1W NEQUALLED VALUES IN This yi-arJlie storied 4C$M lill JrcviiAfc(Jurls mi almost bowildcriiiK variety. 'Every 'type I jpruprialis urtistic and beautifully designwl cards .Tmiiaii "jri,lli!v cmi,l m'i,le is prl "ill before llicvrt plainly priced and there's lots of room .1 ...Imlmll .v t-oiiveinciii Thciv is also on dis)lay u splendid array of MST1C GIFT CALENDARS niifullv desiuned and conveniently arranged. Come 1,11(1 look them vcr there's no obligation to, purchase. I5ox No. 2 Regular 75c. Beautiful colored folder and envelopes. 15 cards .... 35 Box No. 5 Reg. value $1.50. Dt Luxe Series. 15 cards .... 1 Hox No. 1 One dozen. Regular value 50c. All folders with envelopes . . 25 mm Hox No. .1 Rejr. $1.00. Large delightful Christmas folders. 21 cards 75c ilirnkil Urds triced at . 2 for 5c, 5c. 10c and 15c. tor won h.'io iiave nut oil ordering tlieir rim a it'., hinisms (iiiElCTiNc; CAiibs for overseas ll.lIL, :wish to annotmce there is still time. We print lintlinji Cards in our own Printing Plant ;ind can excise vc::r orders in a few hours. fose,Cowan&LattaLtd. BES.VEIt HLOCK, THIRD STREET ENTRANCE. We Invite You to Come and Inspect Our Stock of Useful and Practical CHRISTMAS GIFTS Our selection this year is much larger. Gifts for every member of the family. GORDON'S HARDWARE fVIRS FURS h in fir Mo re fM Minis- arten-tjnx, Foxes, Weasels, 1 rt prepared to pay u w8hest cash prices. Also F1 your nth.. .... I1" convince yew. Ship now to J CLONES JJE GEORGE, n.C. LUMBER We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at Mile 21, near Haysport, ready for rail and water shipments, if building or repairing, It will pay you to examine our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C. D. ELIO fURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy - - We Sell I'HONB: GKKEN 121 .ASBESTOS CEMENT r s,ves, Ranges and Furnaces. It is especially suited for OIL BURNERS i 11 IStove pi' lan 20c' 2-lb. can, 35cS 5-lb. can, 75c blovt! Boards, Coal Hods, Stove Shovels, Jackdaw Pine FTrininol tn..1 tirUV. Qtrnlnor THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 'BAZAAR IS ! SUCCESSFUL Annual Affair of Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association .' ' ' i . A very successful bazaar was jheld In the Oddfellows' Hall yester day afternoon under the auspices of the Ladles' Orange Benevolent Association. Rev. C. D. Clarke Opened the bazaar with a few appropriate Mail Schedule For Vancouver and East Tuesday 12:30 p.ir Thursday , 9:30 p.m Friday 11 p.n November 3 and 21 p.m From Vancouver and East- Sunday 4 P-m Wednesday 10 a.m Friday 4 p.m November 17 a.m For Anyox and Stewart Sunday . 7 p.m Wednesday 3 p.m From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday ........ . 11:30 a.m Thursday 8 p.m Miss For Naas River and Tort Simpson- Sunday 7 PJ From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday. 11:30 ain For Queen Charlotte Islands- November 8 and 22 9 p.m From Queen Charlotte Islands November 6 and 20 a.m For Alaska , November 17 pm From Alaska- November 3 and 21 p.m DAILY NZWfl WEDDING AT 00NA RIVER Astrid Hanson and James i Reynolds Are United I: Wf The school house at Oona River, prettily decorated in pink and white, and equipped with a temporary altar, was the scene of one of the happiest and most colorful events In the history of the Porcher Island community Wednesday eve- nine when the marriaee took dace. Mrs. A. Ouyan received the th: Rev. Canon W- F. Rushbrook guests. Mri George Howe was ton-.of pnce Rupert officiating, of As- vener- I trid1 Maria Hanson, elder daughter A very enjoyable dance was held nf In the evening at which the .raffle prizes were drawn for. In the tea room Miss Hilda Beale was convener. Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. Anderson poured. Mrs. M. M. j Lamb, Mrs. Hugh Klllln, Mrs. James i Krikevsky, Miss Webster and Miss j Grace Howe assisted in the tea room. I Other ladles In charge were as .follows: Raffles Mrs. J. Murray, Mrs. S. V. iCox and Mrs. L. Wide. Home Cooking Mrs. Moorehouse land Mrs. Einer Larsen. Sewing Mrs. G. Krause and Mrs. A. McDonald. Candy Mrs. Geddes and Miss D. j Smith. I Fish Pond Mrs. H. B. Eastman i and Mrs. J. G. Vlereck. I Cashier Mrs. Robertson. I Those in charge of the dance I were Mrs. G. Howe, Mrs. F. Barber, !Mrs. H. Klllin and Mrs. J. P. Moller. j Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Evans pre-I sided at the door. j W. Davidson and R. McKay were masters of ceremonies. Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra sup plied the music. The following won raffle prizes: Ten dollars, Mrs. W. E. Denning, ticket No. 127. Atomizer and perfume, George Edgar, No. 71. Chesterfield lamp. Miss Edith Gandv. No. 299. Brass smoking stand, R. Gam mon. No. 266. Electric iron, Mrs. E. Eby, No. 130. Seven pounds butter, John Al lan, No. 95. , .. ........ Twenty-one-piece tea set, Mrs. A. Hunter, No. 229. Men's pajamas, D. Seculro, No, 260. Chesterfield cushion, Christ Berg, No. 321. Novelty wool bag, L. Karsen, 171 Framed picture, John Redpath, No. 280. Afternoon tea set, Bobbie Men zies, 239. Side of ham, Mrs. E. A. Evans. Cake, Mrs. G. Rodgers. Box of apples, Charles Love. Flour, Agnes Guyan, Ham, Mrs. M. B. Lemon. , Candy, Mrs. Martin Skog. Mrs. Hanson, and James Robert Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred erick J. Reynolds of Houston. The bride made a pretty picture in pink silk taffeta piped with blue, hat and footwear to match and carrying a bouquet of white and rose carnations. She entered the hall accompanied by her mother, attired In royal blue flat crepe' trimmed with white silk and wear ing a hat to match, who gave her in marriage. Miss Alice Hansen, In white embroidered organdie wlthj accessories to match and bouquet of white and pink carnations, was bridesmaid. Charles Letts was groomsman. Between sixty and seventy guests were In attendance at a wedding, repast which followed. The toast to the bride was fittingly proposed by Canon Rushbrook with the groom responding. Other speakers were John Anderson, Bert Hansen and Mr. Ivarson. The bride, In a neat speech, thanked all the Oona River people for their kindnesses. A community gift consisted of blankets, linen and silk bed covers besides a substantial purse of money. Danc ing continued until the small hours of the morning. After spending a few days at Oona River, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds will make a trip to Vancouver. Their permanent place of residence has not yet been decided upon. Catholic Ladies' Xmas CheerParty Enjoyable and Successful Affair In School Hall With Large Crowd Attending: A highly successful and enjoyable bridge and whist party and social was held last night by the Ladles of the Church of the Annunciation in the Catholic School Hall, there belhg a large attendance at the affair, From many tables of cards, the prize winners were as follows: Bridge Ladles' first, Miss Olive Van Cooten; consolation, Mrs. T. J Fortune; men's first, J. Mulligan; consolation, Carl Reich, WhistLadles' first, Mrs. T. Bus- sanlch; consolation, Miss Violet Cavenalle; men's first, E. .Anderson; consolation, Wilfrid McLean. After cards delicious refresh I! ments were served and dancing followed with music by Charlie Balagno's Orchestra and Walter Smith as master of ceremonies. Mrs. M. A. Burbank was general convener for the affair which was In aid of Christmas Cheer. The hall was tastefully decorated In cellophane streamers of the seasonal red and green colors by the young neople under leadership of Miss i 1 Inez Pettenuzo. E. J. Fltzpatrick presided at the door. Also Beauty Rest Q A A Sf Mattress ?1.DU Buy a Spring Filled Mattress For Christmas MACKENZIE , FURNITURE;: JBf Your iKiiaxiixaci!TEi2tK:Hi:nrj;B!xaB:BE!tBfi' 1 n u a -".hub Phnne IUI V.Vi' Christmas Dollar Will Buy Far More if You Shop ai m KAIEN We have been appointed CHRISTMAS GIFT STGRE by Santa Claus OYS Children Will Love HARDWARE Gifts At Prices That Save We are ready for you now Having Completed Alterations, We Have a Bigger and -Better " Store and a Large New Stock! v 7 .- A Male Mans Holiday v We've everything here to make a maifs. Christmas.-TOle-bration one that will be remembered all thrpuglinyeAr . - a grand big selection of the finest and most''Stjrlish '. things in men's wear at very reasonable prices.-- Come -in and shop around there's something here for every itian! . L AM B IE & STOlfi ' 7 STYLE QUALITY SERVICE ....... 7. i:iii:B:nw:iii:i3ia:.;f.iaii;ai;nx:KiiimBj: The Employment Service of Canada has a large numbeivof 'persons skilled in many occupations, registered for employment and offers its co-opera-: tion to employers who desire to engage extra help instead, of working regular staffs overtime. . - vv i7 " Assist competent unemployed persqnsv to; selves by dividing the extra employment. ., v ' " .! " . . 7"! '-';' : ( J Telephone 138 nr v i ft. V k -if f ti 'I . r'l w . IL