js. f AGE FOCI Model A-S2, $113.50 Gives the most In "all-wave" performance at minimum cost. Its powerful 8-tube chassis tunes in all standard broadcasts, foreign and domestic short-wave programs, police calls, amateur and aircraft calls. Colored "band Indicator" In conjunction with the colored aeroplane dial 'simplifies tuning. . B3 M1KZ ITinriaKElrf'X;!'! RUPERT j DELICATESSEN i i Your Catering Needs Skilfully Fulfilled i We cater to snHala .inK ! vmf VtUVl) ' banquets, .luncheons, dances, j dinners and bridge parties, Made to Your Order Nothing too large or too small. j LUNCHES PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone us any time. Give Us a Trial Phone Black 625 tan nriTi cm zm iiaxiiia MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE PILLOWS BY SIMMONS 45 Pairs Pillows Q4 A from, per pair" 327 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarem, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates. $1.00 up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold "WaVer Prince Rupert;, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box IBS Hotel Arrivals Knox J. A. Auckland, Lagoon Bay Cannery; Carl ROSant? T.PnHa TclonH- - -Ol " !- Mr. and Mrs. George Haldane and Dick Leighton, Metlakatla; M. ighton, D. Leighkon, George j Douglas and Lizzie Douglas, city ; ,Pat Atkinson, Terrace; R. W. Banl dy, Mrs. K. Warner and W. H. Lin-iton, Burns Lake; T. Allen, Colley-j mount; H. Tanner, Smlthers; w. n. rawcew, Fort Fraser. Royal Gust Anderson, Percy Wilkes, iucimer nougen and Clifford Anderson, Palling; R. w. Beecher, Terrace; M. J. Brown, Burns Lake; V. L. Evans, Toronto; V. Palmer, city; H. Comer, J. Duffitt and G P Ileinekey, Stewart; Miss L. L. Eastman and J. Miller, Anyox. ' Prince Rupert Mrs. T. E. Brooks, Terrace; Mrs. G. M. Belrnes. Hazel tan t t,4,.-. ' w.., w, A Utllti , M. McArdle. W. c Rinonc o- . L. McNaughton, Vancouver: H W mtrpies, iximonton; p. h. King, Inverness: James A n ciQ Anyox. Everybody reads tho nn,. xt , . - news There's a reason. -4'. For All Around Entertainment News ;,v "" f Music Politics Weather Sports Plays Comedy Model A-87 $146.00 DE LUXE RECEIVERS . ; . Priced for Every Purse . . . $45.50 and up Indoor days are always bright In the home with a modern radio receiver. Entertainment and Instruction at the turn of a dial, tuning in programmes from far and near, roaming- Canada, North America, the Globe. We have a full range of the season's newest receivers all nationally famous makes awaltfag-your Inspection. Thwe Is one for every budget. Small dowh payment ' Comfortable deterred payments. .'. ;. : f ,t NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED New Minister At Massett is Given Hearty Welcome MASSETT, Oct. 1: Under the auspltes of the Woman's Auxiliary and St. John's Anglican Church choir, a social was held In the Community Hall at Old Massett recently to welcome the new minister, Rev. A. Abraham, and hl3 wiie. I Alfred Adams delivered the ad-: dress of welcome to which Rev. Mr. Abraham suitably resDondpri The choir sang many anth?m3 which evoked high praise from the minister. Mr. ,Abraham volunteered to sing as- a solo "My Task," and also gaye a recitation. while refreshments were being prepared, Alfred Adams sang a solo. The choir was conducted by David 'Jones. Oliver Adams acted as chairman. , Condition of J. A. Meeker, well known pioneer of the city, who has been a patient in the Prince Pimrt Oeehral Hospital since suffering a strike ten days ago, is reported to be somewhat Improved. I no. tea DULTKTFl BAZAAR IS BEING HELD We Deliver and Ship Out-of-Town Orders at No Extra Cost. It Will Pay You to Investigate NESTLE'S MILK Tails Y2 case per tin $2.15 9c ; CANADIAN SALT Plain or Off n J Iodized, shakers, 3 for i WHITE BEANS A nn 4 lbs XC ! SPLIT LENTILS For soups j