THE DAILY NEWS Me a ee — cae —— cf The Daily News ITEMS OF... | Saran i ~ ++ hinreinensacgy Skeena Land District sane nee ta of Queen Charlott Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince pert, occupation saddier, intends to 4 to the Chief hie! Commiasioner of Lands and Works aaa to prospect for oil and pe’ m - following described lands on the West Const oot Graham Island: Commencing at a post noe three miles east SPOR T| |GREENER’S The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B.C. cD 02 ot $9 | British Empire LYNCH BROS Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited A Lord Lonsdale has hung up G U N Py We ee tite thenes - ~ , ’ DAILY AND WEEKLY anocher belt for ne American StS cecanatan hae ard General ‘Merchandlse ‘ ; Licecit ‘7 i ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Damy, 50¢ to grab. This time it is a feather- Shines hl werkie commencement. AvsTN M. phon, tietes aii ‘i gest Stock per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All weight trophy. best gun--a ee a = er Hammerless— Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly oo 90 Skeona Land Distriet-—Distriet of Queen Charlotte at a price within Lowest Prices in Northern B. C ee tte 6 on oto On SO OS i in advance Outfielder ‘‘Red”’ Farrell of the|] the reach of all Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince : seville : 5 : Rupert, inten: to ap to t > Bit TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING-—650 cents per inch, Contract rates | Z@nesville team has been sold tol} Sprtieen ite ket Commimirer ol ands and for‘ leenee i on application. Brooklyn for $2100. He will not|| features, hard the fol wing described tan erpieum on ahd under x z OOO rere ras concerned 4 join the Trolley chasers i c hitting, far shoot- Graham Island —— ttre co, ee: join 3 rs uncil next ing, lasting wear; commencing at & ‘ata pest planted three miles from in a HEAD OFFICE oo notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince sor", comasiee saddier, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a ie : rae : saeson. there’s-no- chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 ames, i ib Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. ooo cass bet- chains east, thence 80 chains south to point of 7 ter; nee $63 commencement. SAMUEL HARRISON eee ! 48 Ral. Parr’s Ticket-of-Leave holds : ical i meee ee (NOTARY PUBLIC) , AMBLE ee ' F BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES the new record for the Hamilton Catalog P6 Pub. Aug. 72. ae New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. | Steeplechase course, with 168 pou- FREE Cheese Land Disa Dees asen Chadtente nds up, and proved himself the SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. best jumper now in training. Samuel Harrison & Co, Real Estate and Stock Brokers Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trank Building, Trafalgar W. W. G R E F N E R pag Rae ee wccibed roleum on Square. Hampton Court made a_ record of 1:38 2-5 for a mile on the grass |] 63-65 Beaver Hall Hill Montreal, P.Q. ot Sammencing at « post lanted three miles east t ©. 4472 thence APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHAS} Datty EpITion. af ee Sarurpay, Serr. 2°" 5 gg Sk Bee ert ater amc aaa BAS Se AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Prince Rupert - and - Stewart Charley Smith, pitcher with the Newark Club, has been purchased | Located August Ist. 1911 || Pub. Aug. 19. i -- THE MAN FOR COMOX-ATLIN by the Cubs, for immediate de-jf | Skeena Land Distriet— District of Queen Charlotte | ye ye AAA . : Sake Sony : : livery. Some money (amount not | | Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince | ‘ il This morning there arrived in the city on his tour of triumph the | ''Y<" y PRINCE RUPERT INN Rupert, occupation saddler, intends te apply to | WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BEERS WINES ANI man for Comox-Atlin—Duncan Ross! He is no stranger to Prince given) and a ball player or two | ee a ott velo on LIQUORS, ALWAYS IN STOCK— _ ” Rupert. For two years past his hes been a familiar figure in the city, will be turned eave to Newark in om tet we and up the Skeena. Many men here remember him from the Green- payment for Smith. | Bes Commencing nt a pos Cplanted three miles cat HERE ARE THREE OF OUR SPECIAL LINES wood days; others remember him as the member of Parliament for See chains east’ thence 80 chains south to point of |B Budweiser Beer, We are sole agents for Northern B.