I Outstanding Quality SALAM TEA Additional Values on Qui Spec ial Sale ! I; ,., Uve Shampoo, Special 15c rifs in Mincv Hath Salts tn aimiy at hnir nnVn ux Hand Crennt, reg. 50c, apecinl Mc Moths, heavy weight, apodal flc Puttr & Mooro Mitcham Lavender Soti, to dear, one-third off M line in Fancy Statipnery, onthiril off k- of Koo, Murny and awortod hieh tirade iaitum Powders, value to $1.60, apodal 85c i F it- Stool Razor Wades, 0s, reK.2oe, special 15c Pm ket Whisks, reg. 40c, special 19c 1 infs in Maicnro, Rouge and Mtiek, values 1 25. special '25c & 50c specials are clearing fast. Don't wait till the last minute. IUJY NOW! Ormes Ltd. Pioneer DmqtjtJts Ihe Retail HUr I'nonrn: 81 ti K2 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. rfunriat anil Holiday- From 12 noon till 2 p.m. 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. otTii j:.srAr,eT:5i vaxcouveii s.s. PRINCE GEORGE fvfhy THURSDAY 10.30 I'.u. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIM1TKI) Steamsis leave Prince Rupert for Vancpum- ITAS. t T.LA EVEKV 11 TSU W, '39 I'JI. Aniving Vancouver Thurway ( AUDENA EVEKY FRIDAY MID.SICIIT. Ai ning Vancouver Monday am. I:! MUinjt la Port mmpnoi, Anyoi Olrt rvfl Nui Rlr piilr t I'fine KUp-r ounMf. n pm i-rtner information regarding all sailings and tlckpts atr- aiM-r. m ctKT Aorscy Third so fH"" W D. ELIO V 114 nuadiau Anlloniil S oainsliips HI VS KVKRVTHINT, SKI.I-S BVKRYTIIINfi I URMTlIIti: DEALER & AUCTHfNEEK We Sell New Dominion Linoleum by the Yard GREEN 421 IheFsh which made Prince RuperlFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Cq Ltd, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ii it in 22 'ftixJi-tt cost the tame, i ; 1 "; u you can rent a car t Walker's 44 low iu JtiO a day. nlui 7 c a mte. : Eastwn Star aH tale qt I home cpoklng at Mra. L. W. Ker-Igtns Wnojw tWdn4ay) 3 tQ 1 6 p.m. 121 Frank McGlbney or the Northern lenings txaln for Vanarhoof eri-j route Uj the Vital Creejc placer p-itrtet In the Omineoa mmlng J Roma and A. Olills, charged with breaking and entering Henri Letuurneau's shop on SJxtb Avenue West and removing lead therefrom, are appearing lp city pojtce court before Magistrate Mctfrmont this afternoon. Prank 11. IloughUin, talp manager of the Canada Printing Ink Cq. Ltd. from Toronto. Ont.. and Mrs. Houghton, who are on a trip to the Pacific Coast, were here last Satur day afternoon aboard the Prince Alice making the round trip to Alaska. They will be here again to- 'morrow afternoon .southbound. 678 -Notice -678 ZQNE SERVICE between Morse Creek Uridg? and Emmanuel St 1 or 2 passengers 3c. each adclt'.o na) passenger 10c.; Section 21 or 2 passengers 50c.. each additional passenger 50c.: Emmanuel St. east to Cold Storage 1 or 2 passenger 50c each additional passenger 10c Waitini? time 2 5Q per hour Ride thp Zone Way T Glenn, proprie tor 129 WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER COMES TO WOMANHOOD MOM ID-jj-; tkeu lo oecd i topic tod rccu - v M Utot. Cix your djucbier Ljdi E. i Pioihta't Vric tibiC Compound tot tb ocxl frw nooibi. Tetcb her bow to cuird hex bealtb U thi$ 1 SfV mm criiinl lime. XTben tb is happy, hetliby wife sod socber the will tbtok you. ' Sold u til good drag stores; LydjaRRnldiairVs Vegetable Cbrnpoixni Announcements Eastern Stair tea at Mrs. L. W Kergln's June 5. Viggo Kihl Recital. Presbyterian Church June 6. Parent Teachers' Tea. Mrs, Alex MacKenzlo's June 7. Lutheran Ladles' Aid tea and sale of fancy work and home-cooking. June 15.. Catholic Ladles' Tea. Mrs. Ward's Atlin Avenue June 20. Canadian Legion, UES.L. Picnic, June 23. Moose Hall Tuesday June 11 Ilridge and Dance Ocod Prizes Refreshments included Notice to embers: Moose Lodge will meet first & third Wednesdays during June, July and August. Butiful Wayes By our new ap.d latest Helen Curtis Machine, featuring Eugene aid Princess Marina combination permanents. aii Lady Ilcauty Shoppe Phone G55 THI PAXLT KZWB b warm and comfortable by rld- Tonight's train, due from thr-East at 10:15, was report thj morning U) be on time. T. W. Hall, inspector of schools ailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Bella Coota and other! Doinu oown we eoaat on meiai Mr. W. D. Christ Hon pf thte cityi to in receipt of the fad advice of the death in St Andrew!, Scotland of her father. Mr. Ritchie, whol pasted away on Saturday. Dr. J. I. Goresh. the well