CHRISTIE'S SODAS ! Royal Creams, 1,1b. pkg. j WHITE SPRING SALMON l's, 3 tins HEINZ PICKLES All varieties, qt. jars BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE, 16-oz. jar SAANICH CLAMS l's 2 tins SAANICH CLAMS Minced. A's. 2 tins i PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES per pkg. 18c 35c 43c 39c 27c 29c 15c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" "TILLIE THE TOILER" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 DR. MANDY'S CHAN FILM LONG TRIP Annual Affair of Catholic Women Rwident Mining Engineer Back In Starts This Afternoon And Continues Tomorrow With decorations and special costumes featuring the "Mother Goose" motif at the various stalls, the annual bazaar of the Catholic ladies opened this afternoon at the Annunciation School Hall with Mrs. , I G. W. Nickerson as general con-1 Prince Rupert After Spending Four Months in Field Saw Much Ground Visited Atlin, Cassiar, Unuk River And Portland Canal District Since Leaving June 1 ivener. Tl;e official opening will be Aftj,r absence rom the city conducted at a dance tonight by of 0?er four months. Dr. Joseph T. City Commissioner W. J. Alder and Mandy resident mlniDg engineer the affair will continue tomorrow. for northwestem mineral sur-Many articles of ornament and usetvery dlsU.lct, u home, accompanied have been assembled to tempt the;by the M Mandy arriving on fancy of the purchasers. There areCatala thls m0rnlng from Stewart, the usual tea room and raffle fea-jHe June x ,eft prin:e Rupert on tures and other entertainment lsl has 5tace made an lntenslve also offered. examination of mining properties The following ladles are inln Atlin Cassiar Unuk Rlver chrge: (and Portland Canal district. He Home Cooking Mrs. M. P. Mc-ii, nnw k, hll,v hi. offlP- hpre ft. m V . . I a . a. ! wiici)-. Airs, nuoen wa.ru, mts. j, Lome McLaren and Mrs. Peter De- Uong. Tea Room Mrs. R. E. ?onvener; Mrs. A. D. Gillies, cash r; Mrs. A. S. Lewis. Mrs. F. St. Amour Mrs. J. A. Smith and Mrs.'Atlin district where he reports P. B3lagnO. aSSisUng. thfrp ronslri,rflhl. nrflvUv hnth Fortune Telling Mrs. Hugh ln nlarrr and lode pnlH mining Smih and Mrs. William Brass. Kitchen Mrs. Arthur Murray. Mrs. Leo Dolron and Mrs. Turgeon. Candy Mrs. P. J. McCormlck, Mrs. Hugh Smith. Mrs. Henry Dolron. Miss Angela Colusst and Miss Mary Coliissl. Elephant Mrs. H. Whlffln and Mrs. L. Amadio. ! compiling the Information and data gathered on his tour for in clusion in the next annual report Moore.. of tne Department of Mines. Dr. Mandy's first visit ln the Approximately 200 men have been employed this season on the creeks In the Atlin district, the majority ing on Spruce Creek. The Columbia Development Co. has two steam shovels working on Spruce Creek and has had a very successful season. Tho rpslrtpnt pnvlnoer tipvt trlct- Bulb Booth-Mrs. M. A. Burbank t.d Telegraph Creek and continued L TwHanrey-. on into Dease Lake and McDames w Hot Dogs-Mrs. L. J. Blain. Creek. In that section there Is a Sewing Booth-Mrs. E. J. Fitz- considerable revival in mining in-natrick and girl helpers-Delphlne terest. Quite extensive prospecting Balagno. Rita Turgeon, Marie Aroa- for lode .and placer gold Is being dlo. Frances Moore. Leona Whlffln. carried out by Individual prospec-Josephine Murray. Elaine Malr. tors with good results being ob-Annie Obuchlna, Charlotte Balag-' tainpd Nora McCaffery. of McDameS( is the scene of the i . greatest amount of development. ; Flying from Ketchikan to Burroughs Bay and then crossing the j Alaskan Panhandle Into Canadian territory. Dr. Mandy spent three f Aivnn, weeks the Unuk Rlver district. V-'VIIlDcll 6 ' His lnvest,8atlns on the Unuk this ST (year covered a distance of twenty . : miles up from the International Ill Vtrrt boundary and all tributary streams. IVUI J. Bt-r-ruce