DAILY EDITION RA1NETTE Are Ygu Prepared For Wet Weather? Protect your health by keeping your feet dry and snug, no matter what weather. Our stock is complete. Every pa' made to wear" Just quality goods only Cold, Rainy Days Mean . . . RUBBERS THE DAILY NEWS. FRINGE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA STELLA The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 337 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PTJLLEN Managlng-Edtor SUBSCRIPTION BATES 1 i i City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ... 45.1K u iKarrr pciioaa, paia in aavance, per week , , By mall to all parts ol British Columbia, the British Empire and ADVERTISING RATES -Transient display advertising, per lncn, per insertion , Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line . LL, .. ... . Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone 98 SG li 1.10 .02 .25 Tuesday, September 24. 1935 THAT "SAVAGE ATTACK" Readers .of the Daily News will lie interested to learn SPORT MAXIE HAS BIGPLANS Victory Ovr Joe Louis Merely In- cidental In His Plans F.ture For Louis' Promise Guarantees To Finish It In Two Rounds Braddock Changes His Mind Again NEW YORK. September 24: In spite ol what most .of experts may think about It, Max Baer now has the plans for his future fistic car- g eer all doped out. He will (he says) 5 knock out Joe Louis, Detroit's gj black bomber, In their bout to m night and, as soon as the neces- sary arrangements can be made, will proceed to do the same to James J. Braddock and thus re gain his lost world's heavyweight championship title. But, that is not all. Alter taking a shot at the movies, Max announces that he will retire from the ring and devote his efforts to capturing the national golf championship. Thus are summarized Max's modest plans. Mr. Louis' plans are, however. different than Mr. Baer's. The African .gentleman with the wicked punch has not been saying much but he guarantees that tonight's fight will ont last more than twe rounds. Nor Is it in accordance with his Intentions that It shoulc be he who will be reclining on the canvass to spoil the fun for th? big crowd of cauliflower fans whe have already coughed up $1,000,00 for admission tickets. James J. Braddock, the champion, who first favored Baer an- then turned to Louis, has changed his mind again and now expresses the opinion that Baer will take .In decision. Louis will punch at the big Callfornian Jew until he wears i himself out, Braddock thinks I However, not everybody respects .uitfb vu oiauraay lasi mere was in tins paper "a savage Mr. Braddock's uckh; opinion jor outburst" atrainst Marxism. That is what u-p jivp trJH m it Is still thought by many that THE DAILY NEWS Dionne Quints Fine Influence Edmonton Doctor Back From East Says Medical -Frith Boosted .EDMONTON, Sept. 24: (CP) The Dionne quintuplets are mak ing Canaria "he?!th conscious," they are boosting the public faith in medical science and a healthier. it uau. i. tn..H4 in Mtclllt ihyslcian, .recently returned rom a visit to the east and Canada's five nost famous little girls. The -wonder workers at Callan-ler, Ont. Yvonne. Annette. Ceclle, Emllle and Marie have done xe- markable things dur'ng their short, '.olorful careers that have brought twentieth century medical practi '.loners and people of the .world to x better understanding, Dr. Atkin jqn declared. "These little girls are beautiful babies." he assured as he told of his visit. "The fact they .have de veloped so wonderfully in view of i the disadvantages .that were theirs at .birth is a tribute to modern medicine." The quints. Dr. Atkinson said, youngsters," lie said. an unsigned letter to the editor. The writer -of the letter! el sl mo su5" f,rX District News TERRACE A Memorial service -was held recently for Knute Ohon who is presumed to have-been drowned In the Copper River three weeks ago. The service was held ,at the United Church .and the 'building was filled, not only by the members' of that church .but by many others who wished -to pay last respects to a man .who had craved through irisea man around the a"u usmuukk- w mc am- nlcn cfifoo tW HiQ v, .an :i i ring in ,tM-fQ aiso states mat tne writer the editorial 01 knows nothmp- ,,,, , .u mnnitv Mr . 