KHa,. yoven'.uer 13. 1935 SPECIAL Vlilk of Magnesia Tooth Paste 50c size, for 2fc . Plpxeiticj Cream 25c stye, for 15c dm S?aying Cream and Talcum Jioj'lf for 5()C . )Vc are showing CHRISTjVlAS CARDS "l ... r iti .itifl trfli flHC?4 nlininn .,!ll )U t.. tlll ft" fllfl Vllllllti UU 111 JMH tljt'in away for J'QU. Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqejiats jit ft1! fhones: 81 & .82 Open )ai)y From 8 ajno. till 10 p.m. tiyt and JJoliclayi From 12 iyon till 2 p.m., J p.m. till 9 p.m. hen Buying Coal Why iVot Purchase The Best? , In outcoaI you'll ind the heat. Thai will mdJxe DELUXE WALL TINTS To brlRhten up your rooms these dark days DeLuxe JVaJl Tints are especially suited. These Tints are selected with the utmost care, will mix with either warm or cold water and are easy to apply fiP per live-pound package "UVx THOMPSON HARDWARE- CO. J.IMITEl) CANADIAN PACIFIC 1 Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way ports S-S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE, Fridays. 10 p.m. Vancouvrr Direct S-S. PRINCESS NORAII, Nov, 3rd, 21st, Dec. 5th, 19th. 1 K.'tchikan, Wrangtll, Juneau and Skaew'ay S. PRINCESS NORAII, Nov. 17th, Dec. 1st, 15th, 29th. WINTER Itnnvn tii vwiv TO VANCOUVER $32.00 Ftts on .satp ict io fn svh 20th. 1936. Final return limit March 31st, 1936. Por information and reservations call or write w- COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, IJ.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS S1ECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO YANGQUVEIt rm l'KIKPr in. ..rTTi, All Aipnls uui-uitT unn fill - fKOM l'OI'T ci, ' ...,.,..v. north DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE - - Nanaimo Vancouver Isjand Cjpal Foothills Alberta Sootless Coal Hulkley Valley Goal Philpott, Eyjtt & Co, Ltd. fiol Phones 652 tOdjUU Included. SpeS dTfeH" t0 Vancouver also apply from intermediate points I 90.?' Wkets on SnU ni(....V'..i.K ut 1935 and February Po9d to Return up to Jlarch 31, 1930. Children Tftilf Fare. gamers : Leave' Prince Rupert : Ar. Vancouver L r CATALA Tucsi1.iv. Tucsdqy,l;3Pp. 1 f!W Thursday, p.m. Sq-m, Ss-CAnnENAiMday;i2u. Monday, a.m. iPrl"fe un.M . ,CKe and A1l Information, from era ' "'"Kciu - K. M. SMITH - Third Ave., ifvc -y? v ""s S. Catala and S.S. Cardcna. LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can rent a ear at Walker1 ,Be warm and comfortable by rid- as iow a J1.50 a day. plu 7c. : toe In 32 Taxi It costs the same. mile. Just arrived a women's Sunday Annette's. (261 Christmas cards, exceptionally ' fine assortment. Special dis- counts on orders placed it store. Max Jleilbroner. Dec. 4) Just Received a shipment pf yel-yet and metallic turbans, all trim-' med with fascinating veils, Annette's, ' (261) i E. O. Aves, deputy provincial as-J sessor, returned to the .city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a trip to Anyox on official business. II. V. Morehouse, manager of the B. C. Packers cannery at Namu, came north from Vancouver on the Catala at the' end of the weejc an,d expects to remain at Namu for a time. Dr. J. II. Carson, who has been on a trip to Baltimore, Maryland, to take up medical postgraduate wprk at John Hopkins University, returned to the city from the East on this morning's train. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Mclntomlney, residents of many years' standing at Anyox, were "passengers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon go ing through to Vancouver where they plan on making their future home. J. Connolly of Seattje, -who is interested in the tfmber exporting business, Is a visitor In the city, having arrayed on jthe Prince George this morning from Jh south. He Is seeking information in regard to the possibilities of couver, and O. A MsNicholl, gen eral passenger. agent, are .arriving in ine cuy iron wie jmeror on n extra train today and win sail yo morrow night on tbe Prince George for Vancouver. Want Ads FOR A F. F.OR SALE OR RENT Cottage. Nfnji Avenue. OfficlaJ .Administrator, (tf) FOR SALE Office safe, extra thick walls, giving perfect protection against fire. Djaily News. (tf) WANTED WANTED Baby carriage. 108 Eighth Avenue West. PERSONAL Apply (263) PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) IN' TIIK SITKKME COl'ItT OF HKUISII I'lil.i itini la Jirnhirte And In tiio Matter or tlie "AdmlnlstratloiJ " i ' "' Art" ! In tli -Matter 9f t)ie Estate of SamuoJ Stepli'enson Ioore. Uerenel. TKE ' NOTICE tha,t by order of lh Hpnor ' Judge Flsljer the pth day, ol November 1935 I was appointed Admliv lstrato.r ci the E?tat cl Samuel Steph. mtnn mooh: lal of Anyox. B. C De ceased, and all parties haplng claim? against sold estate are' hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before December 15th 1935 and oil rwroAna indebted to the .estate are required to " pay the amount of their indebtedness to me lorvnwim. NORMAN A. WATT .. Official Administrator Prince Rupert."p." Q Dated the 7th day of November 1935. I,AM ACT Notice of Intention to apply lo Lease Mud ' In PRINOE RUfERT Und RecordlnE District of Range 5 Ooast, and tate i,k... 1.9 mllo rlLth of- the W. A Brown Homeslte. Lease on Sklakl Bay. ffV'-'f .. . ,,. 