Today's Weather Prince Rupert-Raining, moderate variable wind; barometer. 29.94; temperature. 54; light chop Tomorrow's Tides Vol. XXIV.. No. 12" " 1 J A PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1935 price: s cents V - rrzr . a UmmOYED STARTING FOR CAPITAL JAPAN -CANADA URGED TO CONTINUE TRADE RELATIONS Relief Camp Strikers Numbering More Than Thousand Take Leave Six Hundred Boarded Freight Train For East Last Night And Similar Numlwr Will Depart This Evening From Vancouver Mayor of Ottawa Protests VANCOUVER, June 4: (CP) Unmolested by police, fix hundred relief camp strikers boarded a freight train here last night to commence their "march on Ottawa." borne six hundred more are manner tonight. Carrying packs and bundles of food and clothing, the men were orderly and were given an cnthu- "IiiaUc send-off. They plan to spend rp y r t I one day at Kamloops and then go l uaay s otocKs l Cuurt j 8 V. Jotuuloa Co.) Vancouver Alexandria, .01 fe. D C Nickel. .34. Big MlMOuri. .64. Lratlian. 2.15. Ihaluriie, 6.00. U R Corn. BX. U R X. OoM. .11H. tanbuu Quarts. 1.15. Dvtitonu, .43. Dunwell. MVi. Georgia Hlvtr. .t$t-C li onda, .28. Lunge, .09 Uikl. M.ntr. .13. M ridtun. .07. Morning SWr, .06 W National Silver. .04. Noble Five. .084. I'cnd Oreille. .60. I'-irter Idaho. .O0W-I'icmler. 1.68, Quc iifl Quarts, .12. Hcves McDonald, .12. Reno. 1.50. SUvcr Cttlt, .00. Salmon Oold, .12ty. Tuylor Bridge. .17. Wayside. .16. Whitewater. .07. Wavcrly Tangier, .004. United Empire. .05. Toronto Central Patricia. 1.52. Chlbougatnau, 22. Lee Gold, .04 ft. Granada. JJ3. Inter Nickel, 2835. Macassa. 1.04. Noranda, 30.05. Sherrltt Gordon, 70. Slscoc, 2.75. Ventures, .85. Lake Maron, .04i. Terk Hughes. 4.15. Sudbury Basin, 1.37. Columarlo, .08 ifc. Smelter Oold, .05. Can, Malartlc 58. Little Long Lac. 5.25. Astoria Rouyn. .03V4-E'.adacona, .22. Maple Leaf, .08. Pickle Crow. 2.50. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.22. Gods Lake. 1.43. liturgeon River Oold, .82. Hed Lake Oold Shore. .33. San Antonio, 3.55. Halibut Arrivals American Sentinel, il.000 pounds, Cold Storage, 0c and 5c. Eastern. 3,000, Royal, Cc and 5c. Canadian Dalsac. ld.500, Cold Storage. 5.6c nd 5.5'c Domino II, 7,000, Cold Storage, 5.5c Unome, 0,000, Atlln, 5.Cc and 5.5c expected to leave in a similar on to Calgary when they will connect with numbers of other unem ployed from Alberta, picking up further reinforcements on the way across the prairies Ottawa Mayor Protects OTTAWA, June 4: CP-A tele gram of protest was sent today by Mayor Nolan of OlUwa to Attorney Oeneral Gordon Sloan of British Columbia against that province al lowing renei camp rtnicers to come to Ottawa. Mayor Nolan declared that the city of Ottawa will not feed them on arrival. FLOOD TOLL PUTAT 650 Ninety-One Bodies Already Recovered In Five Stricken Slates Of Southwest Mexico Also Hit lour Hundred People Believed To Have Perished There DENVER. Colo., June 4: Latest reports last night from the flood- stricken areas of the southwest In dicated that the death list would probably total 250 as estimated In early forecast. Ninety-one bodies liad been already recovered from the patli of swollen rivers and streams In the five states of Kansas. Nebratka, Wyoming, Texas and Colorado. With the recession of flood waters, the worst duststorm In Its history Ust night was sweeping over the Lamar area of Colorado. Mexico Too MEXICO CITY. June 4- (CP) Official report today said that 122, bodies luul boon recovered alter torrential rnlns had swept a num ber of mountainside towns in Mexico Valley near here yesterday. The death toll may possibly reach 400. Lamson Enters His Third Year in Jail 'Former Stanford University Execu tive, Charged Wllh Wife .Murder, Finishes Two Years 8AN JOSE. Cal.. June 4: -David A. Lamson, former Stanford University executive, now awaiting his third trial on a clvirge of murdering his wife, has commenced his third year In prison. At his first trial, Lamson was convicted and sentenced to die. He was granted a new trial In which the Jury recently disagreed. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Turkeys Get Surprise at Wearing surprised looks these about them as they arrive at United States farmers in the CLOSING ON KIDNAPPERS Arrests Expected Momentarily In Wejerhauser Case Volney Davis Talks TACOMA, June 4 Although the manhunt has now spread from coast to coast, federal O men were concentrating their search for the abductors of young George Weyerhauscr last l ight within a radius of 100 miles of Tacoma. There were conflicting reports of the supposed kldrappers having been seen at widely separated points. Arrests are still expected momentarily. Numbers of the notes paid In the $200,000 ransom have been broadcast. An Important development yesterday was the finding In Seattle of the abandoned automobile of F. Rodman Titcomb, uncle of the kidnapped boy. which was taken from him after he had paid over the ransom on behalf of J. P. Wcyer-hauser. the boy's father. It was dellnltely announced yes terday that Volney Davis, a member of the Alvln Karpls gang, who surrendered In Chicago at the end of the week and was taken by plane to St. Paul where he pleaded guilty to having participated in the kidnapping of Edward Drcmer last year, had nothing to do with the Weyerhauscr abduction. It "was reported, however, that he may have made Important disclosures to the authorities to assist In the apprehension of Karpis and members of the gang who are hardly believed now to have engineered the Weyerhauscr kidnapping. Attention Is now being turned to known northwest criminals. One theory Is that the abductors may have used an airplane In effecting their getaway.' SOFTBALL POSTPONED Last ngiht's City League Softball llxture between Canadian Legion and Grotto was postponed on account of rain. i ii FIRE THREATENS KIRKLAND LAKE KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont, Juno 4: Funned by high winds which are making It ex- tremely difficult for hundreds of conscripted fire fighters to carry on their work, forest fires are sweeping In the dl- rcction of this mining centre. Scores of people have already t aDnnaonca meir romes in icur t of being Durnea out. . turkeys pop their h?ads through t ie the turkey mart. We'll draw a veil duststorm areas, have had to send FRANCE SEEKING NEW ECONOMIC ORDER NOW; NEW MINISTRY FALLS PARIS. June 4: President Albert Lebrun of France has made a plea to Great Britain and United States to co- operate with France In bring- lng about a new monetary and economic orderf The veteran t- Joseph Caillaux. brought back to the ministry of finance by the new premier, Femand Boulsson. yesterday appealed for a world conference to sta- blllze currencies. Dictatorial powers In reguUtlng French fiscal matters, such as were h asked for by but denied For- mer Premier Pierre Flandln, were also refused to the new ministry which had Its first test of strength in the Cham- bcr of Deputies tonight on a confidence motion and was defeated by two votes. There Is no indication as yet as to who will be called upon to succeed Boulsson. It appears doubtful that any ministry will be granted the sweeping decree of power which financial experts declared Is necessary to save the franc and restore the financial position of l the country. The Boulsson government had been in power only four days. Swiss People Not Giving Government Unrestricted Power BERNE, Switzerland, June 4: The people of Switzerland. In a na-Uonal referendum, the result of which was announced yesterday, refused to Rive the 50vcrnmcnt unrestricted power over currency readjustment, fearing that it might decide to go off the gold standard in the present fiscal crisis Granted Reprieve Nine Hours Betore Time of Execution LOUISVILLE, June 4: Nine hours before he wns to have been electrocuted for a hold-up murder. In which three men were slain, Calvin Talt was granted a ten-day reprieve oy tne uovernor. impor - T.tant new evidence is said to be forthcoming' which may clear Talt of the charge. Mart netting of their cart to gaze over the rest of this drama. turkeys early to market. LESS MEN IN CAMPSi: ViUI" 4 ; I ABYSSINIAN RAIDERS Number of Single Men Thus Receiving Relief Greatly Reduced Since First of Year ' OTTAWA, June 4: (CP) There was a total of 6200 single men In ouiLMi isUiuuiuia iciiei camp a the end of last year and 3500 last April according to a return tabled in the House of Commons at the request of Olof Hanson. M. P. for Skeena. The return showed average cost per man of $120 per day. REID OUT OF ORDER Speaker Rules Against His Bill For Remonctization of Silver OTTAWA. June 4 CP The bill of Thomas Reld, Liberal member for New Westminster, to remone- tlze silver was ruled out of order yesterday by the Speaker who said private members were prohibited from Initiating proposals for the expenditure of public money. Kamloops District Farmer is Gored To Death by Bull KAMLOOPS, June 4: William Milne. 