PAGE TWC f Just Arrived: SMART NEW STYLE I rt u Footwear For Fall by Senorita I Fashions Newest . . . For Street, Afternoon or Evening Wear. Attractive patterns in the newest materials and colors. . TIES PUMPS STRAPS EVENING SHOES Featuring all Silver Sandals or White Crepe with Silver trim and heel. Pumps or Straps in All Black Satin. They're exceptionally pretty and moderately priced too. All assembled here for your inspection. The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. TKLNCK RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 PuhJUhed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H- r. PULLEN ManaglDg-Edhoi SUBSCRIPTION RATES City deliTery. by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For Iesx period, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of HritUh Columbia, the British Empire and United State, paid in advance, per year '. , ,, By mail ti all other countries, pe year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men, per inseition . Classified advertising, per word. p insartion Local .eader. per insertion, per One Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone ' . DAILY EDITION Umber of AadU Bureau of Circulations as 86 to. I iJ0 9.00 l.u J). X. Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1435 POLITICS AND BUSINESS Prince Rupert is a Liberal city Drought into being by a UDerai government and almost Killed on more than one occasion by the Conservative party getting into power at the crucial time. Once again we have a crucial time in the history of this city. A new industry is about to be established here. While we recognize the fact that the present federal government turned over the dry dock site to the new company for a consideration, we also know that under a Liberal government which is really interested in the progress ot the city and port there is more "likely to be real progress. The whole country is going Liberal and under such circumstances it would be the reasonable thing from a business point of view for Prince Rupert to send a Liberal to Ottawa. A Vancouver newspaper recently in an editorial article said: "The Conservatives conserve, the radicals protest and destroy, the Socialists talk and nreach but the Lib erals are the go-getters who go out and create business." There has usually been prosperity in Canada under Liberal governments and it seems reasonable to expect that this will be the case during the next few years. Speaking of what the political parties did in England the same newspaper says: "The Liberals built Britain with shops and trade. The Tories drank tea, shot pheasants and hobnobbed With royalty. The Socialists aired their Marxian theories in Hyde Park." There may be a time and place for each of them but what we need in Prince Rupert today is a party that will help build the city 'imusiuca, tiaue mm cuiiwiierce, maKing every Douy busy and prosperous. When we get too busy we shall need the Conservative party to come to the rescue and hold us down, but at present the one thing needful in this city is Liberalism and business and then more business. The nrotrram of thP C C. F. is a program of talk. Have they done anything at Victoria? They admit they have not. Who are the C. C. F. leaders here? Have they ever done anything for themselves or for anyone else?The Liberals are led hv n m. who has shown his ability to do things both for himself ana lor the community in which he has lived. If we return him to Parliament atrain with a Liberal there he will have an opportunity to serve us as we have never Deen served neiore. DO IT TODAY Not Wait For Tomorrow Again go over your unused furniture or other articles and discard What you do