01 JUarx S economics or Of political hlf-tory. He .also says ed the -title laurels off "Max's play, r6011 iook UP land the e"y days mat me eaiionai to wnicn ne rel ers was dirt slinging. iful rw- There are also those who xte says iui'tner tnat sucn "explosions " are only "the result of pure ignorance" and, toward the end or the letter he proceeds to get excited and uses language which Is not usually used in decent publications, not, at any rate, in the "capitalistic press." Now, as a matter of fact Marxism and Russia were only introduced as examples of what not to do. The writer has read everything he could procure on the Russian situation and tried to do so sympathetically. The great Russian experiment is one that has excited much comment for and against. We think it promises well to succeed but it is today far from being successful, it is making progress and we wish it well. At the same time we do not -wish to see Canada following the same hard road. The difficulty with admirers of Russia is that they read chiefly those things which praise the condition there and stamp as lies the reports of conditions which Canada swould not allow to exist for twenty-four hours. All other .reports, many of which undoubtedly are reliable, they (Characterize as propaganda or "capitalist lies." Most of the citizens of Canada have come from countries where democratic government has slowly evolved .and the people have been trained to study political questions. These people know that it is wise 'to go slowly in Snaking political or economic -changes. That is why they are planning to vote for the Liberal party at the present ielection. For those who have riot had that training, we have the greatest .sympathy. We wish them well and feel sure when their descendants have been Canadians for a few generations they will have been educated and trained to a point where they can look at economic development in a rational inanner and be willing to co-operate for the common good. They would never be educated if they lived lunder a dictator as in Russia or Germany or Italy where discussion of 'economic questions is not allowed or is so regulated that .opposition to the ruling faction is stifled or wiped out by strong arm methods. DE LUXE WALL TINTS A modern trend in Interior decorating is to give a "dapple" of f firtf 4a ..nlln .lit 1 . . .... . ,. ... waua ur ceiungs Dy applying acuiuonai tints with a sponge, two or more colors will give unusual and artistic effects; 5-b. pkg. 65c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. i RURrtfl'T. t.hnt fh TirleVl mm, V.a father of the thought of Jimmy's in favoring Baer for the next title .challenger. Baer is expected to weigh In at about 210 pounds ar.d Louis at 199. Odds are 11 to 5 on Louis. Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Morgan & Bud Barri? Don't forget the number 456 Baseball Scores National League Boston 2-9, New York 3-7. Brooklyn 2-8, Philadelphia 4-4. Pittsburg 12 St. Louis 0. American League New York 5, Washington 1. Baseball Standings American Leajtne W. L. Detroit 92 New York 86 Cleveland ......'-. 77 Boston 74 Chicago ... 71 Washington 65 St. Louis 61 Philadelphia :56 52 59 70 74 74 82 84 87 National League W. L. Chicago : 97 52 St. Louis 93 55 New York 87 58 Pittsburg t..85 65 Cincinnati 67 4 Brooklyn .. 64 83 Philadelphia .M .85 Boston ;36 111 Pet ,039 .593 .524 .500 .490 .442 .420 .392 Pet .651 .628 .600 .567 .444 .435 .430 .245 We sell circulation. We have it. of Terrace and cleared a large area of heavy forest "upon which he suc cessfully .conducted a .dairy farm for several years. His wife predeceased him some yep rs ago and, as a widower, he was left with a boy and a .girl vho, now in their 'teens, are themselves bereaved. On Tuesday last Hon Ian Mac-Kenzle spoke here in support of the Liberal candidature of Olof Hanson. Mr. MacKenzle spoke In the Oddfellows' Hall which was lull to overflowing. Harry- King acted as chairman and, at the xlose of the address by Mr. MacKenzle, Invited questions from the .audience which brought the evening to a good-humored finish with "God Save the King' -r -. - CHILLY IN SOUTH AFRICA DUNDEE, South Africa,, Sept. 24: (CP) The coldest weather ever known here was experienced ier cently when a low mark of 20 .degrees was reached, causing severe damage to fruty .trefS,: BOWLING CHALLENGE A bowling team -consisting of Bert Morgan, Max Asemlssen, William Schrlaberg, tflmmy' Ciccone and Eddie Smith has challenged any other five man team in the city to a -match to be played tomorrow jilght lor a chicken dinner. JACK McEVOY SOUTH Jack McEvqy of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert Saturday night going through to Vancouver. Jack was formerly prominent In boxing circles in Prince Rupert until he met up with Gordon Wallace a .year or so ago. BOWLING The Prince Puperl Bowling Association .5 and 10 pin leagues will commence October I All entries must be in the hands of the secretary not later than September 27. The Letter Box WHY ISLANDERS ARE LIBERAL Editor, Daily News: First, Mackenzie King. Liberal leader in Canada, is the only lead aid .Dr. W. A. Atkinson. Mmantonf . ""f.u". et Mackenrie King is still leader of "his party. There must be a reason. One of these reasons is King knows what it is to struggle against great odds. Mr. Hanson