Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light orthwest wind; barometer. 3022; temperature, 55; sea smooth. ' - Uoc lXX 4-itlJ Secretary of Treasury MorKcnthau Says Government Price Will Keep Pace With World Quotation An-other Increase Recorded Today WASHINGTON, D.C., April 10: (CP) If world silver prices advance above Gljc per ounce now paid by the fed-iral government for the newly-mined metal, the government will Ik? ready to meet the advance, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau stated today. In New York 3(la commercial bar silver jumped ljc to G4',c per ounce. GRAIN SHIP IS IN PORT Jrnev City Arrive Frm Orifnt And Will Lmi1 l ull Carjo lor I'. K.-L'onlinrnt To lUardou. Smith freighter .' v City artved Iff port arrM .or.k thU memlng from the -,nst and went on berth lmrae-, .all -ly at the Alberta Wheat Pools j.. elevator to load a lull cargo rru;i) lor the Un.ted Kingdom or r uxnt It 1 expected ah will tiboui the end of the week, be-a r ddy en&ad tn loading. T Jersey OHy, which had an ntful voyage aeroat the Pa-- Ocean. wa met at Triple Iil- j by Capt. Joseph Flood who I 'd her Into the harbor. The A ;nnur Salvage Oo.'i service boat V irna. Capt. Oscar Haveroy. was u pilot's tender. C pt L Sterling It matter of the : : : y City. T;e Jersey City came here from O .ka Japan, which port the left March 22 Tlie vessel, registered I: m Biddcford. England, la of 3937 register and ha a crew of 38 r.: . New York Stock Mart Cheerful Industrials lx in General Upward Trend inTesterday' Trading NEW YORK. April lu:-The stock r ai-kct had a dtstlncUy more f'si'crful tone yeatcrday. Indus- is leading In a general upward " nd Tlie day' turnover amounted CGO.000 shares with closing av r a-cs as follows: Industrial. 104.32 up 1.07: rails 30.00. up .94; t titles. 17.84, up 23, and bonds. 84.40, up .03. France and Soviet Russia To Sign Up New Accord Soon PARIS. April 10: (CP1 France "tf Soviet Russia will sign a new K urity accord, it was announced ' tcrday afternoon by Foreign Minister Pierre Laval of France. A fw commercial pact between Rus-!-a and Germany was also reported J " ilerday. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Ocorge Sutherland will take place tomorrow (Thursday) at 3 p.m. from St. Andrew's Cathedral. ViCTC Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mmln PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, TWO MORE HEADS LOPPED OFF IN United States Gov't. Makes Ready to Meet Jump in White Metal RAILWAY POOLING Little Proems Has So Far Keen Made. Declares Chairman Of Canadian National OTTAWA, April 10: CP lion. C. r. FuIJerton, chairman of the board of trustees of the Canadian National Railways, told the House of Commons railway committee yesterday that pooling arrange-ments between the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific IUII ways "were satisfactory in a way." However, tenerally speaking, "very little has been accomplished." In 1933, Judge Fullerton said, a saving of $1,000,000 had been effected but last year the saving was only about $100,000. STILL HOPE FOR PEACE Germany Has Not let Kejected Central Europran Security Pact LONDON. April 10: Revealing some of the event which had tranaplred at the rerent conference ui Berlin with Rdchsfuehrer Adolf HlUer, Sir John Simon. British for eign secretary. wd the House oi Commons yesterday that Oermany had not as jet definitely rejected a central European security pact. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. April 10: (CP)-Bar silver closed at 63c per ounce on the ocal metal market yesterday, ihowlng a further advance. r ONTARIO I'lLIItUSTLR KNDS WITH PASSAGi: OF CANCELLING BILL ' h TORONTO. April 10: (CP) A filibuster of record duraUon which kept the Legislature In continuous session for thirty- seven hours ended at 4 o'clock r this morning with the defeat r of an amendment by the op- nosltlon to give i six months' hoist to the government's bill cancelling contracts with four Quebec power companies. The main bill was then Immediate- ly passed through committee stage. