- njber 24, 193o Here 7s a rea thri for I.I 14. geen tea drinkers a blend of first crop teas from Japan s'finest gardens. Try it. AlADA" JAPAN TEA OPEKO anilla Flavoring A Superior Vanilla Flavoring I. D. Vita-Full bottle, 25c I Builds strength, improves nutrition for grown-ups. A delicious food beverage for everyone every day. One-pound tin, 50c Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Drtuzfffsts Tit Re xIl Bton Fhonw: SI & 82 Open Daily From 8 am. tiU 10 p.m. iundaysand Holidays Frora'12 'no6ntIir2 p.m., 1 p.m.-Hl 9 p.m. Union Steamships Limited SPECIAL NOTICE IMPORTANT CHANGE IN NOKTHLKN ROUTE of ss, "CATALA".' i'ffctive leaving Prince Rupert Northbound, Sunday Sept. 15th. Commencing this date, ss. "Catala" leaves Prince Rupert, Sunday 8:00 p.m. calling Port Simpson. Arriving STEWART MONDAY 7:00 a.m. i-eeavini? " 11:00 a.m. o driving Naas River MONDAY, 6:00 p.m. approx. arriving Anyox MONDAY, 10:15 pjn. calling Port Simpson driving prince Rupert TUESDAY 8:45 a.m. approx. Leaving Prince Rupert TUESDAY l:30'p.m. Tickets and all Information R- M. Smith, AceJit. Third Ave, frince Kupcrt, or Purser ss. "Catala". Phone .V5S. CANADIAN PACIFIC Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way ports .-, PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS. 10 P.M. T Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Sept. 6th, 15th, 25th. Oct. 4th. 10th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 25th, Nov. 3. 0 Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skaeway PRINCESS LOUISE, Sept. 11th, 21st, 30th, Oct. 12th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 21st, 30th. For infnrmntl. 1 .......tinni mil X)T -Wllte """"" turn iwu""'" a fi W - L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert. . D. ELIO FURNITURE and EXCHANGE WE BUY and WE SELL USED FURNITURE Hiker Kitchen Range, Beds, Buffet, Table, Etc. "ox 50 Phone f 421 14o Third Ave. Vancouver. Kenwood Green, son of Capt. Larfti Mrs. Res Green, left at the end of last week for Edmonton where he will attend the University of Alberta. G. E. Gulick, local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., returned to the city on the Catala this afternoon after making the round trip to Stewart and Anyox on company business. Owing to the absence from the city of G, V. Tinker, who was to have been the speaker, the regular fortnightly meeting of the British Israel Society, scheduled for last night, was postponed for a week. George E, Windsor, manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.'s can nery at Wales Island, and Mrs. Windsor were passengers aboard the Catala today bound for Van couver to spend the winter, th- cannery now being closed for the season. William Dann, managing director of the United Empire mine, was a passenger aboard the CataVi today bound from Stewart to Vancouver on mine business. H .will be retur ning north shortly, When Mr. Dann left Stewart, Dr. Joseph T Mandy, resident mining engineer, was on the United Empire makin? his annual Inspection of the prop erty. Seating accommodation in the Capitol Theatre was sold out last night for the special repeat pres entation of !the two popular pictures "One Night of Love" and "It Happened One Night." Not a, seat was unoccupied in the entire house and many weTe turned away. The program ,1s being repeated tonight and preparations are being mane for another capacity audience. J. W. Plommer, formerly of Kin? Edward High School staff here and prominent in musical and athletic circles during his residence In Prince Rupert, is expected to arrive In the city from the north on the Princes3 Louise tomorrow afternoon after having spent the summer engaged In mining In the Squaw' Creek country- He Is expected to stop over m Prince Rupert for a while to visit with friends. TO BRITAIN ft ON ONE OF THESE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS from Montreal Nov. 22 - "ANTONIA" to Ulaofiow, Belfast, Llferpool