Ri increasing strain on Franco- fritlsh relations as "most grave." Disturbing developments In the Balo-Ethioplan conflict and the InltrnaUonal situation It Ls feared fcjj result In a dash this week-end 1 1; Geneva between France and her lEmopean alllej with the latter pro liibiy .Iding with Britain In case of th'ifrt-wn on sanctions .against Pttmler Pierre Laval has pro- iB tuft r 1-nM l. . a m -,-J m r r ou i;ir.3t Italy be postponed. w flWM ivxiao .Dine in 'Mil n - iien manv Khlns nf thP - wi uit for the Medlter- Gffnral 1 Oct 16:Movement to a cnmnUtn . - k'hc iraae emnarco TIUEOpspatT,. t A0AN IN DISTRICT MINING AFFAIRS Irnproveri minit. 1 r -"""'nuns, in tne 7 have brought builder foUr', Seattle sh'P- dl8tr?i 7llther. back to ' irorn Uthle arrlved ne Qeorg hfuth on the Prince pri to TXng and wm 4 Uays rfPWd a couple ,lng soth' via Panld teto is accom- 8mlu.M n r ? WlU remaln at a time 4 against Italy as the third step Iv the sanctions program ls undej way here. It U being pressed by Capt. Anthony Eden of Oreat Britain who favors a general boycott of all Imports from Italy by sanction nations In addition to stoppage of all exports which has already been decided upon. The sanctions committee of the League ls meantime reported to be greatly worried by the fact that some key products are controlled by non-member nations. Also difficulty In the enforcement of an cm- bargo on "Canadian" nTck'efby Can ada because of the large United States Influence In the industry Is disclosed. How War Progresses LONDON, Oct. 16: (CP) High pressure road construction to present frnnr. llnps rnrilntlnor frnm jnfererte of Great Britain, France. Aduwa nermittinir Italian northern 'aim- :gnatories to tne Etnio- armies to push their advance to- an cm-u HnM4 inna ti.ttu n ... . i" U4 ouu w"w " ward the more important objective i j rearninc a seiuemeni oi iuui, i j ,i.. i " ut maiwaicia ia icuticu tuuajr Hi Prtwtnt- QlSDUle. LOnaon pro- nrivlrps Vrnm niihnntl Prpnch ..u.....t, - tjomauiana, came reports mat iour ipeal while Italy ls reported to thousand Ethiopians, commanded ..... uuituov. nv ijoi. BiwianK. uuLcn veLeran nr Ceiwonhlp Ordered thc Boer War, had Invaded Italian VALETTA, Malta. Oct. 16: A Somaliland and penetrated 45 -M av.u iviw ."v miics. caniunnE me town oi Luen. tnnrit . rr. I .ht 1m Kgardlne movements of war-, "v. munary transfers and ae- ; n preparations throughout this; vaoc i 1 Sea anH nlr nU.nrk nn I lu,r, ritadel of the Br tish1 nmr m.4 . . r-ic was reported in pro-; nunt snmwnpro in tne film r'l. - .. 1 "w- ! n. . ,.,uc" ti is announced, will be -ocouand beginning Octo- I 1 TL . "iey nad been previously ' 'or September 17 hut too 1 (Continued on Page 4) I This f KING IS ALREADY BUSY 4 BUILDING HIS CABINET; 4-TO CALL CONFERENCE OTTAWA, Oct. 16: (CP) 4- Premier-elect W. L. Mackenzie King ls reported to. have sum- 4 moped two of his former mln- r isiers, lion. Ernest Lapolnte and Hon. Ian Mackenzie, to 4- advise him In the task of 4- choosing a cabinet. Hon. T. A. 4-h Crerar. elected in nhnrrhlll Man., In a close fight, I3 men- tloned as a member. Mr. King r announced today that a Do- 4 y minlon-provlnclal conference 4- would be called In November. 4- It ls reported here that Pre- 4-I- mier Bennett may retire from h public life. 4- NEW OIL STATION The presence In the city for the iast week of three representatives of the Standard Oil Co. of British dlumbaWt6'da-trfthe poss! ullty of that company establish og a branch on the local water-.ront, it is learned today. Sites are being inspected with a view to ne gotlating for the acquiring of one. HALIBUT ARRIVALS American' Estep. 24,000, Royal, 10.4c and 6c! Canadian Edward Llpsett, 7,000, Cold 7.7c and 6c. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT The marriage of Miss Agnes Comadlna and Webster Pierce will take place at 8:30 this evening at the Church of the Annunciation. I Today's V PROVINCIAL LIBRARY I i HQ r She Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, High 4:55 a.m. 17.9 ft. 30.20; temperature, 48; sea smooth. 