PAGE FOUK i ! i i i i ii i r u ii iiiii i iTMvi m h i i mi m i i ki b j J bti WALLACE'S JUST ARRIVED Ladies' Flannel and Cord Slacks NAVY. FAWN, GKEY. ZIPPER SIDE FASTENERS New Summer Hats CREPES, FELTS. IN WHITE ANI PASTEL SHADES Phone 9 J HEINZ SOUPS-Medium, per tin FOR SALE Let 3, B. 9. S. 1, and Improvements HEINZ PORK & BEANS -J Op Large, per tin XOo SMALL WHITE BEANS 4 lbs. DRY SALT PORK per lb HORSESHOE' SOCKEYE SALMON. 1-lb. tin ALLGOOD SOCKEYE SALMON, Vi-lb. tin 19c 19c 39c 17c Fancy Bananas, 3 lbs. 25c Juicy Oranges, good size, doz. 29c Cucumbers, good size, each 14c AU Other Fruits and Vegetables at Reduced Prices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents' P. O, Box 55 Thone 18 IBXBXBJIXBl'.BI'lXM'HiTill We wish to announce that the REGAL SHOP Is now established in their new home next door to the Kulkley Market. We should like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their loyal support durlne the past two years and trust that we shall be favored with your continued support in our new store. Third & Fulton Lot 43, B. 22, S. 5, and Improvements , Let 4W6, R. 5. CD., nnimproved. Crown Granted, 130 acres Lot 1, B. 3, S. 1. and improvements Lot 4. B. 27, S. 5, and Improvements LoU 9 & 10, B. 15, S. 7. and Improvements, Chas. Vess Estate . .. N.E, V Lot 3083. Alyansh (153 acres) and improvements, Wlntermute Estate Let 3063, Aiyansh 103 acres) 6 acres cleared and In hay, Wra. Stewart Estate LoU 5 & 6, Blk. 43. Sec. 6, and improvements, including contents, Ida Ramsay Estate Lot 1045, R. 5, CD. 19 acres) and improvements. Terrace Blk. 3. SD. of DX. 1099. R. 5, CD (4 acres) Terrace .. $1000.00 450.00 125.00 200.00 250.00 .. 500.00 100.00 600.00 500.00 950.00 100.00 OTFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR. GARDEN NEEDS LAWN MOWERS $7.95 & S9.00 WHEELBARROWS $5.00 SPRINKLING CANS $1.15 & $1.25 GARDEN HOSE. 50 ft. S1.50 & $5.00 GRASS SHEARS 75c & $1.35 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ervice THAT PLEASES at MUSSALLEM'S We Deliver Orders $1.00 or Over BLUE RIBBON TEA I s per lb BLUE RIBBON COFFEE per lb BLUE RIBBON BAKING POWDER, 5-lh. tin BLUE RIBBON BAKING POWDER, 12-oz. tin HEINZ KETCHUP Large, per bottle ... HEINZ SOUPS Small, per tin 47c 39c 99c 20c 22c 9c i 15c Princess Royal To Have Thyroid Gland Operation LONDON. June 4 The Princess Royal formerly Princess Mary), only daughter of King George and Queen Mary, must soon undergo an operation for thyroid gland removal, it was announced yeterday. She has been suffering for some time with goitre. NANAIMO BOY DROWNED NANAIMO, June 4: George VERY WELL ! KNOWN MAN Official of Government, Now Dead, Was Philanthropist And Prominent Mason VICTORIA, J tint 4: Robert Baird, who died in Victoria Sunday, was taken to hospital recently when he suffered a relapse while attending the King's Silver Jubilee ceremonies at Parliament Square, where he had been honored by the , award of a commemoration medal. For some months previously he had been convalescing from nervous disorders centring in the spine. Born in Ontario One of seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. William Baird of Sunderland, Ont, the late Robert Baird commenced on February 7. 1876. a career that was to 'carry him to brilliant attainments in a highly specialized field of municipal administration. His early youth and training were passed in Eastern Canada, shared by six brothers and sisters. some of whom have since died. Between 1899 and 1900 Mr. Baird taught school at Sunderland, before going to the University of Toronto in the latter year, where he took a Master of graduating in 1904. . Between 1904 and 1914 he was identified with the Royal Bank of Canada, rising to the post of assistant manager at one of the prairis branches. On May 1, 1914. he became the first inspector of British Columbia municipalities, when that service was created as a branch of the Attorney-General's Department Given Promotion Mr. Baird remained as the original inspector of municipalities until the end. In 1934 he was promoted, in addition, as deputy minister of municipal affairs, when the new department was created by the Pattullo ministry, under Hon. A. W. Gray, retaining the inspectorate at the same time. For a number of years past Mr. Baird acted for the Attorney-General in his capacity as committee of the estates of persons in pro vincial care under the Lunacy Act. a position of great responsibility in which tens of thousands of dollars worth of property were held and invested in trust for those in provincial mental institutions. Several of his brothers became barristers, one. W. J. Baird being well known in connection with his I former appointment as liquor com missioner lor this province. He died In 1934 In Vancouver, after a brief illness. Acts of Philanthropy While it was for outstanding work as Inspector of municipalities that Robert Baird was chiefly re garded, there are few men who Holmes. 