August 26, WM. ANDY SPECIAL Marrowbone Chews In Vanilla, Chorolate and Licorice Flavor 30c per lb. Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Drtu&ists tt,t KUU Phones: 81 St 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 pm. tnJi) Holiday From 12 noon till 2 pan, 1 pjn. till 9 p.m. : i:.i:.i:t:i':iKa3 BE PMI COFFEE SHOPPE f Offers You WHITE HELP COURTEOUS SERVICE SUPERIOR MEALS - LOWER PRICES And a clean, convenient place to dine Call around and let us prove it Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. jj AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT CANADIAN PACIFIC 6 Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS. 10 P.M. Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Aug. 17th, 28th, Sept. PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 10th, 24th. Jo Ketchikan, Wraneell. Juneau and Skaeway 6tn. PRINCESS LOUISE, Aug. 12tti. 23rd, Sept. 1st. PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 19th. For Information and reservations call or write W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8teameis leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver- S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 V.M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday SS. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. MUingg to Port aimpaou Anyoi. BUn m pomu, Leave prince Kupers ouounj. "rtfter information regarding all sailings and tickets at MHNCt KCPEBT AorNCT: Tblr Atllt Phon Fsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily By 79 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If you have sompthino- tn baII n rlfiRsified advertisement this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer m Prince Rupert Tsnnis Club Amer-! ican tournament Sunday. Sept. 1 at 1:30 sharp. Entrance fee, 26c. Refreshments free. (197) Mrs. Claude V. Symes and family returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from .a holiday trip to Terrace. C. dry city Miss K. Sturtees, who has been 'paying a visit here with her uncle i and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. McCty mont. sall-Jd by the Prince George SI this afternoon on her return to H I Vancouver. H Hi Miss Connie Morgan, daughter of mile. G. R. Anderson of the local r 'Mr. and Mr3. Bert Morgan, will leave iat the end of the week for the li I Francois Lake district to take charge of Collymount school at ths opening of the fall term. Albert Farrlntrton -appeared in city police court before Magis trate McClymont this morning on a charge of supplying liquor to an Indian, Winnie Watts, the case being ajourncd for eight days. Dances by Johnny Brentzen's Happiness Boys' Orchestra of Port Simpson drew gooc crowds to the Empress Club on Friday and Satur. day nights, there being about 150 dancers In attendance on each C. H. Ortne returned to the city on this afternoon's train from La-kelse where ht spent the week-end. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Orme and family who have besn In residence at Lakelse for tne summer. Jonathon Brown r nd Billy Green, Tnrfiiins utre eacli lined siu ana costs, with option of seven days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc-Clymont in city police court at the weekend for drunkenness. The former paid his fine while the latter is serving the time. 7. Announcements Catholic August .29. tea, Mrs Burbank's, Prince Rupert Tennis Club An nual Dance Friday, September 20, Oddfellow's Hall. Catholic Church Bazaar Octo ber 2 and 3. Baptist Bazaar, Oct. S. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. V7, Presbvterlan Bazaar, Novembei Orange Ladies' bazaar. Nov. 28. MOOSE HALL RENTAL KATES Concerts - Dances Public Meetings $25.00 . 20.00 . 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, (4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. THE DAILY NEWB fQM THRTJ t-J. i- L L LOCAL NEWS NOTES FIRST CLASS 8IIOE REPAIRING. BEE SIMPSON, FIFTH AND McBRIDE. (U) Mrs. David Eastman and family returned to the cUy on Saturday afternoon's train from a trip to Terrace. Corp. E H. Clarice R.C.M.P. re turned to the city on Saturday af ternoon's train from a brief trip to the interior on ofirial duties. Be warm and comfortable by rid ing in 32 Taxiit costs the same. You ean rent as low as $1.50 ear at Walker's a day, plus 7c. a Roy Summers of the O.N.R. dl visional freight and passenger of flee made a trip to Tyee over the weekend. Mrs. W. E. Wllllscroft and child sailed this afternoon on the steamer Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Norma Archie. Who has been Visiting in Vancouver, returned to