:' ! nil fr 1 "'tr lute loll pagi rouu CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 . . for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY HOME HOME Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cola Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.Q, Box 190 DEMERS Winter CLEARANCE CONTINUING MONDAY ALL TO GO AT BARGAIN PRICES! " WCATUL'b D L'onDT Suprox Special Radio Battery will give up to 1000 hours service, and Is then rechargeable. Inquire about this revolutionary development In storage batteries. James Martin Massett, B.C. Prince Rupert Terrace Clear, calm, tempera - : lure 18. j Anyox Clear, north wind, 19, 1 Stewart Clear, north wind, 12. Hazelton Clear, north wind, 10 below. Smlthers Clear, calm. cold. Burns Lake Dull, calm, 2a. Vancouver Wheat Inspection Of VANCOUVER, Jan. 12: CP Wheat was quoted at 78 "8c on the ; local exchange today. ' ! WINNIPEG WHEAT : WINNIPEG, January 12 May wheat was quoted at 84V4c. per ousnei on the local grain exchange, j Members of Twenty-Second I o CHURCH NOTICES F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworlh, B.A. Organist: Mrs. E, J. Smith 11 A.M., Sermon Subject: "THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS" 12:15, Sunday School 12:30, Westview School , 7:30 P.M., Sermon Subject: "GROWING AND KEEPING A HEALTHY MIND" or, How to use Religion to cope with fear,: worry and general mental Ill-health. All visitors welcome FIRST UNITED CHURCH C. D. CLARKE, Mlsa s. olafson, A.T.C.M., Mlnistcr- , Organist. J. S. Wilson, Geo. Wilson Choir Leaders. ' 11 A.M., "THE INESCAPABLE" Anthem by the JunJjr Choir 12:15 P.M., Sunday, School 7:30 P.M., Subject, "COVENANTS" Did God make Covenants with man? If so, what Is their significance? Are' sucrV covenants binding on man today? Does God make covenants today? Solo, "Morning and Evening," Miss C. Eastman WELCOME TO ALL, tltMT CAME ' U IMTO VOWR UtFB HAVEM'T SeEU oO MUCH OF VOU - O'VA MtUD IP I COME OUT 0 VOU2 HOUSE Ma TJ1 it i 1 1 1 1 JJMV. f? CtiQIT flsr IS, t niitj 1 - Have t-fR-TEM, coo toe - HOVAJ ABCWT COMUJ out To My House iiin3- mac ? He,' vie too iixrsr I1CT DAfLT NC9TB , , Ilim'U turtUy, Januar r ij .... ..i i IIIB g!BH SALE First-Class Merchandise Marked Down to Rock Bottom Prices BUY NOW! Hosiy Specials 65 Pr. Quality Silk Crepe Zftp 150 Dresses, from ... .. $1.00 at 550 Pair Wcldrest Hose 26, Knitted Suits, from $7.50 Seml Service Reg. 85c 27 Skirts, from $2.00 ch,""' Res- $ioo 15 Raincoats, from $3.95 crepe, Reg. $1.25' j JO 20 Wool Vests, from 75c Service Crepe. Reg. Q-j or - . $1.50, now ....I ?JLD 24 Kimonas, from, $2 95 service silk. RCg. Qi or : : $1.35, now .... t?JUt SO pair Sockees, from 25c 100 pr-Al1 Wol ani, silk & wool - Hose, fine quality nr Lingerie, Shirts, Hankies from iox BUY NOW! 22 Fur Trim Coats, Cost and Less wosuy sizes 40 to 44 Pullovers & Sweaters, from ...$1.00 35 Blouses, from $1.25 14 Jackets, from , , $3.95 20 Wool Pantees, from 75c Flannelette Pyjamas 26 Berets, at 5QC Gloves, Hats, Shoes CASH ONLY - - WE NEED MONEY! Brownies Held Forty Young Girls Turn Out Before Miss Aline Williams, Organizing Secretary For B.C. i D. E. and First Prince Rupert packs (of Brownies j jurider. leadership of ;Mrs. A. J. Squire and Miss Kathleen : Duncan respectively, gathered yes- terday afternoon in I. O. D. E. Hall J to the total number of about forty for Inspection by Miss Aline Williams of Victoria, organizing secre- .wy ci uin uuiaes ror British Co-I'umbla. The smart appearance and their leaders were complimented by Miss Williams on the turn-out. POWDER CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtnbs, Washbasins, Windowi, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. COAL! . COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, wheat, Oats. and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 "TILLIE THE TOILER" ii WATERFRONT WHIFFS Reopening of Halibut Fishing Season March 1 Cow Bay Boatbuilders Busy Herrinj; Run Expected Soon Lacking official word as to any possible change, the expectation at Prince Rupert now is that the legal opening Of the 1935 hallhllt fishinir snncnn in Vnnifin Pnoct n-ntoN " - - v..vs 1 (II UVUIV VVUOW tthV A Will be on Marrh 1 year. This, of course. Is a matter whrch would be settled by the Inter-naUonal Fisheries Commission which, so far. has been entirely silent In connection with fishing regulations for the coming season. However, an announcement of some kind in the near future Is to be anticipated. After having spent a week or so as a patient in the Prince Rurcrt Oeneral Hospital, Fred Godwin was aoie to return this week to his duties as caretaker at the Prince Rupert Rowing Si Yacht Club. Until his recovery Is complete, he is sUll being assisted by Bill Reak. who was relieving during hU absence. Shef Thomson, former caretaker at the Yacht Club, Is back In town I again after relieving for a few weeks as night watchman at the marine depot at Dlgby Island. A record for sea service in Pacific coastal waters marked the recent ! retirement of Captain Robert A. j Hunter, veteran shipmaster of the liriusn Columbia coast. He sailed his first craft in these waters in 1893 In crude sidc-wheclers. From a shore-side bungalow in Victoria the veteran captain now looks back up on 46 years service. He Joined the pacific Navigation rs. . . VuriiLNinv ana J age stocks running low and the possibility of curtailment of the intensity of summer fishing by longer lay-overs between trips and other -.. there has been talk of the possibility of an earlier opening of fishing this intention being to start fishing Immediately an aDnreclable run Is located. The Zenardi will seine the i fish for the Prince Rupert reduction plant of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd.. the manager of which, Thomas Anderson, will arrive within a few days after spending the winter in Vancouver, to get the plant In readiness for operation. There have been small runs of herrlnc ever .since last fall In Prince Rupert har bor and nearby waters but no great amount of the fish as yet. John Currle St Sons' power tug C. R. C. and pile driver are preparing to leave on Sunday or Monday for silver City, across the Inlet from Alice Arm, where a new float ! U to be put In for the federal de-! partment of public works. Mr. Cur- rie is expected back tomorrow evening on the Calala from a business trip to Vancouver. The Silver City Job will occupy about a month's time. It is expected. Armour Salvage Co 's service boat Pachena. Capt. Reg Green, left on Thursday night for Ketchikan, having on board Mr. Dlntfoff of New York who had arrived that ntaht by train from the cast. The Pachena made the trip under spceiil charter to take him north. The vessel Is due back today. served as ouartpr.ma.Ur ., memoers of the crew of well known old vessels a. the R. P i, tWa"tcc wcrc Rlthet and the Yosemlte. His last Yk When thf reml command was the crack liner Prln- E , the,moulh of ""ra ces Marguerite. Captain UuZ ' took out hU first officer's papers in .k01" to thc "utn 1901 and two years later Vualif lei ,Mved three men as a coastwise master. He wa best known as master Of the Prinrwuti Overhauling Prl,. ii . hrlSLnr "e ,,med nthN annual overhaul work bridge of nraetlrallv vrv rnn. . . . on ' --v., sicuincr l-nivee mirmrt i una. LAST SHOWINGS From the Novel by j0hn Enklne "BACHELOR OF ARTS" An honest story of i told with a sense f - With IIEXKV B. WALTHALL ANITA LOUISE MAE MAItSII TOM BltOWN Starts 7:13 & 9 - PLUS ZANE GREY'S 'THE Dude Ranger" With George O'Brien Starts 8 28 8hnw, O. r WORLD'S NEWS TOBACCO SPECIALS JJ'c arc featuring on Spcrul oaic uie vnrious hr.