1 Faaiiai.aiiBiai.aiqiiaiaraiia i Eusraisnmfa zmsm Ladies' Bowling Leaaue Annette's First Half Standinc Q. W. L. Ttl. Ave. 14 J2 2 10076 719.9 C. N. R. A. Strikers Doodads nine Birds with. 14 Carnation G. 14 Coquettes 14 10 4 9418 C72.7 14 7 7 8805 G33 14 8 0 87C0 C25 14 0 8 8822 C30 5 9 8507 C12 6 8 8390 599 4711 It is More Economical Than Ever to COOK ctnd with it also , , , you save Food, Time. Money, Footsteps Just jthlnk what a difference an Electric Range will male in your kitchen. Think of the time, the money, the footsteps It will save you. Think of how cool and clean It keeps the kitchen. Think of Its perfect even cooking heat, always available at the snap pf a switcb for 'Just as long as you want It. Then come In and choose yOIJRS. Payments may be made In very moderate monthly amounts. Take advantage of It . . . for wellrcooked meals .with a minimum of trouble; for food that tastes belief and goes farther because all nourishing values have been retained. End the tyranny of coal and kindling. Own an Electric Range. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited 2 7 0 4 .0 Grottos 14 2 12 7319 522.7 ! Try a Dally News classified ad. . . .Get rid of jt before IT CAN INDIFFERENCE to over-acidity of the HARM stomach can only lead to trouble and suffer ing. Do not neglect such symptoms as YOll ''sour" stomach, acid indigestion, etc., for these signify that too much acid is present in the stomach. For immediate jelief take Bisurated Magnesia. This preparation, though harmless to .either child or adult, neutralizes and absorbs the excess acid. tftim-uitcd MAGN ESIA IS BISMUTH IN MAGNESIA. NOT A LAXATIVE There wa iio eime thjs morning- Jif'lhe sMfiaMon over the dsput, between Jtaliui Jat owners and union ftsJu-rineii hi regard to i)p sharing of pjoctyjd ,X iiaJUjut liversi AlUWhUy. lioU) sides ap-leared to be waUjiig for o.rh oilier to make the jejijt jnoye. Northland TranioiaUow ' motpr&hip NoiJdand, Capt Ien Willlaiui. arrived in rt at 10 30 List night from Ketchikan and. af tr diqcliaminf one carload of fiozeu lldx for traiwiJu'iyncnt east over Canadian National Itailway-sailed at midnHU in r-onUnu:Uton it( her voyatte to fie:-1 Uc St. Peter's Win Return Match On Monday evening tlie St Pc- jter's basketball team won the rc-iturn game from the Junior Moose I with a 37-30 score. I Both teams put up a good scrap I but. In spite of some tough luck in i the first half, the Saints won. i Cromp, the Antlered flash, was going through everything but did ; not seem to know where the basket ' VIerek was again star player for the.SC, geter's crowd. At half time the score stood 21-20 In Tavor of the Junior Moose. Individual scoring: Junior Moose Greer 2). Cromn h)t), Letourneau I6, Lear 2, Er- lcksen 4, Domlnato. Hale. Ebv j total, 30. i St Peter's Viereck HO. Hirnno M5), Deane G, Geary. Cavanaille. : Kelsey; total, 37. Individual Title Play Commencing The Individual city bowling championship tourney opens tonight wjth the first block of three games in ten pins. The following players are drawn. Jack Moran vs. Geo. White. E. Smith vs. J. CJrcone. Bill Way vs. R. Bury. P. Mcintosh vs. G. Coverdale. . Dido Gurvich vs. G. Anderson. I F. Morrison vs. T. Roryjk. H. Staines vs. M. p. Young. Jack Lindsay vs. S Vejtch. The remainder of the singles lies will be played at the same time on Friday. ! The other championships will be played In the following rotation: 5-pin singles. 10-pin pairs, 5-pin pairs, 170-pin , teams, 5-pJn teams. "The nights of play are Sunday, Tuesday. Wednesday and Friday. Over 50 of U)c leading bowlers will take part in these games. Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORp will show complete record of all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 Be&utiful Wayes By our new and latest Helen CurMs Machine, featuring JEggene ajnd "rJncess Marina combination permanent. Mi Lady Beauty Shpppc Phone G55 Li: AIJK two THE DAILY NEWS WedntNtoy, April n mj r" B2 a?l2T!l3JniXJISJI?Jlll7JnB3 VX M3 rm 1 1 1 H IIITIII' n i SHOES! in Harmony with PARADE Smart appearance is achieved throuxh wlciilng the most suited footwear fur jour cftstuiue. Here jou will find types of shoes lft. suited to (lie fashions for spring . . . styles that will enhance any fust ii me and inaie even IhenoU lnetr iLvive ones look ninth more You will be delighted with the styles and leathers we offer. See theel They're new! Off Priced from V. .Wf) The Family Shoe Store I Third Avenue LIMITED Phone 357 WHIFFLET5 FVom the Waterfront With a good sized list of passengers, C. N. R. stear.er Prince Rupert, Capt II. E. Neddm nrriyetj In ixrt on ttme at 10 oWuek tins morning fiom Vancouver, Powell Hlver and QeAU F"ll Wd .will sat) at J' o'cloc k this afternoon for An ynx and StewarJ. whence sjy .will return here louyyiow jFyenJng southbound. Extending Our Special Underselling Sale Here is your opportunity to secure the Newest in Spring Coats, Suits, Dresses, IJat3, Gloves, Hose, Shoes, e!c. COATS Kid Gloves New Spring Skirts Here is a wonderful assortment of smart tweeds ' and novelty weaves finished with latest style details. Popular shades; C.-i Off $A.Jt sizes M to 20 Roth Sports and Dress types smartly tailored in imported tweeds, chic woollens with touches' of fur or crisp taffeta; sizes from M up $12.95 Thursday and - - - - Saturday April 18 & 20 Dresses! Dresses! Excuse us if wc seen) to be too pnthusiostic We're really not, and you'll surely believe us when you we what we've seen! Drww like tlie.se at this price would be real NEWS at any time . . . but coining right now, so early in the season, make them even greater values. This group has frocks with short sleeves and long. I'lain materials or prints n)so printed trims. QO Sizes from I t up V AND MORE DRESSES And what an array of tyle and colors to choose from! Matelasse and plain crepes, prints. To show you these frocks is TO SELL YOU I That's how they rate as HU YS. Newest necklines, some two-piece suits;' sizes from 11 to 20. A similar range in sizes 38 to .48. Off A( l r Suits! Suits! Everybody h talkinir wiits. here are two trrouns of fashion s latest creations, at prices you expect to pay at the end of the season. New tailored Suits, dashing tweeds, novelty and wool crepes, in various styles, box hacks, loose and form-fitting; short suits and finger tip Q-t O QC lengths $3.&JO When you'see these marvelous gloves and they are MARVELS AT THIS PRICE . . . you're going to feast your eyes on the finest array of gloves ever offered at this price. Regular vajueks to $2.05. All wanted colors. Sizes from 0 to 7.. Q 4 A A At Ik m Hats Smartest styles of the season in sailors, bretons, bonnets, in the very nicest Q4 Off, straws and telts jJJX Leather Jackets $4.95 Annette Ladies Wear Co. THE ST0IU5 OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LSg Federal JJIock, Third Avcnnq