Todays Weather Tomorrow's Tides , FilD'' Rupert cloudy, light ; cst wind; barometer. 29.82; -nature 40; ea smooth. V XV K C8. Hilrr l'ot Negotiating For To Replace Ills famous Winnie Mae SKIPPERS r. FA ' Ship I IJA1 TTORD. Conn. Match It: K v t noted American aviator. . i . nuiing a third attempt to ' ii transcontinental speed tr. flying through the stra-7:. u at prsMiit In Connec-I! n reported to be negotut-., rew plan to replace the ' Wir-nic Mae wtth which he 'ft, CLEARED $488,001 VAN' OUVER. March 22: CP-, line coUrt of inquiry yea-' xonerated Capt. William t the tUmmer Princess Capt. Darius Smith of the y- Weal Vancouver No. 5 of .t me in connection with the 11 of their ships outside V .jvrr Harbor last month in tif U Mrs. W. E. Burritt, a pas- K.lirt im Ik frrrv whlrh vai sunt. r ,lfe. "TRIAL AT SKII)E(5ATE 1 mlni of Johnson Calder, iate native, who died here aand Increases Seen in Commodity .Prices, Security Values, Production and Construction Activities IMans Being Considered For General Refunding Of All Public Debts OTTAWA, March 22: (CP) Presenting his budget to Parliament today, Hon. Edgar Nelson Rhodes, minister of finance, reviewed financial and economic affairs of the Dominion for the fiscal year ending March 31. He reported a surplus of ordinary revenue over ordinary expenditures of $2,700,000 compared with a deficit of $22,000,000 last year. Excess of all expenditures? over all revenues is $69,000,000. not including the railway deficit, compared with $76,300,000 last year. The Dominion debt increased by , tinnfxifioo including the railway t mpllshed so aerial many Mkll lhe lncmK Mnt $16,000.- 000 less than that,, pf the previous Companles. this amounting to pay- WAT. s 4njMM 4)v I - - Total revenue irem au sources .the' minister of finance showed as being $362,374,000, an increase of ).O00. Total expenditures were 1.000.000. an increase of $22.- 000.000. Palmer and Opt, Smith Both ? l 01 uan a- h.nerated In Connection With uom Ship Collision j $48,000,000. a decrease of $10,000,000 oue 10 an incicuc m ujjcjanus revenue. Taxation revenues Increased by $34,000,000 to $300,000,000. Relief expenditures increased by $15,000,000. The total unmatured funded debt Is placed at $3,061,000,000 with annual Interest charges of $127.- 000.000. General Increases In commodity prices, security values, production and construction acUvities and lowering interest rates were noted In Uic budget. Plans for a general refunding of all debts of public bodies, provinces munlclDallUes Included, ar b receiving attention, the minister of t ,-.s aeo. were fnrwarded ves- -ay afternoon ohnarH th oa..! finance announces bf Reliance in KkiHrirnti. where.! Net return to the Dominion from funeral wUl take place. I the gold bullion tax imposed in msw A Final Slap ! AT THE DEPRESSION The Daily News is making a special Goodbye Offer To "Old Man Depression" Ity giving subscribers who renew this month a special bargain of 15 Months For the Price of One Year Out of Town, 15 Months For $3.00 In Prince Rupert, 15 Months For $5.00 I'lircks or money orders should be mailed on or before March 31. Belter send It today while you think of It. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. The &ame offer applies to new subscribers starting now or to old subscribers wishing to pay any distance ahead. year's budget is estimated at $4,-000,000. the budget announced. Oross collection under the tax for the year was $7,000,000 but $3,000,-000 must be applied on corporation Income taxes payable by mining TaxaUon Changes The minister of finance announced discontinuance of the gold tax. To offset this loss In revenue the fifty percept depletion allowance enjoyed by previous metals mines on Income tax assessments is re-Juced to thirty-three and one-third percent and allowance on the same oasis to mine shareholders Is reduced to twenty percent. A surtax ranging from two to ten percent on investment Income ind on all Incomes of more than $14,000 per year Is announced. Excise tax on spirits Is reduced from $7 to $4 per gallon. Excise tax Is removed from Im ports under British preference. Corporation tax Is Increased from 12i to 13i percent. There are only a few minor charge In sales tax. Downward revision on forty- eight items of customs tariff Is an nounced. KINGSTON OUTBREAK Two Penitentiary Worshops Set Afire by Convicts Revolt Is Quickly Quelled KINGSTON. Ont., .March 22; (CP) The fourth major disturbance In Kingston Penitentiary in two and a half years broke out late yesterday afternoon when fifty prisoners set fire to two shops, the boot and clothing. The rioters were quickly herded to their cells and the city fire department, aided