16:34 pjn. 19.2 ft. Low 10:36 a.m. 9.2 ft. NORTHERN 23:30 p.m. 5.2 ft. AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER U xxrV No. 240. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1935 Killed Bear At Port Clements Chinaman Fires Four Shots And Kills Dog as Well as Bruin PORT CLEMENTS, B.C., Oct. 16: When a bear tripd tn hnatr lntn of Mrs. Angelo Phillipson, a native the B. C. Cafe here the other night 01 ireiana oui ior me past, eigni mere was a regular fusllade from years a resident! of Prince Rupert, the cafe and the result was lnter- Airs, rnuupson was rwrn in 1 no- proprietor, kill the bear after four maston, Kllkenney, Irish Free State shots with his gun but he also and she came to Canada in 1909. killed his own dog which had at She leaves twelve children two of tacked bruin. n.hAm n TT" 1 nUllll ... vvjium, u. c. aim tv. j. riuuipsoil. To nr nf tho ln.4f iri reside in Prince Rupert. There are said: "In ths mirtrfi nf th if in i.uiu . . " "e KidiiuL-uiiuicu ana oo grcai- T hear rtntr him hbi i. grandchildren. ne reat noisp T , . , . . ! and get my gun and go lookee see LABOR LEADER HERE and I see big bear at chicken A. R. Mosher of Ottawa, president house rteht at mv riorir Tht-n v,ntc of the Canadian Congress of Labor I fire, bang! bang! and then I fire and one of Canada's most promln- twice more and when I go out to em iaDor leaders, is a visitor ln the see there I find mv rinir A t city to visit and speak before var- sorry I kill bear because my -dog, lous local labor organizations. He he dead." arrived from the east on last . . night's train and will proceed to John Rnlepr rptumpH h Vancouver on the Prince Georce on thP Prinno nm. m. tomorrow night. - - --.vv wh-vak, vtlto 111U111" ing from a trip to Vancouver. League May Use Huge British Fleet Stationed in Mediterranean ! 9 .Al I JTYMENlS, . 1 TUR.KEY V. 3ttST lw-w--J 12 WARSHIPS. ySutf S Vlif 4 I J PLUS SUBMARINES. I sL-j 4S8& P-HAIFA J 5 WARSHIPS fWARSW.PS. PLUS I A7 rr CA.n l STAT,0NED . 1 y AL?!r PLUS SUBMARINES I S JT VP AKD0THERCRXFT.il- J? jf O X. T . TSTT MWJJI r-L4 . 50 WARSHIPS AT yrN Vc SUDAN 15 WARSHIPS ANCHOR MANY f ( O. ' s ? CONTROL EM OTHERS NEARBY f t f ? TRAWCE TO 1 o w A ," V ,wA. 1ED5EA' L ' .-i IThREE FIGHTING I THREE Jfcw VESSELS HERE EL5k V ' HERE r V : 'y5u4v, . n.unin. ,i..iiine mnnrc Ttnlv's fleet In the Mediterranean. Notice how theiiprf sa anH thp rhp7 nannl ? man map vTrnpH shows snows The now oossiblllty unwmo o f Britain's fleet being -. used - In applying the sanctions voted by the League of NaUons Is voiced ln are many quarters although there Is also considerable opposition to sucn a move ana France Is suggesting that the fleet be withdrawn. PRICE: 5 CENTS UNCO - BRITISH RELATIONS TENSE Yisagreement Over Treatment Of Italy is More Serious And Two Powers May Clash Shortly Lt Britain Standing by Her Policy With Respect To I l Vn.ol Arfivifv MranHmn War Pnnlinll i ! Ethiopia With Little of New Nature CAIRO, Egypt, Oct. 1G: The Havas News (British) iports aciiv c cuiiw:inttwuu uy vjicui nmain ox iroops, Lo Knmliintr nlnnes and tanks in Rrrvnf nn fho fr-nnfiov 111?) UVU 1 " O I " O J I v V 1 V. AlUiltll.1 .i t i 1 f T i Ia . ... .1 4U C1 . . mi i i tne liauuiri-uiuiij ui ijiua aim me ouuz zun.e. me neei, it. ti'ma 5e mannnmiwrnr of fVm .-v.-....-.., Al- VI'C BdlUC Hint, ik limiiuvuuu ti, mc (tJICti IU UlC nal From Rome the sudden shifting of fifteen thou- jbd Italian troops to Libya Is re-H tted, bringing Premier Musao- army tn that region to 50,000. RtUtions "Grave" PARIS, Oct 16: -Today's editions 'Paris newspapers reveal that wtnch government officials regard LIBERAL LEAD EVEN GREATER Latest Election Standing CONSERVATIVES 41 LIBERALS ,168 C. C. F. 8 RECONSTRUCTION 1 SOCIAL CREDIT 1... 17 INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVE .... . 1 INDEPENDENT LIBERAL . . . . . ... . . ... 3 INDEPENDENT 1 UNITED FARMER OF ONT.-LABOR .;. 