Classified Ads. WANTED GARDENING or other odd Jobs. Phone Red 113. 70 MALE HELP WANTED MAN with twenty thirty h.p. dlesel boat for few days towing. Apply New Floats 68 FOUND FOUND Pair lined leather gloves. Daily News. FOR RENT 4-ROOMED furnished apartment. rnone 132 70 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 14162nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. tf PERSONAL MEN I Buy your Sanitary Supplies direct and save 757. Stan dard Lines. Send $1.00 for 15 as. sorted. Imperial Importers, 21) Lumberman's Bldg. 509 RIchardt Street, Vancouver, B.C." tl PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Papertangim Moller, Phone Red 802. FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 . Mrs. Hauplmann Now in Detroit Continues Efforts to Raise Defence Fund to Save Her Husband From Electric Chair DETROIT, March 22: Accom panied by friends, Mrs. Bruno Rich ard Hauptmann has arrived here from New York. She is continuing ner efforts to raise jx defence fund for her husband who Is aoneallne against a death sentence for the kldnap-murder of Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. Today's Weather Dead Tree PolnU-Cloudy. calm; barometer. 29.68; temperature, 32; sea'smooth. Triple Island Part cloudy, light northwest wind; slight swell. Terrace Part cloudy, calm, 28. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 28. Steward-Part cloudy, calm, 25. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 20. Smithersr-Cloudy. calm, cool. Burns Lake Snowing, calm, 20. MISCELLANEOUS UP TO 550.00 EACH PAID FOR U. S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. We buy all dates regardless of condition. Up to $1.00 each paid for U.S. Lincoln Head cents. Up to $150.00 each paid for Canadian coins. We Buy Stjmp Collections, Medals, Books, Paper Currency. et. Send 25c. (Coin) for large Illustrated price list and lnstrne. tions. Satisfaction guaranteed or Z5c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP, 113-10 North FORSYTHE, 8AR-NIA. ONT. "UOVfcltN.MKNT LIIH'OK ACT" Notice of Application for Itrrr Licence, NOTICE la hereby given that on the Tenth day of April, next, the under-lned Intend to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence ln respect of the premlce. being part of the building known a Quoena Hotel, situate on Main Street. New Mawett, B.C. upon the land deacrlbod aa Lot No. 5. in Block No. 14. Map 948. Mawett Town-it. In the Prince Rupert Land IWli-tratton DUUInt in the Province or Brl-tlh Columbia, for the wile 0f beer by thegiaM or the bottle for consumption on the premlaea or eUsewhere. .DATED this lat day of March, A.D CARL KIRMIS. Applicant land itt:rjmtr act NOTICE Re. Certificate of TUi No. 9856-1. cov-erUig the Westerly Sixty (60) acrM. more or leaa. of Lot 43, Oroup One. Caviar Dlatrlot, ln the Province of BrltUh Columbia, aa per plan. bor. dered orange, attached to deed deposited No 9856-1. WHEREAS awtlafaotory proof of Iom 3t the above Certificate of Title, laauea In the name of Ercole Constantino hag been filed In thU office, notice la herebv Zllm that t at. th rv.,..i " -' - - 1 - .IVIl ui one month from the date of the flrt 1 iiuiuniwa wnwjj, uvtue a froviaional Certlflaate of Title in lieu of the aaid iiwi wenuicave. uiueaa in the meantime valid objection la made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Reglatry Office Prince Rupert, B.C. thla 25th day ' of February, 1935. A. THOMPSON. Deputy Reclaim of Title. TIffi daily Ntfrs r i i i ii i i mwm n Set, Greenwood jell of Country Where lie Lived For Several Years ltcfore Coming Here The almost everyday question of the people of the Peace River la when are we going to get an outlet to the coast?" said Sergeant O. H. Greenwood;, chief of the city detachment of the provincial police, in addressing the Rotary Club at 1U luncheon yesterday afternoon, President J. J. Little ln the chair. Tht people of the Peace River do not care whether the outlet Is at Vancouver or Prince Rupert or some other place as long as they are abk to get their, crops to market and receive for themselvef a sufficient return to make Uie work, profitable. When the price of wheat waf high the people of the district were very prosperous for the land was fertile and crops were large, averaging something like thirty-two bushels to the acre. Feed for cattle was also plentiful and thev did well on the veltch and other wild grasses. But there came 1 bad crop tw years ago on account of weathei conditions and the