% ns eee eae en ae ae ee a eT EE oF THE DAILY NEWS CHURCHES NOW IN RUPERT Permanent Buildings Erected and Planned by Various Con- gregations. R.C.'s New Halli. New Churches for All Soon. While all of the Prince Rupert churches are showing great pro- gress this fali as compared with their position last year, the Roman Catholic congregation is advancing with the Rev. Father Bunoz has instructed Messrs. Munro and Lailey to prepare plans and speci- fications for the erection of a large hall for socials and other gatherings The hall will be 26 ft. x 60 ft. and of permanent construction equip- ped and decorated in the best style. Behind the building will be a kitchen annex fitted to serve the hall during socials, etc. The R. C. Ghurch, which was the first permanent church building was designed by Messrs. Munro and Lailey. The next church to be built was the Anglican Chapel of St. Peter at Seal Cove, and now the Methodists are planning a permanent church building. Meanwhile the growth of the Presbyterian and Baptist congre- gations necessitates their holding services in the Empress Theatre and MacIntyre Hall so there is every prospect of their having fine church buildings shortly. The Presbyterians have their site selec- ted and are already erecting a temporary building. MATT WELLS VS. KNOCKOUT BROWN Signal Success of English Cham pion Lightweight. Knockout Brown is Knocked Out. rest. (Canadian Press Despatch) New York, Sept. 1.—Matt Wells, the English lightweight champion, last night added to his laurels by and outfighting Knockout Brown, the lightweight, outboxing in a ten round bout before one of the largest crowds ever witnessed at a pugilistic bout in this city. The bout was the second one to be held under the new boxing law, and brought a crowd of probably 14,000 persons to the Madison Square Garden. The British cham- pion was never for a second in danger at any period during the milling, and left the ring unmarked, while Knockout Brown was bleed- ing about the mouth and from a cut under the right eye at the| finish. | REAL ESTATE PRICES | The following are the prices in morning. Lot| back from up river this week end. real estate sales this week: 17, Block 22, Section 1, $9,500. Lot 28, Block 34, Section 1, $4500 Lot, 9, Block 4, Section 5, $1260. | Lot 23, Block 1, Section 7, $450. Lots 9 and 10, Block 46, Section | 7, $800. Lot 17, Block 40, Section 8, $250. | « Opens up Business | to Mr. Clark} Durant who has become general | superintendent for the Hydro-Elec- the agency for the the agency for the Canadian General Electric Com- pany has been taken over by Mr. In succession tric Company, tric Company, Grhaam Kearney. Mr. Kearney recently arrived from Toronto. He is an expert electrician and graduated in the factories and office of the Canadian General Electric Company before being despatched to take up the im- portant agency at Prince Rupert. This eae and evening, F. A. Ellis, auctioneer, will sell the} balance of the assigned stock of | the Brin Furniture Company at their store Third avenue be- on CITY LOTS Down Town Péigérty Has Been Movong Freely This Week An interesting sale was put) this week when they sold their} by the Prince Rupert Tent and) Awning Company to a Dakota man for $9,500. A lot recently purchased for Mr. Elias Emad of Montreal they turned over to a Victoria man at a profit for Mr. Emad. This firm also sold 640 acres of couver parties. IT GOT HIM Reciprocity is Risuler Subject to Prince —— Man “T've been a Crikatire for | but this reciprocity has got me under the collar,’’ was the straight | testimony of a speaker at the reciprocity meeting last night. Sev eral other Conservatives present, who are sinking party politics| for the good of the district were among those who epplauded most loudly. The meeting was packed out to the doors and into the street. ON A TRIP HOME Mr. and Mrs. M. Bondeaux Leave for France on Monday Mr. and Mrs. M. Bondeaux leave Mondzy on a three months’ trip to Mr. Bondeaux’s old home in Verdin, France. While in the old land he will boost for Prince Rupert, and try to induce French |: | | | fluenced tween Seventh and Eighth streets. capital to,come to this land of opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. MclIntyre ac- company them as far as Vancou- ver and will likely spend part of the winter in California. Lang Fight Postponed Sydney, Aus., Sept. 2.