4. FAQS fOTTK YOUR DOLLARS BUY MORE AT MUSSALLEM'S Put in a trial order and br conrin-red. These specials good till Monday, October 21 PURITY OATS-Chlnaware OQp rrar nltir MO WHEA1LETS Break-last S1.25 Food, 24-lb. sack LYNN VALLEY lAp PEACHES, 2 sqt, tin BARTLETT PEARS, 2s XtU "Mp per tin i KINO OSCAR SARDINES 35c 3 tins WHITE SPRING SALMON 35c . No. 1 tails, 3 tins AYLMER BONELESS 27c . CHICKEN, 2's, per tin JELLY POWDERS ' 6 lor 25 c COLGATE'S TOILET 23c SOAPS, 5 for GOLD DUST Large 1 20c per pkg McINTOSH RED QA n- APPLES, wraoped, box MCINTOSH RED fl- HQ Apples. Household, box- We Deliver MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollar, llav More Cents' P. O, Box 575 Phone 18 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FRESH SHIPMENT Linoleum & Congoleum New patterns. Freshen your home nowl Phone 175 FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 AUCTION SALE TIMBER SALE X18988 There will be offered tor iale at Public Auction, at noon on the Twenty, fifth day of October, 1035. In the Office of he District Forester, Prta.ce Rupert, B.C. ,tlj Licence !xi8988 to cut 2,574,-000 feet, board measure, of Spruce Cedar and Hemlock on an area adJoLnlni" Lot 852 and 653, Lyell Island, Queen Charlotte Island Land District. One year will be aUowed for rem val of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour o' auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District ForeMer, Prince Rupert B.C Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Queen Charlotte Island No. 1 Shingles 3X, $3.50 per M. 5X, $4.50 per M. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Sunfish, Rarity in Northern Waters, Brought Here by Zenardl Local Model Yacht Racer Sells Boat In Vancouver. A sunfish, the first of its species ever to be reported so far north, has been turned over to the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station by Capt. R. Gammon whose boat, the Zenardi, captured it while seining four miles outside of Frederick Island on the northwest coast of Graham Island. The furthest north a sunfish had been previously recorded was near Bute-dale. This specimen weighs 60 pounds, measures 30 inches in length from snout to tip, has a( maximum vertical body diameter' of 18V2 inches and a spread be-i tween fin tips of 39 Inches. Sunfish swim vertically and this one was sighted on . the surface, evidently having dificulty in adjusting itself, The Zenardl manoeuvred alongside d"ca 11 ana orougni it w ; oort. It is now being kept in cold - torage pending disposition. . With Capt. Charlie Edwards and leg Green in charge, the Armour, Salvage Co.'s power tug Daly Is en Badminton The Ideal Winter Recreation gaged in towing a boom of seven sections of logs from the Shawat-lans Lake operations to the Mc Afee St Sunbury mill at Georgetown. The Daly left Shawatlans about noon yesterday with the tow I and is due back in port today, all the good Grits, Tories and C. C. F-'ers on board hoping that it will bein time to vote. ' His numerous friends here and elsewhere all along the coast will j-egret to hear that Capt. A. E. Dickson, veteran master of the Steamer Catala, who recently went ashore in Vancouver on account of illness, suffered two strokes during the past week, one more or less slight but the second rather severe. His voice Is said to have been affected. Capt. James Findlay Is now in command of the Catala. A. J. Croxford. local model yacht enthusiast, has sold his second rater: Kla-ora. to Skinner Taffv Eyres of Vancouver, a racer of long experience In, British waters before (joining to British Columbia. The kia-Ara will h entprpri in th ma iJor races ta Vancouver next season and may be brought back to Prince Rupert for cup races here. In trials in Vancouver with Eyres as skipped, 'the KJa-ora beat the Talisman, third and latest Croxford boat. twt) legs out of three. The Talis- F. Coy, 1KJ6 hovu "THERE'S A DAKVZE VMITH IT PAYS TO PLAY with Wright and Ditson Fine Quality Rackets Star $3.75 Premier ...