49-year old Pritchard far mer, was gored to death by a bull on his farm yesterday. Unable to ;help In time. Mrs. Milne and neighbors witnessed the fatal at- itack. John Gilbert Is Divorced by His Fourth Wife Now LOS ANGELES, June 4: Vlr glnla Ilruce has been granted a de crec of divorce Iran John Gilbert.! Both are screen stars She was OU-i bert;s fourth wife. There Is a two year old daughter. POLICE COURT FINES . ' HIGHER THIS YEAR Police court fines In Prince Ru pert for the" year to date have to tailed $932 as compared with $904 I .m tne first five monins or i3. Fines for Mav this vear amountlnciFund. it wns announrerf vpstprrfav. to $115 compared with $250 last year In the same uonth. High Low Foreign Business Men Advise Against Tariff War Between Countries This Dominion Urged to Drop Dumping Duties Against Goods From Orient and Flowery Kingdom Exhorted Not to Apply Safeguarding Laws KOBE, Japan, June 4: (CP) Foreign business men in Japan today urged that Japan and Canada arrange a four months' extension of trade negotiations to avert Japan's proposed retaliatory tariff. It was recommended that Canada abolish dumping duties against Japanese goods. Japan was also counselled to refrain from invoking its trade safeguarding law against Canada. KILL 30 ITALIANS ROME, June 4: A new cri- sis In the Ital'an-Ethlopian situation threatered yesterday following reports that Abys- slnlan raiders had attacked -an.- Italian outpost and killed 30 Italians. The incident may have the effect of disrupting negotlaUons looking toward a settlement of the issues be- tween the two countries over fronUer matters. Premier Mussolini hasv Just agreed up- on a neutral reoort on the questions at Issue. N. R. A. WILL CARRY ON Announcement From Roosevelt With Respect to Future Of Recovery Act WASHINGTON, D.O, June 4: (CP) Following a special meeting of the cabinet today and a conference with industrial and economic experts, President Franklin I). Roosevelt made an important announcement with respect to future' plans following the decision of the Supreme ! Court of the United States which last week ruled the National Recovery 1 Act unconstitutional. He stated that it had been agreed to submit an emergency legislative program to Congress for restoration of the N. R, A. on a restricted basis. Under the judgment the N. R. A. would expire In twelve days. The President crdered yesterday I that the director of the N. R. A. should not demobilize his j force. This was taken to indicate that it was expected some plan will be reached to carry on the principles of the Act. I Weany AI nnrlv Mlini'fni' VUarier II UI f j Millinn ic ITlllllUlI JO lVttlaLU , This Amount Collected In Canada For King's Silver Jubilee Cancer Fund OTTAWA. June 4: A total of; vmu,uuv o iiiw til vaiiaua iui ! the tne King's King's Silver Sliver Jubilee Jubilee Cancer! Cancer' The money will be used In fighting . j the dread malady In this country. .. 3:20 am. 19.6 it. 16:28 pm- 18.0 ft . -0:06 ajn 3-3 ft. 22:19 pjn. 8.5 ft. Little Girl Is 11 r 1 Mlled by Kock Fanny Lou Smith, Aged Nine, Of Seward, Struck by Boulder Falling From Cliff EWARD. Alaska. June 4: Nlne-yea old Fanny Lou Smith, who arrived here a year ago with her parents from New Mexico, was Instantly killed on a picnic near here when a boulder came hurtling 200 feet down a cliff and landed on her head. General is Named Head of National Research Council OTTAWA, June 4: Appointment of Major-General McNaughton as president of the NaUonal Research Council succeeding Dr. Tory, retired, was announced yesterday. It is expected Major-General Ashton jof Victoria will succeed Major-j Oeneral McNaughtbn In his mill-'jtary duties here. Adjournment Of Congress Soon Seems Unlikely WASHINGTON. D.C.. June 4: 'An early adjournment of the session of Congress appeared yesterday to be unlikely. Present expectations are that it will sit until August 1. Statehood Sought By Isle of Hawaii 'petition Presented to Congress At Washington by Delegate Samuel King WASHINGTON. D.C.. June 4: Delegate Samuel King has Drescn- ted to ConR"55 a petition seeking statehood for Hawaii. Should It be granted, the Island territory would become the forty-ninth state of the Union. POETESS-ARTIST OF VANCOUVER SUCCUMBS VANCOUVER, June 4: Mrs. nprtha tuHs irnmm poetess and artist, passed away here yesterday.