Nov. 22 "AURANIA" to Plymouth, IIare, London Personally tondttcltd ttcurtton to Conrtntniol Europ. from Quebec No 29 'LETITIA' to Dclfait. LlTcrpooI, Glaslow Nov. 29 - "AUSONIA'! to Plymouth, IIrt, London rationally conducted txcurtlon to Britain. from Halifax j 0ec. "ALAUNIA''3 to Plymouth, IUtt, London J Dec. 8 "LACONIA" toCalway,Gli8".I-'''nxl , D.15- - "ASCANIA" to Plymouth, He, London Chots this famous ChristmM Route to Europe. Jhoushtful ervlee, xcellcnt .food, com- j i-,ht. xrrommodatlon, pe-Ji clal attenHon paid ty ' women , recreation nd and children; entertainment forau. Ketulorueekly tailings frornMontrtat to all above ttorts until Nov. M LOW OCEAN RATES IN ALL j Apply to ym.r.J.t'";'" HI 7i; rlTilftf 1 1m ,l7CmnTUUSM ..urSt4S)VancouTr j 7. TH1 JOJLHJF -NW1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be warm and comfortable by In 32 Taxi it "costs the same. You can rent a ear at Walker as low as $130 a day. plus 7c. a mile. tapt. w. p. Armour returned to i i the city, on the Catala today after C. C. Mills returned to the cltyjl Ion business, .business trip to Stewart. i i j Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Vosburgh ol ! S. Solomon returned to the -city Steward were passengers aboard 'on the Catala this afternoon from j the Catala this afternoon going'! a brief business trip to Arryox. iinrougn for a vacation trip to E. B.-rinn, brother of Jack Finn xt this city, v-zs, a passenger aboard the Catala today going through from Anyox to Vancouver. The annual meeting of the' Prince Rupert Basketball Association will be held at the City Hall, Tuesday, September 24, at 7:30 p.m. X2t) Miss Rose M. Davtes QBE. left on last evening's train for Ottawa to attend sessions of the Dominion Woman's Auxiliary of the Angli can Church of Canada. T. W. S. Parsons, assistant commissioner of provincial police, Ju the course of a northern official tour, left on last evening's train for Burns Lake. I?. Miss G. Turner and Miss D. Johnson were passengers aboard the Catala this afternoon bound south, the former going through to, Vancpuver and the latter to Bella Bella. As a result of a fracas on Thlrfl, Avenue last night in a Chinese resort, Mah Fen was charged In city police court today by Chong Jon with assault. The hearing is (proceeding this afternoon. Miss V. Garfield -of Seattle, who has been spending some time at Port Simpson engaged in archaeo logical work on behalf of the Kmiinsonian institute, was a pas senger aboard the Catala this af ternoon returning south. William Anderson appeared in city police court this morning be fore Magistrate McClymont on charge of supplying liquor to In dlans and was remanded until this afternoon. William Russ, whom he is alleged to have supplied, pleaded guilty to a charge ofc!runkehnes3 and was remanded until this afternoon for sentence. Announcements Rebekah Bridge and Crib, Odd fellows' Hall, Sept. .25 Anglican Tea at Mrs. C.-V. Evltt's Sept. 26. Terrace Concert September 28. Toe H Bridge, October 2. Catholic Church ber 2 and 3. Bazaar Octo Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 9. United Annual Supper October .8. Lutheran Church Bazaar Oct. 10, Metropole Hall. V Gyro minlstrel show 11:15 pm , October 14, Capitol Theatre. i Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17. Hygga's Bazaar, October 25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en .dance Moose Hall October 30. Hugh .Martyn, vocal recital, Nov ember 1. Presbyterian Bazaar. Novembet Daughters of Norway Nov. 8, Moose Hall. Bazaar, St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaat Nov. 21 Orange Ladles' oazaar, Nov. 28 St. Peter's Bazaar .December 5. MOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Concerts $25.00 Dances . 50.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable ior smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, .rental fate, -$4.00 For engagements phone the Club Bteward, 640 or Red 412. CONSERVATIVE PARTY BROADCAST TONIGHT, 9 to 9:30 pi Vancouver Vancouver Want Ads WANTED Wanted small upright piano. Prince Rupert Hotel. 