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Mayors Discuss 'siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiBBH Mayar - from al partj of Car da were in cession in Mon reaj rec Jy across problems of relief and oder muni:..pai pur lc . fac.g prar'icany evenr l y m Canada The convention sent a deputatio nta Ottawa requ that A federal government tKr the cost of reUef. but Sir Qeorge Perley acUng prime m Ulster, tald ihem to lake thf ir plei to the provincial governments. In the above layout is shown, top Front row. left to right R I inder, Saskatoon; D. H. Elton, Lethbridge; H. E. Wilton. Hamilton; J. E. Origoire, Quebec, and S Kennedy, Charlottetown. Back row A. Carigar, Lachlne; ; C. Houde, Montreal: David Leemlng. Victoria; J. H. King. Moncton and H. B. Kelly, London. In the lower photo, rroni row E. J. Cragg, Halifax; O. O. MeOeer, Vancouver; J. W. Britain, St. John: W. II. Biggar. Montreal: George Bennett. Windsor. Back row il. Johnson, Moose Jaw; G. O. Tice. BeHeville; H. Ferland, Verdun; E. Partridge, West Kel- dona: and C H. Reid. Amherst. MOTION IS REJECTED Easier Recess of Parliament Will Be Five Weeks as Planned By Government OTTAWA, April 10: (CP) A motion by Hon. Ernest Lapolnte, one of the Liberal leaders, to limit the Easter recess of Parliament to one week Instead of five weeks as planned by the government was defeated In the House of Commons Tuesday night by a vote of 90 to 49. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm. 34. Anyox Clear, calm. 38. Haielton Cloudy, calm. 27. Smllhers Cloudy, calm, mild. Birns Lake Bright, calm. 27. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, light .southeast wind; barometer, 30.20; temperature, 48; sea choppy. Langara Island Overcast, light southeast wind; sea calm. DOLLAR IN NUW YORK NEW YORK, AprU 10: (CP) The Canadian dollar closed at a discount of ic on the local foreign exchange market yesterday. The British pound sterling closed at $4.84V8. William Morrlrand Donald Michel, Smlthers Indians, have been fined $15 and costs with option of one month's Imprisonment for drunkenness, divisional headquar- iters of the provincial police here 'have been advised. Municipal Problems Empress of Japan Is at Vancouver Liner Arrives From Orient After Stormy Passage VANCOUVER, April 10: The Empress of Japan arrived in port yesterday from the Orient after a stormy passage, bringing 550 passengers, a record for several months. FIRST FISH SOLD TODAY Melville and Takla Rring Catches Totalline 43.000 Pounds, Receiving 11c and c First fresh halibut of the season was sold on the local Fish Exchange this morning, 11c and 8c being paid for catches totalling 43,090 pounds. The boats selling were the Melville, Capt. John Ivarson, 21,000 pounds, and Takla, Capt. Chris Park void, 22,000 pounds. They took their catches in four days' fishing. The purchasers were the Pacific Fisheries and Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. POUND IN MONTREAL MONTREAL. Aprjf 10; (CPi The BrltUh, pound sterling closed at $4.868" on the local exchange market yesterday APRIL 10, 1035 GERMANY THIS MORNING At Montreal 1 j NAVY BILL IS PASSED Thirty-Eight Million Dollars Made Available For Defences Only Congress Can Conscript WASHINGTON. D.C., April 10:-The House yesterday approved the $38,000,000 naval appropriations bill which includes $10,000,000 for the Pearl Harbor, 'Hawaii, naval base ahere a huge dry dock Is to be constructed. The House refused to give the President authority to raise an irmy by conscription .holding that -nly Congress should have that authority. Trailed Spies During War Henry Fitch, Noted Scotland Yard Detective, Dies Was Bodyguard To King Edward LONDON. April 10. -Henry Fitch, noted Scotland Yard detective, who was personal bodyguard to the late King Edward VII and who attained considerable prominence during j the Great War on acroifht of his ac tivities in trailing German