arrWt ther. Canadian National Steamer Will Not Sail For Prince Rupert Tonight Hut May (Jet Away Tomorrow After Vote has Been Taken Today No Disorders vANmiTVHH. .limn 10: (CP) Only two of eighteen PARIS. June 10: -Former Pre- vicTomM e.cj Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Raining, light High . 9:23 am. 15.17 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 30.00; 21:30 pm. 182 It. temperature. 56; light chop. Low 3:05 am. 8.0 ft 14:46 pjn. 8.6 It NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXIV . No. 132 deepseu ships were being worked today as the strike of j Vnlnnv Hauic New Westminster Or Y UaVIS nine hundred longshoremen continued. f OHiey longshoremen have voted lor a general sume umi cuasa- wise longshoremen and freight handlers are voting today. Member of Karpis cans rieaJed The mi mt.wnti steamer Prince George is tied up owing to the strike- r.uiity to Participating in and will not sail for the north to- Bremer Kidnapping DEAD AT MASSETTiiJ Ht Mrs, tilisbeth Adams, Mother Of Alfred Adams. Oldest Resident Of VMe, Passes Away Oldest naUvc resident at Mas-sett and link of the old aboriginal days wiUi the modern civilisation. Mrs, Elizabeth Adams, vcnerablo Queen Charlotte Island woman, nn:fri oumv Inst Wednesday at Massett at the age of ninety years. , The fulieral took place on Friday with Rev. It. P. Oraham, Anglican Church rector of Massett. offlclat- j ing. The entire population of the village turned out at the rites to pay their final tributes to the memory of deceased. i The late Mrs. Adams, who was born at Massett. is survived by one 4 f rilEMIEIt PATTULLO IS TO VISIT NORTH SOON VICTORIA. June 10: (CP) Premier T. D. Pattullo an- nounces that he plans to tour the northern part of the pro- vlnce early in July providing governmental business does not prevent him from doing so. . 4 Life Imprisonment night but may Ret away oy to-: morrow. I ST. PAUL, Minn.. June 10: Strike pickets are still stationed Volney Davis, member of the vantage points along the water- Adolph Karpis gang, was sentenced front but Royal Canadian Mounted to life Imprisonment here on ollce and provincial police of- Saturday after he had confessed fleers, who arc now handling the ana pleaded guilty to partlcipat-sltuatlon entirely, have so far pre- mg jn the kidnapping some months For Seven Years LOUISVILLE, Ky.. June 10: Trial Is proceeding here of a man and woman charged with contri- hiitlnir In Uif ripllnmipnrv nf n in. mler Flandin is minister of marine vcn)e They are n,leged haye In the new cabinet of Premier kcpt tncir son n solitary conflnc- Pierre Laval. Francois Pietri Is na- ment jn a house for seven years. son Alfred Adams well " known na- Mv"' f": Id two val minister and Edouard Herriot,. While pale and weak physically, daughters, Mrs. Mary Stanley and minister without . . portfolio Mrs. Emily Alexander. Brown, also of Massett; Is a bro the lad seems to have normal men- Usk Girl Wedded j To Terrace Man .Miss Dorothy Whitlow United In Marriage to Fred Scott I TERRACE. June 10: At Usk on June 1 a pretty wedding was solemnized when Miss Dorothy Whit-' low flbcame the bride of Fred Scott of Terrace. Miss Whitlow is as popular in the Usk district as Mr. Scott is in Ter- j race. The popular event was cele-l brated by well attended dances in both Terrace and Usk. Mr. and Mrs. Scott plan to reside near Terrace where Mr. Scott is manager of Kenney's Ltd. Cuban Railway j Magnate Freed vented anv disorder. ago of Edward Bremer of St. Paul. Antonio San Miguel, 78-year old the Maritime Federation have an- previous In Chicago. nounced Uiat they will not work! any "tuifalr" ships and there is a! . possibility that Canadian Pacific raciuc pmilCKY DOV IS Railway boats may be affected. Flandin, Pietri And Herriot In Kept in Solitude Antonio San Miguel Released By Kidnappers But Dors Not Say If Ransom Was PaM HAVANA, Cuba, June 10: (CP) Saturday after spending three days M t 1. 