Chrlr Hansen, who held up the raw m rate nn r tn street r n- .. it-i i A.n . IUa "n ugblCI oy lilt a 113 Ui i Jected non-stop solo flight to a distance es. smashed nere. yes- tcrday but was himself unin jured. He had encountered fogs and storms and was mak- lng a forced landing, striking a tree. He was flying a Lock- heed-Vega monoplane and, following the same route as Col. C. A. Lindbergh on his historic New York to Paris flight, had hoped to cover the distance in 28 hours. At 7:10 Saturday night, he passed over n.iv Roberts. Newfoundland. C. H. Orme, Conservative candidate for Skeena In the forthcoming federal election, and W.R. Love returned on the F. H. Phip- as fminri miUti? "nle mnrnlnu bv nen R.itnrdftV nteht from a T, f. ! I - . . 1 1 1 .1.. A ' ..nwmnl,, trtl 11" t.A VI H 0 1 1 O "tt.V 11 1 L. U I 1 1 II 1 1 1 U ... W . . .1 . I II i V. M - --"I ice court on a charge of robbery Queen Charlotte Island points. Mr. nrt vinion- u n.nn nformo win nroceefl on mis eve-i iarry Chin and was sentenced to'nlng's train to Terrace and other wee months' lmorlsonment at I Interior points, arrompaniea oy vain TAmna 'i' unrv mv ifii.iLi uaiiuvvt, i h 1 1 1 1 1 r nnr in nurMi iimi Running Gun Fight in Which h Pari y ancouvcr 1 uun VAMr.niTVP.p Cnnf oawrPI One man is in hospital, 1 V.' V 1 V J W IJakk 1 11. I I Li. Af-J . area 01 Vancouver, inrec uuiuio i v- oandit car went out of control alter an eignty huj i i n i xiii riinnu ir Millionaire Is Robbery Scene LOS ANGELES, fipnt 9.5 rw The home of George A. Hormel, ""uionaire Austin, Minn., canner, "as broken into last Tuesday night and non-negotiable securities valued at $500,000 taken. Hormel is in ne east and his residence has been unoccupied for some time. The rob- "y was not discovered until the end of the week. ' , ucn Kinf. i.hp one man was 11.1. brought down by McKinnon wuu a bullet through the back which followed a rib and lodged in a shoulder. His condition Is not serious Another man was arrested yesterday and charged with robbery with violence The police car was riddled with buckshot as both pursued and pursuer blazed away it one another. The handit car fled past fourteen blocks along Sixtn Avenue w m off ana me rim aceptable, Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides She High .11:35 a.m. 185 ft Rupert Part cloudy, prince 23:42 p.m. 18.8 ft. southerly wind; barometer, .. light Low 5:?3 a.m. 5.9 ft. temperature, 54; sea smooth. 3004, 17:50 p m. 7.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIV No. 220. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1935 PRICE: 5 CENTS 1 nr nr i r Fir rrrnAnr jjt a mrrmrxir vrz UAtlALL iiV LUKUrt wamivu 0C1AL CREDIT IS BEING DISCUSSED BY MACKENZIE KING eague of Nations Five-Power Board Abandons Its Efforts To avv: ' is Effect Settlement of Dispute GOOD GOV'T i.,it,.tin iirard in ruunc All The Time m rn.:ui . uiuu- r- truly a government of the namiAv T n Pattiilln sta- k . - L 1 4 ntnr mi IV iii'jniiHiir niir ' iir J ' nai ww rf a n the Interests Mr Plr alii ouuineu uie uuiu- cHv!tie.s of the various de- uith what nici Dcen ac- 111 LJLkfHll U V )cieme to rleip rovta ay urparimeni ui Agri culture OTTAWA, September 23: The "3 official approval of i urnir i p u i rn l ri n n iiiiiiauiuii rfiivmpn i no ennomn kiiiiwii GETS TIIUEF MONTHS Rain Delays War and Hostilities Not Now Expected Before Middle of October Victor of Italy Appeals To George of England GENEVA, Sept. 23: (CP) The five-power board of the League of Nations today gave up its efforts to reach a basis of conciliation of the Italo-Ethiopian dispute. Fol lowing Italy's announcement Saturday of the rejection of the first peace terms, the board sat again and adjourned until today when it abandoned further efforts. The Bri- ...., . . . i jtij ii.ii. 4- BALLINRODE, County Mayo, Irish Free State, Sept. 23: (CP) Lieut. Felix Waltkus, Kohler, Wis., United States re- serve flier, who took off Satur- i day from New York on a pro- 4 WISCONSIN AIRMAN, IN ATLANTIC CROSSING IS DOWN IN IRELAND r r t Kaunas. Kaunas,, Lithuania, Liiuuuua t Dairymen 'Passed r f0 ' 4Toffl, J i nr' up' In in a a rou rough en flel neia usn, in lurn, naa cai:ea iiauan counter suggestions absolutely un- The general opinion appears now to be that an Italo-Ethiopian con fllct Is Inevitable and grave fears continue