The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited / DAILY AND WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daliy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. ane THE RESULT OF THE VOTE DAILY EDITION. TUESDAY, SEPT. 5 The voting on the bylaws on Saturday made it very cleer that the majority of those who were privileged to vote, were desirous of accepting the proposed settlement with the Grand Trunk Pacific and of having the civic corporation undertake the building of the hydro-electric project. The passage of the assessment bylaw was a victory for those who traded on the fears of the merchants and the workingmen that the G. T. P. would squeeze the life out of the town, unless the citizens consented to bear the burden of the company’s taxation for the next ten years. The people of Prince Rupert have a right to assume the company’s burden of taxation in return for the promise to build a rourd house, a station, a dry dock and an hotel which they would have to build in any event. That is a self evident truth. The chief regret is that those who should have sought to instil courage into the people in the unequal fight, were those who handed away the people’s cause and stampeded the citizens into assent. With the hydro-electric bylaw the opposition was different. The opposition was not to the scheme so much as to the method in which it is proposed to construct it. Mayor Manson has given his private assurances that not a dollar will be spent on days labor that can be given out to station gangs. But this does not touch the real difficulty. The vital thing is to see that—whether the money is spent on days labor, station work or public contract—that the work is carried out with regard to public economy, efficiency and speed. So far the council has not distinguished itself by public zeal. It has shown a disposition to use public appropriations and public office to further its private and party interests. Now that the citizens have decided in favor of the hydro-eleciric scheme it becomes incumbent thet capable, honorable and public spirited citizens prepare to offer themselves for public service next January, and that special efforts be made to elect a capable and efficient council to carry out the people’s mandate te build the waterworks. DUNCAN ROSS'S GREAT SPEECH The speech of Duncan Ross at the McIntyre Hall on Saturday night was a masterpiece of reasonirg and fair deduction. It stamps him as a man worthy to represent this constituency in the House of Commons. The great regret wes that—although the crowd filled the hall and lined the corridors and staircases—it was not possible for all who desired to hear him. Very calmly and very convincingly he showed how under the tariff the great pork packers and so called captains of industry exacted a toll on the food of the people, using the tariff merely as an instrument in the system. Very calmly and very convincingly he showed how the removal of the tariff on natural products under reciprocity would develop the fisheries, the lumber industry, the coke industry and the pulp and paper industry of Northern British Columbia. His exposure of how Mr. H. S. Clements in the House of Commons has advocated reciprocity on one occasion, and on another has sought to inflict heavier taxes on the consumers of British Columbia, telling though it was, did not compare in the strength of its effect with that stream of concrete facts showing how reciprocity would brirg pros- perity to Prince Rupert and Northern British Columbia. It was that that lifted the meeting above the ordinary level of party politics, and showed the unique and admirable picture of speakers and voters of both political parties, sinking the party differences, and rallying to the platform of the standard bearer of reciprocity. It was with a fine touch of sarcasm he told of how a millionaire pork packer in the East, a man who under the tariff exacts a toll of 2 ceats a pound on nearly every pound of bacon eaten in Canada, through his subsidised newspaper was raising the cry that if Canadians were to eat United Siates bacon that came in without paying duty, then they would be disloyal to the flag. Facts are only to be answered by facts. Mr. Duncan Ross's fine speech, crammed with telling facts, cannot be answered by the cry of the millionaire pork packers and robber captains of industry. It is an insult that the people of Canada may well resent, when these plutocrais attempt to impute disloyal motives to disinterested men a thousand times nivre loyal and patriotic than themselves. The Canadian General Electric Co., Limited e ectric Lo., t HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO FACTORIES: PETERBOROUGH, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL The Canada Foundry Co., Limited Toronto, Ont. AIR COMPRESSORS DREDGES MOTOR DRIVEN TRIPLEX BUCYRUS STEAM SHOV- GAS AMD GASOLINE: BH: oem NTA IRON BOILER FEED PUMPS PILE DRIVE CAST PIPE ROCK CRUSHE COCHRANE FEED WATER | LOCOMOTIVES RUCTURAL 8 8T TEE HEATERS MATHER & PLATT TUR- | UNDERWRITER STEAM CONCRETE MIXERS BINE PUMPS PUMPS PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ®om 4 Melatrre Block GRAHAM KEARNEY, AGENT GAS PRODUCERS HOISTS Phone 