« Yale-Cariboo; the largest number know him as one of the most popular The Brandon ball players have AN NE xX | Sommencemsn’- AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Double OO Whisk iy contractors on the Pacific section of the Grand Trunk Pacific. arrived _ > settlement with the | Pubs aug. oa Guaranteed to be 12 years in the wood will being bottled At a time when some of the early arrivals in the city fell a victim directors. Sixteen hundred dollars ae isi ide teas Sole agents for Northern B.C. to cold feet, and announced their intention of going back to Vancouver | ¥#5 OWS 1" back salaries. The ie he Ba ya s Be Victoria Phoenix Beer to live, Duncan Ross stayed with the district, became a property players got in cash fifty per cent Owned and operated by the C4, oecupation saddier, intends te ae a a owner, and qualified as a voter ir Comox-Atlin. Duncan Ross is a oe waar Wet ~ Cheat Coat potest, Genesee er pan z La ae aed | BH true representative of Comox-Atlin, spending most of his time in|Payable on November 1 for the}} pe Serta rae with) ese be We Cama of Grae ed Northern B.C. Liquor Company, /",".! ' the constituency ard holding a vote here. ee Sad steam heat, electric light, and all ! Sao eras of C. 1. Ne. $478 tenes | sles - m 3 | chains north, thence 80 chains west to point of | commencement modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the i! When reciprocity was first mooted, and at a time when a vacancy Y in Comox-Atlin was not dreamed of, Mr. Ross perceived its importance to the progress and development of Prince Rupert and the Comox- Atlin district and delivered a masterly eddress upon) the subject. Emil Thiry, manager for Packey McFarland, flatly declared that even if the fight with Champion AUSTIN M. | Date of eae Sist July, 1911 3g Aug. 17 one t tol oy —>-+-0-0-4 — © + 4-446 ‘Double Weekly Service|} eRe. STORK: | Skeena Land District ao of Queen Charlotte The address was valuable enough to be reprinted in pamphlet form Woigast. at Milwaukee on Sep-]5 ‘coe: | ‘Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince | §.S, Prince Rupert, S.S. S.S. Prince George , General Hardware for public distribution. When Mr. Borden forced an election upon tember, was called <8. Be @ result, fa Chit Commintoner ol Lanie end’ Works | ? ! " ° . ommissioner s the country on the issue of reciprocity, and Hon. William Templeman the stockyards scrapper would go y ae nan ieenes brags fecal an lS | Fee > Builders’ Hardware ’ : decided to return to contest the Victoria seat, Mr. Ross became the through with his engagement to Rates: $1 to $3.05 st day. | °" Commencing at & port planted three miles eat Vancouver Valves & Pines Oxford Stoves ® wv logical choice of the supporters of reciprocity in Comox-Atlin box Leo Kelly six rounds in St. — | se Se eee eee Lak havin, “thenee Ob t Granit ae ail -f ° , | chains eas’ ce chains no ence raniteware Tinware The election of Duncan Ross becomes the more imperative owing | /Ou'S 0” babor Day; chains went thence 30 chaioe woth co pont of © Wictoria I | | at 2 commencement. . . , ‘ ‘ AUS ‘i , “ ‘ ° ‘ to the candidate selected to oppose him. Mr. Clements is an outsider 77. ¢ Date of Location, 3100 July 191 yale — 2 ° ° in, Slat July 1911. . ~ living in Vancouver. It is true he visited Prince Rupert in the early The speed record so far for G. A. Sweet, Manager. Pub. Aug. 17. ’: Seattle a - AVENUE ¢ & days, but the remarks attributed to him when he shook the dust—or anything afloat” is held by ‘the | Skeena Land District—Distriet of Queen Charlotte : ae 0-0-0-0-0-e* ca the muskeg—of the city from his feet to return to Vancouver to live motor hydroplane “Dixie IV." Take uation eb dedie Mi. Bevin af Prine Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. makes his return to seek its representation in Parli t iece f “Dixie IV.” on Long Island Sound | ait segues Acie oar be a net ee P =e 2 eee h he lay ade he he- ~ | Heence to for coal, oil and petroleum on and For Stewart, Tin:odays at 8 a.m. { magnificent audacity. the other day made the pane under the followi described lands on the West : EMPLOYMENT ; Mines of 3 minuce i QMHN $8, COMPANT OF 8.6, Ld © 2s Se ws Prince. Joba sails or Port Sim 1t RURK ornce | Even the Journal, the recognised Conservative organ, could not F pani eee ey Commencing nt a post planted three miles east| son, Naas River, Masset, Naden - i conceal the significant item of information from its readers that seconds over a five-mile course, | Soreh 0 chaina, thenee east 50 Te les thence south | Harbor, Wednesdays, 1.00 p.m. For all kinds of help, cooks z ‘ s 5 ss > toca. ia m 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of com-| and for: ite dis ‘ ba note oe when Mr. Clements was last in Prince Rupert it was as representative and her owner, Frederick K. Burn The new steel steel Passenger Steamer | 90 cheins, ¢ Queen Charlotte Island points, Sat- wares iGiehwa ere, betel pee } AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located August Ist, 1911. | Pub. Aug. 19. 66 ( 99, QMOSUM reer er om | Rupert, ain intends to apply to the Chiet rks for a licence ham, declares that the craft con- ceded to be the fastest afloat, surpass that speed. o0o°9 One of the best known colored urdays | p.m. Railway Service to Copper River Mixed trains from Prince Rupert Wed nesdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m., re- turning Thursdays and Sundays 5.20 p.m. chanics, call uy M4 of the Standard Oil Company. | Phone No. 178 | a : The present reciprocity fight, is a clear contest between the 24 protected interests—the trusts—and the consumers. Mr. Clements’ acknowledged services under the Standard Oil Company classify him will Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott Islands or call at Grand si Free Emre whee | | e as a “‘trust "man; Mr. Ross on the contrary is a representative of the ] | Commiasioner of Lands and e ‘ — . one < “ig ” eaves | for coa!, oil and petroleum on and Gest consuming sss eck of ten yeatsago."SoU0"| piso Rupert every Sunday |e Feseeehats eo Mate, Send Tank a Seg | Henares vs ° : 5 a oot rs aa fhe oas' m n e It is quite possible of course that Mr. Clements will fulfil his Perkins, has _just fied suddenly t 9 for Manacairer:| ote norte ea post, planted two miles east | coast operates @ frequent and conven: | deseo pes in his borading house on York a a.m. Cee ae eae cores 5) chaina south, thence so | ient service of luxurious trains over its v promise and retire from the contest now that Mr. Ross has proved £0 chains east, thence Pe icins north to post of |double track route between Chicago, arriving Monday afternoon. to the hilt that Mr. Clements was wrong in denying that he (Mr street, Hamilton. Perkirs was a | commencement. |Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, | Clements) had advocated reciprocity with the United States. If famous rider in his day and won| For Stewart City on arrival | | Daecttonmsfivieii bocator | Portland, poten. New Yor and Phila. | SMITH & MALLETT many big races on some of the from Vancouver Friday | ee ieieee a a. ieee eu ifoenae | THIRD AV Mr. Clements should decline to fulfil the terms of his challenge, that ; ( great iideds et the American.tirt. tion and tickets obtained from the} Plumbing, Heating, 5 night. if would be but one more reason for the people of Comox-Atlin turning by ae et oa Land Distriot— District of Queen Charlotte} (a. of Sheet Metal W him down, an i i mn he ; -Atlin is ; ut, as is the way with many ~| Take notice that A M. Brown of Prince a Works down, and turning him down hard. Comox-Atlin is the kind of Northbound, leaves Vancou | Rupert, ea. talento apply to the Chief A. E. McMASTER OMice: ard Ave... , : a of his kind, th had nothing when he became too heavy tc ride, since earned a precarious living about racetracks, being sometimes employed as a clocker. 0°09 Ad Wolgast and Packy Mc- i Farland may have another light- ae ; constituency that insists on its representative being a man who keeps his word of honor. The southern part of the constituency has heard both men, and signified its approval of Duncan Ross. Tonight in the McIntyre Hall a great public meeting will be held at which the voters of Comox- Atlin will be able to see and hear ‘‘the man for Comox-Atiin.’’ Ross and reciprocity are popular subjects in Prince Rupert. PASSENGER AGENT al W. + , > , a > . Carries comp! a , P , and has + ++eeett NcCUTCHEO Second Are. CANADIAN La RAILWAY | Commimioner of Lands and Works for a licence ver Wednesdays at 9 p. m. | to ect for coal, oil and petroleum on and Commencing at a post planted two miles east | on the run having water-tight bulk- | north 80 chains, ‘thence east 80 chains to point of BROWN, Locator of collision or wreck. Pub. Aug. 17. de follow: a bed lands he West FREIGHT AND Steerage Fare - $5.00 ee the following described lands on the Wes — 46 ” f the northeast iC. L. No, 4478 thence The “Camosun”” is the only steame | ol she gorge eur ot Ca Nein es | heads and double bottom, thus en | commencement AUSTIN ag suring safety of passengers in case | ad iat ae 424 attention paid t ! | J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. Theatre Block Puone ? eee bee eee terete eteetettn S$4444445464 Skeena Land District—Distriect of Queen Charlotte Islands me NOTES AND COMMENTS weight to fear just as much as = certs ae Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince : ; Knockout Brown of New Ye rk Rupert, occupation saddier, intends to apply | ee a ee _ : at NEW TK, | to the Chief Commissioner as Landa and Werks | Canadian Pacitic Railway . . r ~ 5 Talle T nol: The © a licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum —_— CONSTANT READER—“Carpet-begger” is a term used in|@%¢ Matt Wells of England. The Georgetown Tian F Princess || , sa , ¢ | ™m +6 service * ncess newcomer is a youngster named | ” Commencing Ha post plumted two miles east | B.C. Coast servic Fine sex sorspabiin Pre-emptions & Purchases politics. It is defined in Websters Dictionary as “any roving adven- r e ° at | of the southeast corner of C. L. No, 4477 thence a turer or person meddling in the politics of a place where he has no true 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east, thence 50 chains south, thence 80 chains west to point of Pal Brown, of Hibbing, Minn., who intends to make Milwaukee his Princess May Naas Sawmill Co. Ltd. Located in Lakels interest.”’ commencement. 9 “el is . . aj . a AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator} Monday, September 4th, at 9 a.m. River Valleys. A s ‘Loca Mr. Clements for instance. home in the future. The young Located Sist July, 1911, Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle tors,’’ Box } ~ Dives fellow weighs 128 pounds at present Lumber | Pub, Aug, 17. J. G. McNab ‘ General Agent se . | a In opening their headquarters in the rooms of an undertaking but he should develop into a full- se Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Queen Charlot I ——————— Take notice that Austin mM, ae of Prinee Rupert, saddler, intends to to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and 2 for a licence to pros for coal, oil and petroleum on and under t sotowin deoeribed lands on the West Coast of Graham I eh eats establishment, the local opponents of reciprocity show that they fledged lightweight within the next possess an uncommon amount of foresight. year, and if he keeps up his present aaa reputation he will be fit for the S.$. INLANDER ‘Mouldings Gasoline Launches, « co ‘ae The list of Conservative nominations in Manitoba is announced, | {2*test kind of compeny. He has sel oka ten oat planted Sr AAtT thenes ..- FOR... For Hit - »tee . at a > o sou corner L. No ben or but the name of Hon. Robert Rogers is not to be found therein. This| ¥°" ™"° teen straight battles, most Aflarge stock of dry finish- 80 chains west, thenee 80 chains north, thence 80 HAZELTON oars BUILT A : me er shies i ER Oe eke es : of them by the knockout route ing samnee - aon une thaine east, thenee 80 chains south to point of S Seleen Cow Cesk 0, Bex 187 ‘ ) nm secon ; . t. . Jobast as g second thoughts finds he is of umber a specialty elivery commencement. iy a. BROWN, i MONDAY, SEPT. 4th se ome on o0°o°0 made at short notice. At the meeting of the National Hon. Richard McBride’s way of thinking as to how the eleciions eet July ava Take the fast light-draught steam- | én fo sot fr ilton Ke will go. oO i ° ° ; P ur prices are as low as any. 2 » 2 aaa oe Board of Arbitration in October, prices are y i a ee a a er Inlander for Hazelton, Fe enn , Fs ih sone Dr. R. F. Carson, president of Ae on vo Waters entering, Take notice that Koala 'M. Brown of Prince : ; n , pe . R. F. , : re f i at n the current number of Colliers Weekly to hand—the issue of| 1° Cote) league. will