$4.50 Flash .;v. . . ... . ; . .$6.00 Challenge ....... ; "'. . . . . '. ...... $6.50 W. & D. Special .$10.00 "AMC0" Association Guaranteed Shuttles Best British Manufacture 16-Fcather, 35c each; 3 for $1.00 eMlaAs.Ml "TILL1E THE TOILER" VOU'LU FlKJCi THAT'S TlLUB AT THB J V Hey, tilliE' AT30UT A fcACtS Tin tsssji innfi man was recently returned her after engaging In races In Van couver. Another Vancouver Doai ,rhirh wrv Hkelv will be seen In competition in Prince Rupert next vpar is the Answer, belonging to A. Watson, British coiumma cnam . . . . . I 1 4 I nn a pion in 1934 and 1935. Already It Is pvlrfpnt. that there will be greater I interest in model yacht racing In ; Prince Rupert next year than there was last. Union steamer Catala. Capt. James Findlay, arrived in port at 6:45 last evening from Vancouver and wavDolnts and sailed at 9 D.m. for Stewart. Anyox and other - northern points whence she will lt.uw. Wi,lu..u .........6 sail at 1:30 pjn. for the south. ti.... c . n.,ia in nn,n iiaiijr kn,uvi ailiitu lit wnu J to- terday with his power boat Leila from his logging operation at Klew Nugget to vote at the federal clec- tlon today. He was seen In com- pany with George Frlzzejl going to the polls bright and' early this morning. They were in agreement that it was hardly worth while to ... ,. . . i buiiic wj mi iu yuic uiicc una mat there should at least be one vote ror every ten miles. Returning Of- fleer Reid McLennan, howevpr tmt the best of the argument and al- 'owed them only one vote each. Mr. md Mrs. J. L. Jollvmore. arn nlsn n town from Hevcnor Inlet for the election. FIGHT IS FINISHED Continued from Page 1 I means of production, distribution and transportation, ' having in view ' 4u. .;i: , r. - "Vtti k a, mail bliw profit motive whereby the manv were exploited by the few. He erf- UrirPri thp m,H f quesUoned the promises of Klng Both represented and were con, trolled by the capitalistic class. If Bennett mnnt r.Hr. m.n . Why did he not nult hlmselfand clean out the Senate at the same time? -Mr. clarkP rharcp thaf iv, attorney general of the o vin Zl had been appointed in re urn fr. -"a nPe tnat 3-r ..uu. uiwiMwi who ruiusea to ac-l cept Manson or McGeer. Railwavs Of Canada ,nntfni,7 ! Beatty. He discounted the ImDor-i tance of foreign trade and declared ) that if people were Christians theyj . v. U1C uv.x,(.pu UllCllbdlS as equals. The C. C. F. point of view was the closest tn PhrUManJ IVVlUlt 1 ity of any program that was being, offered: In closing Mr. Clarke tribute to the press for the very! fair treatment accorded the C. C. in reporting of its meetings dur-. ing the campaign and announced' that Prof. King Gordon, c. c p i candidate in Victoria and son of "Ralph Connor," the celebrated novelist, would be here on Friday ! night of this week to deliver an address on "Christian Ethics." Mr. Roberts delivered a lecture bri the history of economics in the Socialist viewpoint similar to that he had given a week previous. The orators of the old parties he described as "the sounding fury of idiots meaning nothing." All Parliaments were "filled with fools." Lessening l GUESS TILLIES WARM- UPOM TVAlS HousEteecRiku; ftUlMESS MAVBE SHE'LL r "THAT H005 V B I vu. kM Ftiuiii Sr4it, Im Ut Inu nkw A Corner irnt Intelligent trotL j w wr w O k s - thrown out. All that was wanted was men who would sit thsre and do nothing to interfere with the capitalistic class. Mr. Roberts made many extravagant statements, one to