1 LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE , 2 DOUBTFUL 2 I Mrs. Phillipson Is Dead at Great Age Mother of Barney and Pat Phillip-son Passes Away This Morning The death occWred this morning Turgeon in Cariboo Is Likely to Give Still Another Seat to Grits Party Now Has 168 in All Social Credit Further creases Its Strength One Third of Candidates Lost Their Deposits In- OTTAWA, Oct. 16: (CP)-With two seats remaining in the doubtful column one in Quebec and the other Cariboo in British Columbia the Liberals now hold 168 seats as a result of Monday's federal election with Conserva-tives, 41; Social Credit, 17, and Co-operative Common- Today's Stocks (Cow-tray B. U, Jomurton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, 24. Big Missouri, .54. Bralorne, 5.65. B. R. Cons., .03. r a. v in t' Cariboo 'QuartzT 1.08. Oentonla, .18. Dun well, .03 y2. Golconda, .16. Grange, .01 V2. Indian, .01. Mlnto, .05 Vi. Meridian New, .19. Morning Star, .04. National Silver, .02. Noble Five, .054. Porter Idaho, .05V4. Premier, 1.62. Quesnel Quartz, .05 V2. Reno, .82. Salmon Gold, .07 (ask) Taylor Bridge, .16. Wayside, .14Vi. " Whitewater, .06. United Empire, .04VS. ' Toronto Central Patricia, 1.87.. Chlbougamau, .13. Lee Gold, .03. Granada, .29. Inter. Nickel, 31.50. Macassa, 2.65. Noranda, 41.75. Sherrltt Gordon, .80. Siscoe, 2.57. Ventures, 1.03. Teck Hughes, 4.00. Sudbury Basin, 1.65. .Smelter Gold, .04. Can, Malartlc, .60. Little Long Lac, 5.40. Astoria Rouyn, .02;2. Stadacona, .20. Maple Leaf, .03. Pickle Crow, 3.00. McKenzle Red Lake, God's Lake, 1.60. Sturgeon River, .60: Red Lake Gold Shore San Antonio, 2.55. 1.08. .41. Today's Weather Terrace Raining, calm, 40. Anyox Heavy rain, calm, 40. Stewart Heavy rain, calm, 39. Hazelton Raining, calm, 40. Smlthers-RalrilnE. calm. mild. Burns Lake Raining, calm, 34. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Oeoree J. Frlzzell announce the engagement of their wealth Federation, eight. In Cariboo, J. G. Turgeon, Liberal, has a lead of five hundred jwlth seventy small polls to hear i from and his election 6eems almost certain although the C. C. F. still I has a faint hope that the Peace River farm vote may give enough. support to John Mclnnls to elect nun. In Vancouver-Burrard, both Arnold Webster! C. 6. K and Mayor O. G. McGeer, Liberal claim to be elected but the count so far shows the former to be leading by nlnetv and the situation will likelv remain unchanged until the official count on October 25. McGeer Dins his hopes on the possibility of a mis take having been made in the counting. He had been at first believed elected. The result in West York, Ont., was reversed last night when the riding tottered back Into th T.ih. eral column. The Conservative ran. dldate, Peter L. Brown, had bepn previously announced as winner by a majority of twelve but J. f. t. Streight, Liberal, is now declared elected by a nice majority. In the iviu election this seat was won hv Hon. J. Earl Lawson with a majority of 9475. Mr. Lawson was elected In this election In South York. E. J. Young, Liberal party stalwart and author of the famed minority mass buying commission report, concedes the election of his opponent, Rev. T. C. Douglas, In Weyburn, Sask. I More man one-third of the can-jdldates ln Monday's election, 342 out of 894, apparently lost their deposits, giving the Dominion trea- - sury a total of $68,000. " 4 4- NEW HOSPITAL HERE 4 t IS AGAIN MOOTED The question of a new hos- pital here was again discussed at some length at the hospital 4-t board meeting last night. A 4 100-ward building is being 4- mentioned. To discuss the 4- possibility of financial assis- 4- tance, the board may send two representatives to Victoria 4- next month to interview the 4 government. These represen- tatlves would also attend the 4 annual meeting of the British 4 t Columbia Hospitals Assocla- 4 Hon to be held ln Victoria on 4 t November 13 when the pro- t posed state health Insurance 4 program of the provincial kov- 4- ernment will be one of the principal matters of discus- slon. The hoard Is nnf In on. . aaugnter, Laura Viola, to Alexan- cord with all phases of the der Stephen Mitchell, youngest son proposed legislation as. lt now 4 of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, the stands. marriage to take place November 22 in St. Andrew's Cathedral. i