PAGE FOUR I Enjoy the Best Tea SALADA 10 PrnSlO. Pencil tS. Sec IS. For yourbest man friend! RACKING your brain for something to give your very best man friend something that he really will appreciate? Take a tip from old Santa! Give him a Waterman's Patrician writing -set the very finest writing instruments that human hands can produce. He will immediately recogniie the Patrician's handcrafted beauty and it will render him years and years of perfect writing service. Come in and let us show you this Water man's masterpiece. Made in six colors-each with a matching pencil. es Ltd. "Jiut Pioneer Druggists The RexaU Stow Phonei: 81 & 82 Open hailjr From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from noon till 2 pjn- 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. SPECIAL BREAKFAST SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. 25c STEER BEEF Pot Roast, lb. 10c Cross Arm, lb 12c Prime Rib, lb 15c Rump, lb 15c Sirloin Tip, lb 18c LAMB Legs, lb 22c Loins, lb 20c Shoulders, lb 15c Pork Tenders 28C B GRADE EGGS, in Cartons, 3 doz. $1.00 Butter, Comet Ayrshire Bacon 28C Boston Butt 23C Boeing Fowl 22C Fresh Ox Heart gp Pure Lard j8c The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous upert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Daily News Want Ads Bring Results TheMarkets RtUH prices correal here are u follow; Err B.C. Fresh Extra, Grade A Large, cartoned, doz. -. 17 Local, new laid, doz. .50 Apples Delicious, bulk. 4 lbs. 21 box 2.1$ DeHeious, faney, 3 lb. 2i box - - 2.60 Mcintosh RttU, bulk, D .Oi box , 125 Fancy wrapped used., 3li lb. 2i box 2.33 Crapabbles, Ofcanagan, 4 lbs. .25 1 box 1.75 Crimes Golden, fancy, Jj lbs. .25 box . 2.10 Winter Bananas, 3i lbs .25 box , 2.10 Fruit Pears. Anjou, dox. 30c to 40 Cranberries, Cape Cod. Ib 28 Pomegranates, each, 5c to 10 Butter Fancy cartoned, lb 45 .No. 2 Creamery, lb Jl Pork, loin, lb Lard ;Pure, lb 22 Vegetables ! Potatoes. Terrace, 10 lbs .2S Cauliflower, B.C., 15c to .20 farsley, bunch jOd Carrots, B.C., bunrh ... J4 Turnips, up-river, 8 lbs 25 Beets, B.C bunch .. . j04 Celery, B.C., head 10c to 15Ltd. Hothouse Tomatoes, No. 1, lb. 20 Lettuee. B.C., head 6c to 10 pucumbers, hothouse, each 13 'Spinach, lb. '....... 10 jBrussell Sprouts, lb J5 I ' V6V w , lay JU tf Pumpkin, lb .05 Squash, lb. Citron, lb .05 i Feed Hay, Bulkley Valley Timothy t 100 lbs. IAS 'Wheat, Alberta 2 JO Eran . 1.60 Middling 2.10 Shorts 1,70 Oats 2.10 Fine Oat Chops 2.20 Barley 15 Laying Mash 20 Oyster Shell 15 Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb. ....... 25 Roasting Chicken, lb 2i Ham, sliced, first pride .45 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb .25 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .45 , Pork, shoulder, lb 20 Pork, leg, lb Pork, dry salt, lb. Veal, loin, lb. Salmon, red spring, fresh, lb. .. White, 2 lbs. Honey Extracted Honey, per Jar 22c to Comb Honey . Nuts Wamuts, broken shelled, Walnuts, shelled halves, lb. Almonds, shelled, lb 21 2b 25 25 Beef, pot roast, lb. 10c to .15 Veal, shoulder, lb. .15' Beef, boiling, lb. ... 8c. to ,i0 j Beef, roast prlmjb, lated Beef, steak, lb -. ;..25c. to 20 Lamb, shoulder,. lb 15 Lamb, leg. lb. ............ 25; Lamb Chops, lb. .25 Fish Halibut, fresh, lb , .15 Smoked Kippers, H . 15c. and 20 .20 25 30 2S .40 .45 .45 Chestnuts, lb .25 Walnuts, No. 1, lb .25 Filberts, lb .20 Brazils, lb .20 floor Flour, 49's. No. 1 hard wheat .. MO Second Patent 1.95 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 45c to .55 Dried rtuiu white rifs, lb. ,j2ii alack Cooking Figs, lb. Dates, bulk, lb., Smyrna Natural Figs, lb. Lemon and Orange Peel citron peel -8c to Prunes, 30-40, lb Prunes, 40-50, lb Prunes, 60-70, lb. Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. Raisins, Cal, seedless, lb Currants, lb. , Apricots, ib. . 10 .la .10 2a .33 .15 .13 .13 .15 .15 is DAILY iisTWa Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laidkr sailed last nigW on the, Prince George for Vancouver to which city Mr. Lakl-ler has been transferred in the wrvice of W. H. Malkin Co. after sack 2.00 ! haying teen located LOCAL NEWS NOTES be warm and eomiorubie by rld-viig In 32 Taxi--It costs the same. You can rent a ear at Walker's as low as SI. 50 a day. plus 7c t .nlle. Christmas cards, exceptionally fine assortment. Special discounts on orders placed at store. .Max Heilbroner. (Dee. 4) G. A. Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Oil Co.. will sail tonight on the Princess Adelaide for a brief business trip to Ocean Falls. . The newly organized Prince Rupert Junior Orchestra was heard over the air from the local radio station in a group of marches last evening. T. H. Watte sailed last night on Lemons, doz. 35c to .. 