produce they had would not sell. Wheat of the best grade fetched only 20 cents a bushel. It was disastrous and the country suffered. Sergeant Orcen- wood is of the opinion that with an outlet to the coast such condi tions could not happen. There would always be a market and the price received by the farmers for their grain would be much higher than at present. Under present conditions the re sidents of the Peace River section of British Columbia feel as If they were ln Alberta. They look to Ed monton as their chief centre and to Orande Prairie as the local distributing point. Yet Edmonton Is 500 miles away; the same distance as Prince George. Policing Peace Sergeant Oreenwood was ln charge of the provincial police ln the Peace RlvFr Htrlei nrinr . . tn - .-..- s MJ coming to Prince Rupert. There are detachments at Hudson's Hope. Fort St. John. Rolla and Dauunn Creek. The nidst northerly detach ment was ai rort Nelson where a few years ago the officer ln charge got his official mall only once a year, by the Hudson's Bay steamer on Its way to the Arctic. Occasion. ally mall would b? taken In by trappers or prospectors. Constable Clark Is still In charue Of that rtnxt as constable, game warden, magis trate, coroner, registrar of births, marriages and deaths and ceneral representative of the government. tie nad to travel about two thousand miles a year mostlv hv team visiting the various trading posts. With him goes a special constable, a younn man who imii Cree, Beaver, Slave and French languages. The speaker told somrthlnir nt the founding of the provincial police In 1858 under Sir James Douglas by an Irishman named nharim. Brew and spoke appreciatively of the Irishman now In charge. Colonel McMullln. well knoa-n in Prince Rupert. Today there were uincers, n.c.o.'s and men on the force. At the Conclusion thn ..l.0tUCilb tnanked the speaker on behalf of the club for the InterMHtur orta,. O he had given. We Have Installed a Hoffman Hat Blocking Machine and are now in u position to clean and block your hats and make them look like new. Our price is 75c per hat We do dry gleaning and carpet cleaning. Have you tried our Family Wash by the pound? Pioneer Laundry (1921) Limited and Canadian Laundry Limited Phones 8 and 118 BBBMiiSjHBiM Shirley Temple will be seen at the Capitol Theatre this week-end In her latest picture. "Bright Eyes." "Bright Eyes" was conceived as a Shirley Temple vehicle. The story was suggested by a real-life Incident occurring at a commercial air port near Los Ange'es. It represents an entirely new type of vehicle for the remarkable child player. Once more James Dunn Is cast as Shirley's leading man. He ap peared as her daddy ln "Stand Up and Cheer" and "Baby, Take a Bow." Preview audiences are said to have greeted "Bright Eye" as the finest and most heart-warming picture ln which Shirley has been seen. A human and compelling story, that at moments brings the tears. Is combined with abundant thrills. The supporting cast Includes Jane Darwell, Lots Wilson, Judith Allen. Theodore von Eltx. Dorothv Christy. Jane Withers, Charles 8el- lon. Brandon Hurst and Walter Johnson. UNITED IN MARRIAGE Nuptials of MJss Mary Dowther And Thomas Jlrtmn Last Evening Quiet But Pretty Quiet but pretty marriage rites for one of Prince Rupert's best1 Known and most popular voune couples, Miss Mary Ann Dowther. only daughter of the late Robert Dowther and Mrs. Dowther. and Thomas Wilfrid Brown, elder son of Judge and Mrs. J. R. Brown of arand Forks, took place at 7 o'clock usi evening ln the Manse of First Presbyterian Church, Rev W. D. Grant Holllngworth officiating. The bride's beeuUful wedding dress was of white satin with Jacket of old lace and hat to match. She carried a bouquet of pink Rapture rosebuds and Iill-of-thc-valley which was later placed on the grave of her father. The only attendants were Miss Edith Watson, who wore a charming costume of new geranium shade with hat to match and a corsage bouquet of pink and white carnations, and Dr. J. H. Carson. Following the certmonv. a wed ding breakfast was served at the nome of the bride's mother at im Eighth Avenue East, sixteen rela tives and Immediate friends of the contracting couple belnn in atten dance. The rooms were decorated wun pink and white carnation and the bride's table, adorned with pink and white carnations and pink tapers in cut glass sconces, was centred with a hanrinm three-tier weddlnz cake, the Dirt 01 me Dnae-s uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. James