PAGE SCC DAILY NEWS Wday, NoTember i mm WESTERN BOYS, EASTERN GIRLS, WIN IN FAR MCLUB CONTESTS A Spectacular Hit! Save Money!!! Jack London's Grpai. Story of the No1 And enjoy your Christmas, shopping. EJveryqncknows CLARK ' when. they get'gopd yaluesiTIiat's why we inviteyou to come in and look over our enormous stock. GABLE GIFTS FOR EVERYONE At prices that will please IN OUR BASEMENT STORE. ' ? i . We have added a Toy Department But you will have to shop early as they are going fast. A Cheery Greeting Card Costs so little but brings so much pleasure. Do not delay. Order now! Value and Service Our Motto MAX HEILBRQMR DIAMOND SPECIALIST Discount Sa on all C 0 AT S For the Week-end DEMERS e The New "SILENT GLOW" Is the Best Oil Burner Because of These Special Features Scientifically designed for burning Pacific Coast DIESEL OIL the cheaper and hotter oil. Vitreous Enamelled Burner Base reduces cleaning to a minimum. Wide ' Inner Groove Instantly vaporizes the oil, : assuring a clean, non-spluttering flame. Finger -Tip Control Better cooking, no waste fuel, - no overheating- the kitchen. Guaranteed for five years using Diesel Oil. Thoroughly tested and approved by the Canadian Home Service Bureau SAFE, SILENT, ECONOMICAL and EFFICIENT. Look for and insist upon "SILENT GLOW" with these Extra Features that guarantee perfection : in your home. ' ' A ' t r i Also "Silent Glow" Heat Cabinets Fur Living Room, Stores, OHices, Warehouses, Garages, Etc Made of all enamel porcelain. Beautiful in appeaance and ; built to last. Authorized Dealer For Northern B.C. Early Ad. Copy is appreciated WELL KNOWN STORY HERE Jack London's MCU of the Wild" Stars Clark Gable, Loretta Young and Jack Oakie "Call of the Wild," immortal Jack London classic of the days of the Yukon Gold Rush, comes as the end of the week feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Thea tre here and should attract wlde- spread patronage T The picture is replete with rue- ged drama and clean fun. The love We sell circulation. We have It. MINK & MARTIN Mink Pelts are 20 Percent Higher I have an order for 10,000 Mink and 5,000 Martin. Any fur with hair on It interests me. GOLD BLOOM The Old Reliable SAVE BAKING TIME AND TROUBLE WITH the eadfj METHOD ! BVe bread and cakes in half trie time, with half of the work use Quaker Flour and the Quaker Eay Method of Baking. Send -coupon for FREE copy of thii booklet telling you how to bake without kneading without setting. Thousands of m ! AtUrcu I I Dealer", Name- Western Canadian Housewives have found it perfect. jjy Valuable Baklnz Book FREE TtieQuilcrOaitCotnpuiT.Dtpt 52 euutoon, m. I FleaK Mnd me cotT of boot let Th Qutlft Method o( Eut Br4 Bitins." a Nam . Under direction of the Canadian CouncU on Boys and Girls' Club work and the Royal Winter Fair, nine provinces sent teams to Toronto for competition In farm club contests conducted at the fair. Above are some of the winners, including two girls from New Brunswick. Top row. left to right, Burnle Nicholson and Orlen Bratvold. Dina Swine Club, Alberta, winners In swine project. Miss Louisa Kerr and Miss Hazel Sellick of New Brunswick, poultry project. Edwin Pethy-bridge and Thos. Biglands, Lacombe Beef (Calf Club, Alberta, beef cattle project. Bottom row Juatyn Rigbynd Arthur Mackey. Qrande Prairie Grain Club, Alberta, grain project. W A Mc-Pherson and Harry Johnson, Manitoba Whytewold Potato Club, seed potato project. Jas Simmons and Roy Simmons, Quebec. South Hull Dairy Calf Club, dairy catUe project. Western Canada teams won majority of prices. Representative Of Quaker Products Is j Visiting in Rupert Arranges For Introduction of New English China; in Premium Packages and Closing Quints Campaign F. C. Banks of Vancouver, representing the Quaker Oats Co., hai ten here for several days in con-recUon with theC distribution ol ' he company's "products in Prince '.upert. His particular business has oeen introducing tS the dealers the new design of English chinaware n the Quaker Oats premium packages which ho ..thinks will be in great demand as soon as it is seen by the customers. . Mr. Banks has also been arranging for the closing, up of the spe cial campaign for Ahe, Quintuplets ! birthday bowls, thqusands of which have been distributed in connection with their special advertising cam- story is splendidly played by Clark 8 7 Z Z T1 PCPle Gable and Lorelta Young while ! 