the effect that, U socialism were adopted and the national credit mntf - nllArl fTnnaria u:niilri nnt nnlv be able to take care of all its own unemployed and give them a good living but would also be able to support all he unemployed of the United States. If money was needed, there was nothing to prevent the government from printing it without limit. The pulp mill threat . u r nao uuk ail uiu BaS a wicie was prom ,n tf the , mlu would com no matter who formed the e0vernment. After all. it mluht nnt mean much anvwav as it could be w w mn bv nalf a dozen men anyway. - w- Rudderham presided over u,e mng. un ,ne AlT Although he was billed to speak for an nour- Mr- 0rme on,y took about twenty minutes on the air, dellving a concise talk on issues of the dav In maklnc hl-final an. T w k peal for s"PPort of himself and "1C ocu,w" suer"meni. ui. n. u. sanK a solo. Mr: Nlckerson took up a whole our and- speaking fast, had a lot to He engaged in a scathing denunciation of the record of the government and argued that Lib eral policies would have resulted iih the avoiding of a lot of the mistakes that had been made and Canada, would have been a good deal better off today. Premier Bennett and Mr. Kine "8 enVaeerf engaged in In mutual t, a, h denunciations , Air tlAM" u ... Z 11. ,n fighting ZZfJnJTu? defence of hls government's re- h,s SSorSlrS a nt ; , lfCOns4eluf ?JjF land, Mr: Slevens devted himself S!3?5 n Cndr to t S il tH.Z ,? ' lat.lon on ulth h the old , Parties or f and lndrlal in- o be elected " ""T" iWTOnTOBrgai r-m, RUPERT I DELICATESSEN Your Catering Needs I Skilfully Fulfilled We cater to socials, clubs, j banquets, luncheons, dances, ' dinners and bridge parties. Made to Your Order Nothing too large or too small. LUNCHES PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone us any time. Give Us a Trial Phone Black 625 tira'Oi'Ki::-M;;ci'i.'iaii'!'!iri'riai His Chances HERE VOL) ARE . Mac . BOy A CHANCE on the Model HOME . YOU 1 CAM'T L.OSE on Dances jEVEiay time someone r i a. u - i Announced During Tonight's Progra. iiL glgaglgggl . 1 1 Hi -ess 44 BIG NIGHT AT THEATRE Excellent Picture Hill, Election Returns and Minstrel Show A mystery story replete with suspense, loaded with laughs and sprinkled with delightful romance entitled "One New York Night" and a highly diverting comedy of domestic manners named "PeoDle Will Talk" comprise an unusually entertaining double bill picture program which comes to the Capitol Theatre the first of this week. The theatre management has arranged to make periodic announcement of election returns tonight. Another entertainment feature to THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTD COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical I Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Suptrphw-nhates. Comnlcte Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Ifomutt MAKES IT "THAT MUCH 2 tuys A" VA1EUU, BOT, corses. I BUT T VAjOraTH Monday tonight THiSDAY Election Results 11 MARK THE PL01 0fil m wrier tt ...ta a JvaereiooeiJ Gay. .,.T enertofiaJ HIV ..L 10t C O fclVr Bib1- night will also be the 01 minstrel show v. h K regular plr.tur p- wmcn it is ais' mli one New Y :t Nk: duces a new .v.. of Franchot T -:se and Uai ; ine story r arcuniiJ terious muju L. ;i tat. in a cosmiuj fcntel , unique crosi-if :n ot UlA I fleeted in rarwaj guests h , come involved In the crime, rad Nagcl u to thf cast Ti)e irrepresiuble Chitu Rv and the ciitinrrsrort. Maty El 1 in "People Will Tali are ;J suburban i-ouple whose mariul 1 agreement- are greater and nler than rvcr Leila Hyami I I Dean Jaggcr have prindj porting roles. -By WjM GVJIBT . DON'T DO THAT- M EVJERy TICKET YOO SELL HARoeta Rdr He to vmikj MAC, VDU ALU Or THEM BUT