knows what it is to go hungry, what it Is to want and what hard work means. He also knows what our fisheries are ani what' should be done About them. He knows what our mining Is what our timber business Is, what our farming is. He is directly Interested in all of these. These are some of the main reasons the Islanders are sending Mr. Hanson .back to Ottawa. Th Islanders are oat blaming Hanson for some of the mistakes made by our provincial government. Han are the greatest tourist attraction , son has never made a promise in Eastern Canada with visitors; that he could not keep. The Isl from all over the world gathering anders have judged Hanson by at Callander'. "Thes live little girls l his past record, ar.d their Judg- should put .a decided crimp in the ment is: "Send him back to Ot age-old controversy ol heredity tawa with his own Party, that will .versus environment. The .environ- soon he swept back Into power ment supporters cpjrtalnly have a again." This time he will he sit powerful argument an their side in .""8 in the seat of government, the Dionne children. All five of not tne opposition. He will man them ,are arp normal Pnthitsinstv 1 age to give his riding what it wants. $1 E. C. STEVENS, Skidegate KANDYAN RELICS COLOMBO, Ceylon, Sept. 24 (CP) The so-called elephant-gun, last of ithe relics nvv in London of the old Kings of Kandy. is to be brought to Ceylon, having been purchased for $750. ' l At tyery roint After having hrtl highly successful meetings at Port Clements of the lias a such a me ursi uioerai meeung was held in the school house at Sklde-Tate. Every person In the town attended, it being the biggest poli tical meeting ever held at Skide-gate. It was a .Hanvm crowd, too. E. C. Stevens acted as chairman md Messrs. Hanso. Kenney. Ba ion and Prudhommr all spoke. ext aay Mr. Hanson and his oarty went to Bandyplt and visited, ill the settlers there. It was quite evident that Sandspit Is also sup-oortlng Hanson. The same evenlne a meeting -was held at Queen Charlotte City in Miller's Hall. Harry Beaven acted is chairman and the meeting was packed. Hanson enthusiasm was once more undiminished. It was Mr. Kenney's first visit to the islands. Everybody reads the Daily News "here's a reason. Tuesday 8P 14, Hanson Receives D0L0MI MINE Good Reception CLOSES DOWN Operations At Well Kno,,. Near OCetchikan Cea; son is Not Given KETCHIKAN; Bept er of a political party that is still! and Masaett at botli.. .of which. moug Doioinl leading his party since 1919. All through the British Empire all leaders of different political par .mine points sustained -.tere.u m me Wa, M. . Liberal cause was quite apparent. h "n" H Olof Hanson. .Libera caUate for m Skeena in the iortlitomlng Jederal.wp . yfc eleotlon. and party have crossed to : " rtV'r c closed .down. The the mainland abovd the halibut boat Helen II, Capt. Peter Byrne, o visit coastal points. On Sunday they were at Butedale and yester day at Namu. Ocean Falls, Bella Coola and other points will be isrlsited. Never In the history Queen Charlotte Islands political party received rousing welcome ar -did Olof Han son, E. T. Kenney. Jim Bacon .and Alex Prudhorame Tyhlle in Skide- gate Inlet last week" says a cor-. respondent on the Queen Charlotte Islands in wrltinjr to the Dally tlews. ml 1 i. it reason for Sets Yolk Record ror Laying Egi r if.n . " . . 4snurn en in Vanconut VANCOUVER, Sept 24 ICP A .L- 1 A 1 1 - -1 1 " Mvy f Oeorge Hermanson, of Webri Corners, claims the dL 'Inrt!: i bMng the only hen to lay what 4 poultry experts believe to bt$ only louTyolked egg ever 1 The egg. larger than aver. was 'found to contain four j& when handled at the Consunsa Co-operative Assolation fatter here. Service Policy 01 Church of England In Canada Changd CALGARY. Sept 24 -Rtriu of the whole servlre policy ol b Church of England in" Canada ri forecast at the annual session 4 the Social Service Council hmt i connection with General fiyirf and House of Bishops merttaj! Bishop O. A. Rlx of Calfdonfa h Deen amon? mose m Htmitntt FORGOTTEN CITY If newspapers were to stop, this city would practically be forgotten. You would quickly realize how much we all depend upon our daily publication. Ifdafly newspapers throughout Canada were stopped, communities would be upset and disorganized ordinary trade paralyzed the populace panicky and easily misled. The universal communication maintained by the Daily Newspapers nourishes and stimulates our social, business and economic structures in countless ways and is necessary to their healthy functioning. Daily Newspapers have established and have sustained spot markets SPONSORED BY THE everywhere that all may contact 'the public andcultivate its goodwill, ""if i' CANADIAN' DAILY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION "V.W