14-year old Nanaimo boy. j had such a wide range of interests was drowned while swimming here or who brought more genuine ab- ! yesterday. Uity and good fellowship to bear "T1LLIE THE TOILER" THE D.ULT NITTS TflfKlY j on the problems of their daily work. He was noted both in and outside of the Civil Serrtee for many acts of kindness and philanthropy. In his duties. Mr. Baird will be nigh irreplaceable. From twenty years of active association with the 76 municipalities of the pro vince, he knew all their circumstances, and his advice was actively sought by those at the head of municipal affairs. The annual report of his department was ever an Intensely human document, sparing in easUgatton and warm in praise where this could be honestly bestowed. It was, further, a record of fact from whkh none sought appeal Distinguished Mason Mr. Baird was a distinguished Mason, having held in succession the office, of Grand Junior Warden. Grand Senior Warden, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of British Columbia. He was elected Grand Master in 1928. In the Scottish Rite he also distinguished himself, being a thirty-second degree Mason. He also was a member of the Union Club and the Victoria Golf Club. He is survived by his widow. Madame Eva Baird, and one daughter. Helen Patricia, at the Arts degree, J Iamn' resiaence. Laurel Lane. Mineral wui take place in Vancouver on Wednesday. Hotel Arrivals Royal H. Bakken. O. L. Rorie and John Orvik, city. Wah Soon, Inverness; J. A. Mc- Isaac. city; D. McLeod, Porcher Island; E. Nordmark and J. Lund-mark, Vancouver. Prince Rupert E. G. Ironside, E A. Magel. Mr and Mrs. Newton Burdkk. J H Hamilton and J. AWred, Vancouver; Mrs. R. Tomlinson and Bobby. Metlakatla, Alaska; O. F. Tough and Mrs. P. H. King and son. In verness; W. M. Campbell. C. N R Savoy H. Clay. Surf Point; E M. Letnes and Miss Bertha B. Fawcett. Port Essington; F. T. Bratton. Kalen. Central Mrs. P. Hausen, Charley Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. M. SkipneM. O Knutson. Charles Johnson and Mr P. Hausen. city; A. Adams. Edmon ton. O. Johnson and Stg Johnson city; T. Anderson. C. N. R : Nick J Coulter, Port Edward; Mrs. O. Webstad. Vancouver; N. H. Fother-by, Smithers. Knox J. R. Reynolds and Pat Deanr city; Carl Olson, Georgetown: Percy Milton and Joe OarKon. An-yox. P. Fagerlund. E Pedersen. A. Ferguson and N. Davidson, city: s. McDow, Nanaimo: J. E. Berkley. Frank Lancaster and George Robertson, Vancouver. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront . . . I . u.. nlMMnt I in spue 01 aniu'm vu weather condition, many angling parties were out over the week-end. some of the excursions extendtn into the Kings Birthday holiday. The angling season may now be aM to be fairly under way. la the most of caws, good striofts were taken. Joe Scott got the "big fish" of the week-end a seven-pound rainbow at Kbtada Lake. Union steamer CaUla. Capt. A. L. Dickson, returned to port at 11:30 this morning from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:34 this afternoon for the south. The vessel eaued at Georgetown before arriving here to load box shooks for Butodale. Coming north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Dan McKtnnon. is not expected to port this trip before late tomorrow night. Delay has been caused by I the vessel having an exceptionally i large shipment of freight for the 'Consolidated Whaimg Corpora -, (ion's whaling station at Rose Har-! bor which is being pat in readlnes ! for the season's operations. The two small K tchikan motJir- Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving Wally Beards the "Lion" ships Qsinore and Virginia were in' port yesterday afternoon, bringing! parcels of fresh fish for transship ment east over Canadian National Railways. Fewer Families Now on Relief Decrease of 200,000 Since March. United States Secretary Of Labor Announces WASHINGTON. D.O. June 4: Miss Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, announces that there are 4.360,000 families 00 relief in the United States today as compared with 4.400.000 in March. Greta Garbo On Chicago Visit CHICAGO. June 4 Greta Oaroo. celebrated screen actress. Is paying a visit to Chieao To avoid TWO CM ; I LUTQi The Hengal Lancer The Girl of His gJ Gary Cooper Anna Sten TOGETHER! f In a Story of Ba0,, tn4 Hare Komsnce, Wedding Night" News Ralph Bellamy Helen Vinson 'At 7 40 Ai 0 4; Months for - Aiv. Corned IS 108 Y LA Its QITAPPELLE 8A c crowds at the railway station In Mrs. John Atham the city, she left her train in the man. celebrated t. suburbs yesterday and motored to ttrday She claim-a locul hotel of age. CirUmg OLD 3 - ONE In order to stimulate membership ir r, v rv- Library during the summer season fut rr. x i -the month of June will recoiv Two Months Membership For 75c This is your opportunity to do Fornc excellent reading. Two months for 75c. Join NOW! New Rules and Regulations 1 Members are entitled to one book only, wh.-h n. . chanted as often as convenient. 2 Where 2 books are required for one home the ice one month suWrtpUon will be SIJS for two b - b I Additional books may be rented at the regular r of the price of the book for one week or porno, 4 Rental is payable in advance. Charge aosounu .u : be ened for horary rent!. 5 Commencing August first all rentals wit be ma 1 ' " the first day of the month. Proper adjustment requirement will be arraiMted with all tbrribr: 6 Subscribe rs are responsible for reasonable ran .. of books in proper condition. Take advantage of the Special Summer Hate, Effective during the month of June only. 75c for 2 months Over 300 latest novels to choose from. T t , . thirty new ones added every month. -Dy nssiuvci THEKB ASKING 18 .U 5Q HAWdT .V? lfcT fBSVV MH .PMED MBAgAJU 3i"Qj-7 )w frir v(k,5wi loves 1 Bra i ft5v4 lBl '' r. MUj Familiar Words mA. jgHo HJiBB-iit hv- igj j "l'iterm VJOMDBR. VJHAT kmtJ I HEAK HIM I GETTING TO WORK JL'T jl ? ' Y CT m . ' -1