f'neouver KDn. 16 1W5 pgjrAt City PURE Raspberry JAM Howtvtr you use Itoyal Cfty TUUE flaspbmy Jm, you liave the confi-drme that it in the best to be had because there Is nothing added to the choice berries but sugar. All Royal City Junis are rUKE no added pectin. Dr. Carson's ikt Liver Oil Capsules HIGHEST POTENCY tice per box of 50 Capsules $1 A Product ot Prince Rupert OrmesLtd. "7fie Pioneer Drtiqcyists N Ilcull Stor Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. PlJnd Holidays From 12 noon 'till 2 pjn., 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. CANADIAN PACIFIC (r via Ocean Falls and way ports i-Attss ADELAmw mmAVS. rnwr-Direct- PWCEBR 10 P.M. NCESS NORAH, Oct. 25th. NOV. 3rd, 2Ut IL tthlkan, Wrantcll. Juneau anil Kk.1irway Sp?S LOUISE' Oct "th. I nnESS NORATT rw oi ct imv. nth. WVs ilOU, UUVtlf "-- vfif coTl-actlon and reservations call or write --o, ucucrai agent, rrincc npn UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8team r.r?!msIS leave Prhice Runert lY TUESDAY, 1:31 5S PAftn u4auay tor Vancouver 30 IMVL SfuJ telling, to . Polou, .,ii81mpoa Anyox. Btwart Mid Nai Rlter "PERT iorNCT: Third Mwn 1113 PariPf m,!h "fi tu wn, a ciassuiea auv usww' city, y WlU son let you know if there is a buyer in Be warm and ctmTnrtnh typhoid fever had broken out lo cally and that the'staf fwas being Immunized against the .malady. Probationers were also being x rayed at the tuberculosis clinic at present being held in the city. New plants for the Nurses' Home grounds had arrived and had been planted. Announcements Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 15 Anglican tea Mrs. W. J. Nelson' October 22. Hygga's Bazaar, October 25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall October 30. 31. 7. Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea, October Presbyterian! .Bazaar'i Npvembe Daughter's of Norway Nov. 8, Moose Hall. Moose Hall Bazaar, St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaa Wov. 21. Orange Ladles' lazaar. Nov. 28 United Bazaar, December 5. TONIGHT Moose Lodge meets 8 o'clock NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. zareili, proprietor -A itOME AWAT FRiWl nOME" Bate $1.0 ui 50 Rooms ltot & Cola Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IM t rne bajelt newi LOCAl NEWS NOTES , . - -rf iuu vuj tcuii ui nu&ua ng in 32 Taxi it cost the same. 1 as tow as S1.50 a day. plus 7c. a mile. Johh horlarid. we'll toion Pnft- . land Canal taming man, was aj As it was election night, the re-passenger aboard the Catala yes-gular fortnightly meeting of the terday going through from Stew-(local British-Israel. Society, -whe- r fn Viv, ..... .... . - . ..w, M.uur.T. cruied for Mondav evenine. was , J ''cancelled. Jack Fltarerald. well Portland tianal mmlng man, was1 Mrs. George B. Cassy, formerly j a passenger aboard, the Catala Yes- !of this city and now residing in! terday going through from Stew-' Stewart, arrived in the city from; art to Vancouver. i'the Portland Canal town on the' 'Catala yesterday. : Hospital disbursements of the' i Prince Rupert General Hospital "for W.H.Sherman picked In his i the month of 'September totalled garden this morning a spray of! $4ie.86, itlvas reported to the hos- ripe blackberries. He also picked a pital board at Its regular monthly "large bouquet of fine dahlias of meeting last night by the finance different choice varieties. committee. There were a total nf a U -A ... i - UK nospital flays at a cost per hospital day -of $2.65. aby's Cold me vtd best by two crati'ons of mothers. VapoRub Up te about a week ago the Prince Rupert General Hospital was very busy but. since then, It has slackened Off, the lady super- Mrs. John McRae arrived in the city on last night's train from Terrace and will pay a two weeks' visit here as the guest of Mrs. L. W. Kergln and Mrs. Alex Mcllae. Settf ement has been reached between the Pioneer Laundry and the Prince Rupert General Hospital (With regard to a number of bedspreads which became missing af- 'L- - '1' . , 1 11 iter being laundered. The hospital A renort Trorti fit-P chief j n. held the laundry responsible while Morrison was read at last night's uie uuer mainiainea mai it was meeting of the hospital board stat- not- Settlement was made, on a lng that a tegular monthly ihspec- Ilfty-lllly basis, the house commit- ticm of the Institution had been lce P0ea- made and everything was found to be In good order. The assistant 'fire marshal also made ah Inspection A. E. Parlow, district forester, will be the speaker tomorrow at and as complimentary as to con-jLhf r5!fr e2kly luncheon 01 the ditions at the hospital. The board nfcf1Rupetrtt Rotry CLub" He wU1 U considering putting into effect derIbe .t tr$ WcU he recently certain recommendations made by made t the Atlln district. On Wed- thP .it.nt fir m,hi -in 4h-asO&S of next week there will b- interests of lire protection. ! foint J tthe G,yro and .vuwtij bmud, uie cvutuiy viuu lun cheon for next Thursday being can celled on account of it being Thanksgiving Cay. L n,ll."l,n laSt W8. accepted rnnrt1 thp hn!,rH nf It . - lrrm ni,lk . t.in i c ing last night. Miss Harrison re ported that two or three cases of The hospital board, at Its meet a tender ton for supply of Bulkley Valley slack coal to the hospital. It was also decided. to. use Ascling coal also Arom Telkwa district, experi mentally In the Nurses' Home for a time at $5.60 per ton. C. C. Ket chum had a letter' before the board setting forth the good qualities of Aveling coal and enclosing a re commendation from Dr. H. C. Wrifich following its use in Hazel- ton Hospital. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Without Calomel Jbd Tsull Jama Out of Bed in die Morning Rani' I Co Th Bver should pour out two pounds ot liquid bile Into your bowels daily. If this bile la not flowing-f reebr, your food doesn't digest. It juat decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. Vou get constipated. You! whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks pnnk. Laxatives trs only makeshifts. A mers bowsl movement doesn't Set it the cause. It takes those gtton. old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing ' freely and make yon feel "op snd op". Harmless, gentle, yet amazing In making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by nam. Stubbornly refuse anything; alse. 2Tc 6 1111,1. M.CO, This Advertisement for the Announcement of the Opening Night of Station C.F.P.R. SUPERIOR RADIO ELECTRIC I'lionc Blue 330 Tells Me My Chocolate Cake is Simply Wonderfiif . . . And Here is How I Make It" tii mm Wyjm XcUpbutici iHcupnugu ) cirs 2 cup fluur 2 teaspoons biking powJf 1 teaspoon vanilla ii cup NeMlc't Evaporated MAW. Servel tight Petsotn Oea.n the buder toi tutu, add the yolk, of the tags and beat until tight. Add Sour sifted with the baking powder: also the Ncatlc't Lvapoiated Milk, and flavouring; beat ontfl light. Fold in the ttifrtr beaten white of the ana, and bake in three layers. Put to. tether with the Icing shown t right. C. P. Ashmore, manager of the wmtm fdhntrlj Mist Marjorie Mills, Saint Join, Hu, mnd Qtit of the most popular mimbtrs if tbt Marititnti' joungtr feU Layer Calce with Ciocoate Icing Icing 4 fquues chocolate I cup sugar t cup Nestle's Evaporated Milk 1 teaspoon vioilla Enough for i Three-layer Call Cook the Nestle's Evaporated Milk tnd chocolate tog-ether Until smooth, Stirling constantly. Add the sugar end cook until the mixture thickens. Take front the 'fir -and when cool add the vanilla and Spread between the layers and oo top of the cake. Granby general store at Anyox, Is. a business visitor in tne city, nav- ing arrived from the smelter town', on the Catala yesterday. He will j return to Anyox on the Prince George tonight. w ant Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Office safe, extra thick .walls, giving perfect protection against fire. Daily News. ttf ) FOIl RENT MODERN FLAT For rent, 1215 cond Ave. Phone 644.' (245) MODERN House Atlln Avenue for rent, excellent harbor "View, 'good basement, glassed 'in porcli. Phone Blue 812. (tf); XV THE SCTREltE COURT Or BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PnOBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINl- TRATION ACT" j AND . IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 0?.j GEORGE BROWNELL WHITE. ; DECEASED. INTESTATE. , TAKE NOTICE that by order of H Hone. W. E. Fisher the "2n& day of October, AJ. 1935. I iras tippolntci Administrator bf the 'estate of George Brownell Whllte, deceased, and J1 parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish kime, properly verified to me on or be-We the 5th day of November, AJ).; 1935, and all parties Indebted to. the', estate are required Ito pay the amount., of their Indebtedness to toe forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 2nd day of October, A O. 1935. RUPERT DELICATESSEN Your Catering Needs Skilfully Fulfilled Ve cater to socials, 'clubs, banquets, luncheons, Hahces, dinners ahd bridge parties. Made to Your Order Nothing too large or too small. LUNCHES PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone us any time. Give Us a Trial Phone Black 625 iays the cook at the rtstdenct of Mn.J. A. McAvityf Saint Jobti,N.Bv member of ortrcf tbtMaritimes' btst known families and grahd-datighter of the late Hon. William F.Todd, former Lieuteaanl-Goverhor of New Brunswick "XOU will notice, of course, " adds Kate Barfitt, X "that I ose Nestle's Evaporated Milk in both the cake itself and in the icing. I do this because I know that Nestle's makes them 'definitely better, smoother, richer. As a matter of fact, lose Nestle's Evaporated Milk a great deal not only in making cakes but also for many other things stfch as soups, sauces, cream dishes, paddings, frozen desserts and to forth." Let Nestle'shelp Vou in the preparation of the many above-mentioned types of dishes. It will givfc them added Devour, "greater smoothness, more richness. NestlS's is simply the purest of cow's milk, with more than half the water removed, nd uitbabso lately nothing added I All grocers have it and it is P?&'r KlSTLEsHliK It nOW. IRRACHAtfD ... EVAPORATED i NOW IRRADIATED FOR SUNSHINE VITAMIN "D" II If I , " ."aaaaa at k stm X "3 PLAY ... Badminton The Ideal Winter Recreation IT PAYS TO PLAY with Weight and Ditsoh Fine Quality Rackets Star Preinier Flash ......... Challenge' W. &;-D. Special $3.75 . , ...$4.50 ...$6.00 . .$0.50 . .$10.00 "AMC0" Association Guaranteed Shuttles ; Best British Manufacture i 16-Feather, 35c eaih ; 3' for $1.00 mmnmitimmmmmmMmtmimmmmtmmmrim min wwibii itt The Fish which made Prince RapertFamoui "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.Q, l pa loie anything, try a clarified ad. ss is tl St I a Bl M si e: Ml. I in , J.jJ it.. .i! i Kit rol ,r'r rrt ... "i w ! : n "i :t it i it (Ml i