spies, died yesterday. ' WHEAT PRICES WINNIPEG. April 10: (CP) Wheat prices were Vic higher on the local market yesterday, Ip, Chi - ago they were slightly weaken HlTh Low - Official Executioner Carries Out His Grim Task With Formality Jew and Aryan Go to Block Today For Slaying of High Nazi Official Five Years Ago BERLIN, April 10: (CP) Once more Germany's official t executioner donned his top hat, kid gloves and tail coat and the same medieval battle axe which fell on the necks of two noblewomen spies six weeks ago was used this morning to lop off the heads of two men accused of ,"crim-'s of political hatred." Sally Eppstein, a 26-year old Jew, Hans Ziegler, a 34-year old Aryan, went to the block for the slaying of a high Nazi official five years ago. i:; - BUSINESS SECTION OF PRAIRIE TOWN 1 IS LOST IN FIRE i 4 SASKATOON. April 10: (CP) The entire business section of the town of HerscheL in- -- cludinthe-tftceSTRoyai' Bank of Canada and eight other structures, was destroyed by fire yesterday The blaze, before being brought under control, threatened some re si- dences. INTERIOR BURGLARY Imperial Oil Co. Office Visited Safe Opened and Money And Papers Taken Over the last week-end the of-, fice of the Imper'al Oil Co. atj prince George was oroken into and the safe opened, $165 in cash being taken as well as a typewriter, two old coins, a check for $8 and life insurance papers, birth certificate, . vestlgate the advlsabiUty of lnclud-Masonic documents and personal; Pr(jr . nalibut under the Natural ieii,ei5 ueiuiigiug io one oi uie em ployees. According to word re" . , . I 1 -1 1 .t n I 4 Ui iuC yiu.mtiiw iucc i.eic, uicic is no clue yet as to the identl-.y tX .ne Durgiar. STRIKERS IN JAIL Relief Camp Men Incarcerated At Nelson After Being Taken Off Train I Verdicts of accidental death were NELSON. April 10: (CP) Sixty- leturned by a Jury investigating four relief camp strikers were es-ithe deaths of eleven section work-cortcd to Jail here before midnight ers on the Union Pacific Railway last night after having been taken from a freight train at Coykendahl. a station on the Kettle Valley Railway about forty miles west of here. Fearful of Being Assassinated, To Live in England ROME. April 10: Former Premier Ellptherlos Venlzelos of Greece, who has been living in exile on the Island of Rhodes since the recent revolution In Greece, will make his future home In England, ( It Is expected. He Is said, according ( to reports reaching here, to be fearful of assassination. 4:50 ajn. IB2 ft 21:07 pm. 16.1 ft. ji;50 zjo. 5.8 It. 14:08 p.m. 7.4 ft. price: s cents KETCHIKAN BOATS OUT Some Difference of Opinion Arises Over Effectiveness of Curtail- - - .merit Plan "" -.-- KETCHIKAN, April 10: (CP) Some twenty-seven halibut boats have left here for the fishing banks since Monday, the large majority having got away yesterday. Some dissension over the curtailment plan proposed by the boat owners has been shown during the past few days with the minority group which went out yesterday believing the plan would not be effective. Investigating Halibut Under Marketing Act W. F. Chown, official of the Department of Trade and Commerce, from Ottawa, arrived In Prince Rupert this morning In the course af a trin tn the Pacific Coast tn in- i uut. vo ivia&&cvui nvi auuuk uunir I onmers of Prince . Runprt rpwntlv I " I J eluded. There is some opposition tds move at Vancouver. Flood Danger Is Near End? Accidental Death Verdicts Returned In Connection With California ; Railway Fatalities ROSEVILLE, Cal.. April 10: (CP) . near here. A car on whlcfi they were riding while engaged in repairing damage to the tracks resulting from', heavy rains of the last few day was struck by a work train. Weather was clearing yesterday and flood waters were receding with the danger of further inundations apparently over. Canadian Legion Hall at Salmon Arm is Damancd SALMON ARM, April 10: Thes Canadian Legion building here was' seriously damaged by fire yesterday afternoon.