PAUfc rwu ... - Presenting The New Spring Styles ! in "Oryx & Senorita Shoes The colors tfiat are Right for Spring . . . Brown, Black, Blue. The leathers that are Smart for Spring . , Kid, Calf, Crushed Leathers; stitching, jwr-f orations, touches of contracting colors. In the styles you want for spring. Come in early . . . while our range and sizes are complete The Family Shoe Store ! Third Avenue DAILY EDITION H. F. FULLEN LIMITED Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men. per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone Newt Department Telephone 98 It Saturday. Apr! 13, 1935 THE FISHERMEN'S STRIKE The report of the commission, as did the scope of its investigations, covers a rather wide field including hours of work, minimum wages, company laws, marketing, business financing, trading ethics, etc. The recommendations appear to be quite as drastic as preliminary forecasts, prior to the actual tabling 6f the report yesterday, indicated they would be. Except possibly for some extremists, it is to be anticipated that any reasonable and effective legislation the government may draft on the basis of the commission's recommendations will receive general Parliamentary sup port irrespective of party lines. lAWORLD OF FLAVOR 5SETS AGE M U 2 Whfle tM OF EARTH Science Under Stated It Billion Tun 6t s mmrfpeg Rse NEW YORK. Aortl 13: CP raft in Austria rjrroi i3irftfreh dtftnut at the University of Vienna. sM calmly tafeora-a ' tort conducting a trjtsg rakho- ( 3 chemtarf analysis of a Uny rock j sample tent from near Wbuupe to determine the ace of the ckrUL' r: newer, more refined methods than ISftlXrszziaziSSiaazVlMaill!3razaiXrarjirstaxaHB4 i planted earner iwthwk. such as THE DAILY NEWS. PBI.NCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 157 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue 1.40 m The advisability of an earlv settlement of the disnute between halibut boat owners and fishermen so that the fishermen may get back on the boats, at present being manned largely by the boat owners themselves, is becoming increasingly apparent The question at issue is a simple one and, with the exercise of a little good reasoning, should be capable of adjustment. Possibly both sides may consider the principle at stake of more importance than the actual money involved. Meantime, the fishermen need the work and the fleet itself would probably function more efficiently if it got back to the normal basis of operation. And, possibly more important, the longer these disputes are drawn out, the more ill-feeling they engender. For some years boat owners and fishermen here have found it to their advantage to co-operate on various matters affecting their common interests. The present situation is1, undoubtedly, breaking up their "united .front" which might well be used in more important issues. REPORT OF MASS BUYING COMMISSION Judging from the fairly comprehensive synopsis of the report of the price spreads ard mass buying commissioil report published yesterday afternoon in the Daily News, some very desirable legislation to govern methods in trade and industry of Canada may shortly be expected. During the five weeks' Easter recess, the government has prom ised that it will Prepare legislation based nn the 'rwnrru rnendations of the commission for consideration of the House immediately following its reassembling. It will be interesting to see how far the government is prepared to trf. irk vi .1 r, L'. i 1 x - t L - llf hi in jiiiijieuieuuiig ine report, oi me commission, we ex pect that it may go rather far in so doiner since the com (nission is almost unanimous, despite political complexion, in its recommendations, to sav nothinr? of the undoubted fact that the recommendations will have general public appeal. ocean to that m the hmd rocks. Thfc 'metbtid has then to geologic time a seffiefent length to satisfy the biologists, who previously as- xrted that 1 00.000.000 years 6r so was not enough to allow for the hate course of evoratkm of life on earth. Selenee now gives the earth an age of at least 2 ,000,000 .600 