known! Vancouver foot spaetaMst will pay a professional visit to Prince Ru pert, staying here for the entire week beginning June 17. Dr. Oo- rosii will stay in the Hotel Prince Rupert. Rev. A. Abraham of Anyox. Rev. S. Klnley of Aiyanth, Rev. W. S. Jooper of Oreenvllte and Rev. Oliver Thome of Kincotith arrived in the city on the Catala this morning to attend Anglican Synod sextons opening here tomorrow. Word has been recg$re4 in the ?lty of the death at Vancouver on Saturday of Lady Tupper, widow it the late Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper and mother of Superln- endent James M. Tpppef, formerly tatloned here In the service of Me Royal Canadian Moented Rev. Canon T. D. Proctor. In charge of Anglican Church work in the Peace River section of Caledo Ketchikan Fish qr-the East nia diocese, is coming via Vancouver to attend the sessions of the Synod of Caledonia diocese here this week and will arrive tomor row morning on the steamer Prince Qeorge from the south. Landings Heavy Some 200.000 Pounds $t Halibut And Salmon Landed Since Week-End KETCHIKAff. Jure 4: Over the wefk-end some 200.000 pounds of fish, about half and half halibut and salmon, arrived here and packing houses were busy yesterday getting much of it ready for shipment south. Yesterday the Aluetlan sold 31,- 000 pounds of halibut to Marlyn Fish Co. at 5.7c and 4c. Sunday's arrivals Included the Thor which sold 35,000 pounds to New England at 6c and 4c. Salmon has been selling at 8c. Vic and 4c. QUESNEL WOMAN DIES QUESNEL, June 4: Mrs. Mary Strand, who came here thirty-one years ago from Lancashire, Eng land, as a bride, passed away yes terday. Mail Schedule Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days 4:30 pjn torn the East: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur cays .'. - 10:15 pjn or Vancouver Mondays (tralnl 4:30 pjn Tuesday . i2:30pjr; Wednesdays (train) . 4:3C prr. TJiursdays 8:30 p.m Frjdav 11 pjn June 5, 15, 22 and 29 4 p.m. for Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 p m Wednesday r 3 pm Systematic Service Rffjcient & systematic sppicc is tlje bc$t ajtd nios( economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record .of all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 N m!m 1 HIViM.fg.SH NUIafdUaifN n an isKaa n 1 n NO V Sate money by serving Kellogg's Rice Krif pies. Ready to ea and many servings from a package. So crisp that tbey actually crackle in milk or cream. Nourishing and eaiy to digest. A fine bedtime mark because they invite sound sleep. Ideal at the nursery supper. At grocers everywhere-in the Mother Goose story package that children will love. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Quality guaranteed. 1 RICE m Listen! get hungry ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN Out of a list of fifteen applicants Miss Olive van Coo ten was last night appointed assistant librarian of the Prince Rupert Public Lib ary, the appointment beng on irobation. Miss van Cooten will be ssistant to the librarian, Miss Jorothy Rushbrook. Steamship or Vancouvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 pjn. Thurs. ss. P. George 10:30 pm Friday ss. Cardena .... midnight Satur ss. P. Adelaide 4:15 pm. June 5 ss, Prln. Alice 5 pm June 15 ss. Prin. Louise 5 pm June 22 ss. P. Charlotte 5 pm June 29 ss. Prin. Louise .... 5 pm torn Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pm. Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 am. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pra Ss. Cardena pm. June 10 ss. Pr. Louise am. June 17 ss. P. Charlotte, .... am. June 24 ss. Prln. Louise .... a.m. For Anyox and Stewart- Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm. Wed. ss. Pr. George 4 pm. From Anyox and Stewart- Tuesday ss, Catala .. .11:30 am. Thursday ss. Pr George 8 pm. for Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. rom Naas River & Fort Simpson Tuesday ss Catala ...11:30 am. 'or Queen Charlotte Islands June 7 & 21 ss. P. John 10 pm. fr.m Queen Charlotte Wands-: June 5 and 19 ss. P. John am. r'or Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. George 10:30 pm Satur. ss. P. Adelaide 4:15 pm. from Qcean FQ Wednes. ss. Pr. George 10 am. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena p n. for Alaska-June "lQ-es. Prln. Louise .... am. June 17 ss. P. pharlotte .. am. June 24 ss. Prin. Louise .... am. From Alaska Satur. ss. Pr. Adelaide a: 10 pm. June 5 ss. Prln. Alice pm June 15 ss. Prln. Louise pm. June 22 ss. P. Charlotte pm. June 29 ss. Prin. Louise pm. From Skeena River-Friday ss, Cardena pm. Simpson Nurses Qf Ho England .Mif Wiltsie and .Mta Storey flere; Were Honored at Fareweli Miss F. M. Wiltsje Rf. and Mi M Storey R.N.. who have been Identified with the nursing staff of iht Port Simpson hospital for sev eral years, arriyed in thecity opJ tne Catala this morning and will proceed by train tomorrow evening tq Montreal where they will embark for England. They will follow nursing in the Old Country. At the teachers' apartment m Port Simpson last Thursday a fare- welj party was held in honor of Miss Storey and Miss Wiltsie. Progressive games and contests carried out the "Bon Voyage" theme of the evening. The table waa centred with a model schooner Concealed under ths decorations were pairing favors with appropriate verses attached. Delicious refreshments were ser ved after which the singing of For They Are Jolly Good Fellows"! and "Auld Lang Syne" brought the enjoyabe evening to a close. Ketchikan Takes Over Utilities Hill Operate Light System Gov erning Board to be Elected KETCHIKAN, June 4: The city of Ketchikan took oyer the opera tion of local utilities this week. A governing board will be elected by the people. A Daily News Want-Ad wil get what ynu want. will be available for the treatment of all foot con-. ditions at the j HOTEL 1 PRINCE RUPERT June nth," to 22nd, incl. A Complete Foot Health Service: .MANIPULATIVE TREATMENTS, for the reduction of adhesions and the anatomic correction of mal-posed foot structures. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS. Including Diathermy. Infra-red rays and Vibratory massage. SURGICAL CHIROPODY, for the reduction of corns, callouses, ingrown or enlarged toe nails, etc. PRESCRIPTION LIGHTWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, laboratory made to individual requirements. To avail yourself fully of services, please make an appointment.' these early VANCOUVER OFFICE: Room 210-211 Orpheum Bldg. 751 Granville Street Telephone Seymour 8116 Seven years' practice in EmiavrHOi lamratf tn in tu im Want Ads MALE HELP WANTED WE ARE 8 ELECTING A LIMITED number of young men to train , for positions In ntgh-spefd Plesel ' engineering, also Teieylslon Ra- dlo and Broadcasting: 2 Distinct Trainings. Those accepted wilit receive a preliminary training at ,r home and then taken to our ' shops for special practical exper icmr at our expense, muk mechanically inclined, studious;-and determined to succeed. Api . pi? grihg address, arid training' desired. Box 241, DaUy New.. - FOR SALE FOR SALE-Cary Safe Da'lly News Office. $75. Apply J: WE have left with us for sale. a ' 3V4 by 4V4 lea Camera wubfitol. holders. Price $1250. Wrathall's,. Photo Finishing. tt PAINTERS PAINTINO pna PaperhanglnfJr Moller. Phone Red 802. COME TD Dunn's Cottages and Tents for holiday on famous North Beach. River and sea bathlhg. Boats for hire Fishing and hunting. Open air badminton. Clock golf Dancing. Dining room. Good plain cooking. Terms moderate. For particulars apply MRS. DUNN Sangan Rifr Near Massett. B.C. J C0AL! CQAy J. I. Gorosh, D.S. C.I 1$. Cp. Registered Chiropodist Foot Specialist Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran- . teed to give satisfaction. Try 'a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We ilsr sell Timothy Hay, Wheat,' Oas and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 55! MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Stay young and let your friends admire you. Sleep on a Slumber King spring and spring filled mattress. They ' are built for sleep. Phone 775 Third Ave. FRESH MILK AND. CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Daily News Want-Ads. always bring quick results. ; riBiK.aumranaa'jt mavt apfEKOB :tprilll2B3 11 I K HOLIDAYS i Hpw Will You Spend Them This Year? I Enjoy a period of relaxation with all the joys qt I countrv life at S "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHING TENNIS FISHING; Rates reduced this year to $12 a week and up. Plenty of fresh si milk and cream. S Write or wireless for reservations to H MADAME RAJAUT KEEP UP YOUR HOME It Pays tp Paint and Repair For best paint values and sound advice consult: GORDON'S HARDWARE iriif12"""1" Phone 311 McBride St. USE B-H PAINT 1 t