that It may develop Into greater proportions The rainy sea son In Ethiopia is, however, con tlnulng later than usual this year and may delay the commencement of the attack by Italy until mid- October. Announcement that the cabinet had rejected the League's peace terms was received, . wlthenthus' lasm by the Italian people It was reported Saturday night that King Victor Emmanuel had written to King George of England appealing for a better understanding between Italy pnd Great Britain. From. Paris it was reported that the French cabinet had expressed Itself as being shocked with Italy's refusal of the peace terms. j Italian Army Increased ROME, Sept. 23: (CP) Two hundred thousand soldiers of the 1911 to 1914 classes reported for .duty today, bringing Italy's mobile army to one million men a Premier Mussolini promised befire October 1. It was also disclosed that the civilian population of Naples, Palermo, Taranto, Barl, Brlndlsl and other Italian ports and cities were preparing themselves for evacuation If necessary. Britain Arming Further LONDON, Sept. 23- (CP) Instead of withdrawing any portion of naval strength, Mediterranean forces are being strengthened and trenches surrounded by barbed wire are being dug in strategic areas around the hr.rbor of Haifa, Palestine. Large munition dumps are also being established. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 69,500 pounds, and 6c to 10.4c and 6.5c. Canadian 13,000 pounds, and 6c. American Tatoosh, 26,000, 10c and Cold Storage. 10c 8,2c 6.5c, Excel, 23,000, 10.2c and 6.5c, At- lin. Sherman, 10,500, 10.4c and 6c, Royal. Zarembo, 10,000, 10.4c and 6c, Royal. Canadian Pair of Jacks, 13.000, 8.2c and 6c, Cold Storage. DEWOLF HOPPER DIES ? . the n.ivement.l KANSAS CITY, Sept. 23 (CP)- Canadian Fliers Warmly Welcomed A s:cne at Roosevelt Field, New York, as some of ttw eighteen Canadian goodwill fliers were welcomed to New York. The airmen .lew unter the aegis of ths Montreal Light Aeroplane club, and made the flight In reciprocation for the annual goodwill flight of Americans to Montreal. Left to right. Frank Tichenor, publisher who represented Mayor La Guardla; Bernhard Marcuse. president of the Montreal Light Aeroplane Company; Squadron Leader A. T. Cowley of the Canadian department of national defence, and Col. J Carroll Cone, representing the bureau of air commerce of the U. S. department of Commerce. Liberal Leader Ready To Mp Aberhartr Put His New Plan Over Canada and Whole World Would L'onime experiment For Time Being to Alberta PRINCE ALBERT, Sept. 23: (CP) Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King, leader of the Liberal party, who is now campaigning his own constituency of Prince Albert, and who it was stated Saturday would be opposed by both Co-operative Commonwealth Federation and Social Credit candidates, declared that Social Credit would spread wildfire through Canada and the whole world 11 Premier Aber" 1 O 1 new Dimi ocuc sald the Liberals wculd klve Mr. MA a nf filfaura Aberhart every assistance to work lViaUC til VllaVYa out the plan ...but, proves itself, let us confine, it to Alberta," Canadian Banks Take Over Issue he suggested. Of $135,000,000, it is Announced ) " ' Premier Bennett Ottawa, sent. 23 (cp-Hon. Edgar N. Rhodes, minister of fln-1 ance, announces the sale to a' group of Canadian banks of a new bond issue totalling $135,000,000 divided into $45,000,000 one year 1V2 bonds yielding 1.9 and $90,-000,000 thiee-year 2-bonds yielding approximately 2.25. 1 sale of the local dry dock pro- perty to the company. The Vancouver Province featured announcement of the deal prominently on ls front page. rhtnf Fo ter had been on the DeWolf Hopper, noted actor, dled. The local dry deck staff has i Vntfn the men who had pre- of heart 'failure here this morning not yet been officially notified See stores Sa-1 at the age of 77. He had carried out of the change. vlosuW held mm up m 1 viosuiy 4 lpaar r!Uiio aooearance on ...... turday, b amounts. '. Heard in Victoria Canadian Prime minister Speaks In British Columbia Capital-Section 98 to Stand VICTORIA, Sept 23: (CP) Hav- it 1 1 l jtffnv rnhoriiilnri AYON IS TO BE MADE .'ng canceuea a '"""K -cuu,c" BY LOCAL PULP MILL for Nanalmo Saturday alternoon j following his arrival at Vancouver It is stated that the