page rous YOUR DOLLARS BUY MORE AT MUSSALLEM'S Tut in a trial order and be convinced. These specials good till Mon-" day, October 21 PURITY OATS-Chlnaware OQf tier nke hVK WHEATLETS Break-fastFood, $1.25 24-lb. sack LYNN VALLEY 0 ! PRAHIIPS 9 enf fin JLV -vww, mm J W.f tU4 BARTLETT PEARS, 2's 4 A 0 per tin 17b KINO OSCAR SARDINES 35c 3 -tins WHITE SPRING SALMON 35 c No. 1 tails, 3 tins AYLMER BONELESS 27c CHICKEN, Vt's, per tin JELLY POWDERS 25c 6 for1 COLGATE'S TOILET 23c SOAPS, 5 for GOLD DUST Large 20c per pkg McINTOSH RED Q9 OR APPLES, wrapped, box VAt McINTOSH RED Q4 rj( Apples, Household, box ?.! ft We Deliver MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents' P. O. Rox 575 Phone 18 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FRESH SHIPMENT Linoleum & Congoleum New patterns. Freshen your home now! Phone 775 FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 AUCTION 8 ALU TIMBER SALE X18988 Thtve will be offered for sale at .Pub-11c Auction, at noon an the Twenty Illth day of October, 1935. In the office of the District Forester, Prince Itupcrt B.C. .the Licence XI 8988 to cut 2.571, 000 feet, board measure, of Spruce Cedar and Hemlock on an area adjoining Lots 65J and 653, Lyell Island, Queen Charlotte Island? Land District. One year will be aUowed for remr S val of timber. . "Provided any one Unable to attenfi the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour o auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C cr District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Queen Charlotte Island No. 1 Shingles 3X, $3.50 per M. 5X, $1.50 per M. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. J. S. Wilson sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Violet McCutcheon sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Thomas Trotler sailed yesterdav afternoon on the Catala for a busi ness trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. P. Cade returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver. Jack McNeil of Smithers, who haS been on a brief trio to Van couver, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince George this morning and will proceed to the Interior on this evening's train. Primo Vaccher. who left here two or three years ago for Italy with his parents, returned to the. lty from the Old Country on last night's train. 'He is a Canadian sltlzen so was able to leave Italy. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Phillips, af-:er a trip to Scotland, are now In ancouver, having landed at Mon-:real from the Duchess of Richmond recently. Writing to local friends, Mr. Phillips tells of having net Mrs. W. H. Wilson-Murray, J. ! 3. Tannock and Mrs. Stanley W1I-ion in Edinburgh. Mr. Phillips ex-aeets to be back In Prince Rupert shortly. There was no luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today I sut Instead there will be a dinner ; neetlng tonight in observance of Founders' Day. Members of the winning team in a recent atten dance contest will be entertained jy the rest of the club and assist. .ng artists at. the minstrel show Monday night will be special juests. The house committep. Front Dibb, chairman, reported to the hospital board at its meeting last night that M. J. Keays, whose tender was $30, had been given the Job 3t painting hospital fire esna tips Other tenders had been as follows: J. A. Curtis. $35: Fred fipnrMon $34; J. P. . Moller. $40. Rpnai tJ snis naa aLso been effected and aj ditch dug to take the water away! at from the foundations. Wf IIBIIIIM'lWlllMaiiin..i k r I H 1 DO IT TODAY Not Wait For Tomorrow Again go oyer your unused furniture or other articles and discard what you do not need. Then phone, us,, Green 421. We have dally Inquiries for the things you; do not need In your home. D. ELIO "TILLIE THE TOILER" I (csoofc ; VQU SEEM -JQ (AW l am. X 'TP TJIILJI L Bishop E. M. Bunoz O. M. I. is sailing tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Stewart on ecclesiastical duties. i i . . i inp 10 Vancouver, reiumea to Ulc city from the south on the Prince George this morning. D. C. Stuart will leave on thi3 evening's train for a business trip j Co Stewart in connection with his! duties as local representative of ! ;ne rarmers ureaii Aajusimeni Act. i Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shenton re - tnmo irned in to tVtA the city 4tit nn on the Drfnto Prince TUB D1ZLT KIWI i. j Wednesday George this morning, from a trip lnS on the southern front. Mean-smith Mr Khpntnn havlncr unne in time heaVV casualties are rennrtp'rt Seattle on mining business Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, pastor of First Presbyterian I Arms and ammunition are re-church, rptumed to t.hP pltv nn t.hpPrted to be entering Ethiopia via Vi"' i . runce uctjikc iiils muiiiinu irom Vancouver where he attended re-; cent sessions of the British Columbia. Synod. A new iron fireman has been Installed by Smith & Mallett In con nection with the Prince Rupert . nucyiKii ncaiuig uiaui, at a cust ui $380, it was reported by the (house committee at the regular monthly meeting last night. A partial cement floor has- been put in around the furnace at a cost of $70, It was also reported. New coal storage facilities are now required. The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert Qeneral Hospital was held last night In the hospital. There km uiuic uusiuess man usual anal the session lastPrt rp tv, ,.,twas announced yesterday. hours. Those nresent