suege ASL Rupert, occupation saddler, intends to apply to a CARTAGE as i August 26th—there is a two page illustrated article by one J. Sedgwick SS RS et ee ; Phones pessoas tor ee oh A H. B. Rochest Agent LINDSAY'S ORAGE { Cowper entitled, “Linking the East and the West.” The article deals| * ae for ee Se and OFFICE: Gn and under! the following deseribed lands on the | Fae B, Rochester - Ag sf A | si reforms in the conduct of minor ning at lanted th ik t —— ——_—- ti | paint the eet of os pee Rupert section of the Naas Trans- edauk banstall. The Caniral Lea Cor Centre St. and First Ave. the northeast corner of “i sorta thence 80 Pr G. T. P. Transfer Agent B | ontinental and is calculated to stir up some tourist traffic to Northern : ‘ oh ae — chains east, thence 80 chains sou ence ‘romptly filled, Prices ress? B.C: gue, like many other of the smaller = —| en eee _— o ; wheal ox, Contre st, Feel i} : ; i eit “iectle tao. baile AUSTLN M. BROWN, Locato Orrice-#. 5. © j Colliers has a circulation of a million or more. To have had| ~~. eee eh. ie teen bebe Aug: tf uy 1 ————, 1 ‘ . ss g is . slie : the article inserted at advertising rates would have cost the city the evil days, and i is the. Dattel (of = Royal Hotel rer tion 6 with many that radical changes must ° age at # or a e: tag’ Skeena Land District . a irisizist of Queen Charlotte Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, occupation saddler, apply to the Chief ner of Works for a licence to pron pect for coal, oil po ye , on on and under t! o following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening price of several lots. The author of the ‘article is the same citizen whose vote has been handed over to an alien. The Canadian General Electric Co., Limited : . * Street. be made in minor league orgariza-| | ©% Third Avenue and Sixh St. bargain. Close to Fulton *'7" Wanted to Traae ade: Improved pros intends ae The Finest Rooms. The best est equipped tion if the national sport is to hold its own in the cities of 100,000 and 7 and Commencing at # post planted three miles east aur less. One of Dr. Carson's sug- Hotand enld baths, Pp a af 4 Bo hain wen, thence 89 . resident propert? apart’ : HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO FACTORIES: PETERBOROUGH, ONT. | gestions is to make it mandatory restaurant chains north, thense 80 chains east to point of | 4! members of the order in the city R t: F urished ap eeN. ae MANUFACTURERS OF RVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Bi aise COMMENT ers 1 BROWN, Locster are requested to visit the lodge. OF NENE-e men aes da F for every class B club to deposit ie gai ee Located August Lat, 1911. ' : $20 a month : § i . Aug. 17. i The Canada Foundry Co., Limited - Toronto, Ont.| $1,000 with the Notional com- J. P, CADE, N. G. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance ae MPRESSO od s Co 1 & B : " i f , See, p wo BUC ee - PREG ES CC couane un. | MOTRRRIVEN THIPLEX| mission to attest the financial riey UPZe $8, TOPS 4 | skeens Land distri” District of Queen Charlot eee ar te the time to buy & 10 F py, rs oa BUCYRUS STEAM sHoy- | °43,AN! f ew ENTAL 1R0N | abili f Nand Take notice that Austin’ M. Brown of Prince NOW is the tims | easy Plat | ame OILER FEED PUMPS GAS PRODUCERS Bare ability of the owners of the fran- Rupert, csgagupation | saddler, intends to apply Fort Geo ‘Format in and free ® HOISTS 2-8 * mm ner nde and nd i for into a0 (Nl. FEED water | LOCOMOTIVES Rodi at chise, It is alleged that most|™= crate to pre ras sate Little’s NEWS Agen ‘ ca oe een area at 83 cy ne more West Coast of Grahain L Commencing at a post Planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C, L. No. 4471, thence 80 chains east, thence 50 chains south, thence 80 chains west, t thence 80 chains north to to point of commencement, AUS'LN M, BROWN, Locator Located August lat, 1911, Pub, Aug. 1 Good terms. Money to Loan JOHN DYBHAVS lock. MERE Agar wom: | ERE RN a PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH em Nctatrre Block GRAHAM KEARNEY, AGENT minor league clubs 2re now operat- ed on a “shoestring” by promoters who risk nothing and have nothing to risk. Periodicals :; Newspapers :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS G.T.P, WHARF Magazines :: CIGARS Phone 245 Pattullo BI The Daily News eet napertivanie