1 J I,... -A fused to say whether or not a ran som of $286,000 which had been de-! manded was paid. Taxi Owners Of City Organized Stan Morln Elecinl President Of Association and John Ourvich, i Secretary The Prince Rupert Taxi Owners' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1935 Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .31. Big Missouri. .71. Bradlan, 1.85. Bralorne, 4.75. B. R. Cons, .04. B. R. X. Oold, .10. Cariboo Quartz, 1.15. Dentonla, .40. Dun well, .04?i. .Georgia River, .00i. Golconda, .24. Olacier Creek, .02 ii Orange, .09. Mlnto, .11. Meridian, .06. ' 1 Morning Star, .05. National Sliver. .05 (ask). s Noble Five, X8Vi. Pend Oreille, .63. Porter Idaho, .10. Premier, 1.68. Reno, 1.42. Silver Crest, .00. Salmon Gold, .12. Taylor Bridge. .15 Wayside. ;.15. Waverly Tangier, ..00T8. ' United Empire. .04. Toronto Central Patricia, 1.5S. Chibougamau, 22. Lee Oold, .04!8. Granada, .28. . Inter. Nickel. 28.50. Macassa, 1.88. Noranda, 39.50. Sherritt Gordon, .69. Slscoe, 2.80. Ventures, .86. Lake Maron, .(MVi. Teck Hughes, 4.08. Sudbury Basin, 1.40. Columarlo, .05. Smelter Oold. .05 Can. Malartlc, .56. Little Long Lac. 5.25. Astoria Rouyn, .03V. Stadacona, .21. Maple Leaf, .07. Pickle Crow. 2.55. McKenzle Red Uke. 1.22. God"s Lake. 1.52. Sturgeon River Oold, .81. Red Lake Oold Shore. .32 li. San Antonio, 3.44. Col. G. S. Pragnell of Kamloops, Hot On Trail SALT LAKE CITY. June 10: CP) United States agents are aot pn the trail of William Mahan, ex-convict, as one of the leaders .il the Weyerhauser kidnapping "ae at Tacoma. Mahan is .believed to be near Butte, Mon where he fled yesterday after abandoning a car with $15,000 of the ransom money In it. Mahan was recognized by a city detective who attempted to question him. Meantime, arrangements are being made to transport Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Waley back to Tacoma to stand trial and P, is possible the couple may be flown to the coast late today. Mrs. Waley is twenty years of age ahd her husband Is twenty-four. Ask Death Sentence TACOMA. June 10: Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Waley, arrested In Salt Lake City for the kidnapping of young George Weyerhauser. will be triad in the Washington state courts and demand for the death penalty under the recently strengthened kidnapping statutes will be made. The arrest of Mr. and Mrs. Waley is believed to have been made as a result' of officers tracing a trail of the ransom notes which started last week at Huntingdon, Ore., where a $10 bill was passed in payment for a railway ticket to Salt Lake City. More of the rapsom money later turned up at Spokane and at Yakima two men in an automobile, whose general description tallied with those believed to have been Involved In the kidnap-, ping, fled when the proprietor of a hideout contained a cupboard in which the boy was kept. It has also been ascertained that payment of the ransom of $200,000 had been ,made to representatives of trie i kidnappers at, a point fourteen miles south of this city. Young i numbers of the ransom bills. Association, formed to advance the superintendent of Indian Agencies Portland Watching interest of those engaged in the for British Columbia who has been) PORTLAND, Ore., June 10: taxi business here, was organized in the city and dlsWlat for the' past Portland police were ordered to II I 1 . ' 111.. . L I 1 A . 