PAGE TWC s s LAV NOTHING f AI. Utt H The systtm that H Mat. ...... ,:.U UNKNOWNJ WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS Jfackand Jfi 11 HEALTH SHOES You know by tetlns 'nU the ifioei on the child foot you iemin the quality of the ihoe. Solid quality throughout fleiiblt com foi table and smart In ityle. g rofconVc. OXFORDS, STRAPS AND fitting. BAREFOOT SANDALS I I The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. FKINLK KUrrJtT - BHIUXU COLUMBIA Phone 357 Pueliihed fivery Afternoon, fcxcepi ttunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H P. PULLKN Mariaglng-Kdrioi AOVtHllSING KAl'KS Transient display advertising, per men, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local leaders, per insertion, per line News Department Telephone DAILY KUniON 86 M Ml CM IE KB II 1 1 Jr 3 IBli tl I .MAM SM FB IMtM f B BB IMtM IM IB LBXBEB IB H . l.tu -23 SUBSCRIPTION KATEti Llty delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance .... sa. For lesr periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of Brltlah Columbia, the British Empire ana United States, paid in advance, per year an. By mail to all other countries, pe year . 9.M. Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1935 THE EFFECT ON FISH AND LUMBER There are three classes of people in Canada as in most other countries. There are those who consider what will be the personal effect of the election on themselves. They are the selfish people and most of us are selfish. We are appointing our government and we want one that will serve us here at home. Then there are the people who are able to look on the good of the country as a whoie,- even if they personally are hurt. The third group are the old line party men who vote the way their fathers voted for no particular reason except that they inherited then-ideas. This group is getting smaller every year. Not being idealists, we take- it that the average man wishes to benefit himself when he votes. Life is hard enough in this part of the country without the risk of making it harder. So he sits in his chair at home and considers how the election of the various candidates will possibly make life a little easier for him and tend to increase his share of this world's goods while not taking too much nsK in doing so. We want at Ottawa first a man whose influence will be felt there and who will be able and willing to bring before the powers the claims of the district for consideration. Take as an example the question of the duty on Canadian fish. If the Liberals get into power one of the first jobs will be the making of a reciprocal treaty with the United States. The Bennett government has been in power for five years and has failed in this respect. If it is returned ther;e is little hope that it will succeed. The C. C. F. candidate would have little influence one way or another so we can count him out as a factor. Hanson understands the situation fully and will urge that one of the first matters to consider in a reciprocity deal is the removal or reduction of the two-cent duty on Canadian halibut. As friend of the King administration he will have great influence. Then there is the duty on lumber and poles. Mr. Hanson is directly interested .there and will doubtless do his best to give Northern British Columbia a fair deal so that the mills will soon be operating once more as they did a few years ago. These are two outstanding matters at the present time and the vote taken next Monday will have considerable influence on these questions. W!:flt!Wn!Sfl!XBXBlB!n:fB3nXBXBm IB at r Are You Ready For Winter? We have a fine selection of heaters ir types and sizes to assure the warmth and comfort of any home. Heaters for wood, coal or oil burner installation in attractive finishes. Drop in and inspect I, pur selection, Vou will find that our prjees are right GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride St Phone 311 A. O. Fowler, manager of the COBservatiTes. P. S. Jack of Stewart is a passenger aboard the Prince George today returning north after having made a brief trip .to Vancouver . to attend the funeral of his mother, the late Mrs. W. P. Jack, who passed away in the. southern city last Tuesday and whose funeral took place on Saturday. The regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club was held In the, Boston Cafe todav when various mattp affecting club affairs were taken up. President S. J. Jabour was in the chair and there was a good at tendance of members. Arrangements were reported by Dr. R. G. Large chairman of the committee. to be weU In hand for the forth coming minstrel show. i Flight Commander K. C. Red grave-Gunner of Vancouver, who has been spending some time at Juneau organizing the Alaska-Yu kon Skyways, which will operate a commercial air service out of Ju-' neau, arrived in the city on the' Catala yesterday aftirnoon from' the north and will leave on this evening's, train for Hazelton whence 1 he plans on motoring south. Com-! raander Redgrave-Gunner reports that he has Interested Dr. A. Ker-' sley of Wrangell, Dr. C. L. Fenton1 of Anchorage and Dr. S. M. Doel-ker of Juneau in the company. He announces that he Is. going shortly to California to purchase planes and equipment and In a few weeks plans on flying back to Alaska. Liberal Rally At Giscome Success Meeting Addressed by Candidate J. G. Turreon is Followed By Dance GISCOME, Oct. 9: There was a large and enthusiastic Liberal rally here for J. O. Turgeon, Liberal candidate for Cariboo In the forthcom ing federal election. A meeting, In the Giscome Theatre was followed by a dance at which everyone had a very enjoyable time. Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Merran ft Bud Barrlt Don't forget the number 456 THE DAILY NEWS Ui5 LOCAL NEWS NOTES R Q. Johnston, manager of In-1 H. Dickson, who returned lodaj verness canenry, is a business from a tour of the Queen Chs:-visitor in town today from the' lot te Islands representing the Skcena River. Hie cannery Is now Daily. News, saw jl earefal in closed for the season but It will be ; alysls of the situation the"? a little while yet before Mr. John- would seem to give Hanson about ston leaves for his winter home in r half -the votes at he poiats visKj Victoria. ted- The other hair would be div- flded between the C.CP. and the Tne remaln lhe Fnk thers. who has been on a business, trip to Vancouver, arrive In theW lOTm! of Stewart, who-city from the south m the Prince f JeMx on JJUBda worn-Oeorgc th P". General this morning and will pro-h ?n ceed to the interior on this eve-F0'3' a a reU lnJurt Jur-tained in a fall on the loeal nine's train waterfront, wtll be Shipped toraor-' Capt. A. J. Oaul, well known min-1 "ow night aboard the steamer ing man, was a passenger aboard Prince George to Vancouver for the Catala yesterday afternoon re- DuiiaL turning to Vancouver after a trip' - ; ' to Stewart where he made an exa- Gordon Lawson of Panee Rapari mination during the past ten days has been appointed to the staff of of the Dandy property, originally the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experi-krfown as the Main Reef, near the mental Station to replace Walter town of Stewart. Steffensrud who left recently to " nWr the University of Wisconsin Bringing in James Gordon Rich- Jask Finn has been transferred mond, who was fined $300, with from the blo-chemItry depanm r option of three .months' imprison- of the Prince Rupert station to the ment, at Terrace for supplying It- refrigeration and bacterioloetcal quor to a juvenile and who has department. elected to serve the time at Okalla, Provincial Constable H. L. Mc-Kenney of Terrace arrived in the city from the interior on last night's train. ' Constable G. S. Blaney, who Is leaving the service of the provincial police after having been stationed for some time at Anyox, arid Mrs. Blaney were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon bound from the smelter town to Vancouver. Constable Blaney, before going to Anyox, was a member of the city detachment here. I Ocean Falls Gym Starting Season Attire Winter Looked Forward To With Probable Enterin; Into Amateur Competition OCtAM FALLS. Oct. : With 20 ircmuBt athletes pre eat. the annual meeting of the Oe-.ur) Falls Jyrnnaslum was held last Tuesday., .fce lection of officer? resulted as Allows: honorary President, F. A. Drumb, , sident manager. Secretary TRasair, J. W. Has- Advliary Committee A. Charles-' ' . ui -and A. Nfcrtfa. Manager and Promoter, pat Do- m. C'n of boxing and wrestling vi.: commence at oac and a big p - expected with tourna-J :l .; vcry thiee weeks and fin-' .1.- in the spring, it is planned to :ve entries in the British Colum-'! im ii'-u! tin.Us ThaFINESTaGARETTE PAPERS IN THE FINEST BOOK AUTOMATIC BLACK COVER Q'lt'l BLUE COVER "EGYPTI EN" Roll a cigarette lilt a Ready Mod. T4 I PgrATM Knox Hotel Wins Over Power Corp. Score of 20CJ to 1979 In Ten PU Bowling League Fixture Knox Hotel defeated Power Corporation two games to one with an aggregate score of 2062 to 197? in a Ten Pin Bowling League fixture last night. High average of the evening1 was 164 by Comadlna pf the Knox Hotel Individual scoring! was as follows: Power Corporation -Smith, 371 Andsrson. 401 -hirb average 151' 'attle. 34; Mclntom j, 3; total 1978. Now while "forced-down" prices last ... is the right time to make the most profitable investment of all . . . Iiousefuriiishings ... And Congoleum Gold Seal Ruga offer you hy far the best value in all liousefurnishings . . . more beauty . . . more service . . . more delight In your home ... at the leutt cost. Genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Hug9 and only the genuine, uith the Gold Seal, can offer you all these features! All the beauty of the most expensive of rug patterns Designs created, by world-famed designers Freedom from tiresome beating and sweeping Absolutely sanitary floorcovering Extra thickness of long-wearing, fabric felt base Extra years of satisfactory service Astonishing savings in cost Definite Guarantee. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL J MacKenzie Furniture 'CONGOLEUM DEALERS vifiPrince Uupert, B.C. ism ij.i'm .Mfd lifeBBaB Tbit i$ Ceifoltum GH4 W gut "PEIPING1 Nt. 41 ltcntCnthcr: Any ,nnent In IioucfnrnUl.ings at thla , i , . ...... win Nim monrr later iirnprir- rise . . but only in genuine ; Congolrum Gold Seal Hugs ilo you prt the eitm MvInK9of the WorUVnllrtt Volutin UonieJurnUhlnf . ..oiilvjrniuJn IxMiRoIcum (kI1 Seal RuBoflVr you the definite piiariintee of "Satlt-faction lour Money Uack" ... the Gold Seal .Mown below la alliiMi to the nurfare of oil genuine Congoleum . . . make anr tu tee it before yon buy. o if(ONGOlE0MT - - R"WACTiwaiAiAimio JlH BBBaW v Gordon's Hardware CONGOLEUM DEALERS . . . r - sPrince Rupert, B.C. , ,.! Ffcin Knox Hotel num.,, 3a 'omadina. 491 (high . p. ulton. ; Armour m J iissen, 469; total. 20C: The standing in ti., ? League, to date is as f. :!,)ws, ' .... . W i .iujn nsherles .Knox Hotel ESks- Canadian Legion Grptto Paw3r Corporation Rose-. Cowan & Latfi Mose 5 4 3 3 2 1 .0 0 BBBHBH1BmaBaiHBB,iBBanaBBBBBBBBnaBaBBBBBmiBBBBBaaaaBaBa