the city from the routh on the ss. Catala last evening. Mrs. C. E. Lai kin who has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to ii ri m a i i. i dock staff returned to itheuie c" irora Mie wmu " tne on the Prince George ttitsICatala last evening. morning from a. brief trip to W. H. Tobey C.N.R. divisional superintendent, leaves on this evening's train for one of his pariod-ical trips over the line as far as l Jasper Park on official duties. Hugh Douglas, local machinist, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to the Yukon. Miss Shirley Llpsln, who has been visiting here with her father A. W. Lipsin, sails by the Prince George this afternoon on her re turn to Vancouver. Quite a number cf tourists who caught the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver arrived on the train which arrived here from the East on time at 2:15 Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George P. McOoll were passengers aboard the Catala last night returning to Port Simp son after a three-weeks' trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McColl sailed by the Cardena last might on their return to Port Simpson after a visit of a few days in the city Mrs. W. B. Cornish and daughter, who have been visiting for several weeks in the south, .returned to the city from Vancouver ontne catala last evening. Mrs. Tanaka and Mrs. Nlshl, well known members of the Japanese colony at Port Esslngton, sailed on Friday night on the Princess Ade lalde for Vancouver George Powell, Indian, for drun kenness on an Indian reserve at Metlakatla, was fined $10 and costs, with option of fourteen days' Imprisonment, by Stipendiary Magis trate Andrew Thompson in provin clal police court at the week.end. A city police court char? e of lntox-ication against Ftowell was R. K. Nelll, veteran Spokane min ing man, after a brief trip to Stew art, disembarked from the steamer Prince George here Saturday evening and will proceed on this even. ing's train to Usk to pay a visit to the Nicholson Creek property there which Js under development by Buckley Shannon of Seattle. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 957 Tuesday & Wednesday Specials BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF Prime Rib Rolled 4 pounds Pot Roast of Beef 4 lbs; Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs Carrots, 1 bunch Boneless Stew Beef 3 lbs. - Boiling Beef, 3 lbs 1 bunch Carrots Hamberger 3 lbs Lamb Stew, 2 lbs Peas, 1 tin Veal Stew, 2 lbs. Pease, 1 tin Shoulder Lamb 4 lbs Loin Lamb Chops, 2 lbs Pease, I tin Roasting Chicken per lb Ayrshire Bacon per lb AS A CEREAL 60 35 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 25 25 Electric Steam Massage Treatments Mrs. Gammon 424 8th Ave. E Ph. Green 219 OR IN COOKING it's FINE either way! It'i to nan Jy to have a paefcate of Kellogf'a AtL-BuN in the kitchen. Serve it as a cereal. Use it also as a wholeeome ingredient in yonr muffins, breads, omelets, waffles, etc Kellogg's AllBsan sapplies "hulk." to aid regular habits. All-Bran is also rich in vitamin B, as well as iron, an element of the blood. Two talilefpooofnli daily will cor rect common constipation, due to insufficient bulk in the diet. In severe cases, with each meaL If not relieved this way, see your doctor. The "bulk" of AiiBaAN does not break down during digestion as does that of leafy vegetables, and is there fore more effective for furnishing the needed "bulk.' It is a delicious laxative food ... far better than patent medicines. Get the red-and-green package at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in Lon don, Ontario. Keep on the FOR SALE MM AltBRAH 11 Sunny Side of Life Mrs. Archie Scott and her niece, Mls3 Mary Ann Shipley of Klrkland Lake, Ontario, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Prince Rupert General Hos pital, sailed Friday night on the ss. Princess Adelaide for Ocean Falls. Want Ads BABY Buggy for sale. Phone Red 164. (100) FOR RENT FURNISHED Bedroom for rent In private home. Phone 847. tf. TWO Remodelled 5-roomed flats and well furnished apartment' with chesterfield etc. Phone 543. (tf) FOUND FOUND Signet ring owner may have same by calling at Dally News Office and paying for this advertisement. MUSIC VIOLILN Tuition, theory and har mony. Miss N. Lawrence. Phone 580. Classes start Sept. 2. 209 PAINTERS PAINTING ?xia Paperfcanging Moller. Phone Red 802. 