11 ! .. . . . . . . . I . - John Street disturbances conunucn m lamy. in court ne prt-it-nra uj a meeting yesterday. Stan Morin few days on an oinciai inspection round up and hold five notorious the city over the week-end out on tne floor, apparently noi Know-j was elected president and John tour, sailed this morning on the Pacific Coast criminals, at the were not of a serious character. ing what a chair was for. Gufvlch, secretary-treasurer. Princess Louise for Atlin. week-end, at present believed to be PRICE: 5 CENTS WEYERHAUSER KIDNAPPERS MARINE TIE-UP DOWN COAST BECOMING MORE SERIOUS Principals in Tacoma Kidnapping Case Anxious to pay :hn $200,000 ransom for the safe rrturn of their b y the family of nine-year-old George Philip Weyerhaeuser of Tacoma. Wash, succeeded in contacting the kidnappers and securing the lad's return Photos show the boy. his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John P Weyerhaeuser. Jr . their home and the school Qeorge attended, which he had Just left when he was abducted. Arrest of the kidnappers has been ma de. Longshoremen's Strike In Vancouver Spreads; Prince George Tied Up Man and Wife Are Taken in Salt i Lake and Confess to Abduction Of Tacoma Boy; Death is Asked BIG DEMAND ; FOR BABIES' TORONTO, June 10: So great wis the public response In "The Adopt a Baby Week" In connecUon with the first birthday of the DIonne quintuplets that It Is officially announced that there is not a single baby now available for adoption In all of Toronto. TodayVStocks (CuurVrtj S. D, jotinton Co.) Third Party to Crime Has Escaped But Officers Are Hot On Trail Trial is Being Planned to Take Place in State Courts WASHINGTON, D.C., June 10: (CP)-J. Edgar Hoo- director of the federal bureau of Not one infant Left in Toronto For ver investigation, an-Adoption After nccent nounced last night that two persons giving the names of i campaign Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Walley of Salt Lake City, Utah, were arrested and had made a full confession of participating in the Weyerhauser kidnapping. They involved wuuam Manan, lor wnom a searcn has been started, Hoover" said. in this city, on suspicion in con nection wlih. the Weyerhauser kidnapping. Steamer Cordova Now at Seattle Crippled Alaska Vessel Towed From Seymour Narrows to Puget Sound SEATTLE, June 10: (CP) In tow of the Pacific Salvage Co.'s steamer Salvage K:ng, the Alaska Steamship Co.'s freight and passenger vessel Cordova, which lost her tailshaft in Seymour Narrows, last Thursday night, arrived here over the week-end for repairs. The passengers, who were bound for Alaska on the Cordova, were brought here on Saturday morning aboard the steamer Alaska. Halibut Arrivals American Oceanic, 15,500 pounds, 7.3c and 5c. NEW Royal, Teddy J, 14,000, Atlin, 7.3c ant? 5c. ' Star, 12,000, Cold Storage, 12$ and 5c. s- Canadian Takla. 35.000, Ccld Storage, 5.9c and 5c. Annabelle, 10,000, Atlin, 5.6c and 5c. Selling at Butedale A number of boats. Including the service station Indicated his lnten- Toodle. Borgund. Helen II, R. W-tlon of checking up the number of and Covenant, sold over the weck-a $20 note which they had tendered end at Butedale where slightly with those of the ransom notes. higher prices have been paid than Federal "G" men have definitely here. These boats all came on Jiere, located a house at 1509 West Elev- however, to outfit for their next enth Street, Spokane, In which the trips, kidnapped boy had been held. Thei .... . flict appeared closer at the week-end. Japanese troops were movinz Inside the Great SINO-JAPANESE CONFLICT IMMINENT TSIENTSIN, China, June 10: George Weyerhauser and other Another Slno-Japanese con members of his family have been i under special guard since his re-! turn in view of threats of the ab-jductors that trouble might be ex-I pected if record was kept of the Wall of China as well as within the city of Tsicntsln ostensibly for the purpose of putting down anti-Japanese activities. The Japanese, it Is said, are Insistent upon China officially recognizing the Ja- pwncse state of Manchukuo.