5 J" D.aUy. NewS" . He 'uon w ine Ia" mat a" Jack Oakie Is excellent In the ; comedy part. A new dog sTar-a ?H?ioc beafuI WinJet. huge soft-eyed St. Bernard named IOre December 15. n,.t- I. t. ..j Oable Is a swash-buckllnz nros-'iaiBaHHwuM pector who sets out with his buddy, j Jack Oakie. to find a lost claim. On' the trail thev rescue rwniiitfui!i Loretta Young from wolves and!' learn that ,her husband has been;! lost searching for the same claim.!1. r . . , i - . . . . ! muiuttt coniempi oi uaoie and Miss Young gradually turns to love. There Is a dramatic climax with a rather unusual finish. Soya Bean Bread . . Delicious for Toasting English Crumpets Meat Pics Finest Pastry & Cakes Vans Bakery 1IIMIIMBB 1 rHAOlAHMAR0WHUT Sit QtuaKer Flo Tfc a duikcrQois LI!SSI 12111 BAKER TELLS ABOUT BREAD Which He is Engaged difficult to dispose of their bran and shorts at a profitable nrlce. B The fad had caught on to such an extent that today they were In dan- ger of having their white flour left S m their hands. At his bakery In s Prince Rupert half the bread sold S n In Your Dollar Will Buy More at MUSSALlEf S SPECIALS FOK FRIDAY, SATURDAY, .MONDAY EGGS C Grade 3 doz. EGGS Shamrock A Large, per doz. , 3 doz. FARMER'S CHEESE Guaranteed (2 to 3 lbs.), per lb. PRUNES Fresh In 10-lb. box HOLLAND HERRINGS Milkers, per keg JAP ORANGES per box 'per lb GINGER SNAPS 5 doz 95c 43c S1.25 Quality 25c 89c S1.67 90c 15c SWEET MIXED BISCUITS l)Cn per lb SODA BISCUITS $ Size A On per box , McINTOSH APPLES CO 1 C Wrapped, per box was brown. He read from reports of I prominent medical men to show! that white bread was more nour-j Ishng than brown. j The speaker deplored the method! of markeUne thrnueh th trrwrix Hoy Van der Sluys Talks to notary In the country from which niitvil 1W he came Club About Business In people, when they wanted bread, bought it at the bakery After describing the process of .... ..... . .. 'baking in the larce factories. Mr I Out of Town Ordeni Rrceiye j Prompt AttentioriVe 'Deliver IMUSSALLEM'S IEC0N0MY STORE "Where Dollars tlave More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Pbone 18 m We have good running Girls for I Mdmng a .or me use oi piea v- . , 13 white bread and explaining the'Xf" " s'uVx.presf d .. lhe . lwPl umi- wiiau ra naa sain mitrnt h .' process 01 Dreaa maKing and some',. intPrMtinW of its difficulties Roy Van der Sluyi ' 7?"' , lhnked b n of the Club Prcsldtnt w Rotary talked to his fellow members at their club lun cheon yesterday In the Commodore - "Call of the Wild" Knarin ""ma of the Klo dike! Hru Blooded, Virile' Fighting Against ,e V.tcrd or CilitUHng goW: Filmed at Ml. Baktr Loretta Young Jack Oakie At 7 33 & 9 37 ADDED Countess "I Tonight & Saturday 1-1:1 -J u.n Cafe and let them In on many of 'iCi:;i:t;i;TiniB.-lliCr.Ijrjr,2:jttlB,l,i the secrets of how to make good 8 bread. He explained that there were In Canada 2.861 bakeries with plants valued at $50,000,000 an'd the' industry ranked ninth among the ndustrles of the Dominion. g In the past bakers lived under a Verv unhealthy rnnditlnnx nnrt 3 worked very long hours. Today 3 this was all changed but even yet I In Quebec a law was recently Dass- ed restricting the hours of labor of bakers to 60 hours a week. g In his pica for the use of white jj bread Mr. Van der Sluys explained g that all the bran, did was to provide n roughage. The movement toward i the use of brown bread was set on S root by the miners who found it Test Your Health A I5-Jeweled Boy's Strap Watch In rectangular shape chromium finished case, for A Beautiful Olrl's Bracelet Watch In the latest shape, chromium finished case A Similar Watch, 15-Jeweled in natural gold- lined case Albani in 1 tr v 1 , ... . WOULD NEWS riit.'i:f.r Blow on this Spot If it turns white, see a doctor at once. If it stays black . . . you're going to live and enjoy the kick of doing your Christmas shopping. Wc want you to see our wonderful stock of Ladies' and Mens Wrist Watches and Boys' Watches S4.50 $8.50 12.50 S15.00 The New Baguette, small style In beautifully CIS 75 engraved case and red velvet box JAUil Many other styles to choose from and no nuNtr which you take we will undertake to see that you are well satisfied with your purchase. (Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK Of course we handle the standard models or Orurn and llulovas and have a stork at present. CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean Falls anil way ports S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE, Fridays, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S.S. PRINCESS NORAH. Nov. 3rd, 21st, Dec. 5th. wn. BS. PRINCESS NORAH, Nov. 'Hth, DeC. 1st', 15th. 29th.' WINTER IIOUND TRIP FARE TO VANCOUVER 532.00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1935 to Feb. 29th, 1936. Final r.'turn limit March 31st, 1936, For Information and reservations call or write W. I- rnATl'S ripnpral Arrnl Prinri Rlinfft. BX ' It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same.