1.AXD ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to tease Land 13 Land Recordinn District ot Prince Rupert, Range 5, Coast District and situate about one-quarter of a mil south of Lot 6710, Range 5, Coast Dis trict, Porcner island. ! Take notice that Clarence Edgar Sal-tor, of HavsDort. B.C.. occupation can- neryman, Intends to .apply for a leaae of che following aescrioea lanas; Commencing at a post planted on atnull lslad about three-quarters of a mile south of Lot 6710, Range o, uoast District, thene north-east 41.8 chains: thence west ky north 23.4 cnains, manoe south south-west 30J5 chains; thence south-east bv south 17.5 chains to the point of eommencement, and containing 53.1 acres more or less. CLARENCE EDGAR 8 ALTER Dated June 4th. 1933. Fine FURS at Goldbloom's at almost Half Price THESE PRICES GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Goods are new and latest styles; arrived from the south tiiis week. Watch our window for prices. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Monday -ss. Pr. Rupert ...3 pjn. Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelalde....l0 pm. 8s. Cardena midnight Saturday ss. Pr!n Louise 5 p.m. Ss. Prince George ..6 pin. Aug. 4. 13 ss. Pr. Robert 3 pjn. From Vancouver Wed-ss. Pr. George 10 a.m. Friday s. Prince George 10 a.m. Bs. Princess Adelaide ... 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena vxa. Aug. 12 ss. Pr. Robert .6 a m. For An) ox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala S p.m. Friday ss. Pr. George 3 p.m'. From Anyox and StewarJ Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 a.m. Saturday ss. Pr George 5 p.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m, From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala ...11:30 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands Aug. 3, 17, 31 Pr. Charles 10 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands Aug. 15, 29 ss. Pr. Charles am. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Pr. Rupert .3 pm. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pm. Saturday ss. Pr. George 6 pm. From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 am. Friday ss. Pr. George .. .10 am. Ss. Princess Adelaide ...4 p.m. Ss. Cardena pm. Aug. 12 ss. Pr. Robert 6 am. For Alaska Monday ss. Prln. Alice . am. Wednes. ss. Pr. Rupert ..1 pm. Aug. 12 ss. Pr. Robert 1 p.m. From Alaska-Monday ss. Pr. Rupert 8 am. Saturday ss. Prln. Louise 4 pm. I Aug. 4, 18 ss. Pi. Robert 7 am. From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena p.m. Everybody refcids the Daily News here's a reason. A A "Build B.C. Payrolls" Case Week THE Hi I JMP0RATE5. I In the letter we quoted recently in which the lady writing said her family used one to one and every month; in the logging camp run by her husband they use from a case to a little over a week. What the lady Is telling in many ways is how good Paci fic actually is. Thank you very i much. Pacific Milk Harry Ryan of Simpson Dies Well Known Resident of Neighboring Village asKes Away at Age of Fifty-Thrre PORT SIMPSON. August 26: -r Harry Ryan, aged 53 died here a week ao yesterday at Port Simpson Alice General Hospital after having been Monday-ss. Princess a.m. ll for two months. prominent In village affairs, de ceased was an officer of the YP. E.A. He. feaves, besides his widow, three sons and six daughters. Funeral services were conducted on Wednesday afternoon from the Ipited Church with Rev. R. J. Love officiating. The Port Simpson Band took part In the procession to the cemetery. There were numerous floral tributes. "I want to apply . . "There is ho getting around the fact that stenography op. ens more door? to girls than any other one business asset," writes Frances Maule in Her new book "She Strives to Conquer." COURSES Complete Secretarial Bookkeeping Accounting Business Administration Calculating Machines Elliott-Fisher Accounting Machines Wrlta or call for booklet. "Planning Your Future." WESTERN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Granville at Robson, Vancouver, BX?. W. MacLean, F.C.I, Principal Accredited by the Association of Commercial Educators. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium. Bismuth. SEE US FOR YOUR 4- SlIEBlVBinKll PRESERVING SUPPLIES Jelly Jars and Covers, doz Perfect Seal Jars. Quarts, doz. Perfect Seal Jars, Pints, doz, ... ..75c S1.75 1.35 Economy Caps, doz 2 Di.Kai Tor RfincQ Any. - - 'C M tiA v.w Parowax, 2 packets for Aluminum Preserving Kettles, each c Canning Racks, for 8 quart ars. each .auc GORDON'S HARDWARE Mcllride St Phone 311 iiViiimiiiHiraiiaxiarinQiiarBia Cups and Saucers .10 .15 and .25 cents per set Dial Kitchen Scales (25 lbs.) , 2.50 each Medicine Cabinets, with Mirror $2.75 each THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. -' i Vi M i IB '.if