , constantly until the miiture it smooth and thick. Contmua to cooa Itteen minuttt in the dovblc boiler. Borden's St. Charlel Milk is belter and yo can prove it therefore be sure tor use' it fo' tikia aJf other recipes that call for milk. r73mietvi ST. CHARLES MILK UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED Tk Bardta Co. lWd ill SO PowtU Sl, VncMf, I.C OeMlm We. vA a copy of you In. wt twek "Tke Good PmAStr ", Urn Recauso it doesn't pay to advertise poor product, It does pay to buy those adiertised. i