245 Why not eat luncheon and dinner Exchange : Grill The Price 35 cents——IS RIGHT and the cuisine and i mth rene oney. ice up to our sehen ih nereaee PROPS, Or THE DAILY NEWS THE ROAD TO NINE MILE MT. To be Ready Nor: ‘Siisely Service and Ore Output before the Big Snow Sets in. The wagon road from Hazelton to Nine Mile mountain is making excellent progress. It will be completed and in good condition before the first snow falls. Road Superintendent W. A. Williscroft hes about thirty men at work on it now. This road really starts from the end of the present Two Mile wagon road, and when completed will be 11 1-2 miles in length. It will not be a big wagon road such accustomed to seeing in the Bulkley valley, but just wide enough for the time being to be serviceable for hauling out ore. A wider road if under- taken now, could not be com- pleted in time to be of service this} This one can be widened | one is as year. any time. TO LIVE LONG Twelve Commandments for) Would-be Centenarians An Austrian student of longevity, Dr. Arnold Lorard, in a new work, gives these “Twelve Command- ments’’ which reveal the ‘‘secret”’ and show why sc many die Brest maturely: (1) Be much as} possible in the open air and sun-| shine, and take plenty of exercise, with deep breathing. (2) Live | on a diet of meat once a day, eggs, cereals, green vegetables,and raw milk of healthy cows; and} masticate properly. (3) Have 3 daily action of the bowels. (4) a Wear very porous” underwe: (preferably cottor), ing, loose collars, light hat (if ary), } and low shoes. (5) Go to bed early, and rise early. (6) Take a bath} daily, and a sweat bath once a| week—if the heart stand it. | (7) Sleep in a very dark and very quiet room—not less than 6 to 6 1-2} hours, or more than 7 1-2 or, for women, 8 1-2 hours, and with the| window open. (8) Have one com-| plete day’s rest in the week, | without even reading or writing. (9) Avoid mental emotions ard} worries. end if a widow or widower, marry egain. as porous Saath cen (10) Get married, of | liquor ard tobacco, also of coffee | (12) Avoid places heated—especially by sieam use (11) Be temperate in the and tea. over-| and | badly ventilated. Reciprocity is conseris t the highest concepuions cf Great Britain’s fiscal aspireiions ~. d will! help make Ganadea great as the | Motherland is great. i fe omeemes in all parts of the world. some. | on and under t Coast of G | Mr. least an outside chance, | shape AD The Tle: our Home! . It is a paper you need in your home. COAL NOTICE —— Skeena Land Detrie Deae of Queen Charlotte slands pane “noes notice that heute M. Brown of oo ation ddier, intends to app to the’ Chief Mel Contentesenar of ands and Works for a licence to rospect for coal, oil and petroleum 9 heen the follov following described lands on the Saas” ore 3 two miles east 80 chains orth, thenes 90 chains east, thence 60 chains south, thence 80 chains west to point of commencement. os fesse ote oi July, AT eee oe Skeena Land Deeiae pei of Queen Charlo tt slands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddler, intends to ap} to the Chief eee of Lands and Works for a liewate | 0 lor coal, oil and petroleum on am andan ton Waees deseribed lands on the West — of Graham Island ES aia ata t ted two miles of he socteee £ a post, plants N No. 4477 toes 80 west, thence 80 chains north, thence chains east, thence 80 Ghaing south to point of commencement. USTIN M. BROWN, Locator rn Sis Jury. 1911. Skeena Land Dee ee of Queen Charlott Take notice that ina M. Brown of Prince Rupert, occupation saddler, intends to apply to the chief Cocnabenoner of nds and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Beginning at a post B plasted three miles east o the northeast corner of L. No. 4474 thence 80 chains east, thence 80 Sas south thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north to point of commencement. om M. BROWN, Locato Located A A 1911 Pub. Aug. 17. Skeena Land Deir eee of Queen Charlotte ds Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince agert, _ ceeipees See intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to for coal, oil ang petroleum on and under following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post ted three miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4474 thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east to peint of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located A Ist, 1911. Pub. Aug. 17. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte hak Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, occupation saddler, intends to ply ~ eee ve of rarer s and Works ora ce to or coal, oil and petroleum liowing described lands on the Wost Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4471, thence chains east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 aie west, thence 80 chains north to peint of eommenvement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator a ist, 1911. fo | Pub. <9 To Locate Below After a brief visit to the city to |arrange his real easte office affairs Mr. H. N. Boss, who is probably the land agent doing the widest business in Central B. C., will return to Victoria where he has his permanert office at present. Boss is very well known Prince Rupert and has put through some of the lergest deals in interior Prince Rupert and has hed to do in | . . |with some of the largest deals in interior lands ever put through. With the fight | between Bom- bardier Wells, British former corporal in ard big Jack Johnson oily a few weeks away, to the army interest is beginring grow, despite the gereral feeling in British | sporting circles pas Johnson can | British round “white hope” if |put the away in a or two minded. insist, however, that he has at and that} with | the long course of training he has|% P undertaken will put him in such| that able stand off the smoke aad ulitmately | he may be to |wear him down. THE er “DAILY NEWS” It gives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the principal happenings The news is well edited, its its news columns are clean and whole- _ The advertising columns of the News bring you in touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money. : : —: 80 | west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence COAL NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, computes saddier, intends to apply to the" Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a noes to prospect ane pe es. aes petroleum on and under the following descr nds the West Coast of Graham Island: me Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the southeast corner of C. L. No. 4470 thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. a OWN, Loca Located August lst, 19 oad Skeena Land District ae of Queen Charlotte Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddiler, intends to a P| to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and for a licence prospect for coal, oil and roleum on and under the following deseribed lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a om | pla nted three miles from the southeast corner of L. No. 4472 thence 80 chains west, thence 80 ‘tae north, thence 80 chains east. ae 80 chains south to point of a M. Ww B L 1 ROWN, Locator Pub. Aug. 19. Skeena Land on — _Desiet of Queen Charlotte Take notice that pm M. Brown of Prince tele tee saddier, intends to apply to the ommissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and roleum on and under the following described toes on the Ww Sa Graham Island | mencing at a post lanted three miles enst of the northeast corner ofc. L. No, 4472 thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of commencement. aust " M. BROW Caieted A ian ROWN, Locator Pub. Aug. 19. Skeena Land District— District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of ere Rupert, occupation saddier, intends to ap;!y the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, tor | a licence to prospect for coal, oil and roleum on | and under the following described ds on the West Coast of Graham Leland Commencing at a post lanted three miles east | of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4472 thence | 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 | chains east, thence 80 chains south to point of | commencement. | ah M. BROWN, Locator Located A: Ist, 19 | Pub. Aug. 19. | Skeena Land ey eee of Queen Charlotte n dao, notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince B. C. occupation saddier, intends to apn i te the Chief Pot of Lands and for a licence to prospect for coal, oil oad on_and under the ene See Tt nds on the West Coast of Graham Isiand: Commencing at a post nted three miles east | of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4478 thence | 80 chains south, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. es Locator Date of Location 31st July, 191 Pub, Aug. 17. Skeena Land District- egg of Queen Chasiotts | Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prinee | Rupert, occupation saddler, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and forks | for a licence to prospect for coal and oil and petro- | leum on and under the following described lands | on the West Coast of Graham Island: } Commencing at a post planted three miles east | of the southwest corner of C. L. No. 4477 thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence 50 chains west, thence 80 chains south to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Date of Location, Sist July 1911. Pub. Aug. 17. Locator Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, occupation saddler, intends to apply the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to p for coal, oil and petroleum on and under the. followin, described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island Commencing at a post lanted three miles east of the southeast corner of C. L. No. 4472 thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of com- mencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located August Ist, 1911. Pub. Aug. 19. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Chariott Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddler, intends to apply to the Chief Comers of Lands and Works for a licence +o or for coal, oil and petroleum on and un the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island. cain west, thence 80 chains north to point of 50 | Date of Location 3ist July 1911 Friends of the ex-soldier | | Coast of Graham | north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of EE DD UEDA THR BUEN Commencing at @ post planted two miles east is the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4478 thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south, thence 50 commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN. Locator Pub, Aug. 17. Skeena Land District —District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Raper, saddier, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence rospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and « the following described lands on the West | | Brown of Prince | sland: Commencing at a post planted two miles east | of the northeast corner of C. L. No, 4478 thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located 31st July, 1911. Pub, Aug. 17. - bY TS eZ on = ES NE 7) 8.5. H. B. Rochester General Merchandise Beem me me a — LYNCH BROS Lowest Banc in Northern B. C — aaah oo. ta le ee a . et ti ,% Largest Stoc h BE ne ” —— ! j { i / / ; } SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PUBLIC) Prince Rupert amuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE G. GAMBLE PURCHASED and Stewart ee ee PPLE rn ort WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE LIQUORS, ALWAYS HERE ARE THREE OF OUR SPECIAL OF IN BEERS STOCK WINES AND LINES | Basweines Beer, We are sole agents for Norther Donble OO Whiskey Guaranteed to be 12 years in the wood before being bottle: Sole agents for Northern B.C. Victoria Phoenix Beer Northern B.C. Liquor Company, ewes Phowe No. 7 P.O. Bex 577 ewes Double Weekly Service S.S. Prince Rupert, S.S. Prince George For Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. For Stewart, Thursdays at 8 a.m. ss. Prince John sails for Port Simp- son, Naas River, Masset, Naden Harbor, Wednesdays, 1.00 p.m. and for: Queen Charlotte Island points, Sat- urdays 1 p.m. Railway Service to Copper River Mixed trains from Prince Rupert Wed nesdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m., re- turning Thursdays and Sundays 5.20 p.m. The Grand Trunk Railway System connecting with trains from the Pacific coast operates a frequent and conven- ient service of luxurious trains over its double track route between Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Portland, Boston, New York and Phila- delphia. Atlantic Steamship bookings arranged via all lines. Full informa- tion and tickets obtained from the office of A. E, MCMASTER FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT Ue PACIFIC RAILWAY Canadian Pacitic Railway B.C. Coast service - Line Princess May , Monday, September 4th, at 9 a.m. Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle J. G. McNab General Agent INLANDER .-- FOR... HAZELTON MONDAY, SEPT, 4th Take the fast light-draught steam- er Inlander for Hazelton, Agent Bill Heads Price Lists Memorandum Forms Commercial Cards ey 98 Invitations and Dance Programmes, | In Commercial Printing we have a large stock of BhahAnRARAAG “Aid ts tol bh " @ We handle Blank Ledger Forms for Loose Leaf System Letterheads Stock Certificates Articles of Association Illustrated Pamphlets For society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting Cards, Wedding For any kind of printing from the humble ‘‘dodger’’ to the highest grades of multi-color printing consult the ‘‘News Job”’ : : : : Daily News Building CPPS UE CATED BIB Oe SVEN VME Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0. All members of the order in the city NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening are requested to visit the lodge. P, CADE, J. N. G. W. JACKSON, See. J, SRBSRTO TRIE RESUS 52) —- Third Ave PHONE 98 Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: CIGARS :: Periodicals TOBACCOS t: Newspapers FRUITS ** - Famous Princess | a ——- 0-0-9 — © 0-44-49 FRED. STORK! General Hardware 4 Builders’ Y Valves & Pipes Graniteware Hardw Oxfor are % + ‘ ECOND - AVENUE +s + + 4466 | | | ts Fs Fs Fs amp FREE For all kinds of h« waiters, dishwashers ters, all kinds of laborers chanics, cal! up Phone No. ore Grand Hotel Free peew te t & wait EMPLOYMENT |; OFFICE ali at the Headquarters for cooks tm te rere SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating Sheet Met Office: 8rd Ave Phone 174 rnd Ave. bet | Sbbbdbdbd kd bbb td dt. d.4 SPttotttet +t+++4 W. J. HcCUTCHEON Carries complete stock attention paid & Theatre Block Po» Pre-emptions & Purchases Lakelse and Naas Located in River Valleys. Ad tors,’’ Box N¢ Gasoline Launches, « aa re For Hire by Ho BOATS BUI AND BS H. Johnston Cow Creek PHONE "0. Bat 187 REEN o For Rent: NOW is the time tot One more lot on G.T.P, WHARF LINDSAY'S © For Sale: | ARTAGE and STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Prices reasonable. Orders promptly filled Centre St Phone 6 FFICE~H. B. Rochester Section 5 with ot } foot front age . & ‘ bargain, Close to Fulton oe Wanted to Trage a a Improved property resident property apart hed irnis sod vieW: a $20 a month. Fire, Life and Acei uy dent Insurance asy pla n. tio n and free avenue at st. Fort George 0” call for informa Summit Good terms Mone y to Loan. JOHN DYBHAVN Pattullo Block.