—(Spe- cial)—The Lang-Lester fight has been postponed. Lang very ill with influenza. 15 Attended Grand ‘Agi Mr. J. F. Matheson returned this morning on the Prince George after attending the Grand Aerie of Eagles. annual session of the President Hays’ Party Several of rooms been reserved for the president of Trunk Pacific his party on the Prince George suites have the Grand ard re- turning to Vancouver on Monday Mr. Hays is expected eek Gift Through kindness of Mr. Foster, manager of the Morrell Bacon Firm so well known in these parts a fine ham has been presented » Ensign Johnsione of the Sal- Army. The behalf Stelker the gift was in- of the Army ’ Wells of this vation on by Messrs city. Big Picante Guna By the Prince George this morn- ing C. D. Rand of Vancouver, ar- rived accompanied by his wife. Mr. Rand is a considerable proper- ty down below. owner both ‘here and ‘Mew avdiinities Site This morning Mr. J. H. Pillsbury civil engineer, visited the proposed location of H. Breckenridge’s new Cold Storage Company the waterfront to make a preliminary survey for the proposed works. on Alderman Charles Biss of North Vancouver, is visiting W. Nichol- son-Lailey, of Rand Block. The Graham Island Oil Fields, Limited CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 We are offering for sale a very limited amount of shares of stock at 25c per share; par value $1,00. These shares are going quickly and will soon be off the market : : THE MACK REALTY & INSURANCE COMPANY SELLING AGENTS CHANGE HANDS through by McCaffery & Gibbons North | in Block 34, Section 1, which they | Lakelse land for $7700 to Van-| — a i Kh i} ij Ul “The News” Class NE ified Ads. | ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY W — we own lot on Third avenue, occupied i —_ Poli The Insurance People| Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Mack Realty & Insurance Phone 150 Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability cies Prepared While You Wait. COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. ra, | Baptist Church an a Modern Man Behold |the Glory of Christ?’ will be the ct of Rev. Warren Hasti1 ul je | tag p-m. lla | hood p-m. | John | choirmaster. A T0 tail der tot not the Co pu de Br in th A tors always welcome. are held in McIntyre avenue near Sixth street. John Leggett, members will be Canada who have habit of purchasing the the sensible method of available to those Colonies. The Mother Country specialises production, and specialise in country's specia lity. Curzon Bros, know what tailoring is. yourself of our knowledge. “There's Comtort in the Curzon Cut." SEND POST CARD FOR FREE PATTERNS which will be forwarded iree from our distributing Agents in Canada, as below. send you fashion-plates and complete instructions for accurate sel!-measure- ment and tape measure. no matter where you live, orrefundthe full amount of your purchase money. ONE CULVER AND TWO GOLD Read our unique list of unsolicited testi- monials ; 20, absolutely genuine (Dept. 21 years, and always voted straight, Mc Leod’s sermon tomorrow even- Service commences at 7.50 Regular morning service at .m. Bible School and Brither- Baraca Bible Class at 2.30} Music conducted by Mr. j E: Davey, organist and} Strangers and visi- All services Hall, Third} as “Jack’’ Leggett, formerly of Leggett & Williams, has entered the Ideal Provision House in the capacity of manager.: This house has become popular as the “‘house of good quality,’ where fresh groceries, butter, eggs, fruit and vegetables can always be obtained at the lowest market prices. Mr. Charles Lowe will remain with the business, and together they will make a strong team and are sure to meet with the success they boch so well merit The first practice of the P. R. Choral Society for the coming season will be held in the English Church on Monday September 4th, 8 p.m. All members are} requested to atiend. I tending | 2. ol welcomed. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4. LL WOOL OVERCOAT MEASURE $9.25 CARRIAGE AND DUTY PAID. Most Wonderful Taiioring Creation of the Century. Perfect Style, Perfect Cut, —# popularly known } ILL REPAY A CAREFUL ee to Loan ee s 7? | Money to Loan on Prinee Rupert Real Estate Agreements of sale bougat. P.O. Box 965 tf-181. | tt ee me ees ree Help Wanted | ec ms rm es re me | Wanted a women to work "in hotel out of town. Apply immediately at King George hotel. 199-2t | | Boy wanted at once to learn the printing trade. Apply News Office. | Bow Wanted—Apply at Orme's Drug Store. 198-tf | Wanted—Good sized boy to help in kitchen and | make himself generally useful. Apply rane Hotel, 8rd Ave., corner of 8th Street. Housework wanted, also washing and ironing es | Scotch woman. Third Ave., near News office. | 196-tf Wanted 8 room cottage close in, partly or wholly | furnished. Will lease for 12 months if «atis- j factory. Apply at A. W. Edge Co. 2nd Ave. 197-200 Young active men's furnishings man Apply in person to J. Piercy, 199-200 Wanted— for warehouse. Morris & Co. Wanted a woman to work in kitchen, wages $35 | j a month, with room. Apply Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital. 200-tf oe tee ee some For Rent Furnished house, cor. Sixth Avenue and Young St. Modern in every respect. Phone 83 or call Pattullo & Radford. 196-tf | Purnished rooms with bath. the week. Talbot House. Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred .— Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre tf Special rates by 165-tf McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, | Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. | ; Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder Block; Third Ave. 178- For Rent—Sons of England Hall, 2nd Ave., for Dances, Fraterna! Societies, Socials, ete. Apply Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or phone 66. 1s6-tf | dances, etc. et ee es eee ele For Sale eee te er eee section 5, facing Terms $550 cash. | immediately Box 200-206 For quick sale, lot 38, block 2 two streets. Price $588.75 Balance ‘one year. Address L, Daily News Launch 20 feet, in good running order $110. Ap ply Moorehouse, cor &th Ave. and Donald Street 199-201 For Sale—Chicken Ranch. 2 Storey house, house hold goods. Near Prinee RKupert A snap if taken at once. Address Box 368 ti tet ee ee et Insurance | hee OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co i Lost and Found be | Lost, last evening between Summit and Fifth | Ave. and Post office, a small black purse con- | taining three $10 bills and some silver. Reward | on returning same to News office. | Lost between Central Hotel and wharf, ladies gold watch and fob; monogram E.0.J. Reward by returning to News office 200-t-f | BOYS! —_ Five Dollar bills to ye given away to bright oan See Mr. Munroe at the News office. + { ! { { ! i + ype ee tt ee rs es Pe Ps Perfect Finish. Perfectly Trimmed. Curzon Bros , the famous London ors, are making the above won- ful offer as a special inducement hose resident in been in the ir clothing from Old untry, only rchase resi- nt in itain's clothes we e home Why not avail Together with patterns we We fit you, L AWARDS. forfeited if not LL WOOL OVERCOAT TO MEASURE $9.25. CURZON R08. s/c The CLOUGHER SYNDICATE ; A40 Spatinn Aer Torcaie Doane. the World's Measure Tailors, 60/62 CITY ROAD, FEED STORE ything in the feed line, also gar- lowest market prices, at Collart’s | Market Place | PONY EXPRESS Phones 41 or 301 | | | | | Tro We carry ¢ den seeds at the | olg Feed Store Prompt Delivery ts Pt Ft Pt ed Pt ee | BASEBALL SCORES | Pert etre spa patel olf Northwestern League | Vancouver, 7, Seattle 2. Spokes 0, Victoria 9. Porila Tacoma 2. National League Pictsburg 9, 14. Brooklyn 8,2; Boston 5, 4. | New York 3, 2; Philadelphia 2. 