-uuL ri the Rock City Tobacco C. ol (Jucbcc Oncof tlw oldest luu p : ccrm In the trade T combine iiuAlltyqc .; we recommend ! MA8TBK MASON C10AHETTK6. 25 lf SPUD CIQARETTC8 20 for MASTER MASON CL'T PLUO. h-lb. Un vLLBMAN OUT PLUO Mb. tin In humidor tins to kc OTTOMAN FINE CUT Vlb. tin ; .: TWENTi' GRAND F C !-5-Ib. tin 4 vi viiivt cncineer w e west when a voune bov nf riAltrPnmtn.mnn vVr. i, i s ' Vi juainie n .. and some . twenty . v "-iMKiirii odd .. mem- ivvi in, v till" couver and Seattle. Capt. Paddy Ivarson movprf well known halibut boat Signal to me i-acuic Machine Works dock on Monday for an extensive engine overhaul preparatory to the opening of the 1935 fishing season. , engine for Installation in a new i trolling boat being built at Dodge Cove. Dlgby Island, by A. Wahl for jOtto Olsen. i Japanese boatbuilders In Cow Bay of trolling boats which In the mnct of cases are being built to replace old boats. In the majority of Instances engines coming out of old boats are being Installed. Herring Expected Soon The annual run of herring should shortly be showing up In waters contiguous to the nort of Prinre Rupert. The Gammon & Wntf selncboat Zenardi Is preparing to leave 10 prospect for the fish, the A Word to the Wise. number of meetings were held on the matter Including one of p.inai dry dock employees last night. The question is being further gone Into Delivery has been mrfn . . ! . VCtt"umc' " w "plained by Pacific Machine Works of a U hp !b ou h from 'Wecman iNoru-eoi. ,.1, ?roUh'. Vancouver were all ........ mi U4 mV smp g crew and. as such, entitled to carry on the work they are doing. There will be the usual dry dock work in connection with the overhaul for the local' dry dock employees. It fe at Prince Rupert are experiencing ,h m Accordln& to "Port quite quite a a busy busy winter winter In In construction w " bc o nnual ovcrnaui work than usual on the Canadian National coastal boats this spring. Union steamer Cardena, Capt Ernest Oeorgeson, arrived In port at 10:15 last nlnht from ti and sailed at 3 o'clock this morn-ing on her return toVancouvcr and waypolnts. The vessel, after leaving here, had to go back in hc Skcena River to complete her list of calls there, tide hvi. u unfavorable to do them north-Dound. j "OO" t'o lcwe R r - -,. .1 "TO- THANKS " YM- ' XWWT thcLBICE8TKn SQIMnE COA1ISP! nrr i . i i Chesterfield Suite Northern Electric Racii 8 tubes, 1934 Organ Chiffonier Dresser Writing Desk World Best Music Five Books Cabinet Victor Oramo- l'hone Green 121 By Westover vCH f B MACDQl0i i 25c 25c 65c 60c 50c 25c 50c cess" steamer In coast water.. Born pr0g e a the locaTdry dikfol 1 , Hunter n the Shetland came to islands. Canada and CapU.n theleouver ;Wg vwm arla, f ruut k'frtm ' ' Vat . " M " t U U S J S J A A LL I I F Llllj 11 it,, L .. ii npi I II I VHK oers or me crew of the vessel, The! ' " wilijll arrival of the party gave rise to the report that men were being Impor- ica irom vanrnuvr in , ( I W Ul i SWOrk Which nrrilnarllu i UUIU llYC been done by local labor and a 1931 Stock Left Over Used Furniture All rifhL get rid of It, Hon' Slash the price down? Here t re! Bargains! IUrcln: $D3.!4 iMI $190 $100 $S04 $10.04 $3J0 pnone ... $m Ourney Range (Oxford SIS.M Rocking Chair, each $1.0 Heaters, up from $W Kitchen Table, up from $1.04 China Cabinet, solid oak JlSiO - at D.ELI0 furniture Exchange Box No. 5S Daily News Want-Ada always bring quick resuib.