years. . Thh Is one way the radio activity method i figured out In ancient rocks, and yeengef rocks as well! geotogtste long ao fotmd tiny haloes, visible only tinder strong mkroMtpM beeaosc they were so small, wrfWh seemed so uniform In diameter and so geometrically perfect that their representing any kind of fossil seemed Improbable. Years later It was found that these haloes were merely the exposed cross-sections of spheres, each sphere surrounding a minute par tlele of a radioaeUv element, thor ism or tiranlom. These spheres represent the pro duct of thrs!ow brrakdersra tfthe" central radioactive particle Into lead, and the ratio of the radioac live element to the lead present gives a measure of the age of the rock in which the spheres or haloes oceur. In rocks known by other kinds of evidence to be younger thertvis found to be correspondingly less lead. The method has become standard in ascertaining (he age of the rocks. Only 'by a most delicate micro analysis can the uranium-lead ra tio be determined accurately, and that sort of analysis Is what Frau-lein Kroupa has become expert In making. It Is work that requires painstaking care and precision, for the quantities of each component Involved are almost microscopic. Trying Shocks For Abfatoi'r$ .More Humane tetlAd Advocateri By P.ritWi Anlmaf WMfar Iader CAPETOWN. April 13. CP Ad vocallng mechanical means for the siaugntering of animals as more humane and more satisfactory than the knife Jn human hands, O E Shelvoke. a hadirrg figure Iri anlmaP welfare circles in England recently toured the abbatoirs at South Africa. Mr. Khelvoke spoke of the progress of electroution devices for sbbatolrs and described the elec tro-lethal method of rendering tho animal insensible by a series of lovr tension alternating current shocks. This was being practLsed in Bri tain with varying results. "Even today authorities in Eng land are not In agreement whether the electricity causes unconscious ness or merely a general paralysis which makes It impossible for the animal to give expression to Its pain "Mr.Sheclvok said, "The Royal 'Society for the Prevention of Cfuelty to Animals has spent $5, THE DAILY NEW9 SHs4r. April U. itij 'SPORT' t Old Country Soccer in pro KroMm. a ENGLISH LEAGUE flKt UltKisn Aston V1H 4. Lhrtrpaoi t Chelsea 1. Portsmouth 1. Derby County 1. Leeds United 1 Everton 1. Middlesbrough 1-Ottmsbj Town l. sutxlttsttt City 1 2! Mis Kroupa found the. earth Vo be ,r Haddersffcld Town . Dbwkbttrn ...,, 'at lenst l.TKJK oH ..yS ..Scientific American ' , A '" , . t. ! What U tannine scientist did ' .in toe bit of research in wtuefa she ""T PresUm N6fth 5 m 'participate apeelali was to employ j method of making what chemists -, t.Ul a miero-anafytm. The arc Srtndefland 2, Slfffteld Wednes day 2. Tottenham HogffMirs 1. Dtffltlng- !d mieroehemlrtBy weighed only ; . . Limit f st uh .( WMf wenverrmrapwn sample is enough for tMs work. . g I The radio seUvtty method of de- i wrmming ine rarwi s age m mtp- Arsenal 1. Wanrfe rem 1. SCOTTISH LEAGUE f irst Mvkfen Aberdeerf I. Rangers 1 Albion Hovers 4, Clyde f. Celtic 2, Airdrieorrfans 0. Falkirk 0. Motherwell 3. Hamilton Academical 1, Queen of South 1. Hibernians 1. Ayr UnMed" 1. Kilmarnock S, HiirU 3. Qaeenrs Park 2. St. Johnstone 1 St Atlfren S, EhmfermHrie 0. SPORT CHAT . 1 On its way home from a tour of ' conqoest at Kftkatla, a Port Simp- I Well son sottball team Is in town and will play a chaflerrge itae (omdr- row afternoon with Lambie & Stone's new team of the local Cify League. It will be the first Softball game of the season In Prince Ru pert and should draw quite a turn out of fans of the "rounders snort." HALIFAX WOLVERINES TO ALLAN ClT FINAL IfALfFAX, April CP' 4 Halifax Woivertres. defeated Montreal Royak Usl night 4 seven to two to win the East- efft OarfttH affMtrtf hocYey 4 championship. The Woiver- 4 fnes. who will now ptay the extern nmfhstt for the Allan Cwp. wen tr garrxw agttlnst ' the ItoyuU' one t hffe one was 4 a dfaw LIONS BEAT 1 OLYMPICS little World Series Hockey Tied Up. Again at Two tiames lieh Itaee VANCOUVrm