Silk 1 n Stockings jjj Wc carry the latest color trend in h.osipry !).alP5 i for all occasions weights for ail occasions in ser-g vice, chiffon or crepes. DAILY EDITION Have You- Ever Tried? Penman's Knee-Lo Hose They are so cool for summer wear and so durable. I All nn nrire. SI. 00 . ... 7 J 5 I The Family Shoe Store " timuBxi niaxR uu aji ji ii cam ? on twin i THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Artemoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupeit Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managlng-Edtvor A POLITICAL SKIT Tuesday, June 4, 1935 A few days ago we quoted from the Vancouver Province a political editorial dealing with the situation at Ottawa. Today we are reprinting a little editorial skit purporting to' show the political trend as viewed by the editor of the Vancouver Sun. Here it is: General McRae blew into Ottawa the other day and all the distraught Tories clustered about his suave figure just like the battv children of Hamelin flocked around the Pied Piper. "General," they pleaded, "toot ypur Horn- and .take us some place. So the General gave them a couple pf toots and every thing was going merrily when there was suddenly a sol emn hush and the General looked up to see Richard Bed ford Bennett fixing him with a gloomy stare. "Hey, hey!" said Mr. Bennett, "What's all the toptin' about?" "Bedford," said the General (they all call him Bedford now; it seems more haronial). "Bedford," he said, "these boys w'ant somebody to take hold now that you're all washed up." "It can't be done," said Mr. Bennett sadly. "Nobody can take my place." There were one or two surreptitious "ph0oey$" in the crowd and a quite audible snicker. But Mr. Bennett turned sharply and said "Boo!" and the crowd melted away like Senacherib's hosts, or what ever it was. One cabinet minister fainted before he scut tled around the corner. "typw, fjeneral " said Mr. Bennett sternly, "wot abaht it" "Well," said the General, "who's going to wear the mantle and the crown and cany the orb and all that sort of stuff" "What do you think about Brother Bill'" suggested Air. uennett. The General looked at him until Mr. Bennett turned red and muttered something about the heat. "Alright, then," he went on, "we've always cot Arthur, Arthur is sound, very sound. He is a sturdy fellow, is Arthur, and can take a, beating just about as well as any of them." "But what about Harry?" asked the General. "Harry who?" enquired Mr. Qennett. "Harry Stevens," said the General. Mr. Bennett cleared his throat. "Never heard of him " ne saiu orieiiy. "Well, then, what do you suggest?" asked the Genera a trnie impatiently. "Now yoi) know." proclaimed Mr. Bennett, "I've always liked that boy Rhodes. But Rhodes has a boil, and that lets him out. Nq fellow with a boil should ever be Prime Minister. It causes unrest in the country." The great man paused. "General," he proceeded, "I've always loved vou. Gen eral. Frqm time to time you have been the apple of my eye. Why ()on't you take a crack at it yourself?" 'lhg general snorted, counted ten and took a wal around the block. "Bedford," he said solemnly, "don't make me lauch While I was getting you this job, I was the cat's miouw After that you gave me the glassy eye plus the gate. Can itr i "Ami besides," continued 1 the General, . after ....... a little pause, "im a practical politician, and practical rjplfticians " never gel caught holding the bag." "I don't mind going to funerals," he concluded, "but I'll be darned if I'll be the corpse." BABE RUTH IN GOTHAM Cannot Return to Diamond For 60 Days Kill McKeehnie's Caustic Comment NEV YORK. June 4: Babe Rutlj and family arrived in Npw York yesterday from Boston following the resignation ol the former Home Run King from the Boston Braves. His plans for the future, he told newspapermen, were quite On the voluntary retired list, Ruth will be out of active partlci pation in baseball for at least 60 days. Then he will be able to sign up with any team he wUhes. Disrupted Team BOSTON, June 4 Manager Bill McKechnie, manager of the Boston Braves, is not shedding any tears over the departure of Babe Ruth from his line-up. "His presence,' declared McKechnie, "has nearly ruined the morale and discipline of the team." CITY LEAGUE STANDING, Standing of teams in the City Baseball League ar as follows: Sons of Canada Legion Elks W. 2 1 .0 L. 1 1 1 BASEBALL TUESDAY, JUNE 4 Sons of Canada vs. Elks FOOTBALL THURSDAY. JUNE 6 Can. Legion vs. Regiment National League W. L. New York 26 10 Louis 24 J 6 Pittsburg 24 19 Chicago 19 17 Brooklyn . 