Jime 10. 1935 Additional Values on Our Special Sale -tl ML Fancy Stationery Arj excbM fctook to clear at low nrices. Come in and sec the values. School Watercolors Now la the time to buy. A new assortment jut In, To ck'Hr on a (juiek turnover. Spec, 10c, 15c 25c 1935 Bathing Caps In uKHortl colors, aliuj)t.s ami u. Cups and Saucers Value to $1.25. Special To clear FOR SALE 15c 10 50c 50c Sun Glasses t0 ftft In nil lwilcs jiml sizes. Ao iJX.UU I'M-MOI.IVK KIIA.MrOO-Sin.cial 15c Ormes Ltd. Jfw Pioneer Drutiff tats II lUiall lUra Phone; II It 12 Open lUlly Fnrr( I a.m. till 10 pjn, undays and Holiday From 13 novn till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 0 p.m. UNION STtiAMSIUPS LIMITED HlMintiS leava Prbir Rupert for Vancouver 15. S, CATALA LVKRV TUKS11AY. 1:30 P.M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday TS-S. CARDKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDM(iIT-Arriving Vancouver Monday a in. MtUrtM to ?x MmpMu juifbi, ntwrt and us Hire puint loir yrliif Rupert Sunday, 8 pm rcrtner information regarding all sailings and UefceU aU-mirs vi rrar Aircv: vnn mi . W M . W KB. DAI I I I I A I ' v m m nil a nwnn ji i nmri n nil vraiijaw f'Aaii arm a naran " -w O .n rr run i itiuripv vhiipv vt r ii i 1 r m haw unmnT OaM and Barley. Prince Hupcrt Feed Co, tl Pbonri fiM COME TO Dunn's Cottages and Tents for holiday on famous North Beach. River and a bathing. Boats for hire Fishing and hunting Open air badminton. Clock golf. Dancing. Dining room. Oood plain cooking. Terms moderate For particulars apply- MRS. DUNN Sanjan Rlrer Near Massett. D C. Let 3, B, o. 8. I, and Improvement! - $1000.00 Let 43 R. 2?, fl. 5, and. Improvements M.oo Lot 4356, R. 5, CD., unimproved, Crown Oranted, 130 acres 12!.00 L i I B. 3, S. 1, and Improvements 200.00 Lcr 4, B, 27. 8. 5. and Improvements - 250.00 Lc' 9 tt 10. B. 15, S. 7, and Improvements. Chas. Vess Estate - 500.00 N.E Lot 3063, Alyansh (153 acres) and Improvements, Wintermute Estate 10000 Let 3053, Alyansh U03 acres) 0 acres cleared and In hay, Wm. Stewart Estate - 600 00 lr" 5 & 6, Hlk. 43, See. C, and Improvements, including contents, Ida Ramsay Estate 500D0 Let 1045, R 5, CD. tin acres) and Improvements. Terrace 950.00 Blk 3, S I), of DJ. 1099, R. 5, CD (4 acre) Terrace 100.00 Oli'ICIAL ADMINI8TKATOIL TheFsh which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd, PRINCE RUPERT, M.C. THE DAILY M'EWB PAOE THREE U. LJ- i ,41 LOCAL NEWS NOTES V w&rm ajd comfortable by rld Ing in H Taxi H costs toe tame. tf Canadian Legion BE.8.L. execu- ; tlve meeting tonight and general meeting Wednesday. f. W, Wesch and son, Fred Wesch Jr., returned to the city on the Catala last evening Iron) a trip to Vancouver. Mri.'JainfS Farquhar of 8urf Point Is a vUltor In the city, being the guest of Mrs. James Parker at the Leeds Apartments. Mrs. James Lamb of Cassiar Cannery was a visitor In the city at the week-end with her son-in-law ahd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Parker, Leeds Apartments. Jack and Donald AHlstone, sons of Mr and Mrs. Ernest AUUtone, sailed this morning on the Princess Louise for Atlin where they will be employed In mining for the season H W. Chambers, manager of Klemta cahnery, arrived In the city on the CaUla last evening en rout to Inverness cannery, on the Skeena River for a brief business, visit. There was a good attendance, with Robert Elklns, dictator, in the chair, at the first regular business meeting Saturday night of the new Junior Moose Lodge. Business was largely of a routine nature. Miss Je&iie McLcnaghan, dlrec tor of home economics for the De partment of Education, who has U-en here for the past few days on pfflclal duUes, will sail by the Catala , tony row altemoon on her return to Victoria. Miss E. John&on, formerly of the local staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and now located in Vancouver, arrived In the city from the south on the Catala last eve-nJog to sp-ind a holiday visiting here. ! Thomas W. Oraham, son of Charles Qraham, Inspector of mines, left at the end of the week for Vital Creek in the Omlneca district where he will be employed by the Northern Ventures Limited. He arrived In the city recently from Anyox. Rev. Canon T. D. Proctor of Pouce Coupe, who was delayed In leaving the city after attending the sessions of, the Diocese of Caledonia last week owing to having suffered a severe ankle sprain, goes out on this evening's train to pay a brief visit to his former parish at Hazelton after which he will proceed to the Peace River. Mah Moon, Fultor Street Chinaman, was found guilty In city police court on a charge of keeping liquor for sale and fined $300, with option of three months' Imprison ment, Falling To raise the necessary funds to pay the fine, Mah Moon has Joined the city Jail gardening staff for the summer. Sergeant O II. Greenwood prosecuted the case and L. W. Patmore defended. If j Announcements Lutheran Ladles' Aid tea and sale of fancy vork and hora-caoklng, June 15. Catholic Ladles' Tea, Mrs. Ward's Atlin Avenue June 20. Canadian Legion, B.EJ3.L, Picnic, June 23. 