234 FOR RENT TWO Remodelled 5-joomed flats ,and well lumlstied .apartment I with chesterfield etc. Phone 543. FOR SALE (tf) BICYCLE in excellent condition Phone 384 or call 315, Third FOR SALE 7-room house, Fifth Ave. W Phone Z?A or see Oyb-havn JU Hanson. (225) AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 45 Commission. Why AGENTS Wanted to sell leather ineckties or silk neckties lor us We sell you .at a price that allows you to make 1007 commission, Write today lor free samples and particulars. Ontario Neckwear Company. Dept. 605, Toronto '8, Ont. In the supreme codrt or British COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP WHJLIAM -STEWART, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that tiy ordr bt Hl Honor, W. E. Fisher the 8th day ;f September. .A, D. 1935 I was appointed Administrator of the estate of WlUlam Stewart, deceased, and all -parties hav? Ing ClaUna against the said estate are ! hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me -on or before the JOth day of October, A. J3. 1885, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the Amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT OFFICIAL AMINISTRATOR" Prtnoe Rupert B. V. Dated the '7th day of September, X). 1035. - Al CTION BALE TIMBER SALE X18988 There will be offered lor sale at Pub Uc Auction, at noon on the Twenty-lltth day tof October, 1935, In the .-oTfloe of the District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. .the Licence X18988 to out 2,574.-000 feet, iboard measure, of Spruce O- dar and Hemlock on a area adjoining Late 652 and 653. Lyell island, ueu Charlotte Islands Xand District. One year will be allowed lor remo val off timber. "Provided aoy one unable to atteaa auction In Tierson may submit teixier to be cpened at the hour of nAinMoin and trented as. one oia. Piirther' twrtletiHr may ie pbtained fm th Chief Forest er. vtctaria. a.. or Dtstrlct Porerter. Prince Rupert, B.C IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRIT1SU COLUMBEIA. IN IN "THF MATTER OF THE "ADMINI TRATIOW AVI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE O i.nm n, . fc. i . j- 1 T , Tktrv u( riltijc ttvat "by order -ol nix , Honour Judge W. E. Fisher the 10th da" of September AD. 1935 I was appointee! Administrator 01 wie uw KarskU late of AUln. British Columbia, deceased, and all parties .having claims against we .said .Estate are nereoy oulred to furnish same properly verified to me -on or before the 20th flay of October At). 1935 end all persons indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their inaeDteanew io forthwith . HERBERT (JUkSKUii Otttclni Aamlnlstrator, AUln, B.C. Datd the 11th daT of September. 1935. TIMBER BALE X18874 Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Land not later than twn on the 7th dav of October, 193o, for the purchase of Licence X18874, to mi 3.24fnoo it of Saruce. cwiar ana Hemlock on an area situated on the south side of Louise Narrows Cum-sheiwa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Land Dltriot, Two years will be allowed fer the removal of .timber. Further, particulars of the Chief Tor-ester, Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C. TUESDAY, SEPT. 24 ERNEST G. SHERWOOD Conservative Candidate, Vancouver Centre CJOR CRCV CFCT CFJC CKOV CJAT CHWK Victoria Kamloops Kelowna Trail Guiluwack Hotel Arrivals Royal O. Wikan, Petersburg. Central M. Johnston and M. T. Penn, C. N. Ed. Toupln, Winnipeg; Walter Bterrltt, Mr. -and Mrs. Joe Oil-' bert, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith and J. Duff, Pxince Rupert; H. Ralph, Prince George. Knox M. Harpola and R. H. Thomas,! city; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stone and G. M. Bradford, Vancouver; D. W- F. Wallace, Ketchikan GOLFER DROPS DEAD