0| Pacific Coast League Verron 9, Sacramenio 5. Oakland 5, Portlerd 0. Los Angele Frisco 5. American League New York 6, Weshirgion 0, Cle nd § Cincinnati 8, 4; 9 land 2, Chicago 1. ANOTHER NELSON FIRE Fourteenth Incendiary Blaze in Past Two Weeks (Canadian Press Despatch) Nelson, Sept. 2.—-Fire at mid- right destroyed the buildings of che Nelsor Brewing Company and istables e:d threatened many resi- ideriicl buildings in the vicinity. | This is che in |, dditior to a dozen minor ones in The police detectives the fire bug re- second serious fire two weeks. baffled, and mains at large. are LOOKING | Lot 26, OVER— We Want Your Listi Call and tet! us what you saleable we can sell it. + Mr. Non-Resident We will be glad to hear from you gerding the present market value of upert property. DO IT NOW 4 O. M. HELGERSON, LTD. ¢ REAL ESTATE RENTALS have for ale If it Writ | Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at ‘Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118, McCaffery & Gibbons Real Estate Offerings: Block 16, Section 1, for $2200. This lot was purchased at the sale two years ago for $1760 and is a bargain at $2200. Lot 30, Block 16, Section 1, for $2000. A good lot on First avenue for $2500. ec ) te ee ED Ht Pte tee ee es F ts 4 8 rt 1 re * — tt 6 i pe ~+ ae Launch Owners, Look Here | josansrensonmsonlifirtnsertssemnertnrtastemeterssetasotsstnotesin ce pe ni Plain Facts of a Vancouver to Prince . / Rupert Power Boat Cruise told in plain‘ je terms for Possible Purchasers. — : j lina teAliwisiminerenaly TWO Launches came into Prince Both were beautiful pleasure craft. long cruise. Both had fifty H. BUT ene launch was towed by the other into harbor, and head straight for the Rupert Marine Repair Wharf. To Mr. H Rob fs the Rupert Marine Ironworks her owners told a sad story. Her ¢ ‘NOT A “STANDARD” ~-had given trouble the whole way from Va; couver. Had it not beer for the continual help of the other launch the disabled one could never have made the trip. THE ENGINE OF THE OTHER LAUNCH WAS A “STANDA WA Rupert Harbor Both had come fron P. gasoline engines. the the OFFICES: _HELGERSON BLOCK C { | { { { House and lot in Section 5. Good IT DID PRACTICALLY DOUBLE WORK ALL THE y neighborhood, fine view can be bought NEEDED NOTHING FROM THE REPAIR MAN ON REACHIN( for $1250 on any terms purchaser may RUPERT. ‘THIS LAUNCH TOWED THE LAME LAUN MOST } offer. OF THE WAY AND ALSO LIT HER ELECTRIC | Ss BY | Double corner in Section 5, for $1500 on MEANS OF A CONNECTING CABLE, WHICH IS JUST ONE MORE j easy terms. INSTANCE FROM ACTUAL EXPERIENCE TO PROVE THAT ' Two lots on Fifth avenue, Section 6, for { $950 each. teeters i Good lot on Sixth avenue, Section 6, for The Best Engine for ‘6 ” j The “Frisco Standard” | $325 cash. Fine double corner in Section 6, for $1675 Sixty feet on Third avenue, for $1200. Lot on Ninth avenue, Section 7, for $315 Section 7, Northern B.C. waters is Level double corner in Section 8, for $50 anda . ; / cash, balance monthly. I ‘ ' Lots in all parts of Section 8, for $50 | balance small monthly pay FOR RENT Flat in Washington Block Furnished house Section 5 fer $35 per month. Three room house for $15.00 per montt Fifth avenue cash, ments. in in Four room house and bath, $30 per month. Seven room house with bath, for $35 per month. Section 7, Store on Third avenue. —INSURANCE— McCaffery & Gibbons | THIRD AVENUE CE RY, w SaaS ASK UNCLE JERRY oe “ e Ly OpTiNs FOR SALE one lot Section” 1, Block 19, Second # avenue Price $9460,\cash $5 50 teil Two lots= Section 5, Block 2 with building, two rooms furnished, kitchen, two baths, store, parlor and piano. Price $4200, cash $2500, |}One lot Section 6, Block 11, Sixth avenue. Price $2250. $500 cash. Two lots, Section 7, Block 22, Sixth avenue. Price $1050 One lot Section 7, Block 16, Sixth avenue. Price $650. One half cash, balance 6-12 months. Combination Combination three lots, two in Section 7, one in Section 8, all for $1060. FOR LEASE Three lots, Third avenue close to business | Good lease. For Sale (Snap) section. Four lots, Section 8, Block 34, Eleventh avenue, all for $369.65 cash. Corner lots 18, 14, Block 12, avenue and Fulton street for lease or will build to suit tenant, ON GRAHAM ISLAND 170 acres, with one-half mile of water- front, Crown granted. Price $20 per acre, one third cash, balance 6-12 months, Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. For all occasions can be purchased from our Up- to-date stock of : =: ; Watches, Jewellery and Souvenirs eeoeee R. W. Cameron & Co. G.T.P. Official Watch Inspector. Cor. 6th St, and Second Avenue, PHONE 82 Sixth AGENTS j Rupert Marine Ironworks G Supply Co. | Office Phone: Blue 58 P.O. Box 515 Works on W { Aceessaries Carried | Well Equipped Repair Shop ee Deters eee t rete te ttt 00000000000000600000000000000000000 0000000000000 jRoss & Reciprocity GREAT SMOKER AND RALLY | T O- N | G H 7 | ae sna ea = COA! Tenders Waited Skeena Land District ) . block lala id Tenders wanted for clearing lote 1 and 2 i Qi, section 1 Specifications at C. D Newton's Take notice that Aus Pe office, Exchange Block 198-201 Rupert, saddier t cc wat to the Chief Commiss a for a licence to prospe the oe . on and under the f a Real Estate Weat Coast of Graha a n Vi U wing Commence cat _ ” of the north enet south 80 chai int ‘ . north 80 chal I a“ n Prince Rupert, B.C, may find &) of commencement aaa ready : » » price is reason \ ready pur¢ haser, if the pricel 2) RE, able by addressing Pub. Aug. 19 ; rotte i Skeena Land Distric or Prine P.O. LOCK BOX 43 Take notice that A ing D ” Rupert, sccup? sat Works for 8 East Liverpool the Chief Commissi a ae ie : . Is licence to prospect | ie | Columbiana County Ohio, U.S.A. | na under the follo ‘ { I Weat Coast of ( Commencing # & | of the southeast cor north 80 ehains, the en : south 80 chains, the i commencement SUFFERING INSTANTLY RELIEVED A SAFE AND SPERDY CURE If your dealer does not keep them we will mail < cents you a box (18 powders) on receipt of 25 Located August 1 | Pub. Aug. 19 ; ‘0 , ot |} Skeena Land Distr L. J. MATHIEU Co.,Props., Sherbrooke, P.Q | ‘Take notice tha s nial Rupert, saddier | Commissioner of 14 . | to prospect for coa | the following de Islar tof Graham j at tore | Commence | of the nortl east Sv che weat 80 chain commencement Located August | Pub. Aug. 19 Skeena Land Distr Take notice tha Rupert, sadder, int ppt Commissioner of | ‘ to prospect for ¢o , ~ under the follow Coast of Grahan Commencing of the north south 80 ehe chains nortt commencement | | PHONE 801 P.O, BOX 804 PONY EXPRESS DELIVERY SERVICE SYSTEMATIC, MERCHANTS’ Baguage, Storage and Forwarding Agents, For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 Located August |* Pub. Aug. 19 District of Queen Charlotte Skeena Land Distr vale ae slande " Y ¢ Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prinee Take notice tic Rupert, occupation saddier, intends to apply to Rupert, ha nae o i Oe the Chief Commissioner of ‘Lands and Works for | the Chief Com’ 6 a licence to prospeet for coal, oil and petroleum j a licence to pr we ribet on and under the followmg described lands on the | and under woe : West Coast of Graham Island: West Coat © 9 C lommeneing at 6 post nlan‘ed three miles east } Commencing rs , | of the southeast corner of C. 1. No. 4475 thence | of the southeas Frosipesper | $0 chains west, thence 80 chains narth, 40 chains | north 60 chains Thor 0 chai east, thence 80 chains south to point of com- | 80 chains, thene menceme nt Al | mencement. AUSTIN M, BROWN, Locator sia. ist | Lwoated August lat, 1011 Located Aug Pon Aug. 1 “te Pub. Aug. 19 Skeena Land District Prince that Aw