7. Sons of Norway picnic, June 30. Presbyterian Bazaar, November Moose Hall RENTAL RATES Concert .. , $25joo Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings U now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phoi tb Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. Brown's 25c Tail and Phone 131. You can rent aa Jow as $1.50 mile. a car at Walkeft a day, pi as 7c. a Frances BrenneY, for being an Inmate of a disorderly ; house, was fined $50, with aptfon of thirty days' Imprisonment, "i city police court Saturday. The Prince Ruptrt Boy's Band, under the leadership of Bandmaster Robert Greenfield, gave an open air concert last evening at Totem Hill Park. It was enjoyed by many passers-by. Rev. A. Abraham of Anyox, Rev. 3. Klnley of Alyanth and Rev. Oliver Thorne of Klnccllth. who have been in the city this week attend ng sessions of the Synod of Cale donia diocese, sailed by the Catala sst evening on their return to theJr posts in the north. DOCTOR SAID SHE NEEDED "BULK" FOR HER CONSTIPATION Kellogg'3 All-Bran Brings Relief to Mrs. Maneely Read letter: th following unsolicited "Up to five yean pro, I knew no end of lUfTerinir caused by constipation. I used all kinds of laxatives but only found relief till I got used to them. My phytitlan told me to pet some Kelloeg' All-Bran, and instructed me how to use it. "I dvd just as I was told by my doctor, and today I seid my highest praise for what your' All-Bran hat done for me." Mrs. Jas. Maneely, Jr. Address upon request, 'Dut U intufflcitnt "oulfc" in All-Brak provides gentle "bulk" to help overcome common constipation. It is also a good source of vitamin B and iron. "' The 'bulk" of All-Bran is often more effective than the "bulk" in fruits and vegetables, as it does not break down within the body. Two tablespoonfuls daily are usually sufficient. If not corrected this way, see your doctor. Isn't this food much plea winter and safer than risking patent medicines? Get the red-and-green package at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Keep on the Sunny Side of Life Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Pat Macllroy, Terrace; O. S. Pragnell, Kamloopar H. L. Wilders, Harold Lannlng, O. H. Martin, William A. Alexander,. Qipt. R. Elliott. Q. M. Bouck, Gerald Thompson. C. D. Bruce Jr. and R W. Haggen, Vancouver; C. V. Hope, Edmonton; A. M. Turner. Toronto. C N. R. Royal A- M. Turner, Toronto; Mrs. Ruth Mould, Rose Lake: Pierre LeRoss, Phejan; H. Svenson, city. Savoy H. Deering, city; R. H. Murray, "Build B.C. Payrolls" That's the Point-It's Good or j mm It's awfully simple to say It yet It's a mountain ot a fact The simple reason why folks like and use so much Pacific Milk Is because it's good. Oh, that applies to everything. Certainly to good things. But we hear it 50 often, hear of good so often, it glides , by unnoticed, immense though It ! be In meanlngTiVit is iri this' gooa mine. Pacific 'Milk FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 67 William Sherman Honored Saturday Night by Friends A surprise party uras held Satur day eyening In honor of William Sherman Jr., Taylor Street, about thirty guests invading his home for the occasion and spending a very enjoyable evening Bridge was played, prize winners being: ladles' first, Mrs. E. Hudson; eonselation, Mrs. E. J. Large; men's first, Mike McFadden; consolation, "William Sherman. Following' cards, deli cious refreshments, featured by ai (pveiy birthday cake, were served. Dancing followed. HEARING APPEALS Taking of evidence having been completed Saturday and this! norning. argument of counsel Is Kplntf hparri thl nftimnnn Id thp appeals of Mark MeKay, Simon IS Lockerby and Robert Bryant, Kit-'B Eelas Indians, against convictions j f and fines of $50 each Imposed re-tfj cently at Terrace by Stipendiary! fc If.nUtMt. r T Otinat fn. Vel new ill In possession of fur taken during ); close season. T. W. Brown Is coun sel for the appellants and L. Patmore for the crown. The appeals ere being heard in County Court by Judge W. E. Fisher. SHIP IS TOTAL LOSS Rocks. 100 miles north of here in heavy seas and thick fog. R. W. Sinclair, accountant of Inverness cannery, returned to the city on the Princess Louise this morning from a trip to Victoria. Mail Schedule or the East Xiondays, Wednesdays days rem the East rom Anyox and Stewart- and Frl-4:30 pjn Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 pjn. tor Vancouver- Mondays (train) 4:30 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 pjn. Wednesdays (train) 4:30 pjn. Thursdays ., 9:30 pjn, Friday , . II pjn. June 5, 15, 22 and 29 4 pjn. rem Vancouver- Sunday Tuesday (train) ,. Wednesday . Thursday (train) Friday Saturday (train) June 10, 17 and 24 or Anyox and Stewart-Sunday Wednesday . . 