EDINBURGH, Sept. 24: (CP) While playing golf on the Royal Burgess Society's oourse Alexander MacBeth, 73-year old lawyer, col- work for less. Take orders for the (lapsed and died "Art-Point" Series Personal xmas Greeting cards, priced as low as 18 for $L00. "Victory" Box As-; sortment cpntaining 20 Beautiful Cards with Calendar sells for $1.00. Costs as low as 50c. $10 Sales Kit free. We are only Interested In genuine workers. Art- Point Printing Co., Victoria, B.C. (tf) MURDER CHARGE AT 75 DENMEAD, Hampshire, Sept. 24: murder of his aon-in-law( Reginald Roberts, at Mead End Farm. PE1PING JAIL CONVERTS REDS PEIPING; Sept. 24: (CP) In Jail since a clty-wtde round-up of radl cals last spring, 27 Chinese reds were released when they signed af fidavits renouncing communism. Found guilty of supplying liquor to Indians, James Sim was fined $50, with option of thirty days' im-, prisonment, by Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson in prov incial police court yesterday afternoon. He paid the fine and was re leased. A second charge against Sim of supplying liquor to a minor was dismissed. Misses Lorna Christie and Irene Walte, well known Terrace girls, who sustained severe leg fractures a few weeks ago in a motor accident near Terrace, continue to make progress towards recovery in the Prince Rupert General Hos ¬ pital. It will he considerable tife however, before either will be able to leave the hospital. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday Catala .....,.,1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince George ur...r. ., . ... 10:80 p.m, Friday ss. P. Adeialde-.10 p.m. 3s. Cardena tnidnlght- Saturday ss. Prince . Rupert ..-.' '1030 p.m.; September 6, 15 and M 5 p.m From Vancouver j ; V Sunday ss. Cataiav;.- 4 vmR Wed. ss. Pr. George .S.10 a.mj& Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m JSs. Princess Adelaide -lli p.rrm 4 it Webster, Victoria; . II. L Gray,! 1..'. Scpt.li. 21 and 30 a.m Penttcton; S Sunderland, Stewart; j Far gtewar and p.remier Sunday ss. Catala .. ...I-. .8 p.mj Friday ss. Pi, Rupert .1. 10 p.m. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday ss. Catala. -iil:80 am;' eaturaay ss. fr, ituperi .o p.ni. To Anyox and Alice Arm j Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m weanesaay tr. ieorgp. For Anyox and Alice Arm Tuesday ss. Catala .. . 11:30 a m Thursday Prince 'George 8 p.m7 For Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday-rSS. Catala 8 p.mt (CP) Albert Jamer Truckle, 75, Is From Naas River and Port SlmpsonV under arrest charged with the I Tuesday ss cataia -usui-.w a.mj pn n.nn rHiarlnil a! Tel a rwl Sept: 14 and 28 Prince Charles 10 p.ntif From Queen Charlotte Islands f :Sept. 12'and i26r jbs: Pr Charles . ....... a.raljf, For Ocean Falls Thursday- ss. Prjrice , George ...: . ..I 10:30 p.mS Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.ra?3 Saturday ss. Pr. BupeTt For Alaska . ! 10:30 p.m.j From Ocean Falls Wed-ss. Pr. Gorge 10 a.ra" Friday ss. Pr. Rupert.... 10 a.m Ss. princess Adelaide L..4 p.ra& Ss. Cardena P-rov Sent 11. 2 and 30 J.:.-... a.raf From Alaska Sept. 6, 15, andi25r.:.... From Skeena Rivei--Fridayss. Cardena BULL JUMPS. MOTOR CAR JOHANNESBURG," .Sept. ;24: CP Running ,amok In ;-Newton a but' tossed and. seriously injured 'v young .woman in front .f)f a .movinl automobile and. ther; lumped cleac : across the hoodi of the car. ff " ' ..... ' . "5 Are You Ready For Winter? We have a fine selection of heaters ir. type and sizes to assure the warmth and comtdrt of, any home. Heaters for wood, coal or oil -butter installation In attractive finishes. Urop n anfl inspect our selection. You will find that oiir prices are right GORDON'S HARDWARE miai'jtmaiMiiiJBiKiiMKirBMsafl.iWii:!':!;;::!;! McBride St. Flione 311 iMiEMcmaJMoimciKKEai it twii m TheBsh which made Prince RupertFtmous J i "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., M PBINCE RUPERT, B.C.