45 the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. Oranges, doz. 20c, to.. .. Grapefruit, Cat, each, 5c to Grapefruit, Florida, 10c to 15 Bananas, lb. ., .12Jfe liaperor Grapes, lb 15 Pineapples, large, each .40 ". Mrs. James A. Morrison Is sailing lP'tonlnht cm thi Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Oscar Haveroy sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver en route to New York where he will embark for his home in Norway to. spend the winter. here for the Sweet Potatoes, .3 lbs. 25Pst six years. Ashcroft Potatoes, 10 lbs. 25 sack 2.25 j ' Word has been received from Fraser Valley Potatoes, 12 lbs. .25 Vancouver that Ted LePage, who sack Iu0l'ent south In the fall and who has Okanagan Onions, lb X3tfcl taking a special sales course Garlic, Imported, per lb J5 at tne head mce the company Cabbage, B.C., per lb. 4c to .... M In Vancouver since ne was down with appendicitis, will be returning to Prince Rupert soon after the beginning cf the New Year and will again take charge of the local district for the Home Oil Distributors Announcements Lecture Recital, Mrs. Mandy, Baptist Church. November 29. United Bazaar, December 5. Comedy "Bunty Pulls the Strings". Presbyterian Church, Dec. 5 and 6. 8. O. N. Ski Club dance December 8. Drawing for radio. Toe H Christmas Cheer Novelty Dance, Moose Hall, December 6. Canadian Legion, B. E. Christmas Tree, Dec. 21. Hogmanay Hall S. L., Dance, Oddfellows' Moose Hall BRIDGE & DANCE & TONIGHT Scotch and Canadian Dances Cards at 8:30 Sharp Admission 35c Refreshments Everybody Welcome IF YOU DISSOLVE IN THE GRAVY 23 OftO CUBES. Those nice coat sweaters f o- $1.00 at the Dollar Store maice a' very practical gift for children, tf . O. Palumbo, who Is In the service of the Canadian National Railways at Endako, sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. D. R, Reynolds will sail on the Cardena tonight for Campbell River, Vancouver Island. Mrs. Reynolds was formerly MLv? Bessie Letts of this city. j D. C. Warner of Terrace, who has' been a patient In the Prince Ru-j pert General Hospital, sailed last' night on the Prince Oeorge for, Vancouver to enter Shaughnessy Military Hospital for further treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Symes and family are leaving on tonight's train for Halifax, where they will sail December 8 aboard' the Aul-ania for London, England, to spend the Christmas season, returning here In March. rt a .a WH1FFLETS From the Waterfront . 1 C. P. R steamer princess Ade-j Jalde. Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in, port at 3 o'clock this afternoon) from the south and will sail at 10. p.m. on her return to Vancouver! and waypoints. j I Motorshlp freighter Danwood,1 originally due'here ijovember 30 to load hemlock and aspen logs for ! the Orient, is not now expected be-' fore well on into next week. The ship arrived at Vancouver yesterday j and has to load cargo down the coast before coming on here toi complete. j Union steamer Cardena, Capt. J.i E. Boden, Is due In port at 5 o'clock j this evening from the nt t . . . . . south . andl I wm sau ai midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Hotel Arrival Knox C. Blair, city; J. XlcCrea. Billmor; Norah Klnny. city; S. Barnes, Red Gap; George Asley. Victoria. Savoy J R. Bowes, Edmonton. James 'Stoynoff, New Hazelton; W. A. Smedley. Smithers. Royal O. Marshall, Anyox; F. V. Taylor, CJJt.; James Nelson, Terrace. Prince Ruper: W Lalng. Victoria; J. C. Bigham Vancouver; Stanley Bishopric Jr., i Portland; Mrs. C, Sawyer, Rose Lake. A. Watt."CjfJi:; J.'KGor- jdon,: Terrace. j Central i A. H. Snyder and I. A. Bradford, i C .N.R. If you wish to swap a classified. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Sal-mon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. RVOLUT!OriRRy but PRACTICAL Soft collars are apt to wrinkle, crease and become unsightly. Starched collars look smart but are not always comfortable to wear. Now comes Forfused a new scientific process which produces a semi-stiff collar that actually retains its freshness and neatness all day long in any kind of weather. Tb layers of cloth are so fused together that washing and ironing cannot separate them humidity and perspiration do not spoil their trim neatness and freshness. Ask t Forfused Collass bring you waat you have always looked for soil - collar comfort wilh stiff -collar smartness. They are as easy to launder as a pocket-handkerchief never need starching are always immaculate, trim and dressy. 0 see ..1 .1 with tne SHIRTS FORFUS6D COLLARS Give Him a FORSYTH FOR CHRISTMAS Bryant Company Ltd. Quality Men's and Roys' Wear REDUCED WINTER FARES $32 KtSTVKN To VANCOUVER SIrnU wd Brth InclixW s. s. PRINCE GEOB61 THURSDAY TheM raUM effcttve to February 2 n.t.irn limit March SI CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSH'fS UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FR05I PRINCE RUPERT COO AA RETURN' FROM PORT SIMPSON $32.00 $35.35 RETURN'- txi Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from micnnt Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1935 an a 29th, 1936, Inclusive Good to Return up to Marcn Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Runert: Ar.VancoUV jf n. S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. Thurso-j. r S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, Tickets and All Information from e f Prince Rupert Agent - R. M. SMITH - Third M' j cc fardrna. or rurscrs a.a. uaiaia anu o.o. - If you lose anything try a classified &