paoi roim RUPERT DELICATESSEN , Your Catering Needs ! Skilfully Fulfilled We cater to socials, clubs, i banquets, luncheons, dances, , dinners and bridge parties. Made to Your Order j Nothing too large or too I small. ( LUNCHES PUT UP . TO' TAKE OUT . . Phone us any time. Gife Us a Trial Phone Black 625 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE ; FRESH SHIPMENT Linoleum & Congoleum ' New patterns. Freshjn your f home now! Phone 775 Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Heavy Hauling Light Delivery Quick Service ;Be wlsj. Read the want ads. BiSi? with Win Back r Those Smooth, White Hands who lived a "livlne death" in the mental hospitals. There was dan ger, declared the Dean, in thinking only or the pastthe daneer of .rorgettlng the present and the future. He referred to the Indifference an. dselflshness which was so apparent m the world today. . It was a responsibility of the people of today to" see that thoxp who had "paid the price" of the Great War In death and in suffering had not made their sacrifice as a mere empty speculation. "Let us purify our hearts with' sorrow, exhorted the Dean whose subject was "Ye Are Bought With a Price: During the 2000 years' history of Christendom all that was good had been based on Christ AH that was bad had been due "to forgetting that they had been "bought with a price." If that had .been re-, membered the price of the Great War would neVer have had to be paid. If it was forgotten, there LUMBER We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at Mile 21, near Haysport, ready for rail and water shipments. If building or repairing. ' It will pay you to examine our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C. an ELECTRIC PREACHES ON 1, greater priM PCMEMnD AMrr "Me sofag to liTe m mem- IvDlTlDluJjivAnLEi bers ihe Kingdom, of God and keep in remembrance the price that has been paid for us?" asked the Inspiring Sermon Delivered By Dean. "Look beyond the cenotaph," Dean Gibson at St, Andrew's he counselled, "to the cross where Cathedral Sunday Chrfet paid the price." There was a responsibility to one's own family, ,,.. . . . . to one's community and ' as a a mem-"Honor luc'u the dead hv rempmherins . . .. . the living." urged Very Rev. JamC " ,f"f "TT f i"U"L l held dear B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's ert . , n . . memory ' 01 me aeaa and rea-Cathedral in a Remembrance ser-in. .v..t ,... . .. .. .mon at the cathedral on Sunday hHvM ' rZ g he ked t0 teke v a vow . act ImorniW mornihg with with members memher, of of th the Ca naaian jjegion and me women's Auxiliary, who had paraded to the service, in attendance. There were many living today who still suf In every way like Christ as Christ had been like God. ENDAKO MAS CHARGED fered as a result of the Great Wan J0"31 headquarters of the -the the maimed, maimed, the the blind blind and and those those ProvIn:C,al P1Ice here are advil or WUJlam R. Bennett of Endako being .charged at Burns Lake with a statutory orrence involving a young girl. An adjournment was allowed Bennett In order to secure counsel after which he was com mitted for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate T. E. Taylor. per Pkg: "TILLIE THE TOILER" DAILT KZTTS Wednesday Clothes Washer Give your hands a few weeks holiday from washboard battering and see what a difference it makes. And note how brighter and happier you'll feel yourself, with all the back-breaking toil of Washday done electrically. Besides saving YOU, an Electric Clothes Washer saves fabrics, too. It Washes them cleaner; yet gives them longer life. Wide choice of models. Pay only $o -down. The balance on comfortable terms. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Players' Guild Is Going on Air Giving First Consideration Broadcasts This Winter to In collaboration with the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Prince Rupert Players" Guild has decided to concentrate on presentation of radio programs this winter although it may be decided to make some stage presentations later In the season. This decision was reached at the last meeting of the Guild last week with President Roth Gordon, in the chair. PICTURES INTERESTING An interesting series of moving picture scenes in Canada and Great Britain was shown by Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church, at a Catherine of n Moyed last week in the Canadian Labor Defence League .Hall. The nims were loaned by the Canadian National Railways. Muresco For Beautiful, Durable, Economical ... Decoration of Walls and Ceilings . 