Currle. The bride's mother wore .1 atriir. ing costume of blue flat err-tw. m, hat to match and corsage boun of pink and white carnations. The toast to the bride wax nro. posed by J. T. Harvcv and rpMvin- ded to by the groom. Other toasts were aiso honored. Many beautiful gift had been sent by the numerous incnas 01 tne couple. Later ... I ...v waning, Mr. ana Mrs. Brown, with a large party of j menus on nana 10 give a send-off, left aboard the steamer Prlnre n,,.' pert for a honeymoon trip south They will visit in Victoria, where me groom's parents are In wintr residence, in Grand Forks tho groom's old home, and will motor to California. Returning to the hi in about three weeks, thev win ti, up resiaence in the Waldron Apart-ments. ! The bride's golnj-away costume was an attractive brown ensemble' with hat and accessories in m9i.h and corsage bouquet of pink and wnuc carnations. The bride and groom will have the hearty congratulations and best wishes of a wide circle of friends. The bride has lived ln Prince Runert slnca. she nn nna year old and Is hlgrJy popular. The groom has been a member of the legal firm of Williams, Manson, Brown & Harvey for some years and is no less popular, ADDED Silly Symphony i; 'Peculiar I'rniulns Charlie Chase in -Fates Fathead-Pictorial Review 11 PEOPLE OF TINY GIRL Your Eyes Will Brijjhten Your TO THE LADIES! PEACE WANT ON SCREEN ' Ax Heart Sinrj AN OUTLET Shirley Temple Said to Have Finest Role in Thrilling Picture A shipment of Dresses direct from Montreal, the last word in design. AH sizes from 14 to 52 and no two models alike. Regular Values from $8.75 to $18.00 to be Cleared at $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 to $6.95 RUPERT TRADING COMPANY Under New Management OUR CONFECTIONERY Store has just received a fresh shipment of Sharp's Toffee, reg. per lb. 50c; English quality Q7 Special price 01 Our Stock of Easter Candies and Novelties is now complete. We will be glad to have you look it over. The values! this year are bigger and better and the prices are lower There is some- j thing for every member of the' family from baby to grandma ! From 5c and up CADBUR Y'S BARS 25c Fresh, 6 for EZZYS HAM) ROLLED CHOCOLATES; B.C. Product " d7o Reg. 60c; Special; per lb. DAD'S COOKIES 81.00 In fancy tin, each MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 57f rnone 18 MANURE For Sale $1.50 a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed, to give, satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record of all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC ';. . s Phone Blue. 320 . DUSTSTORM IN STATES Immense .area in Middle West AffectedChildren in Kansas Are Choked to Death CIUCAGO, March 22: A dense duststorm swept over an area of United States wheatlands 1000 miles long and 1000 miles wide extending from Nebraska on Hhe north to Texas on the south and Iowa in the east to Colorado in the west Two children in Kansas were reported to have been choked to death and stock is suffering. The storms, it is feared, may presage another drought season in the same area that was so badly hit last year. BURIAL AT METLAKATLA The remains : oik eisht-vear o Gloria Lelghtdn .!of Metlakatla. whose death occuned Wednesrffv at the Prince Rupetr General Hol-pltal, were forwarded yesterdav af ternoon to Metlakatla where Intef-ment will be made. The TENNIS SEASON Begins in Prince Rupert Earlier Than Any Place in Canada Prepare now for your share of this enjoyable game with Canadian championship tennis equipment. We are Prince Rupert agents for Slazengers (Canada) Limited NKW 1935 TKNNIS HACKKTS AUK AVAILABLE Come in and make your choice while the line is complete $3.50 to $20.00 Tennis Balls (to arrive shortly) . 10c and 50c Tennis Balls, m while they last 25c each " 6-Inch Rubber Grips 10c Tennis Presses 75c Backet Covers, head only, assor- "Primax" ted colors 50c 12.50 SPRING SUIT or - TOP COAT Samples Just arrived, Prices reasonable. Come in and get the first choice. M. T. LHE-Third Ave. PEKMANKNT WAVES During the month of March the New Thcrmiquc Guaranteed Permanent Waves Qi complete, at vTt La Parisiennc Beauty Parlor 210 Fourth St. phone 317 : l 9 vw m F.-aura c 4ll tt V f TONIGHT and SATLUDAY COME TO US After Showing Your Furs and We Will Pay You More We thank our trappu ttW-for supplying us P1"1' of mink when w" I,CCT them. Now wp iif Y, market for all kind, ui m Goldblooni The Old Reliable Early Ad. Copy is apprecia ted 11