Anrll H iPPi The LitUe Worid Series hockey race became tied up again last night at two ln4 each when the Vancouver" Lions defeated Detroit Olympics I by a score of four to three. Xeaving Manse For Citv Home Known Aathoress Ul .Move From Village With Family t I TORONTO, April 13: CP-For family reasons, expfalns Mrs. L. M. Montgomery, author of "Anne of Oreen Oabfes" and other weU t known books, she is moving into' : Tnrontn from Hartal. IS miles out I i it is not inat sne nas urea oi trie The first block ot 500 points In! quieter life of the country village the 1300-poIrtt ffral gam for the for desires to lose Us atmosphere: bUIfcifd chamntonfhlD 0f Prince' Mrs. Montgomenr Is the wife of Rupert will take place Sunday eve- iRev. fe McDonald, minister bf Nor-t nint with C. P. uaiagno and Nell ' val and Union Presbyterian Chureh. Cameron Uie finalists. The game Mr. McDonald is retiring from the should be a vefy optrTaffalf. In IMOit shortly and th yooth of previous roumii Bslagn6, 1th ah ' 'he family is of college ae K was average of six, haf the better re-1 decided lit mOve Into" Toronto, cord but Cameron, with a run of fl. ' However", the hew home of the has the highest bfedk. Probably McDonald Is right or the" edge of Cameron has the greater variety the city, on Riverside Drive, over-of strokes and poKsIbfy an advan-1 looting the Humbef Rlve, the tage in positlonaj play but as a ' et'rn boflndary. eompetitiort player Hulagno U hard ! Mrs. Montgomery, wlm came ffom to beat. He" plays very consistently! Prince Edward Island, has written and with a concentration Uiat ' another book, "Mistress Pat." a se- brings its own reword. POLICY IS DISCUSSED Continued front PageT 1 wrote to the counsll enclosing a copy of new accident prevention re gulation and inviting further suggestions from the council. The council concurred with the que! to one of her" former successes. It will be published shortly CHILDREN'S STOHY HOUR The fmal Children's Story Hour 200 ehildfeh of afl age irt attn dahce. Mrs, t. T. Mahdy" wat in charge and tow a etor. Mrs. Er- rrct Andefsofi slrrgifig vocal strfas. idea expressed in a resolution of IThere was a elrls' ehof as and Ml Uie Vancouver Trade and Labor fofed slldet of scene! in Prince ftu- Council asking that no Improve ment tax be placed on homes valued at less than J3000. Delegate Thomas B. Black presented a comprehensive digest of minimum wage acts, hours of work act, etc. as brought iip by the Industrial relaUons board' of the province. This digest, prepared by a comni'ttee, was accomoanled bV recommendations aa to application locally. Rigid enforcement of the minimum wage and hours of woTk regulations here was nrged as well as the appointment of a local inspector. Copies of th! recommendations will be forwarded to Premiet T. D. Pattulh) and Hon, O. 8. Pear son, minister of labor. Election of Officers The election of officers resulted as follows, the principal officers be ing cnosen oy acclamation while for the executive and some other posts there was keen competition: President, 8. D, Macdonnld Ire. ; elected)-. Vice-Presrdcnt. Thomas B. Black. 900 On experiments to prove what secretary - Treasurer, ine position really is, but has rea- uerry 're-elected. ched n6 final conclusion." EAST DRUNK, HARD ROBBERY READINO, England, (CP)-William Burns, Statistician, cent. Frank F W. Stamp-Vln- 'b'-'"H-ut-nnns Aiex Murray , LJff.uwve"wame D'acs' Thomas April 13: tinott and Ben Datgarno, a burglan Finance .Commlti n. n,,- was robbing a hotel here one night berl, Joseph Davidson but fell a prey to the "easy come" Black and James drinks behind: the bar aftd was Legislative Committee J. J. oil-found asleep there, the result be- Us, R. Hobson, Thomas Elliott, J. Ing -three years' penal servitude, ottlnger and A, Murray, pert, loaned by W. W. Wfathun and fjfOjectcd by Df M.ndy. proved of mnch Interest Attendance and be havior prizes were presented to John Johnson. Audrey Ofen, Patricia Brocklesby and John Thompson. At ther close, the ehlldrert wire taken to the Court House grounds where pictures were taken by Mr wrathall. u