jonnson's placet property was checked un as werp nisn hi ilode mining locations on MrOuiitan ! Creek. They have promising values land geological conditions are fa-ivorable. Blanton's nlarpr jon test have disclosed exceptionally encui ValllPC anr4 nHII W c " " V4 Ul- ther tested with a Keystone drill to determine their commercial worth, other properties were also visited on Unuk River by Dr. Mandy Including those in which Premier and Prince Rupert syndicates are Interested. Dr. Mandy, after visiting the Unuk section. jboat from Ketchikan to Stewart ana nas Deen for the past three weeks visiting the many active properties ln the PorUand Canal section. Mail Schedul, For Vancouver Monday (train) . . 5 Tuesday 13:30 Wednesdays (train) ......... 5 Thursday 9:39 Friday , jj Oct. 4, 15 ad 24 :. From Vancouver-Sunday ; 4 Wednesday ; u.'10 Thursday (train) 10:20 Friday 4 Saturday (train) iq:20 uci. iz, zi and 30 Mac Can Explain to the Police "-'. MEEPS A 5tUler-r inn llllii in- p.m. pjn pm. p.m. pm p.m. pjn a.m. p.m. pm, p.m. a.m. AT CAPITOL Another of Popular Detective Pictures Here Edmund Lowe Also on Program Another thrilling and engrossing picture of the popular "Chan-series of detective stories comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre as the main feature of a double bill this mid-week. It Is entitled "Charlie Chan ln Egypt" with Warner- Oland once again starred in the title role of an adventure among the eery tombs of the Phar-oahs. Priceless gold and Jeweled treasures from the tomb of an ancient high priest are stolen and Chan is hired to trace the thefts and apprehend the thieves. Three murders occur and Chan's skill and courage are tested to their limit but he finally solves the crimes In a thrilling climax. Pat Patterson, as the daughter of the leader of an expedition, gives excellent support to Oland and Stepln Fetchlt. as a native of the desert sands who becomes Chan's strange and frightened aide, creates many comic situations. The second feature of the double Ml' program is a new comedy-dram "Black Sheep" ln which Edmund Ix)we. as a -professional gambler, has thf leading role Claire Trevor. Adrlenne Ames and Tom nrown hHng also prominent members of the cast. Mackenzie Kini Heard at Calgary .Liberal Leader Given Responsive Hearing by Large Audience I In Prairie City There is TONIGHT 1DJ Now . - -uore' Rvni II- x running . . , 'Charlie ft In Egyp' Youll tremble as you ij. Charlie Chan, weird venture- whe?i f5t,r-. becomes his reluct J defy a grim curse thai J 3.000 years ago in , J Egyptian tomb! - with Warner Olai "I'at" Patter Stepin Fctchit ' At 7 13 & 9:53) ADDED ATTRACnal An Ocean Voyage of ftl And Laugh "Black Shec, - with Edmund Lowe, CiairtlJ 'At 8:25 Show;; Once 0 I Worid'i .News CALGARY. Oct. 2:-Continulng here Monday r.:' ind ml nis western campaign tour. Rt. an attentive tr.i nzxmslre .1 non. w. u Mackenzie King, Liberal ln. He is i :t mwLig tush aauressea a large meeting towards Ottm. NO BETTER WAY to enjoy your leisure than througli Uur Rental Library . . . READ the best of the recent books of fiction, travd rnmnncp ark'on(mn n,) . 1 . ..i Tn-)wikl are added every week richt off the publisher's prtsl 75 cents fo rone month change your book everv day. Double subscription 2 books at a time tow hnmn ?1 OK n. mi. i i k iuuirii. iiiu most jnt'iisuic lu' ieasi money. Some Recent Titles: "ILLYRJAN SPRINO" "HOUSE OF THE FOUR WINDS" "SACKCLOTH AND 8ILK" "BLOOD RELATIONS" "HONOUR COME BACK" "SECRETS OF THE WHITE LADY" ... . "THE MOON MURDERS" u "THE GOLD CHASE" "DEEP DARK RIVER" "THE PURITAN STRAIN". ... "CLEARING JN THE WEST" ........ . "VEIN OF IRON" "THE DARK GLASS" TZ....... "CASE OF THE BLIND MOUSE" Ann Bridge Buchan Deeplni Phillip Glbbs Jacobs Landau Morland Chambers Rylee Baldwin McClung Glasgow Cost Freeman -By Westofl