75c 40c GORDON'S HARDWARE Beg l Skip McBride St. Phone 311 FURNITURE D. ELIO EXCHANGE We Sell New Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs Size 6x9, $5.50; 7x9, $7.00; 9x9, $8,10 Dominion Linoleum Rugs Size 6x9, $7.00; 7Jx9, $8.75; 9x9, $10.75 Printed Linoleum by Square Yard PHONE: GREEN 121 Charge arid Retreat Catholic Bridge Party and Social Affair at Parish Hall Was One Of Delijhtful Social Functions I. f I- f t Vlvht ! One of last week's delightful social affairs In the city was a bridge party and social evening at the Catholic Hall, a large fcrowd turning out for the affair which was highly enjoyable for all. Decorations, arranged by Miss Inez Pet-tenuzo. were a feature, flowers, foliage, balloons and cellophane paper being used effectively In the scheme. There were twenty tables of cards and prize winners were: ladies' first. Miss Eva Cavalier: second, Mrs. Pete DeJong; men's first. William Rogers: second. George Shen-ton. 9 After cards delicious refreshments were served. Music for the social was by Balagno's Orchestra and there were novelty dances. Walter Smith was master of Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert . McDonald, Stewart; Mrs. 8. E. Sunbury. Georgetown; J. Hallett and J. B. Lambert. Prince George: Mrs C. H. Sawle. Nel Hazelton: Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Scott, Oyama; Mr. and Mrs V. J. Seymour and son. Fort Fraser: J Connolly. Seattle; G. H. Tlernan, Vancouver, j Royal L. H. Swanson. Port Esslngton; Axel Olson, city; D. Wallace and D A. Woper. Vancouver; C. H. McLeod. Nelson, j Savoy 1 I H. Kameda. Port Esslngton: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fuller. Caspaco: E O. Strimbold. Tooley: D. J. Bonner, ON R ; G. H. Modgan, city. If you wish to swap a classified. ECONOMY SPECIALS Are Profitable For You. Take Advantage of Them NOW! POLK'S GRAPEFRUIT Talis, per tin POLK'S GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Tails, per tin . CHRISTIE'S SODAS 1-lb. bags 19c 11c 17c extra Special soap OFFER! 6 bars P & G SOAP """" 1 pkg. CHIPSO, Large 1 cake CALAY TOILET SOAP or 1 cake KIRK'S CASTILE 1 cake IVORY SOAP 1 SPECIAL NO. 16'OALVANIZ-ED BUCKET With WOODEN GRIP; Reg. price $1.50 QQn ALL FOR vOt (Limited Quantity Only) (CORN STARCH j per pkg. jlCINO SUGAR Bulk i 3 lbs. 10c 25c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 57S Phone 18 GOOD BILL ON SCREEN TONIGHT an -Brewster's Millions- and -.Murder In the Fleet" Outstanding Entertainment A famous farce, which has been presented as a novel, a stage play and a film, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this midweek as an up-to-the-minute song and dance comedy in "Brewster's Millions," starring Jack Buchanan and Lill Damlta. Melody and terp-slchore Is simply employed as a background for a robust story. The theme of "Brewster's Millions," as many know, concerns Itself with the difficulties encountered by Jack Brewster, a personable but penniless youth, who suddenly inherits half a million pounds with the odd provision that he spend it within six months in order that he may receive a much larger fortune. This ceemlngly enviable assignment Involves him with two lovely ladles and the entire cast of a musical production which he backs as a means of unloading his riches and takes him to the ends of the earth The other end of the mid-week double bill is "Murder in the Fleet a tense mystery laid against a pan-orama of navy life. A cruiser during manoeuvres Is used as the loca, for a series of baffling crimes and the work of a young naval lieutenant in ferreting out a crimlnai amid civilian visitors, government officials and naval crew manned upon the vessels until the murderer is brought to light In the flna scenes of an engrossing story. Jear Parker. Jean Herscholt, Una Market, Robert Taylor. Nat Pendleton and Ted Healy are among the prln cipals. FRESH M'.LK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Globes of the World US SET Record i i m ADDED FEATIRI lean Parker Robert Taylor "Murder in the Fletl With I'll Mrlfl T-JR-.1 Nat Pendleton, JeanBrwM f HPIxTMAv ChuM VI II 1.1 U 1 JLTlilU VI 11 11 u Atr a ! A n.i is re in v iiu you to inspect Our I'xcenuii juicy cards for friends and relatives. On display i: our store is a most extensive range of attracts cards, all reasonably priced from 5c to 50c. Ais boxed assortments to meet every ra'uirer.s of the quantity shopper. For PERSONAL GREETING CARDS r-a your orders with us at once. Wide rangett cnoose irom. No home should be without a globe. E tional, interesting and necessary P-jS globes at reasonable prices. $1.U, Complete with helpful booklet. Reading Glasses- Newest stvles in rectanirular, wide vision nan" glasses, $1.50 and $2.00. POCKET MAGNIFYING GLASSES, With leather case, 50c. eMaeMv5.M By W'stover WX& ' feOI 4n' W : HTS fL2 ATTEMT.OM-THE NEVT TIMEY ; - ,,.1,1111