1.1V... Take nouce mat "'"f t Ritinvf "nav. Stephens 11, occupation Fisherman and TrPPf ,n tends to apply lor a ieive vi "...y m HvirLhv4 forehoj lands: Oommenng at ft post planted on t small island within an Jnlet M Sk .1 t, in Peet west of ray boathouse. whloh to located approxim- wi mllM snllth Of the W. A. Bron llomeslte Lewf f& Ft ' North 900 Feet 1 200 Feet; thence thence ' East 1.B00 Feet: then. South 900 Feet; thence West 600 Feet , p) point of commimcement and containing rhirt.v Veres.' more or less. WILLIAM ANTHONX JJHUW Dated November h, ihjo- William Goldbldom returned to shipment of j te city on Sunday morning's train Nlte dresses.. from a brief business trin toTer- ' . . race. NIGHT eon GHS RELIEVES COLDS WITHOUT "DOSING" H. M. Hale, N.G., H. Rec. Sec'y. M. Daggett, Mrs. George P. McColl of Port Simpson was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through for a jtrip to Vancou ver. Mrs. J. M. Captain-' and nephew, Jack Flnlayson, returned to the j city on Sunday morning's late train from a trip to Scotland. On Jthe way home they visited at Ter race. : A. Christensen and-L. C. Svisdahl, obtaining certain species of tlm-1 who arrived in the city at the end. ber in this district. B. T. phappell. general superintendent of the Canadian National Railways for "British Columbia with headquarters in Van of 4he week from down the coast with a fisheries patroj' boat, .sailed by the Catala yesterday afternoon on their return to Bella Coola. Mrs. a. Smith of Seattle, mother of Rev. Father Maurice Smith O M. I., parish priest-of 4heRoman Catholic Church here; arrived m the city on the Prince Georga this morning from the south for a visit. . 1 'The regular monthly business luncheon of the PrlnceTRupert Gyro Club was held 'today in the Commodore Cafe, a number of matters in regard to the affairs of the club being on the agenda; President S. i Jabour was in the chair and j there was a good attendance of members. j Ajinpmjfcements Dramatic jecital, United Church, Not ember 14. Masonic Dance, Moose Hall, November 15. St. Andrew's Cathedral flazaat 4 ' lov. 21. Oyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, November 22. Toe H Bridge, November 27, 8:30. Orange Ladles' oazaar. Nov. 28 Christmas tree social, Catholic Hall, November 28. Lecture Recital. Mrs. Mandv. Baptist Church, November 29. United Bazaar, December 5. Comedy "Bunty Pulls the Strings", Presbyterian Church, Dec. 5 and 6. Toe H Christmas Cheer Novelty Dance, Moose Hall, December 6. Hogmanay Hall. Dance, t Oddfellows' Kuw.'b- - IVfoose HaJ Mojose Lodge meets ' TONIGHT . 8 o'clock Mrs. George Casey Jr. returned on the Catala Sunday night to her ;home at. Anyox after a brief visit to the city. Floyd Eby, who Jjas been In the south, returned tp the, city from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning.' ', Sam Coulter of Premier was a Dasseneer aboard the Catala yes- ; terday afternoon going though for I ' ia trip to Vancouver. i Provincial Constable Joseph Howe, transferred fron Anyox to Alert Bay, and Mrs. , Howe, wereJ here aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon southbound. Mr. and Mrs. R.' L. Mcintosh returned home on the Prince George this morning from the south. Mrs. Mcintosh has been on a trip East, having attended sessions of the Dominion Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church in Ottawa, while Mr. Mcintosh was in i G. J. Scott of Oyama, grand master of the Oddfellows' fcodge! j of British Columbia, arrived in the jclty on this morning's train from r -. t ' the interior and tomorrow night .Special, meeting of Prince Rupert will Pay an official visit to the Lodge No. 63 I. O. O. F. Thursday, local wage, leaving on fyiday Nov. 14, at 8 p.m. to receive official j evening's train for Terrace. Mr. visit of G. J. Scott, Grand Master. Scott is accompanied on the trip by his wife. CKPW In the Royal City Kftchens, giving final AGOOP-kQOKIKQ UmppxUon io that brand new variety of large, tender, flavorful peas- -"Royal City Super 6." One whole floor in tlie Royal City plant la given over to these Inspection crews. You can be sure of quality and freshness when you ask for Jtoyal City Super 6 Peas; remember not lust a large ordinary variety,' but aomethlagjabsolutely new and delicious. 1'.".... m . t ' jr SMART FORSYTH SHIRTS icith FORFUSED COLLARS PERMANENTLY CRSP PERFECTLY COMFORTABLE Discovered at last jthe secret, of how to keep trim, comfortable and immaculate anytime anywhere. ''FOR FUSED" is a new scientific process which makes a soft collar behave. It affords the appearance of a starched , collar witl) all the comfort of a soft one fjrm, but pliable starchless, but shape-retaining permanently neat, from early morning till bed-time, jlere is a cpllar that holds its shape and that launders as easily as a pocket handkerchief, without starch! ' ' A The FORFUSED process actually usm the plies . t or layers of doth nto one without starching. This "usin" lasts as Jong as the. collar. Perspira-' ' tiori, moisture, laundering have no effect on these collars. A$k to, sec the , NEW wi t h SHIRTS FORFUSED COLLARS BRYANT COMPANY LTD. Quajity Hfen's and Boys' Wear