by the prison flre-flf hUng equipment, quickly gained control. The loss is estimated at possibly $50,000, mostly to machinery. There were no Injuries. W. M. (Blackstock, manager of the local branch of the .Canadian Bank of Commerce, sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver enroute to Medicine Hat, Alberta, where he has been called on account of the Illness of his mother. L. S. Hawkins of Vancouver and R. M. Wlnslow of Prince Rupert CAPTAifl HO on Second 1$ Opposed VICTOKIA. Manh 22: (CP) The government's bill providing for the building of he new bridge across the Fraser River at New Westminster was given second reading in the Leg' lature yesterday by a vote of 29 o 16. The vote on the second reading was regarded as the test'f strength of the government or this contentious issue. J Five Liberals voted against the bill Dr. J. J. Gillfe. Yale; E. D. Rarrow, Chliliwack; Alexander McDonald. Islands! D. M. Mac Kay, Cariboo, and D. W. Stra- chan, Dewdney. Afl the C. C F. and Independent members except Clive Planta, Irace River In dependent, voted I against the government. 0RED Presentation to Capt J. R. FJfert - In A ppreclatkm-of llis- Instructions to New Skippers A pleasant and unexpected ceremony took place yesterday afternoon at the office of the Harbor Master when Marius Unstad and FTed Brooksbank, on behalf of the students of the school for naviga tion which was held here during' the past winter, called to present Capt. J. R. Elfert with a handsome sllvercocktall mixing set as a token of appreciation for the Instruction which enabled the members of the class to succeed In the recent 4 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. TO CONSIDER PROTEST OF FRANCE NEXT MONTH GENEVA, March 22: The council of the League of Na- tions will meet to act on France's protest against Ger- man re-armament the first week in April. There were no further changes f Importance In the European situation to- day nor are any expected prior to the meeting .icxt week In Berlin of Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler and Sir John Simon, British foreign secretary, and Rt. Hon. Anthonv Eden, Lord Privy Seal. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1935 1 LOCAL REFUNDING BILL PASSED IN VICTORIA VICTORIA. March 22: (CP) The Legislature gave third reading last night to Prince , Rupert's refunding bill. The measure now only needs to be signed by the Lieutenant Oov- ernor before becoming law. Today's Stocks (Oourumy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Alexandria, .01 Vi. B. C. Nickel. .40. Big Missouri, .41. Bradian, 1.60. Bralorne, 8.60. B. R. Cons., .06Vi. B. R. X. Gold, .18. Cariboo, 125. Dentonia, .80. Dunwell, .08. Georgia River, .00 li. Golconda, XI. Glacier Creek, .05. Grange, .13. Minto, .19. Meridian, .13. Morning Star, .08. National Silver, .04. t -Noble Five, .07 H ' ''7'" Pend Oreille, is Porter Idaho, .09. Premier. 1.61. Quesnel Quartz, .15. Reeves McDonald, .12. Reward, .04. ' Reno. 1.40. Silver Crest, .01 i. Salmon Gold, .15. Taylor Bridge, .19. Wayside, .17. Whitewater, fflV United Empire, .05. Toronto Central Patricia, 120. Chlbougamau, .20. Lee Gold, .04. Granada, .30 1. Inter. Nickel, 2323. Macassa, 2.11. Noranda, 34.00. Sherritt Gordon, .46. Slsco, 2.92. Ventures, .90. Lake Maron, .04 VS. Teck Hughes, 4.03. Sudbury Basin, 1.30. Columarlo, .12. Smelter Gold, .15'.. Can. Malartic, .61. Little Long Lac. 5.30. Astoria Rouyn, 2.62. Stadacona, 24. Maple Leaf. .07 V2. Pickle Crow. 2.62. Man. & Eastern, .034. McKenzle Red Lake. 1.14. God's Lake, 125. Sturgeon River Gold, .87. Three Million Dollars To Be Raised to Carry Out B.C. Highway Work Ultimately 1500 Miles of Surfacing Would be Completed; Funds For 3Iiiing Trails and Roads Also Provided VICTORIA, March 22: (CP) The government yester day introduced in the Legislature a $3,000,000 loan bill which would authorize the government to borrow money High Low 2:38 ajn. 21.1 ft. 15:10 pjn. 18.6 ft. . 9:12 a.m. 4.1 ft. 21:13 pjn. 6.5 ft PRICTC: FIVE CEH18 DOMING BUDGET PRESENTED TODAY PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT HAS ROAD DEVELOPMENT PLAN Surplus Revealed in Ordinary Revenue Over Expenditure As Against Last Year's Deficit REPLACING HIS PLANE SPAN RIM. ,: APPROVED: New Westminster Bridge Measure Adopted 29 to It Reading LiberJ Create Jobs in City For As Many People As Possible is Aim Organization Formed Last Night to Make Personal Canvass and Secure Promises of Work For Number of Unemployed Prince Rupert people are to be asked to create jobs for their neighbors, yith that end in view a meeting was held last night in the City Hall at which an Employment Service