not need. Then phone us. Green 421. We have dally inquiries for tha things you do not need in your home. D.ELIO EXCHANGE FURNITURE OPENING Knox Hotel and Atlin Fisheries Win OTer Grotto and Power Corporation With Jack Preece, president of the .Canadian Legion, rolling the first baH, the Ten Pin Bowling League season was opened last night Knox Hotel defeated Grotto two games to one to a total score of 193) to 1962 in one fixture while, in the other. Attn Fisheries won two ;ames to one over Power Corporation to a total score of 1997 to 1823. High individual average of the vening vis by Max Asfmlwa of Jie Knox Hotel with 162. Individual results were, as IcA lows: Knox Hotel Veitch. 408; Thompson, 446; Armour.. 344; Ase- missen, 4E6 thigh average. 152); J. Comadina, 296; tot&L 198). Grotto Coverd&le, 443; Mc-Nulty. 402; Morin. 412; Bury, 445 (high average. 148 u, Gurvich. 260; total. 192. Power Corporation Hogan, 362; ' Anderson, 358; Smith, 432 (high average. I44i; Mcintosh. 347; Fld-j ler one garnet, ill; Pottinger Uwo games). 213: total. 1823. ) Atlin Fisheries Grey. 385; Gun-, derson, 4$ high average. 152) ; r Knutsen. 361: Stile. 434: Undjseth,' 161; total, 1997. ' TIMETABLE OF BOWLING Five Pins ! October 2 Pioneer Laundry vs. PDet Office: "Old Empress vs. Lam-. bie Si Stone. October 9 Post Office vs. Old Empress; Lambie Si Stone v& Plo-. jeer Laundry. if t October 16 Pioneer Laundry vs. Old Empress; Lambie Sz Stone vs. Post Office. October 23 Pioneer Laundry' vs. Post Office; Old Empress vs. Lam bie & Stone. October 30 Post Office vs. Old ' Empress; Lambie Si Stone vs Pio-, neer Laundry. 1 November 6 Pioneer Laundry vs.' Old Empress; Lambie & 6tone vs.' Post Office. " November 13 Pioneer Laundry vs. Post bffjee; Old Empress vs.1 T.imble S& Stone. 1 November 20 Post Office vs. Old Empress; Lambie & Stone vs. Pio-i neer Laundry. November 27 Pioneer Laundry! vs. Old Empress: Lambie it stone, . Post Office. ! December 4 Pioneer Laundry vs. Past Office; Old Empress vs. Lam-' bie Si Stone. i December 11 Post Office vs. Old Empress; Lambie Si Stone vs. Pio-! neer Laundry. : December 18 Pioneer Laundry vs. Old Emnress; Lambie St Stone: vs. Post Office. ' Ten Pins j October 6 Elks vs. Rose, Cowan St Latta; Moose vs. Canadian October 8-Power. Corporation vs. 1 Knox Hotel; Atlin Fisheries vs.; Grotto. I October 13 Rose, Cowan Si Latta j vs. Canadian Legion; ttks vs.: Moose. 1. ! October. 15 Moose vs. Power; Corporatlbn; Grotto vs. Rose, Cowan fe'Latta. , October" 20 Canadian Legion vs.; Knox Hofel; Elks vs. Atlin Fisheries, i October, 22 Power Corporation vs. Rose, Cowan St Latta; Moose vs. Grotto. October 27 Knox Hotel vs. Elks; Atlin Fisheries vs. Canadian Legion. - , October 29-Moose vs. Knox Atlin Fisheries vs.' Rose, Cowan St Latta. November 5 Power Corporation vs. Canadian Legion; Elks vs. Grotto. November 10 Atlin Fisheries vs. Knox Hotel; Rosee, Cowan & Latta! vs. Moose. November 12 Grotto vs. Power Corporation; Canadian Legion vs. Elks. . a, THE DAILY .VTPTS Wednesday, October j, 'SPORT I BOWLING IREADY FOR BASKETBALL: ; Organization Completed Last Nigh. ABen. in the chair. October 17 was School iset as the date for the opening of Legion. the season and thje, first practice will be held on Sunday. The league this winter wifl be comprised of tfee fenowing teams: Senior Moose. Grotto and Can adian National Recreation Assoc ia- ;Uon. InUrmediate League High FOOTBALL I Chicago is Winner . SCHEDULE The following schedule for the Junior FooUmuI League is announced: October 5 Booth Memorial Stfeoal ts. King Edward High School w. Borden Strt School JUU;"U f"u . . . : mJ Fifth Innlnr i oatooer is uoroen twee cvtoon - , nh xf-mr-.i il unMWto wameice grounoeq Scythians and Canadian ! Gehringer. Hartnett atngled. D--f Ladies League Orottettos, An- nette's and High School. Junior Legie Mose Juniors, High School, Scythians and Boy Scouts. There will be an entry fee at $5 for Senior teams this winter and $250 for Intermediates. geirpepped to Robm . . rum. no hit, one em,r grounded out, Gearinger to Oil bettr. Nn runt nn k,. . 