20 19 Cincinnati 1Q 21 Philadelphia 13 23 Boston 10 27 American League New York 27 Chicago 22 Cleveland 22 Detroit 21 Boston . 19 Washington P Philadelphia lb St. Louis 11 13 15 16 18 20 22 23. 26 Pet .667 500 .000 Baseball Standings Pel .722 .600 i6S .528 .513 .432 .361 .270 .643 .595 .596 .542 .487 Baseball Scores National League St. Louis 2, Chicago 6. American League Cleveland 11, St. Louis 4 ningsi. .436 .395 291 (14 in- Philadelphia 4, New York 7. Only games scheduled. TT 1 tii r neien vvnis is Making Comeback ptfeats English Opponent to Enter Third Kound of S.t. fievrfge's Tennis Tournament WAYBRIDOE, Eng.. June 4: Victorious in her first match set since Injury forced her out of the game two years ago, Mrs. Helen Wills Moody defeated Miss J. M. Nutley of England 6-2, 6-3 yester day to enter the third round of 8t. George's tournament. GROTTO TAXI 456 Three Cars at your service. Bert Morgan Hud Harrie PROP. DOMINION DAY CUP Draw Made For Elimination Round In Competition For Football Trophy on July 1 The fojlowlng pfrnw for the ro-i minion IHy Cup football series t announced: ' June 13 Young Liberals vs. Canadian Legion. 1 June 17 Canadian Leton vs. Regiment. I June 20 Regiment vs. Young Liberal. 4 The two high t&ams as a result of this rojund.w(l) meet In the fipat on Dominion bay. The winner will be decided on points and, In the vent of a tie. on goals. j Aga Khan's Horses Favored For Derby Assured of Place Among Winners. Of Great Engji orse Race Tomorrow EPSOM DOWNS. Eng.. June 4: I"he Aga Khan Is conceded a plac n the winners of the Derby, blue riband of the English turf, which irlll Ha run fiora tnmnmiu' TVi r t lis crack horses, all favorite, will ;o w me post, his Bahrain u an ; dds-on favorite. The largest crowd In the history if the race is expected to attend. SPORT CHAT Paul Dean yielded ten hits tq the vhlcago Cubs on Saturday as the. it. Louis Cardinals Continued thejr jnward swing In the National -eague to win by a score of 4. to 3 .n a 12-lnning game at Chicago. Lon Wernecke was the losing pitcher. It was the first game of a Jouble-header. both ends of which he world champions won. The ;ards defeated the Cubs In an-4her close game Sunday and re-(uced the lead of the New York Jlants from five and a half to hree and a half games. In thejr inly week-end game, the Olanta vere blanked Sunday by the lowly ioston Braves. The Cubs dropped from, third into fourth place below .he Pittsburg Pirates who had an :asy shut-out victory over thp Cincinnati Reds. "Lefty" Grove showed a return to old form for tfie Boston Red Sox hi Saturday by shutting out the New York Yankees in the opener of a double-header at the Yankee Stadium. The Yanks came back and won the nightcan. "Lefty" pomez and "School Boy" Rowe staged a pitchers' battle at Detroit, the Chicago White Sox winning by the odd run oyer the Tigers. Rowe allowed six hits. JUNIOR FO.QTBALL 1'OSTPQNED Owing to the Inclement weather, the Junior League football game scheduled tor Saturday afternoon between King Edward High School and Borden Street School was postponed. RAILWAY LADIES AHEAD Canadian National Recreation Association defeated Annette's by an aggregate score of 1591 to 1523 last night in the first session of the final of the Ladles' Bowling League championship play offs. The se- cona ana nnai game will be played Friday night. Taxi 99 The latest In motor transportation. 