mm If You Like Them Cool We cWf lew yotr? fxod perwrtol prefeience, b we'll wager thai you, loo, lile to roll cigarette tftat ore tool, o wefl o joiijfying. It we're rigrit, ing to Ogden'i Fine Cut and oet wKoi you want. Every leaf bovgrtt lot lKi lobacc'o' it rip ond mellow and ncrture lolei tKe hanh-nett out befo'C il't uted in Uodeni. Ihol t whyUqden i it tueh a coot, latrtiing imole. And of core yov Vnovv tSof eny crgareH ,lt oeftf rf rolle'd with "Voove" of "Chonfecfef" popen. SAVE THE POKER HANDS OGDEN'S FINE C U Pip Knout OfJtrii Cut Plat iwenty-rive i Years Ago j April it ftlB H. F. McfUe. James McRae. Maurice Bondaux and B, It Harrison have bven elected to membership in the Prince Rupert Board of Trade. ' W. J. Blake Wilson. weWern of the- ttxwri was held today with manage Of P. Burns CO. Ltd- rs in the city, being here to select a site , for a large refr'geratlon plant which the company Is contemptat-irrg building. Plans call for a structure 50 by 100 feet, three stofeyl In height and fully rrrodcrn. The Kaicn LJand Club, which has a fnefnbcrshlp of sixty, has taken a , tease 6n the top floor of a building about to be erected oft Sccoftd Avenue by A. C. LitUe. Dally News Wahl-Ads. always bring quick result. WHAt YOU ARB ASEI) TO SlfJN "Have Y6a Wofk For Wilting HanrN t fttV EMPLOYMENT SEia'lCE.PLAN EHMtrtlte offices: SIS Tlrlrn Ave. ' ' Believing that a dollaf Ihvesttd in efnploylrfg meh and women will Improve conditions and relieve the Call tot chirlty, I we offer full co-opeptlon by hdrfby pledglhg that I (we) win, dufiog theneitt six months, expend approximately Signed Address: Telephone: r--TfH-- Busings - rteildence vr . Buslhess ' Resldepce PUBLICITY FOR RUPERT Sam Jabour Featured la Curr.j Itw f sati Life's MoTftrrry Agency ftVvlw a J. Jabour. dlstnrt agent of the Bun Life Assurance Oa, aad the efty of Prince Rrapm rtet great deal of taluabte pobUe in a featured artkle in the last u sue1 of The MoatMy Agency Review." company pebHeaiMn f sun Life which has world-wide circulation hi into ra nee rtfefca. Mr Jabour's artlck Is Mttttled The Life Underwriter's A. 6. C. D of SaeeeM" and Is Med 9fnm an address he made bMere a n Lifp agent's gathering In Vancoovrr in 1931 , Ttte article itself la of aort particular interlfcst to insurance aalev-men but R is ampanW with some very trtterestfrg kf picture one being of Mr Jabour hUatelf. another a large terfctl view or Prince Rupert and others of Hyder SUwart. Kletntu Cannery and the Skrenm River No T6a Interval ! Employers Fined i London Shop Proprietor Must Aho Provide Chain For Auhtantt LONDON. April 13 CP i A shop proprietor wiu fined 110 and eou at Ealing for falNng to provide chairs for the women assistant and $5 for not aHowtng a half-hour tea Interval betwewi 4 pja and ' pin. The complainant saM she wwted from 9 a.m. to 8 pm. She waa allowed an hour for hrnan. bat not the half-hour for ten. There aere chairs In the shop, but she said the was told these were fr customers only Her solicitor said Mien conditions were lltUe removed from slavery For the defence the manager said tea was provided every afternoon, sometimes mere than once She denied the asatetanU were not allowed to sit down. Mail Schedu!( tFor the lrt Mondays. Wedne5days and Frl days 1:30 pm From the Eait Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10:13 pia, for Vancouver-Mondays (tralnl J 4:30 pa. Tuesday .. 11:30 pm. Wednesdays (train) Thursdays Friday April 4. 15 and 25 . From Vancouver- Sunday Tuesday (train) Wednesday 4:3 pa. 9:30 p m 11 pm. 4pm - 4 pm. 16:15 pm. 10 a m. Thursday (train) ...... 16:15 pm Friday 4 pm Saturday (train) 10:15 pm April 11 and ii m For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday - 1pm Wednesday . . 3 pm ' rom Anyox ittd Stewart Tuesday - ll:M am Thursday ' Pm- Tor Naa River Inrf feti Slminon Sunday 1 ( From Naa River and Port Slmtrws Tuesday, 11:33 axa For Queen Chirtotte ttlifids April 13 and 2ff 9 P-"' Finm Queen CharloU HUnd No. Of FYCE RKCOUrtS Do Not Pay Money to Any .Representative" of "The Plan' Simple Pledge That Resident 8 Are Asked to Make