'Continue'', iroro page one) Detroit Fex ground rifie bunt. Hack grounded. Dem7-!Iiek ? Cvaretta: Bo; .. r ree reachmg third. Jurge, iJS S ut to Lindstrom. out. No runs, one hit. no errors. Detroit Oehringer grounded to Warneke. Oreenberg walked. Goslin walked. Fox grounded, Oreenberg and Goslin advancing for third No : no errors. Eighth Inning ChiookO Galan wa f, ,v rtosu! i'erg fumbled u. unanrom grounded Hartnett flew out rvh m v M.rH tTi.h!Grenbri. Oalan grounded out, . bu& ueuyw "rT" wnue w ou-Hack ou' to " CavarettA - 'W' -Season To SUrt Oetaber 17 ;Schoo, s,. , Oehrfnger to Oreenberg- Herman Cochni, j , Iflevr out. No runs, no hit, no er.'ound"1 ut to Warnnke k 0 , 1 - J ger walked. Oreenberg r. ' m ,,, With three teaas in each of. LADIES' BOWLING ttmith to Cavaretta. ? I Detroit-Owen lined nf out ,t in to De-' nJHk No runi ruro, u the Senior. LadiM and In termed- tj,, bete- S a enouen mw n errors' late wie Leaeu-s Leagues and ana four ranr in m the me Jun- jun- attendance !, . . maree. Itowe doubled. White groun- to form a the . quorum, njtem mrtfn. t ihw Ninth Nth inninr R oln to third. Inning tor. league baskettall organlsaUon , of t.Hwi' for the forthcoming winter sea- b.Z. L'ealied for ndlCoctaw to Warneke for " , ? f n kfd tended meetinf of tke Prin Rop-("X ""I"- a awtd- l A rrt Basketbal AsclaUM lastl y Sixth, Inning . Cw' JBrKftS fannet' rc night with the president. Nelson,- Chicago Lindstrom flew out tor""7 mt " errors. imaree and Cavareita struck out.; badminton OPEMNt. No runs, one aft, no errors. 1 The opening of the ac' vltit! i Detoit Oehringer grounded out, i the Prince Rupert Badmicton di Herman to Oavaratta. Grenberg for the forthcoming seasca popped to" Hack. Goslin grounded was to have taken place Jastc out. Herman to Cavaretta. No runs, ning, was postponed un'j toUgh-no ' hits, no errors. . Final j preparations for pay are t. Seventh Innlnp. ing made today at the little Chicago Hack struck put. Jur- Block: 1 j mm & This Is Congoleum Gold Seal Rug "MING" No. 4 14 mesl V ymuetmmtMttrm tlftl p iyi lu Ha JA'd W Ml CONGOLEUM COLD SEAL RUGS MacKenzie Furniture CONGOLEUM DEALERS a Prince Rupert, B.C. yVTi Sill sH si 'A rti dSTni II "hen you refurnish ... as moit prudent houscwlvcu will before 'forceI-Iown" prices rue ... nliy not get all the exquisite lcaut' of the outstanding rug patterns of the world Just a few, very few, tiollara will hring new beauty new chnrm to any room, if you use genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Hugs. These labour-saving, ea.j -to-clean rugsarohyfur thetrorJtf t best value in house-furnithings. Extra wear Is built Into each throtigh-out the extra thick fabric felt hae and right into the attractive pattern, Mate sure y ou get the genuine. ilfrilgtmtiPr Any InvMtinent in at till tinio will sate manry Utrr bcn prirr Hms . . . but only In genuine CunfLO ieum GoM St-1 Ruri dp jm gel tlie citr suWnizs of tlie WorUVa Ileal Value in Uoie-JiirnUhlnfi only genuine Cnnpnlriiiii Gold Sral Hues o(T r )ol 'C drflnltc guarantee of "Siflarf ion or Your Money Hack" . .the Gold Seal shown at the lift is affiled to the nurfare of all genuine Congoleutu .4 make fura you it bvjore yon Iniy. CONGOLEUM GVNAPA LIMITEW MONTREAL Gordon's Hardware CONGOLEUM DEALERS 1 Prince Rupert, 13.C.