pulp from the east that morning, Pre- mlll which the Mutual Pulp ;mler R. B. Bennett addressed a & Paper Mills of Prince Ru- , public meeting here Saturday night pert Ltd. is to build on. the on federal election Issues after dry dock site here will be used . which he left for Vancouver where for the extensive manufacture he speaks twice today after rest-of rayon. Widespread Interest .ing there over the week-end, in the project has been taken ; At his meeting here, wiuch was since the official announce-j largely attended, Mr Bennett lash- ment late last week of the 'ed out at the Communists at Mos- cow and "their emissaries here." He declared that the government had discovered a plot where the Communists had planned to kidnap him and establish a Soviet in, Canada. Mr. Bennett said that Section 98 of the Criminal Code would stand so long as he headed the government. ' . V DOING WORK i L ON SKEEN A i John Currie & Son Get Jobs ai Port Essington and llaj sport John Currie & Srri will start at pigby Island on work of renovat- If it is Successful Will Spread I.ym VJlTSS5SS. In about a month's t'me and mean time will carry out contracts at Port Essington and Haysport. At Essington seven nine-pile dolphins are to be driven in front of the town for Ice protection purposes while at Haysport a float Is to be renewed and ice protection work also carried out. AVIATORS ACQUITTED i Airmen Freed Of Charges In nection With killinC In Skies Over Toronto TORONTQ, September 23. (CP): 1 Charges of manslaughter against William J. Mulqueeney, pilot, and j Irwin Davis, mechanic, In connection with the death of Leonard .Koenecke, Brooklyn baseball play-ier, who was killed In a fight In an 1 airplane over this city, were dis-J missed on the grounds of self-de-i fence. The coroner's Jury, after having been out for twenty-one minutes, brought In a verdict that the blows on the head which had caused Koenecke's death had been struck In self-defence. Provincial Police Back From Search For Lost Vessel Constable Victor Bond, with the provincial polleoat.PJIylJL, 9, re-urned to PrinceP Rupert Sunday from trie Mllbank Sound area, about 150 miles south of here, following abondonment of the search for the Vancouver fish packer Southseaman which is conceded to have been lost with her crew of two after having left St. John Harbor, Bardwell Islands, with a heavy load of salmon for Bute-dale cannery. Those on board the vessel who are believed to have . perished with her were Capt. Gerald B. Hamilton of Fulfqrd Harbor, owner and skipper, and Carl. Larson of Vancouver, a natural ized Dane. THE POLITICAL CORNER THE GREAT PROMISEIl AND THE PEACE RIVER OUTLET Mr. Bennett at Winnipeg, .June 9th, 1930: "We pledge ourselves to the Improvement of the whole scheme of Canadian transportation, Northward, by the completion of the Hudson Bay Route and the construction of such blanches as may be; necessary to render it most readily available to every part of Canada: to the Pacific Slope by a Peace River Outlet, and east and west by tne development of the St. Lawrence waterway." In these words Just before the last election Bennett, the Great Promiser, pledged his word to buiid the Teace River outlet. The depression was on when he made this promise and unemployment was rampant. He pledged his government, If elected, to do away with unemployment by putting the idle men to work on the national highway across Canada and other public works such as the Peace Outlet. The other day Mr. Bennett said, "Surely! I promised to build the Peace River outlet but we were unable to do so, That must wait." Why was he unable to do so? He was able to get $60,000,000 for the C. P. R. He had an overwhelming majority in Parliament to back him up In anything he wanted to do. The Peace Outlet Is a national undertaking which must soon be br.llt. We shall be compelled to spend the money anyway. Why not use the unemployed to build It during the depression, rather than throw millions of dollars away each year in doles without any return? Mr. Bennett was urged to do this many times but he consistently refused. . He would throw millions away on doles rather than spend a. larger amount in paying fair wages or necessary capital undertakings. As between men and money, money must b! saved. A vote for Orme is a vote for Bennett.