wPrp- w vr Brown, who was in the chair in the absence of the president of the board, S. D. Macdonald; G. P. Tinker, Dr. R. G. Large, G. V. Wilkin son and Frank Dibb, directors; H. w. Birch, managing secretary,, and Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late John Meeker will take place Thursday 2;30 p.m. from Haynor Bros. Parlors. ;. McCLARY RANGES Ideal for any home. Splendid cooking ranges, and marvellous bakers. Models for coal, wood or oil. Prices range from $50.00 up Prince Rupert Agents: GORDON'S HARDWARE i EXCHANGE FURNITURE I yOSCMx I NSO VMOMDB UArtbu I LlVOOM YO I .lrim . DISAGREEMENT OVER TREATMENT OF ITALY IS .MORE SERIOUS AND TWO POWERS MAY CLASH SHORTLY. (Continue'! Irom Dave one) The Italians continue to bomb Ethiopian points. . .fui.i. t i : . . . . . I T n i u : i i i'cck in iwemy uumuuig aupiuuus killed many women and children in Ethiopian villages or that Italian planes have been brought down by Ethiopia nalrcraft guns. All the region in the vicinity of Aduwa has now been formally claimed in the name of King Victor Jnmanuei oi naiy. A counter attack by Ethionla on the northern front is expected next !weck and preparations are also be- lllff inB made mde tOT for more mfirp Intensive Intpnslvf- fight- floht j"1 HghUng on both sides although me fctruopians appear to be hold j ing tnelr own at tne most t points. 'British Somalilanrf Guiscppe Bottai, governor nf nuiuv ana one oi me rounders of the Fascist party, has been designated a bomber for a plane piloted by Count Ciano, Premier Mussolini's son-in-law. Ethiopia Resolute ADDIS ABABA. Oct. 16: P!m ,, . . " "Viaue eIassie said yesterday that he wasvprepared to enter into peace overtures with Italy but he would not surrender Ethiopia's sovereignity nor would he give up any territory. Calling; More Troops ROME. Oct. 16: All men of the age of 32 and 55 who had previous ly Deen rejected as unfit to light are to be re-examined bv thP nrm medical corps with a view to pressing them into military service, it Roumania Is Worried BUCHAREST. Roumania, Oct. 16: Grave concern for the loss of Italian trade through Roumanians participation in League of Nations sanctions against Italy is being expressed in economic circles here. For Finer Reception Than Ever of Model A-82, $113.50 Gives the most In "all-wave" performance at minimum cost. Its powerful 8-tube chassis tunes in all standard broadcasts, foreign and domestic short-wave programs, police calls, amateur and aircraft calls. Colored "band Indicator" in connection with the colored aeroplane dial simplifies tuning. It's Liable to be I'M I I VES, BOT -TWr'S rvr- .. . , , ... THE MODEL 1 HOOSS -j 7 r-jte. HOME TWO GOOD PICTURES Katharine Hepburn Drama And Novel Western on Mid-Week Program at Capitol With Katharine Hepburn, noted dramatic actress in the title role. "Alice Adams," picturization of the Pulitzer Prize novel of 1922, comes to the screen of the Capitol Thea tre here at the middle of this week on a double bill together with "Rocky Mountain Mystery," an unusual Zane Grey western picture, cast of wh,ch h headed by Randolph Scott and Ann Sheridan. Tne drama or "Alice Adams" concerns a girl's gallant struggle to rise from the mire of poverty and social oblivion in a small mldwes-tern town, where wealth Is the yardstick of success. Contrasting pictures of the homes of the rwealthy and the "middle class" are drawn in the film. Fred Stone, noted stage star, plays the prodding, unambitious father. A nagging, disillusioned, but still ambi tious mother Is portrayed by Ann fanoemaker. The shiftless, cvnlcal young brother Is handled bv Prank Albertson. The handsome lover Is played by Fred MacMurray. Evelyn Venable plays Miss Henburn' society girl rival. A story with the erinninir Impr est of a Sherlock Holmes mvsterv and the scenic beauty and action oi tne west Is "Rocky Mountain) Mystery." The action of the film' is laid in an abandoned western mining town where two murders occur. In a dramatic and erlnDine final climax Scott reveals the criminal. James Hutchinson of the teach ing staff of Booth Memorial School. who was called, south recently on account or the death of his mother, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning. Better Programs Than Ever . . . New deluxe Radios at New Low Prices Model A-87, ?MG.OO NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED a Nightmare you 0noaj dreams vWayo COME OUT OPPOSTb C3 la. Km tu:tm imit Im-.Cmi tniii. rty TARKINGTON'S DYNAMIC HEZ TONIGHT and THURSDAY Miss Earl Speaks To Church Ladies i hear Miss E. M. E-in ia travels in the a." A vprv fntnroetlnir the Women's Missionary Society of j incldcrt m connecioji ; The air today is full of vital things war news, sports news, music, drama, comedy. Enjoy all these bigger, better, finer programmes to the fullest possible extent. Tune them in with ease on one of the season's new RADIOS incorporating all the newest improvements in engineer- fj Ing and design. Console and mantel models if V 1 1 i i i iuiL-cu iur uvery ouugei, eacn one a masierpiw of cabinet beauty and dependable performance. Small down payments. Easiest of terms. VEAH? THEM 'M SOlM3 TO HAVE A THAT I DDMT SOCK V OM THE -3TAVJ with J? 8 '' rncu 3 I ONE tvtuin vtNABL (At 7 13 ii 10:0 ADDED ATTRACnal 7iip r.r...'. I Itocky .'Mountain r.a o o unc? Or jFlMt United Ch i J last night in ths ! .; - "' 'u;and the pc ... n i e poinis oi i) - ..-j visited in lt v v' .-nvrfahj ner. a:i.i at vl -By Wstovei P flm VI