3 CAR SERVICE Stan Moran, Proprietor to earn your own Legion. t't-Gkb'MoJcls : Mea t Model L$t Modrb Scout 115 GO V Suniird RcJiUr RsmJRkws 40 OOf MsXcrbAe MoJrk 4000 f Lirit RoMfettr DAvrry ftew BuWt) sueo USD Tin pymcnl may In irriirr4 (t a extra charge. Atk your dcVr 'or caialofuc. BASEBALL SCHEDULE June 4 Sons of Canada s. Elks. June 7 Elks vs. Legion. June 11 Sons of Canada vs. Le gion. June 14 Elks vs. Sons of Canada. June 18-Legion vs. Elks. June 24- Orotto vs. Canadian SOFTBALL SCHEDULE June 6 p. N- R. A. ys. Canadian Legion. June 10 Grotto vs. Junior Elks. June 13 Junior lks vs. Cana dian Legion. June 17 Grotto vs. C. N. R. A. June 20 Junior Elks vs. C. N. R A- FOOTBALL POSTPONED The Ollhuly Cup Senior football fixture scheduled for last evening between Young Llb-rals and Regiment was postponed on account of rain. J . SOCCER IN JR? LEAGUE The schedule drawn up for the spring season Is as follows: June 5 Booth vs. High. June 8 Booth vs. Borden. June 12 High vs. Borden. June 15 High vs. Booth. June 19 Borden vs. Booth. TtMtiaj, Jud FA0E rwo THE DAILY NEWS 4. ms trniiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiuiiiiriiiri'a-i'CKwnwS m it l Penman s 'SPORT S Full Fashioned 6 vCM' in a lew weeks number of merchants, factories nd offices THE having parcels and messages delivered by bicycle is growing all the time. In Toronto alone there are more than 10 thousand bicycles being used for delivery purposes. Openings are constantly occurring for boys with bicycles. A bicycle delivery Job pays good money, and you can earn your own. bicycle in a short time. Thousands of boys hayc carped their own bicycles. Perhaps there is a merchant in your very neighbor hood who needs b$y with a bicycle, o najbe there is one wo p rot deKyff jig by bieVffi, but who could be persuaded to do so if you pointed out to him that delivery by bicycle is far cheap than delivery by motor (ruck of boie. Kcp your eyes open and land a job. Most C.C.M. dealers wHl be glad to let you have a C.C.M. bicycle on easy payments. Any CSC.M. Men's pr Boys' mo4l, with the addition of a parcel carrier, makes a good delivtry bicycle. Because of the increased use of bicycles for deHvery pjposes. the ffopl forks and front hub of regular CC.M. models have been made even stronger. A well-loaded CC.M. runs so smoothly, liters so easily, rides, so comfortably that you can make betttr time on it. And C.C.M.'s durable em md ting and chromium-plate over 2Q-ycar nickeling stand all kinds of weather. Tbe je other CC.M. feat urn, too, such as Straight Line Drivf, Trip4x lianger, powerful CC M. Hercules Coaster Brake, Frames of seamless steel tubjog. Endrick Rims, rustless steel Spokes, Durdop Fort or Dunlop Imperial Tires. h WHEN BUYING A BICYCLE BE SURE IT HAS THE C-C-AV TRADE MARK OOM The True VaJUe BICYCLE Agents Tor Agents For C, C. M. BICYCLES C, C. M, BICYCLES Kaign Hardware McRae Bros. Ltd. Third Avenue Third Avenue RpumanjfUj Wr Vetera Gp On Hunger Strike BUCHAREST. Ro'imanla. June 4: Because they were denied free railway passes by the government 1700 Roumanian war veterans went on hunger strike here yesterday. j parading the streets of the capital. they carried banners carrying such legends as "Wc were heroes at the front but we are forgotten at home now." S1IKINEILS' CONVENTION WASHJNQTON. DC. June 4: Thousands of Shrlners from all parts of the country are converging upon the NaUpnal Capital tor the sixty-first annual cpn vent Ion and ceremonial to be held here from June fl to 15. Pound Sterjinjr Arid Canadian )ollar On New York Excho angc NEW YORK, June 4:-The Bri tish pound sterling closed at $4.92', up 1c, on the local foreign exchange market yesterday. The Canadian dollar was unchanged at . ' 1 M CJICII. Tory's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, 481 Anyox Cloudy, calm, 50. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 48. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 48. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cool, Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 42, NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAV FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 Dp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold WaW Prince Rupert, BC Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M --STET-- The Washable Kalsomine What It Will I)Q STirr Will alhw you to wash olf smudge and blemlshrs which often spoil an ordin ary Kalsomine' fyalj $TET Colors will not fade STET Walls need no sizing, 8TET May be applied over new plaster without fear oi burning. It is nbt necrarv to wait six months before kalsominlng -with STET. STET Is so easy to apply 3"d to mix. No uqther. ha waiting, by the time you are ready for STET U Is ready for ypu. YPU will beu8r"' ably surprised at tae results. STET Will cover water stain perfectly with two coats, Kaien Hardware PHONE 3