4 pjn. 10:15 pjn. 10 am 10:15 p.m. 4 pjn. 10:15 pjn a.m. . 7 p.m . 3 pjn Tuesday 11:30 aja. Thursday 8 pjn. for Naas River and fort Simpson- Sunday , 7 pjn from Nsaj Elver nd Pert Simpson Tuesday, , 11:30 aja. For Queen Charlotte Islands- June 7 and 21 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotie Islands jpne 5 and IB a.m. for Alaska-June 10, 17 and 24 a.m. From Alaska-June 5, 15, 22 and 29 . pjn. ii W.!3 SAN FRANCISCO. June 10: CP) Twenty-eight members of the crew of the lumber schooner Noyo launched the lifeboats and reached shore this morning as the schooner threatened to break up a total loss after piling up on, Point Arena Steamship Sailings r'or Vancouvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.nv Thurs. ss. P. George 10:30 pjn. Friday ss. Cardena .... midnight Friday ss. P. Adelaide .10 pjn June 5 ss. Prln. Alice 5 pm June 15 ss. Prln. Louise 5 pjn. June 22 ss. P. Charlotte 5 pjn. June 29 ss. Prln. Louise .. 5 pjn. )r?m Vancouver Sunday ss. catala 4 pjn, Wed. ss, Pr George 10 a.m. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A 10ME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $181 up 60 Rooms Hot It Cold Water prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 I NABOB Write for copy of our NEW PKEMIUM CATALOGUE Kelly Douftla A Co. VancMi4fcTf BX. Ltd. Certainly you'll, feel better after a good -cup of TEA.. NAIWB.. aftftfme! ItA 3 HOLIUAYS How Will You Spend Them This Year? Enjoy a period of relaxation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHING; TENNIS FISHING Rates S12 and up. Modern Conveniences. Writs or wireless for reservations to MADAME RAJAUT (1 lata' I JI KM IMtM I M Ml X 1 MSS TM IB J tWrUTM imVZMl THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAILBRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers pf Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammnnjum Phosphates, Sulphat of Ammonia, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners pf Tadanac Rrand Metals Gold, Silver. Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. Classifie 3IALE HELP WANTED WE ARE SELECTING A UUTV lJJ number of .young men to train i engineering, also Television Ra dio and Broadcasting: 2. Distinct i Trainings. Those aocepted will! receive a preliminary training at ! home and then taken to our shops for special practical exper-; ience at our expense. Must be mechanically inclined, studious, and determined to succeed. Ap- ply, giving address, and training desired. Box 241, Dally News. IN PAINTERS PAINTING na Paperhangint Moller. Phone Red 802. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IS PKOBATE THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OI SVANTE N. SJOSTRAND. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by erder of HU Honor, W. E. FUber tfee Tth day of June. AX). 1935, I va apo Luted Ad ministrator ot the estate on Svante N BJORtrand. debased, and SM parties having claims against tti vld f ate arp hreby required to furotah aame. proper ly Tortlled. to me on or octave tne lutn day at July. A:D: 1935. aad all parties indebted to the estate ar required 10 y the ampunt of their indebtedness N me lorthTiut. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B. C. Dated the 7th day ot June. A D: 1935: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALICE CHISHOLM. DECEASED. INTESTATE: TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. W E. Fisher, the 5th day of June. AD: 1935, I was appointed Administrator of the estate ot Alice Chls-holm, deceased, and all p&rtles havw I claims against the said estate are here- py requires u lunavj same, propenv verified, to me on or before the 10th day of July. A D. 1935. and all parties indeblad to the said eUte ara required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATTf Official AdmlnUtrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Doted the 7th day of June A D. 1935. Rent your rooms by putting an ad, la. thU paper. dAd FOR SALE s. $75. m Apply if for positions in high-speed Diesel i we have left with us for sale 34 by 44 lea Camera with film holders. Price $12.50. Wrathall's Photo Finishing. tf MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Stay young and let your friends admire you. Sleep on a Slumber King spring and spring filled mattress. They are built for sleep, Phone 775 BEDDING PLANTS Third Ave. Snapdragons Asters Stocks Sweet Sultans Rock Plants, Etc. Celery Plants Time to Spray Rose Trees & Plants We have everything for the gardener Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 If you've something to sell, try a want ad.