Committee was formed whose duty it will be to arrange for a personal canvass of the whole city with a view .o persuading people to create as many jobs as possible. ine campaign wm commence as. soon as the organization is com tilete and Is expected to be in full! ;wlng by April 1. Nearly every person in the city is .n need of help to do work that ,nust be done some time or an other. While it Is realized that a number of people cannot afford to employ anyone just now, there are others who can do It If they can be made to see the need of giving the employment to their fellow citizens this year. The work may take the form of repairs to the houses or buildings, painting reglazing of windows, installing new lights, erecting or repairing fences, con struction of arbors, garden furni ture, clearing lots, making gar dens or rockeries, laying new concrete or other walks and one hun dred and one other jobs whlchare badly needed or which would help to beautify the home and grounds. Some would prefer to do work inside the house such as Improving the plumbing, fixing up the basement. Installing new closets, putting up shelves, renewlag window blinds, employing a maid, modernizing one or more of the rooms, kalsomlnlng the kitchen or bed rooms, or fixing up a playroom for the children. There Is no end to the number of desirable improvements and If someone is employed to do the work It helps to relieve the present undesirable situation. It provides a Job for a neishbor and helps to put people to work gainfully. While no one is to be asked to spend more than he can afford, all will be asked to do something If it is only providing work for a man or woman for one day. Within a few days a little army In a card pledging to expend at Ion cf o cw 9 II amnimf n vhtI lrtr charge of the publicity department, and W. 3. Alder, city commissioner, and C. V. Evitt, president of the Chamber of Commerce, both of whom were at the meeting, will be ax-olficio members of all committees. . Support is being sought from all organizations in the city and .from aU individuals. Volunteers may get .n touch with the campaign manager. s ' To Investigate Harlem Rioting Special Committee, Appointed By Mayor of New York .Two Men Dead 123 Arrested NEW YORK, Mareh 22: Mayor riorella LaGuardia has appointed l special committee to Investigate serious rioting which occurred this week among people of the Harlem luarter of New York as a result of vhlch 25 persons have been arrested, some being clu rged with being Communists. Two men died as a esult of injuries sustained during the disorders. Little Daughter Of Screen Actor Is Getting Well HOLLYWOOD. March 22: Her life having been despaired of after she had been stricken with pneu- of visitors will be around to make a!mn ff?W'ng att" an house to house canvas and each attack of influenza, Barbara Blue, person visited will be asked to fill r , . .. . , . Blue, the well known screen actor, was resting well last night and it Is .,. Jl0 yZ now believed she may get well. r someone tn to work. ,nrh. Anyone may be employed. That will be a matter for ! m , the employer to decide. Men for the vuiu uuc l oil UI work will 'be available at the pro- Life in United States vlnclal employment office or they . may be secured In any other way. ' WASHINGTON, D.C.. March 22: All that is asked is that someone Official statistics show jthat 36.000 be employed at remunerative wages, lives were lost in the United States While no personal canvass will be during the. year 1934 as a result of made of landlords living out of automobile accidents. town it is the hoDe of the committee that they will do their part and Instruct their agents to go ahead with needed repairs or improve- j ' ments. The chairman of the committee , Is J. J. Little, president of the Ro- tary Club. Foster Wlllan, represent- Ine the Junior Chamber of Com-! merce, is vice-chairman and cam- of the education committee. F. A. MacCallum, representing the to start a plan of continuous development and hard surf aciMacCiUum; ing of highways. Ultimately 1500 miles of surfacing would JS 0nf, Commerce Is honorary be The bill also that could completed. specifies money be.honorary secretary. ir. f. Puiien. were Rotary club guests yesterday. I expended on mining trails and roads. palgn manager. Frank Dlbb, repre-1 dlers' bonuses by the Issuing sentlng the Gyro Club, Is chairman of $2,000.00d,000 of new money for the Horticultural Society, has was passed by the House of Representatives today by a threevote margin and was sent to the Senate, VETERANS' BONUS BILL IS PASSED BY HOUSE VOTE IS VERY CLOSE WASHINGTON, March 22: (CP The administration- opposed bill for paying off sol-